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by Next Move
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 7:48 PM
On Saturday, January 7, members of Save Our State participated in the National Day of Action for “Immigration Reform” by sending a contingent of their top thugs to the Glendale day labor hiring center/Home Depot location. Several other actions took place including but not limited to locations in Santa Monica, Rancho Cucamonga and Lake Forest.
 glendale_1-7-06_042.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x427
On Saturday, January 7, members of Save Our State participated in the National Day of Action for “Immigration Reform” by sending a contingent of their top thugs to the Glendale day labor hiring center/Home Depot location. Several other actions took place including but not limited to locations in Santa Monica, Rancho Cucamonga and Lake Forest.
Originally planned as a “secret” operation where the SOS and their Minutemen counterparts could harass and intimidate day laborers unimpeded, word quickly leaked and was spread out to the immigrant rights activists in the L.A. area. With people spread thin because of the region wide actions SOS drew a fairly small turnout numbering around 15.
Local human rights activists from several organizations fielded a strong group to counter the SOS of around 125. The organized and disciplined Mexica-Movement also attended with numbers around 20 as they took up the defensive position along San Fernando Road in front of the day laborer hiring center.
The rally was much like the other actions over the past year with immigrants rights activists confronting the SOS and Minutemen in a manner that only an armed, volunteer “border guard” can understand. Loud and in your face tactics designed to keep their movement from growing and from the looks of things it’s working.
It doesn’t appear that SOS’s on the street presence has grown at all over the past year. The tactics used by their opposition have kept their numbers small and kept their proto-fascist movement in a box of sorts. What a testament it is to the hard work of all the immigrants rights groups that SOS now has to organize in secret.
And think of how silly it really is that a group that “believes in taking the fight to [their] opponents, fighting the battles on [their] terms and defining the language of the debate” has to call pretend protests at places like Alhambra in an effort to confuse the opposition because they are afraid to deal with an organized and militant response.
During the week, fake e-mails were sent to local activist groups from anonymous e-mail addresses using fake names like “Navarro” pretending to alert them of SOS coming to Alhambra. It was all such a pathetic ruse. And how strange was it for SOS members to engage in a mock, public planning session for a protest that never took place? If that’s not “in your face” activism I don’t know what is.
A few Minutemen were in attendance including one veteran of the Campo “Border Watch”. He had a video camera glued to his hand as did “Good Old Preach”. Copies of these damning videos will surely be sent to Minutemen field offices across the country so that “good Americans” can see what democracy really looks like.
One Mexica-Movement member was arrested after a bazaar pushing incident involving Joe Turner, the Mexica-Movement member, about 20 activists who were following Turner and an undercover cop who turned out to be a Glendale P.D. Sergeant. After the arrest, Turner had a lengthy discussion with a Glendale officer which ended with a nice, little handshake.
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by Next Move
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 7:48 PM
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by Next Move
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 7:48 PM
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by Don Silva
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 9:15 PM
The facts speak for themselves...
180 media outlets from Europe from Australia carried the AP story, SOS had top billing in the story. The drudge report has the story on the front page at the top.
Is this failure? Who's name do they have in the article ? Next move? Or, Joe Turner? lol !
Face it, the only reason you goons come to our gigs is that YOU KNOW we get the coverage, and you want to gravy train it in the hope you can become famous like we are ! Now, who is pathetic ???
Also, if 'defending' the day laborers means keeping the pick ups going, you sure failed! I was counting, and after 8 am, there was ONE pickup. There is usually a LINE going thru that place from 8 to noon!
Plz, keep it up !
Goons...doing the jobs Americans just do not seem to want to do !
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by hmmmm
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 9:46 PM
Thanks to the goons they are more active than ever.
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by Pedro
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 9:53 PM
You're racist.
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Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 10:46 PM
Don Silva writes above: "180 media outlets from Europe from Australia carried the AP story, SOS had top billing in the story. The drudge report has the story on the front page at the top."
What he fails to tell you is that the AP story carried by so many media outlets effectively delared the "Stop the Invasion" national racist protests A COMPLETE FAILURE.
Is ANY news better than NO news?
Well, ask Mr. Bush. Is Bush a "winner" because word leaked he's been spying on the people and lying about the war?
Are his poll ratings higher because he called the NSA "NASA"?
Has SOS increased their numbers AT ALL because of all the bad publicity about Nazi affiliations and so forth? NO.
When SOS members complained on their online forum that SOS members were afraid to come because of the counter-protestors, did that "help you out," Don?
Don't forget Don, you people INITIATED these demos, and like cowards who can't take the heat and who don't really want to have to stand for your convictions, YOU TRIED TO HIDE THEM.
You had a long itme to organize. We, on the other hand outnumbered you - by FAR - throughout the Minutemen strong hold of Southern California AND DID SO WITH LESS THAN A WEEK TO ORGANIZE AND DESPITE YOUR LAME DECOY DEMOS.
We outnumbered you everywhere across the country.
You've picked up a rock only to, as they say, drop it on your own feet.
Is SOS dead? No, just numb. But that's nothing new at all, is it?
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by Watchale
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 10:48 PM
By the way, Don, we also had a secret rally yesterday at Joe's house.
It was great. WE WON.
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by Johnny
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 10:56 PM
Joe might want to avoid the salad dressing for 36 hours...
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by anahuac warrior
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 11:07 AM
so don silva writes "face it, the only reason you goons come to our gigs is that YOU KNOW we get the coverage, and you want to gravy train it in the hope you can become famous like we are ! Now, who is pathetic ???"
so you finally admit it yourself, that your whole organization is about "being famous." its all about don silva and joe turner. i saw the way turner was cock-strutting around the glendale protest, posing for the cameras and trying to draw as much attention as possible. was it about protesting the day labor site, or about seeing your ugly face in the la times?
in the heat of the moment i remember yelling in don's face, "you ugly motherf#$%." to which he replied that all the ladies love him. what a joke. so don, the more you protest the more you can get laid right? go home and stop causing trouble because your having a mid-life crisis. turner too. what's the matter joe, being a stay at home dad in ventura at age 28 not fulfilling enough for you? is this your chance to get the golden 15 minutes? whatever. at least you had the balls to come out and say it. now have the strength to admit that your whole movement is not about "illegals," but another segment of the anti-mexican movement begun in the aftermath of the latest census figures.
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 4:00 PM
No,it was bout making you show your ugly side.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha We did last Saturday, far and wide, You did not stop us, You did not slow us down, We recruited more on that day than ever.
BTW -- I got interviewed.
ha ha ha
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by Media
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 5:47 PM
but we would not have made CNN Tonight without you!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 12:18 PM
> No,it was bout making you show your ugly side.
Interesting. And amusing. Guess which side brings Nazi and Confederate flags. Guess which side enjoys the support and membership of National Allianmce, Storm Front, and Aryan Nations -- to name just a few.
No, when it comes to what's ugly, the world has already seen what fascist race hate means and what its unchecked consequences are.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by anahuac warrior
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 2:43 AM
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when don told me saturday that he was popular with the ladies i laughed in his face. but a quick search of the internet proves i was wrong! sorry about that don. you da' man!!!!!
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by anahuac warrior
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:27 AM
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found this picture of sos spokesman don silva on the net. i am shocked i tell ya. shocked!!!
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by Don Silva
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Thanks for the laff ! That is hilarious !
Anyway, it is nice to know that all the interviews yesterday has you guys just STEAMING, and also green with jelly and envy !
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by Don Silva
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:44 AM
What YOU fail to rec is that no one knows your name, and more than likely never will. We on the other hand, can not say the same.
Also, on Saturday, our folks where all over So. Cal. The actual number of we have now is quite a bit bigger than when y ou all started heping us out.
Thank you, and a thousand times thank you !
Oh, of course the AP story was slanted. When does the medie EVER give ANYONE, icluding your side a fair shake.
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by Don Silva
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:49 AM
You know, I do not think that you are a bad guy. I think you seem kinda likable. I do not know if the older guy with the glassed around his neck was your teacher or something, but I really did enjoy talking with him. Yeah yeah, I know we disagree on quite a bit and all, but I like him! In fact, if it were not for that one mouthy shorter guy, and the really big grimace lookin guy with the M1 shades that is as racist and hateful as can be, I think the Mexica guys are some likable guys, and have some very valid points.
Yes, this may just go somewhere. Secret plans !
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:52 AM
That's not how it went. The person I brought on July 30th isn't from Stormfront. And he didn't tell the Nazis to show up. They were already going to be there. The person I brought said he heard that there might be some Nazi types there. And that he was expected to hang with them. He advised me at first to show up separately from him and pretend he and I didn't know each other, to avoid trouble for the both of us(since I'm asian, not just "white"). And I wasn't sure what to make of it and was new to the whole idea of SOS rallies and photographs that indicate associations and the possibility of actual associations and all that. I just thought whoever showed up just showed up and that's that.
Like I said, the person I brought didn't collaborate anything. He's just a guy who was caught up in all this like I was caught up in the SOS/Minuteman thing. If you have any questions about him, lemme know on AIM.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:54 AM
To quote Border Raven:
"His friend tells Stormfront, Nazis, etc., who then plot to show up at the SOS rally, uninvited."
Again, that's not what happened. And infact, the Nazis/National Vanguard/whatever folks have been mingling with SOS rallies WAAAAAY before the Laguna Beach rally on July 30th.
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by El Chivo
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 12:14 PM
National Vanguard were already there way before the Laguana Beach july 30. NV were at the baldwin park rally and victorville rally. also, advocate who was a member of NV and SOS. He posted his position in the SOS website and no one told him that his words are so racist. tell me why did occutegirl left SOS borderraven? did she dont agree with the national vanguard?
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by Goons are racists
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 12:52 PM
Goons are our best weapon. Goons bring their racist signs like "This is Mexico." Goons are the most racist group of people in the United States.
Goons hold their signs that represent that which is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans.
Goons do the work for the immigration reform movement.
We bait goons on!
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 1:02 PM
Obviously the reply by "wn ouster" is someone who nothing better to do. Keyboard warrior. I couldn't support the idea of me being a WN associate if I tried my hardest.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 1:08 PM
Oh look it's everyone's favorite, pete nice.
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 1:24 PM
//National Vanguard were already there way before the Laguana Beach july 30. //
Ah yes the infiltration. Someone organizes a rally, then people show up and volunteer to hold signs. So, easy and trusting we are, until we learn of the infiltration.
//NV were at the baldwin park rally and victorville rally.//
Yes, in BP, they infiltrated, but at Victoville, they stood, on separate corner, on the opposite side of the street from the Open Borders Lobby.
// also, advocate who was a member of NV and SOS.// He posted his position in the SOS website and no one told him that his words are so racist. //
Is he still a member? Do you have agood picture of him recently?
//tell me why did occutegirl left SOS borderraven?//
I don't know, but she has been active in many events. I saw her and her husband Tuesday night, in Cypress. She, really looked great in that black dress. :)
She was in LAguna Woods for the John & Ken show during the Jim Gilchrist Campaign. She was at Laguna Beach Rally on Saturday, January 7 2006. Everyone has a comfortable range which they will travel to some events. we cannot make it to all events.
// did she dont agree with the national vanguard?//
No, I doubt she does.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 1:29 PM
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There's yet another former SOS member, a female, who was very clear on SOS receiving one of their large banners from the Nazi types among other things. And she made it clear that she's no longer a member of SOS. But of course these days, the whole crowd is intermixed, SOS, CCIR, Minuteman, Gilchrist campaign, whatever.
Here I was bored and made a protest sign. This one has a new compact size. You can even take it inside Costa Mesa city council meetings!
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by Next Move
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 1:31 PM
BR asks "Is he still a member? Do you have a good picture of him recently? "
Actually yes. He was in Glendale on Saturday at the SOS event leading a chant of "beaners go home" (he was the only one chanting it).
I'll post the picture tonight when I have access to my files.
Any other questions?
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by El Chivo
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 5:40 PM
>>Ah yes the infiltration. Someone organizes a rally, then people show up and volunteer to hold signs. So, easy and trusting we are, until we learn of the infiltration. I doubt he infilrate your group because your politics on immigration is so similar and you can go in the National Vanguard site and read what there position is. infiltrator-Someone who enters enemy territory secretly to gain control or information. for example, I could be Vince and give leslie the info on SOS. http://www.allwords.com/query.php?SearchType=3&Keyword=Infiltration&goquery=Find+it!&Language=ENG >>Is he still a member? Do you have agood picture of him recently? Next Move does.
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by morleigh
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 5:50 PM
Very articluate, well spoken "Save Our State" accross the screen. Nice work
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by Next Move
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 9:28 PM
 glendale_1-7-06_038.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x427
Here's a picture of the Stormfront Nazi known as "Advocate" at the SOS rally in Glendale on Saturday, 1/7/06. He was removed from the SOS board months back, but apparently still attends the events.
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by Next Move
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:11 PM
It's a Nazi.
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by El Chivo
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 6:19 AM
He has been at most of SOS rally evensense I first oppose SOS back in the first baldwin park. He usually march down to the antiracist side and say nothing. this is the first when next move told us that he muttered a word.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 11:57 AM
> found this picture of sos spokesman don silva
Yep, that's pretty much what I expected. The only thing lacking is the cans of Coors beer and the jungle camo pants.
I've _got_ to add that to my web site. The caption? Oh, let me think... How about "Republicanism" as a good caption for the picture? }:-}
No offense, Don. My picture probably matches your expectations, too. }:-} Only I'm ruggedly handsom and you're... Well, let's just label it "unfortunate." }:-}
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 11:59 AM
If this "Advocate" Nazi was removed from the SOSMM "board," what was the reasons given if any?
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by Don Silva
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 10:34 PM
I do not see anything Fred.
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by pete nice
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006 at 12:42 AM
The picture is above, posted by Next Move. Donnie would know if that was Advocate. Be honest Donnie.
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by Border Raven
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006 at 8:17 AM
When are you guys going to let it go.
You are wasting my time and your energy.
Next time you spot a Neo-Nazi, point him/her out to one of us, and allow us or aid us in showing oppostion to that person, being in our (yours and mine) events.
SOS has repeatedly asked the Neo-Nazis and WNs to separate themselves from our events. They are asked to stand separate from SOS.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 11:57 AM
> SOS has repeatedly asked the Neo-Nazis > and WNs to separate themselves from our > events.
Window dressing. You must think your intellectual and moral superiors are stupid. We've seen those message postings in the various web sites wherein it's expressed that neo-Nazis and other white supremacists are welcome provided they don't bring their Nazi flags and literature. Indeed, eliminate the racists and try to guess how many followers would remain in SOSMM -- my guess is nearly zero. Legitimate anti-illegal immigration activists join legitimjate anti-immigration groups, ergo your claims are evidenced irrelevent and demonstrably inaccurate.
No offense intended.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Jammer CC
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 12:23 PM
I already posted this somewhere, but I spoke to someone who was at the Laguna rallies opposing SOS. This is the absolute honest truth, I spoke with him where he works. I'm not gonna say exactly who because that wouldn't be cool. He's shy about the photos of him that are out there as well.
He said that on July 30th at Laguna, Joe Turner used the words "uneducated" and "Spics" in reference to either the day labor workers or immigrants here against immigration laws in general. He also said that the Nazis were about to attack he and his friends and Joe laughed and said they're gonna get their asses kicked.
This is the words from this college student who spoke clearly with understanding and has some opinions that I felt indicates a very open mind. If you've been to a Laguna rally opposing SOS, you may have met him before.
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by Jammer CC
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 12:28 PM
I assure you I'm being truthful about speaking to this person. It's someone I've seen often at the local community college, where he works at, and a local bookstore(with other protester activists).
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by El Chivo
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 12:48 PM
you should spot him not us. Advocate is fighting for you guys. even donnie was calling out for the NeoNazi to come out on Stormfront site. donnie known this sense he posted you announcement in the Stormfront. Donnie is just a NeoNazi sympathizer.
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 1:27 PM
El Chivo, I was at the first Glendale rally, but not on January 7th. It makes it difficult for me to distinguish between the SOSMM and Stormfront, members because I don't know everyone. If further complicates the issue, when the Mexica, and other counter protesters, have to come and mingle in our group.
BTW -- I only find the large rally useful, in that it draws groups outside, so I can see them.
Personally, I prefer to visit a day labor site and observe, the dynamics of operation, while trying to find a way to fix the problems.
Day labor is legal.
We have laws in the USA to protect the workers, all others who apply for work, and keep the employers from abusing employees, until we slip into the underground economy, where laws are not obeyed.
Try to imagine the National Football League, without any local, state, or federal laws, regulating the business practices, cash flow, health, treatment of players, or the conduct on the field.
And you call me a racist.
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by Jammer CC
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 1:32 PM
Do what I did for the Gilchrist campaign when I was trying to help them keep the Stormfront types out. Review the past photos here on LA Indymedia and know the faces of the Stormfront and Nazi types. So if you see them at an event, you'll know who they are.
Of course I tried to offer my help to the Gilchrist campaign. Debbie and I know the local scene and the faces in the photos. But we all know what happened, right? I was...
KICKED OUT of the campaign!
But really, know the faces and be responsible for the image of SOS. I mean, assuming SOS has an image worth maintaining. I'm convinced it's beyond any hope now.
By the way, ask Joe about him using the word "Spics" when arguing with an opposing protesting in Laguna on July 30th.
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by Watchale
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006 at 1:34 AM
>SOS has repeatedly asked the Neo-Nazis and WNs to >separate themselves from our events. They are asked to >stand separate from SOS.
You don't _oppose_ Nazis You just try to keep enuf distance between you for deniability.
If you HATED Nazis, if you really OPPOSED Nazis, they couldn't get within a football field's distance from you without a FIGHT.
Face it. The Nazis are your allies in your racist criminal enterprise. You may be across the street, but you're on the SAME SIDE, and you spout the same @%# .
Like, is your city turning into a "Third World Cesspool."
Do you really think _anyone_ who reads that garbage on the main page of Save Oor State doesn't understand it as the same kind of scapegoating and hate mongering the Nazis carry out against Jews, Mexicans and others...?!
NO ONE, yourselves included, misunderstands it.
Joe Turner is a Nazi - in spirit if not in literal fact. He just doesn't have the courage to be an outright Nazi.
Neither do you, Border "Raven." Neither do you, Don.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006 at 9:08 AM
> You don't _oppose_ Nazis You just try to keep > enuf distance between you for deniability.
That jells well with the message posting to one of their web site's discussion forums wherein it was stated that they approve of Nazis provided they don't bring their Nazi or Confederate flags or otherwise distribute their Nazi literature.
I get the impression that what's left of the SOSMM is hard core racists who wish to deny what they are and what they stand for who also recognize the need to make a public relations effort to hide the fact.
If they were serious about illegal immigration and were seriously against racism in all its forms, why don't they walk away from the white supremacists and such and join legitimate anti-illegal immigration groups?
Another thing I wonder about is how SOSMM people -- if they're honestly not racists -- can stand there shoulder-to-shoulder with Nazi flag waving members -- or at least participants -- and not walk away in disgust. Not walking away... Doesn't that mean agreement with what the neo-Nazis stand for?
I'd like to some day see a rational, thoughtful explanation from SOSMM followers that justifies their behavior. So far it's been contradictory rhetoric.
All my opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006 at 9:40 AM
"That jells well with the message posting to one of their web site's discussion forums wherein it was stated that they approve of Nazis provided they don't bring their Nazi or Confederate flags or otherwise distribute their Nazi literature."
I'm not sure if I remember seeing such a post, but that wouldn't be good enough for me.
On July 30th '05 in Laguna, I walked around and didn't argue with the Nazis for being Nazis. But I did feel a little uncomfortable at first because it was like walking through the movie American History X. I did remember feeling some relief at not being confronted by them. I was thrown into all this and literally didn't have the time to think about what to do. It was like "okay, I'll just walk by, please don't kill me" in my thoughts. Much of my focus was the protest in general, but now I suppose the whole affair wasn't as simple as two clear sides.
As for the Stormfront member I communicated with(and met on July 30th as well), he's not a skinhead as far as I know. While I don't have a problem with holding a conversation with him, I cannot allow an association with him because he's a member of Stormfront and a WN. So speaking to him and learning that he wants to put all this SOS and Gilchrist stuff behind is one thing. That does not indicate a support for Stormfront at all and I even stated that I don't support his ways to him. But accepting Stormfront persons into a campaign or anything similar is another and I won't associate with that.
Immediately after the events of July 30th, I understood the situation a little more and would oppose the Nazis, regardless of the border issue. Infact when the two Stormfront members showed up at a city council meeting, I video taped them for the campaign but also as an immediate reaction to a Stormfront element that just came by. Some days later I chatted with one of them to explain what I was doing.
Infact I wouldn't have chatted with him at first, but his friend told me about a supposed 20 guys who were mad at me. So fearing 20 angry Nazis, I chatted with the Stormfront guy to explain myself. And regardless of all this, he's a young person who can do better.
It's unfortunate for him that he was caught up in this. Hopefully he'll work with good people who can guild him in good ways.
And like I said, I have a witness who says Joe Turner argued with him on July 30th and used words like "uneducated" and "Spics". I wish I spoke to this witness sooner.
I hope that explains things a little better. I understand a few certain people are still a little leery at me. No problem, I can understand that.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006 at 9:44 AM
That's my rational and HONEST explanation. I'm using nothing by honesty. I'm still on a roll here on the honesty thing and I will ALWAYS be.
I know I may get knocked for even talking to a Stormfront person in my own private time(on AIM internet, not in person, and about why he shouldn't be in the Gilchrist campaign), but like I said, it doesn't mean I'm a "collaborator." I may appear to be some strange guy who goes around and talks to various people and tells others about it. But I assure you, a lot of that perception surely comes from people who speak badly of me, calling me a "Green Party spy," the prank posts here, etc. There are people who can verify that I'm a sane and intelligent person with control.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2006 at 9:50 AM
"I'm using nothing by honesty"
I meant to say, I'm using nothing BUT honesty, meaning I'm being honest and nothing else.
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