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by John Q. Bystander
Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006 at 8:35 PM
“Europeans Are Illegal Immigrants Since 1492” declares Indigenous liberation movement at Glendale counter-protest; Glendale Police Department slammed for “unprofessional conduct.”
“Conquest and genocide are a natural part of humanity,” boasts Save Our State’s Joe Turner.
 protest1.jpgetuvfy.jpg, image/jpeg, 590x443
Around 25 members and supporters of the Mexica Movement – an Indigenous peoples’ liberation organization -- confronted approximately 15 supporters of the “anti-illegal immigration” Save Our State organization in Glendale on January 7. The event was orchestrated by the S.O.S. to protest Home Depot’s Glendale Temporary Labor Center as part of a wider national protest called “Stop The Invasion.” The organization claims that day labor the site encourages “illegal immigration” and is inappropriately funded by Home Depot of Glendale.
Mexica Movement, however, delivered a bold message of striking contrast to the Save Our State protestors: “Europeans are the real illegal immigrants here, since 1492! This is our continent, not yours! We are the Indigenous people of this continent, you are European trespassers!”
That turn-the-tables methodology did not sit well with the S.O.S. protestors, as they found themselves in a face-off with the highly organized Mexica Movement directly across a street between Home Depot and the day labor site. SOS protestors responded by sending their own group across the street into the protest space of Mexica Movement members who held large, bold signs. Shortly thereafter, a series of confrontation of ideas and tempers ensued.
Associated Press reporters caught the conflagration as Mexica Movement members directly confronted Joe Turner (founder of Save Our State) and others with facts of illegal European immigration since Columbus in 1492.
“You want to talk about illegal immigration? Well so do we”, declared one Mexica Movement activist. ”We want to talk about how illegal immigration started with Europeans in 1492. We’re not the illegals! You are illegal Europeans on our continent!”
This message seemed to stun Turner and his fellows as they found themselves on the defensive regarding the facts of how Europeans arrived on this continent 500 years ago. Mexica Movement activists presented them with facts of European invasion, genocide, and theft of land and resources since 1492.
“Conquest and genocide are just a natural part of humanity,” retorted S.O.S.’s Turner amid chants of “You are an illegal European on our continent!” and “Genocidal European!”
The Glendale Police on the scene were noticeably absent from enforcing separation between the protesting groups, except for one incident where they arrested Tenochtli, a member of the Mexica Movement, for allegedly pushing Save Our State’s Joe Turner -- as Turner himself pushed his way into the Mexica Movement protest.
“The Glendale Police were extremely unprofessional in their selective enforcement of this arrest”, said Olin Tezcatlipoca, Director of the Mexica Movement. “They acted like they almost wanted the two groups to start a fight by their refusal to separate the two sides. We will file a complaint against Glendale Police regarding this totally unprofessional behavior.”
During the arrest of the Mexica Movement member, an angry crowd of protestors from unaffiliated organizations surrounded the officers shouting “Arrest the Nazis, not the people!” and “Let him go!”
Tenochtli was subsequently released without bail from the Glendale Jail of his own recognizance. Offering immediate legal assistance was an affiliate of the National Lawyer’s Guild who collected statements and viewed video footage that drew into question the alleged offense leveled against the Mexica Movement member.
As is their custom, the Mexica Movement waited until Turner and the Save Our State protestors retired from the protest. Amid applause from other protestors, the Mexica Movement left the scene in military fashion, with their matching black shirts and their tools of confrontation in hand: large, bold signs with messages like “White racists, this is OUR continent.”
In addition to the Mexica Movement were nearly 80 members of various local pro-immigrant groups and members of the local and national media.
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by John Q. Bystander
Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006 at 8:35 PM
 protest2.jpguqpirs.jpg, image/jpeg, 590x443
The Mexica Movement turned the tables on the Save Our State protest in Glendale.
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by Street Soldier
Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006 at 9:54 PM
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by How best to counter SOS/MM?
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 12:09 AM
Maybe we should shift some of the focus from confronting the SOS/MM directly to helping the workers to find work on that day. SOS/MM targets these locations to disrupt and interfere with people looking for work. And while they are present, to a large degree they succeed. Workers are faced with the choice to join the protest or wait for it to end to try and get work. We should look for ways to direct those looking to hire workers away from SOS to a place around the corner where they might feel save to hire workers. Perhaps next time one part of the counters should hold back SOS while the other helps the workers get jobs.
Also SOS is wide open for a class action lawsuit. It is unlawful for a third party to interfere with transaction between two other parties for the express purpose of preventing the transaction through the use of intimidation. Many of those workers at the center are US citizens or have a work permit and it is not illegal to hire them. What the workers are doing is exercising their right to work. SOS is blocking both the workers and those who need to hire them. And that is their stated intent. SOS is not engaging in free speech assembly, they engaging in intimidation. And a case could be made that they are in violation of the RICO act. Civil rights lawyers should investigate this.
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by Gab
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 12:50 AM
If the focus is defending the right to seek work, the signs should state that idea. The people with those signs need to be given some tactial support to make their message large and prominent.
Maybe a worker-defense affinity group needs to be formed.
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 3:21 AM
Jammer back here at home. That asian/Korean guy mentioned on the Mexica site is not me if anyone is wondering. I'm Korean but not that guy. Believe me, I'm not rallying with SOS. That much has been obvious.
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by Confused
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 6:30 AM
na na na
I read this comment "Also SOS is wide open for a class action lawsuit. It is unlawful for a third party to interfere with transaction between two other parties for the express purpose of preventing the transaction through the use of intimidation. Many of those workers at the center are US citizens or have a work permit and it is not illegal to hire them. What the workers are doing is exercising their right to work. SOS is blocking both the workers and those who need to hire them. And that is their stated intent. SOS is not engaging in free speech assembly, they engaging in intimidation. And a case could be made that they are in violation of the RICO act. Civil rights lawyers should investigate this. "
I think you should. If a lawsuit was filed then the city would be involved. In other words, during discovery the defence would be able bring in outside (federal & civil) investigators to prove or disprove your alegations. If illegals are using the facility you would not only lose the case but you would in fact have it shut down. RICO is federal. I think SOS would enjoy this case.
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by pete nice
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 8:24 AM
"That asian/Korean guy mentioned on the Mexica site is not me if anyone is wondering. "
FYI JammerCC, no one was wondering that.
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by Teco
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 9:57 AM
The following garbage is posted on the Save Our State website. They claim these are the "Tenets of the Mexica Movement." This has COINTELPRO written all over it. ANYONE who visits the Mexica Movement website can see that these "Tenets" have nothing whatsoever to do with that group. Well, the text of the so called "Tenets" is below. Thought you should know, if you don't already. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6893&pid=66866&st=0entry66866 Tenets of the Mexica Movement, Commandments for enemies of the USA Everyone should take a few minutes and read this. This is the tenets of the Mexica Movement. This was posted on MySpace.com a year ago by the "Aztlan Committee for National Sovereignty". This is something all our politicians should also see so if you wanna forward it on to your favorite hack, by all means do so! The racism and separatism in here is incredibly blatent. I highlighted some of the most outrageous statements. The Thirteen Statements * The Assassins, Acesinos or ACNS (Aztlan Committee for National Sovereignty) is a revolutionary political orginization fighting for the self-determination of Xicanos and the liberation of Aztlan. For over 500 years, first Spain and then the United $tates have colonized our Anahuac lands (Mexico, Central America and the "U.$. Southwest"). We have seen the destruction of our cities, the razing of our pyramids, the executions of our leaders, the genocide of 23 million of our people, the theft of our lands, the theft of our wealth, the theft of our labor and most importantly, the theft of our true Indigenous identity, history and heritage. ** The term Acesinos or Assassins is originally translated to mean "one who uses (the drug) hashish". We proudly indentify with this definition because we are strongly opposed to the "War On Drugs" and the oppression, exploitation and corruption it directly facilitates. While we identify with the above stated translation for the word Assassin, our use of the term is mainly intended as a metaphor which reflects our philosophy and mission statement. Being that the common everyday use of the word has now come to mean "one who commits murder or especially, one who commits murder for political reasons", we believe that the mental conquest, self-hate and imposed ignorance of our people's history and great accomplishments, should be Assassinated. In accord with the philosophy that knowledge is a weapon, we use the term Assassin as a political metaphor intended to reflect not physical murder, but the murder of ignorance. We believe in arming all of our people with this arsenal of knowledge and training them to use that knowledge as an effective weapon in our struggle to assassinate the institution of imposed ignorance which is a form of continuing conquest, cultural suicide and cultural genocide. We will hold our heads and hearts proudly. We will take pride in being the Indigenous Mexica people that we are, heirs to one of the great civilationsof the world. We will clearly see how we can be a people of genius and courage - once again! *** We want control of our communities by our people and programs to guarantee that all institutions serve the needs of our people. People's control of the police, health services, churches, schools, housing, transportation and welfare are needed. We want to end attacks on our land by urban renewal, highway destruction and private corporations. Land belongs to all people and we assert that Xicanos and other opressed nations are living under unjust occupation. **** We oppose infiltration and alliances with traitors. The traitors and infiltraitors or puppets of the oppressor, do not help our people. They are paid by the system to lead our people down blind alleys, just like the thousands of poverty pimps who keep our communities peaceful for business or the street workers who keep gangs divided and blowing each other away. We don't think there is a problem with gangs, joining a gang is a way of rebelling - it's just the anger is sometimes misdirected. We strongly advocate and ivoke the right to free association and organization (by the Constitution of the United $tates). One should never become allied with the oppressor or bare witness against one's neighbor, false or otherwise. In other words... DONT SNITCH! Even a fish will not get hooken if he keeps his mouth shut. ____ We want freedom for all political prisoners and prisoners of war. No Xicano should be in jail or prison, first because we are a nation and Amerikkka has no claims on us; Second, because we have not been tried by our own people (peers). We also want all prisoners of the "War On Drugs" and all freedom fighters out of jails since they are prisoners of the war of liberation. FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS AND PRISONERS OF WAR! ____ * We believe in armed self-defense. We are opposed to violence - the violence of hungry children, illiterate adults, diseased old people and the violence of poverty and profit. The Xicano people have asked, petioned, demonstrated peacefully and voted for politicians full of empty promises. But we still aren't free. The time has come to defend the lives of our people against repression and for revolutionary war against the exploitation of businessmen, politicians and police. When a government oppresses the people, we have the right to abolish it and create a new one. ARM OURSELVES TO DEFEND OURSELVES! ____ ** We are for the liberation of all Third World people but recognize that we should correctly want to be firmly united ourselves before we can trust our particular interests to a broad alliance of nations. ____ *** Your fellow Xicano is your peer and your brother, you never steal from family or friends, a working class person lives in poverty and has near to nothing, so there is no justification in stealing from these people. ____ **** We oppose violence against children, wives, sisters and mothers. We fight along with our sisters in the struggle and recognize they make up half of the revolutionary army. ____ ____ The term Assassin is symbolic of the Assassination of the institution of self-hate and imposed ignorance of our pre-columbian history and Indigenous identity. Southern United Raza! ____ ____ * The South symolizes the ancient Mexica deity/representation Huitzilipochtli, who represented the aspects of war and at the same time that of the life- giving Sun, who led the Aztek Nation from Aztlan to Tenochtitlan and greatness, whose ritual color is blue and whose direction is South. _____ _____ ** Thirteen is a representation of the Thirteenth letter of the alphebet, M, meant to stand for Maya or the original name of the Aztek Nation; Mexica. Thirteen is also the most sacred number associated with and used in the Mesoamerikan Calendar of Ancient Mexiko and is also the number associated with their beliefs and the "Gods/representations: of their belief which were strongly rooted in science. ____ ____ *** In conclusion, we want to be know as Mexica, a proud Original Inhabitant people free of foreign imposed indentities (hispanic, etc...). The Mexica - equally - include the Original Inhabitant full-blooded and the mixed blood people. The First Nations people of Aztlan-Chicomoztoc (the now "U.$. Southwest") and the people known as "Central Americans" who are aware of our shared heritage (over 4, 000 years of being part of One civilization) and identify with us as a people as also our equal Mexica brothers and sisters, as are all culterally aware Mexikanos(Mexicatl), Xicanos, Mexikens and "Mexikan Amerikans". Artificial bounderies on our land can never sever our ties to our common Olmeca mother civilization and our shared Maya, Toltec, Teotihuacan and Nahuatl-Mexikan culture. Assassinate foreign imposed borders (both physical and mental) and Assassinate the disease of ignorance before it can grow and spred milignantly. In Quexquichcuah Maniz In Mexiko - Tenochtitlan. - Mientras exista el mundo no acabara jamas la fama, la honra de Mexiko - Tenochtitlan.
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by How best to counter SOS/MM?
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 1:03 PM
Catholic Charities is not exactly a fringe group. SOS is on shaky legal ground here. This is a legal center and most workers there legally have the right to seek work.
Read up:
Temporary Skilled Worker Program Program Description
The program coordinates jobs for the day laborer. It is a collaborative effort of Catholic Charities, the City of Glendale and Glendale Police. A center, staffed and managed by Catholic Charities, is open seven days a week and provides a fair, equitable and orderly system for those seeking employment.
San Fernando Region
Day Laborer Program
5101 San Fernando Road,
Since 1919, Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Inc. has been one of the largest social service providers in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. In more than 50 offices and community centers, the agency rendered over 1.2 million services during the past year (July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005).
Clients come to Catholic Charities for emergency food and shelter, low-cost before-and-after-school childcare, immigration and refugee assistance, psychological services, computer and jobs skills training, and other supportive services. Poverty doesn't discriminate. How could Catholic Charities? All services are available regardless of a client's race, ethnicity, income, gender or religious belief.
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by Border Raven
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 3:50 PM
"It is a collaborative effort of Catholic Charities, the City of Glendale and Glendale Police."
From the sign onsite: "Catholic Charities Temporary Skilled Worker Center, in cooperation with Glendale Community Development Department, concerned citizens, local business, and the COmmunity Police PartnerShip (COPPS)"
From this I infer, an organization between the Catholic Church, the City Government of Glendale, the citizens of Glendale, the good businesses of Glendale, the unscrupulous businesses who patronize the center, and the police of Glendale, are collaborating to violate state and federal laws, or encourage same. Since, I fail to see anyone discouraging the violations of state and federal laws regarding the transportation, harboring, feeding and employment, of illegal immigrants.
Seems more like organized crime, and that does fall under the RICO Act.
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by Mexica
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 3:59 PM
These so-called "Tenets" are obvious fabrications by some outside party.
A number of things are red flags that this is not in the Mexica Movement material:
1) Nowhere on the Mexica Movement web site does it ever list these so-called "tenets."
2) Unlike this fraudulent material, the Mexica Movement does not spell Nahuatl words using a "K" but normally with a "c" (i.e. Mexica)
3) Those phony tenets make reference to "Aztlan", the Mexica Movement rarely does. Instead of talking about just the "US Southwest" the Mexica Movement talks about the ENTIRE CONTINENT, which is called Anahuac. (what is called North America and Central America).
Terms such as "RAZA" or "mestizo" (promoted by Lou Dobbs and his ilk) are also rejected by the Mexica Movement.
Beware of imitators and fabricators. There is only one Mexica Movement and only one web site.
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by johnk
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 7:35 PM
That was attributed to the Aztlan Committee for National Sovereignty, not the Mexica Movement (which is a different group).
A Google search for the former turns up two sites. A quick look at the MM site, however, shows that the MM webmaster has been trying to do some "search engine optimization" to come up higher on search engines.
I bet ACNS isn't showing up at the counterprotests....
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by Pete Nice
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 10:41 PM
SOS is up to all kinds of dumb tactics. It's a sign of desperation.
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by Pete Nice
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 10:43 PM
MM can also mean Minutemen, you might want to clarify your post and hide mine. I was confused the first 2 times i read your post.
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by mike almeida
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 4:16 AM
hahaha. you guys make me laugh everytime. how many "mexica" members are actually directly from tribes of mexico? very few, i'm sure. they're all mostly chicanos trying to "get back to their roots".
i don't believe any tribes had any immigration laws, so how could the europeans have been illegal aliens?
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by Mexica
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 6:15 AM
1) In 1492, our people were overwhelmingly an urbanized people with cities, pyramids, monumental architecture, ceremonial centers, etc . Not overwhelmingly tribal.
Its sounds like you've been watching "Dances With Wolves" one too many times.
2) No one ever mistakes us for being White people for the simple fact that {{{drum roll}}} we are NOT WHITE PEOPLE.
We are mixed-blood and full-blood Indigenous People and we are seen as such even by Europeans. The mixed blood is itself an occupation of our DNA by Europeans, just as our continent is occupied illegally by Europeans.
3) The "getting back to our roots" statement was a nice one. Yes, that's exactly what we are doing.
We're getting back our roots, our soil, and the ENTIRE CONTINENT that is ours.
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by johnk
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 6:19 AM
Where did the Indians go? Indigenous people in the colonies have been subject to forced assimilation policies. I found the following article about Mexico: http://www.pvmirror.com/mexicomagico/indig34.html According to the article, 1825 marked the beginning of "equal rights", and the era of forming a singular national identity. Assimilation projects for Spanish education/state indoctrination of indigenous people began in 1923 and continued until 1950. Presumably, there were significant populations of indigenous people who didn't speak Spanish in 1923, and far fewer in 1950. During the 1930s, they copied the US's boarding school model. (Here, in the US, this involved taking children away from their parents, to be educated to forget their native language, and to speak only English. Maybe it was the same there.) So, to conclude, the Indigenous of Mexico were very present in the early 20th century. This article has some demographic information, and explanation: http://www.travelyucatan.com/maya/mayan_demography.php In 1921, 59% self-identified themselves mixed, and 29% considered themselves indigneous. That is 88% of Mexicans who are mixed or indigenous. Census numbers, however, show numbers closer to 14% in 1930. This is due to counting indigenous status by asking someone if they spoke an indigenous language. There was some pressure to lie about this to avoid discrimination. By USA standards, people who are 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/6th Indian are allowed to say they're Indian, and non-Indian people won't give them that much crap. If we were to apply this standard to people in Mexico, you would probably find that almost the entire population of Mexico is Indian, due to their fractional Indian-ness. So, the Indians of Mexico didn't go away. They just stopped calling themselves indigenous people.
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by Mexica
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 6:28 AM
Anyone who was at th Glendale protest could plainly see that the Glendale PD failed miserably at doing its job.
Time after time, SOS and Mexica Movement got into it and the Glendale cops stood around and did nothing.
There may as well have been no cops there at all.
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by Tiahui
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 5:29 PM
The Mexica Movement is comprised of good looking, articulate, educated, young men. I'm in love...
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by Bowman
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 10:30 PM
"We're getting back our roots, our soil, and the ENTIRE CONTINENT that is ours."
I know lots of Cheyenne, Navaho, Apache, and other AMERICAN Indians who would disagree that the ENTIRE CONTINENT belongs to the Mexica.
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 3:20 AM
Do you also tell Jews which ones can call themselves Jews and which ones can't, huh Colonel Eichmann?
Mexicans, "Central Americans," and "Native Americans" & Canadian First Nations are one people.
European borders are not Native borders.
Europeans...butt out.
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by Bowman
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 9:10 AM
"Do you also tell Jews which ones can call themselves Jews and which ones can't, huh Colonel Eichmann?"
No I don't, but you are doing exactly this, telling Native people which ones can call themselves Native and which ones cannot. Who the hell are you to tell me to move back to Europe, I am part Sioux Indian.
"Mexicans, "Central Americans," and "Native Americans" & Canadian First Nations are one people. European borders are not Native borders. Europeans...butt out."
Yes I agree, the borders drawn by whites are not Native borders. But since when did you get to decide all the Native borders Herr Dictator? Until the local Indian tribe tells me to move to Europe, then you butt out. So far, it seems they would rather have my gambling money.
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by anahuac warrior
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 11:57 AM
bowman writes: "No I don't, but you are doing exactly this, telling Native people which ones can call themselves Native and which ones cannot. Who the hell are you to tell me to move back to Europe, I am part Sioux Indian"
you are part sioux? you mean lakota right? than what is the problem? why would you need to go back to europe?
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 12:44 PM
"Stop The Invasion." The irony!
These SOSMM et al. people are probably the same type and the same mindset that support and defend this fascist regime's invasion of Iraq and the slaughter of over a quarter of a million innocent people -- all because they have brown skin and worship the "wrong" gods.
Oh: And they're standing on this fascist regime's oil.
How ironic.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:05 PM
http://www.theconservativevoice.com/articles/article.html?id=10505 To paraphrase a well-known political slogan: "IT'S THE CONTINENT, STUPID." This is not about the White man's borders. This not about the fact that the Navajo and Apache are actually from Canada (Athabaskans). "It's the WHOLE CONTINENT, stupid." It's not about the fact that the Lakot are actually from the Eastern woodlands and not the Plains. "It's the WHOLE CONTINENT, stupid." It's not about the fact that the Comanche are actually from the Utah-Shoshone area, not Texas. "It's the WHOLE CONTINENT, stupid." There is a linguistic family called the Uto-Aztecan language family. It extends from Utah all the way through Mexico and into Central America. Europeans have nothing to do with that. "IT'S THE CONTINENT, STUPID." From Canada to Costa Rica. "It's the ANAHUAC CONTINENT, stupid."
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:10 PM
I checked out the Mexica Movement web site and have to say those people seem to me to be just as bad as SOSMM. I get the impression from reviewing the web site -- which is very poorly done, by the way -- that the people in the Mexica Movement consider all white people to be racists. Certainly they consider us all to be invaders and engaged in genocide.
I'm very glad to see that Mexica Movement came out to oppose the SOSMM racists, but from what I see on their own web site, I don't think they're any better.
No offense intended to anyone.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:17 PM
We openly acknowledge on our web site that not all Europeans are racists. http://www.mexica-movement.org/GLENDALEJANUARY72006.htm http://www.mexica-movement.org/NOTEFOREUROPEANS.htm But ALL Europeans are here illegally. Even the nice ones are here illegally. We'd like to see the racist Europeans leave first,and right away. They'd be much happier in Europe.
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:40 PM
Listen to the hate in your tone, Canat. You can only spew insults and no facts. You're no fun.
The facts are these:
1) This continent belongs to Indigenous People The fact that Navajos are really from Canada and that Lakotas are really from the Eastern Woodlands and that Comanches are originally from Utah not Texas and the Cheyenne are originally an Algonquian people is irrelevant.
2) Europeans are illegals on this continent since 1492. Uninvited, unwanted, illegal.
3) Europeans committed a 95% genocide against all Indigenous Peoples of this continent.
4) Just as the Jews took their land back after 2,000 years, so too will the Indigenous Peoples of this continent take this land back after only 500 years.
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by canat
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:52 PM
that is all fine and well for US, the remaining TRUE Aboriginals
but you sorry sacks of feces(fecei?) have no part in any of our Indigenous struggles
perhaps as foolish imitators or as "chicaneric" oppertunists
all in all, you are sad and pathetic weak. you have been shown again and again repeatedly as some brand of colonialistic idealators bent on usurping the very REAL struggle of INDIGEOUS PEOPLES.
anyway, you remain FAKES and FRAUDS.
go back to europe if you are still bent on colonializing our INDIGENOUS LANDS.
ps. its even funnier now that the colonialists, such as mexica here, are NOW colonializing our lands in OUR NAMES, like they were trying to help us somehow....
just take a look south and you can see how WELL that type of " help " has done for Indigenous Peoples.
slide off homes.. c/s
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by canat
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:58 PM
.......... .... and if you like numbers, last census in mexicao 90% of the population of mexico is slated as spanish/mexican
and guess what.... only 10% of the TOTAL POPULATION is considered INDIGENOUS which is what I am. and what you cannnot take away.... no matter how badly you fakers would like to claim it... L O L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 2:08 PM
Relax, canat, youre having another fit.
If we are SO WHITE, as you imply, then why are we never mistaken for White people?
Why are we always called "brown?"
Even the so-called "Native Americans" are infected with European blood. It's not just Mexicans.
The term "Native American" didnt exist until 1913 when Europeans invented it. There's nothing "American" in our origins.
"It's the continent, stupid."
More specifically, it's our continent, not yours.
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by canat
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 2:12 PM
... L O L !!
your demented replies
to my truths
are even better than anything
I could hope to say..
you fakes make it so easy, like shooting fake fish in a barrel..
cheers !!!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 4:52 PM
> We openly acknowledge on our web site > that not all Europeans are racists. I didn't see such a comment anywhere on the web site. > http://www.mexica- > movement.org/GLENDALEJANUARY72006.htm I don't find any such comment on that web page. > http://www.mexica- > movement.org/NOTEFOREUROPEANS.htm Nor do I find such a comment on this web page. Incidentally, the web site is very poorly done. The colors are horrid, the fonts used are unprofessional and make reading difficult, and piles of information are provided on a single page which takes a long time to load. All in all, pretty poorly done. I'm left with the impression that the people of the Mexica Movement are just as racist as the SOSMM people. Right or wrong, that's the impression I get from visiting the web site -- which _doesn't_ make any specific statement about how not every white person is a racist invader. The web site goes to great lengths to spew about white invading racists. I mean no disrespect or offense; I just don't see anything on the web site that shows tolerance. My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 4:54 PM
> The fact that Navajos are really from Canada
Er, no. The Dinee came from China, through Mongolia, taking the land bridge into North America before the last major Ice Age.
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 5:38 PM
Fred, You need to get some glasses: http://www.mexica-movement.org/GLENDALEJANUARY72006.htm "Here we are with some Answer Coalition members who came to support our people. Not all Europeans are racist and unjust. " -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.mexica-movement.org/NOTEFOREUROPEANS.htm "You as ethical and moral human beings have an obligation, in the tradition of John Brown the abolitionist, to end this colonialism, this theft, this monstrous injustice." "Moral and ethical Europeans themselves can add more to bringing about this awareness of the crimes of the last 500 years than we can, because they have the resources and the social acceptance that are necessary to get this knowledge out to their people, to our people, and to the rest of the world. "
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by Mexica
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 5:44 PM
The Navajos are from China?
Ah yes, that explains all those Navajos speaking in Mandarin Chinese and building pagodas all over the place.
Question: was this BEFORE or AFTER the Navajos entered the Stargate that the Mother Ship had dropped from the Beta Quadrant?
I missed that episode. Is that the one where Spock leads the Navajos through the wormhole and the Romulans try to kill Bilbo Baggins and Gandolf the Wizard?
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by fresca
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 7:49 PM
"“Europeans Are Illegal Immigrants Since 1492” declares Indigenous liberation movement"
I know, I know. This sounds deep and resonating, but let's be honest. It's a very silly and sorta ridiculous notion.
First of all, as far as "illegal" goes, that implies there was some sort of law here in 1492 to start with. Hell, there wasn't even the fucking WHEEL here when Europeans landed.
And as far as any "indigenous liberation" movement's chances at actual reclamation of the land. Uh, good luck. Mexico hardly has a chance of pulling its own lagging ass into the 21 first century let alone seeing the liberation of this land.
Now, don't you all have some leaves to blow?
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by Ixachilanka
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 10:28 PM
The brother is right about your hatred. Maybe it isn't clear to you. Maybe you don't see the hatred you are projecting.
The hate is understandable, I suppose, everybody and their dogs have ripped off indigenous Peoples.
What's sad is that you're perpetuating the same thing. We are of indigenous descent. Many of us, the people in my Mexica circle, for example, can trace who they are. We have Huichol, Purepecha, Raramuri, Yaqui, and Quechua people.
Others of us cannot trace our lineage. We come from Peoples the Europeans completely destroyed through physical and cultural genocide, or records are incomplete - Native people in for what is now the US understand that all too well...
But the historical record proves one thing conclusively - Only 10% of the people in Mexico were _ever_ European. That's just straight ahead historcial fact.
Read this from Native scholar Jack Forbes. Time for a little schoolin', Canat, and for a little less hate. ____________
The Mestizo Concept: A Product of European Imperialism By Jack Forbes
The Mestizo Concept
The terms mestizo and metis (as well as such comparable words as half-caste, half-breed, ladino, cholo, coyote, and so on) have been and are now frequently used in Anishinabe-waki (the Americas) to refer to large numbers of people who are either of mixed European and Anishinabe (Native American) racial background or who poses a so-called mixed culture.
In Canada, people of mixed European and Anishinabe background are ordinarily referred to as metis, that is, “mixed.” In the United States, terms such as half-breed, half-blood and quarter-blood are most commonly used but, mustee (derived from mestizo) and even mulatto have been used in the South. From Mexico through Argentina mestizo (“mixed”) is the standard term, but cholo, ladino, coyote, and other words are also commonly used. In Brazil, caboclo, mameluco and a variety of other terms are used, along with mestizo. The concept of mestizo has also been introduced into the United States scholarly literature and is becoming accepted among anthropologists and sociologists as a technical term replacing half-breed and similar words.
For the purposes of this article the word mestizo will be used as the equivalent of all such words. It should be kept in mind that there are several distinct ways in which the term mestizo is used:
(1) As a simple description- a person, or a group, who possesses a recent mixed background;
(2) As a kind permanent ethnic or caste categorization- a person, or a group, who is not only of mixed background but whose ethnic nature, or social status, is also mixed;
(3) As a strictly biological concept, referring only to mixture through sexual reproduction;
(4) As a cultural concept, referring to a mixture of customs, ways of behaving, and so on.
The first usage does not concern us here to any great extent, but the other three are of critical importance to the current status of native peoples in Anishinabe-waki.
Mestizo Peoples Who Are Not Mestizo
Today, virtually all of the peoples who are categorized as half-caste or mestizo live in zones where European imperialism has been active during the past several centuries (the South Pacific, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, Vietnam, India, Singapore, South Africa, and throughout Anishinabewaki).
Peoples categorized as “half-caste” or “mestizo” tend to have several characteristics in common: they reside in areas subjected to recent European colonialism and imperialism; they seldom possess the power or resources to determine their own destiny (either political or intellectual-psychological); their existence is usually a direct byproduct of European imperialism and colonial policy; and they are primarily people with both European and non-European ancestry, almost never with mixed European national backgrounds.
To place this discussion in proper perspective, let us contrast the situations in Mexico and Spain. North American social scientists and intellectuals and the ruling elite of Mexico commonly seem to agree that Mexico is a mestizo nation, that not only are most of its people racially mixed but that its dominant culture is also mestizo. North American Anglo-Saxon scholars, in particular, delight in using the mestizo and Indo-Hispano concept when discussing Mexico and Chicanos (persons of Mexican background in the United States). It is very clear that Anglo scholars (and the Mexicans and Chicanos influenced by them) regard the very essence of the Mexican-Chicano people as mestizo (except for the perhaps ten percent of the Mexican people who are regarded as indio).
Now, is this mestization of the Mexican-Chicano people a concrete social reality or is it primarily the Europeans’ imposition of alien descriptive categories upon the Mexican-Chicano masses? Let us look at the situation of Spain and Mexico with this question in mind. Spain is, clearly, far more of a mestizo nation (if that term is ever properly to be used) than is Mexico.
(1) The Spanish people speak a totally borrowed language, a dialect or branch of Italo-Latin mixed with many thousands of Arabic words. Very few words of the indigenous Hispano-Iberic language remain in use.
(2) The culture of Spain is a complex mixture of Latin-Italic, North African, Middle Eastern, Greek, Gitano (Gypsy), and other characteristics, with very few indigenous (pre-Roman) traits remaining, except among the Basques and Gallegos.
(3) Racially, the modern Spaniard probably carries relatively few indigenous genes, the latter having been greatly overwhelmed by Carthaginian, Celtic, Latin-Roman, Germanic, Arab, Moorish, Berber, Jewish, black African, and Gitano intermixture.
In both a racial and culture sense, then, the Spaniard is profoundly a mestizo. In fact, it is safe to say that (except among the Basques) the Spanish culture of modern times is almost wholly non-Spanish in origin (in terms, at least, of specific traits) and is thoroughly mixed. Surprisingly, however, one never finds Anglo-Saxon social scientists categorizing the Spaniards as a mestizo. One never finds scholars describing a Spanish subgroup as part Gitano or as a North African physical type. One never finds social scientists attempting to dissect the Spanish people and then to tell them who they are!
Why is this so? We know that during the fifteenth century, for example, there were many subgroups (such as maranos, mozarabes, moriscos, and so on) among the population. We know also that even today regional variations can probably be identified in Spain. Why is the Castillian-speaking Spaniard allowed to have dignity and security of being simply a Spaniard, of possessing an ethnic identity, a nationality, while the Mexican and the Chicano are even now dissected and categorized, first, as mestizos and only second as Mexicans or Chicanos?
Indisputably the Spaniard is a mestizo in the sense that he is mixed and has a mixed culture. But he is never categorized as a mestizo, but always as a Spaniard (or an Andalucian, Malagueno, Catalan, and soon), because since 1491 the Castellano-Spaniard has not been subjected to political and intellectual colonization.
The Spanish people have been free to develop themselves without having any alien government officials classifying individuals as one-quarter Gitano, one-eighth Jewish, one-half Arab, and so on. They have not had foreign scholars investigating them (trying to “understand” them) and then developing conceptualization which dominate the thinking of even native intellectuals. In short, the Spaniard has been free to define his own nationality and categories of existence.
It is true, of course, that Spain possesses minority ethnic groups, but neither the minorities nor the majority are classified as mestizo even though all are of mixed origin. It is also true that the Christian Spanish hierarchy did, for a time, keep records of converted Jews and Muslims and their descendants, but this was not to permanently categorize people, but instead to root out any secret Jewish or Islamic religious practices. The records concerned religion rather than race (in fact, many Hispanic Jews and especially Muslims were Christian Spanish, not North African, descent).
The same kind of analysis can be made about England, Scotland, Russia, and a number of other nations. The English are clearly mestizos- a mixture of Celtic (and pre-Celtic), Angle, Saxon, Danish, Norman-French, Flemish, and other descent. Likewise, English cultures highly mixed (for example, half of the words in these-called English language are of Latin origin, the English practice a “foreign” religion- Christianity-and the great bulk of contemporary English characteristics are of foreign origin- including even tea drinking!) It is safe to say that the modern Englishman has very little in common with the Britons and pre-Roman times or even with the Anglo-Saxons before Christianity.
The Scots are, of course, a mixture of Pictish, Gaelic (Scottish), Norse, Norman-French, Flemish, English (Anglic), Saxon, and other stocks. Culturally, little remains (except for a few place names) from the indigenous Picts. Even the culture of the invading Scots (coming from Ireland) had been eroded to such an extent that the Scottish language is spoken only in a few remote regions and is officially ignored by the government. Except for some “colorful” Highland characteristics here is little left of purely Celtic origin, although many Celtic, Germanic, and Latin traits have mixed together to produce modern Scottish culture.
The Russians continue to speak their native Slavic language, but their culture is extremely mixed (showing Greek, Turkish, Mongol, and German influences). Racially the Russians have absorbed large quantities of Finish, Kahzar, Turkic, Mongol, Greek and other alien ancestry.
Interestingly, the English, Scots, and Russians (like the Spanish) are never categorized as mestizos. Seldom does one ever ask a Scotsman if he is part Norman-French, nor indeed, does anyone ever ask a Scotsman if he has even a drop of Celtic (Pictish-Scottish) blood. Such questions are seemingly only asked of knocked-down, conquered, colonized, and powerless peoples.
The same kind of analysis can be made of almost all major ethnic groups- Chinese, Japanese, East Indians, Arabs, Turks, and so on. Almost all such peoples possess a mixed racial heritage and a mixed culture. But they are not mestizos (even when their ancient “race” and culture have been almost totally erased or altered). Furthermore modern Mexican and Chicano people possess far greater connection with their ancient Mexican past than many European groups do with their respective past.
For example:
(1) The Mexicans and Chicanos of today are perhaps eighty percent native Anishinabe descent, while only twenty percent of their ancestry is of European-North African, African, and Asian descent. In contrast, it is likely that Spaniards possess relatively little pre-Roman ancestry (native Iberian), certainly less than eighty percent.
(2) The Mexican and Chicano peoples’ modern language, Spanish, possesses several thousand native Mexican words, while the Spanish is wholly non-Iberian in origin.
(3) The native religions of Spain have almost, if not completely, disappeared. In Mexico, however, the native religion has survived in many regions and has modified Christianity. Furthermore, Christianity is as foreign to Spain as it is to Mexico.
(4) The modern culture of Spain is almost entirely non-Iberian in origin. In contrast, the culture of Mexico, even among Spanish-speaking people, is, to a significant degree, of native Mexican origin.
In short, the Mexicans and Chicanos possess far greater continuity with their native past than do the Spaniards, and yet the Spanish are categorized as “unified” people (in spite of great regional variations), while the Mexicans and Chicanos must perpetually carry the burden of genuflecting before the idol of mestisaje.
Ethnicity and Integration
Many social scientists have written about Mexican villages as mestizo villages and Indian villages. In point of fact there is often no racial difference existing between such villages, but even if there were, I would challenge the idea that there are mestizo villages in Mexico.
It is true, of course, that one can find many pueblos in Mexico where the culture of the people can be traced to Spain, North Africa, and the Middle East, as well as to Native Mexico. But this historical fact of mixture does not in and itself produce a mestizo village.
If we were to visit such a pueblo, we would find that the people possess an integrated culture perceived as being their very own. They have no conscious concept of being “mixed,” but instead have a sense of unity and wholeness. To categorize them as living in a mestizo village is as nonsensical as it would be to say that Davis, California, is a mestizo town because of the people’s diverse ethnic origins and historically mixed culture.
Most people possess a mixed culture and mixed ethnic background. To say, therefore, that a village is mixed when it is an integrated community, is either to lie or to add nothing new to our knowledge of that village.
It is true that there are cities, villages, and even entire regions where peoples of different ethnic loyalties and cultures are living in close juxtaposition (as the Greeks and Turks in Istanbul). Such a place can be regarded as being multiethnic or biethnic, but it is not truly mixed precisely because the different ethnic groups are separate, although geographically intermingled.
Mestizo and such comparable terms imply outcast (i.e., belonging to no ethnic group or casta). People who possess a national or ethnic identity, no matter how much they have mixed historically with other peoples, can never be mestizo.
A people who possess an integrated culture, especially a gradually changing, relatively stable one, are also not mestizo culturally. Since all known cultures are of diverse, mixed origin, it follows that the Mexican culture of today is precisely that, i.e., Mexican culture and not a mestizo culture. Change, with borrowing, no matter how much, does not by itself produce a mestizo culture.
The Bulgarian people, for example, have shifted their homeland, changed their language, changed their religion, changed their physical appearance (through interethnic marriage), and changed almost their total culture, but the Bulgarians are not mestizos, they are not outcasts, they are not a new nation, they are simply Bulgarians.
Why? Because as a people, as a collection of related village-groups together forming a nationality, they have a historical bond of continuity with their past. The ethnic continuity implied by Bulgarian-ness and the gradual nature of change have ensured that the Bulgarians are not mestizos (although the Turks, and other former rulers, tried to erase that continuity).
The Mestizo as Outcast
Historically speaking, Europeans have often used such terms as mestizo, half-breed, half-caste, and so on, to refer to no-caste, out-caste, or groupless individuals- that is, to a person of mixed race having no clear ethnic affiliation.
A mestizo without a nationality or ethnic group to belong to is indeed an outcast. There is no doubt but what there are individuals or mixed race in Anishinabe-waki who are loners, without ethnic affiliation. But such individuals are relatively few in numbers in comparison with the broad masses of mixed-bloods who commonly possessed a group, an ethnic affiliation, or a community. For example, the mixed Cherokees of the nineteenth century were, for the greater part, Cherokee-speaking people who were citizens of, and emotionally a part of, the Cherokee Nation. In no sense could most racially mixed Cherokees be regarded as outcasts. Neither could they be regarded as mestizos, except in a purely descriptive sense.
In most regions of Anishinabe-waki there has been a gradual, imperceptible transition of a village (or tribe) from being composed of people of purely indigenous descent to being composed of people of mixed racial descent. In many cases the group has experienced no sharp change in ethnic identity. Thus, many North American Anishinabe groups have changed from being racially Indian to being racially mixed. However, they have retained their identity as Cherokees, Powhatans, Mohawks, and so on. Similarly, many Mexican, Central American, and South American villages have gradually acquired European or African admixture without any sharp transition, although in some instances the people have come to regard themselves as no longer being indios, because the government (and racist custom) regards the term indio as a derogatory one.
An example of the latter trend is the gradual “disappearance” of the Opata people of eastern Sonora. It is quite clear from the historical evidence that the Opatas imperceptibly changed as a result of missionization, serving in the Spanish army (against the Apaches), fighting in the many post-1821 civil wars and rebellion in Sonora, and perhaps to a lesser degree, intermarrying with Spanish-speaking Mexicans. In 1821 most Opata towns were still “Indian,” although undoubtedly many residents were bilingual in Opata and Spanish, and virtually all were Catholics. By about1900 the grandparents were still speaking Opata, but their grandchildren had shifted largely to Spanish and wanted to be thought of as Mexicans. The Opata towns had, in effect, ceased being Opata and had become simply Mexican (or mestizo, as the Anglo-Saxon researcher and Mexican census-taker might assert). In this area, as in many others throughout Anishinabe-waki, the change from tribal loyalty to a new national loyalty was not primarily a biological-racial change but simply a gradual, imperceptible change in self-definition by others.
Thus, we see that some native nationalities have become racially mixed while retaining their old identity, while other native nationalities have been absorbed into a larger nationality without significant race mixture. In neither case, however, did the bulk of the people become no-caste or out-caste or half-caste in the process. Whether changing because of acculturation, race mixture, or both, they always have retained a community, an identity, and a sense of peoplehood. It is interesting, of course, to study such persons as Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca, the Inca-Spanish mestizo who was torn between native and Iberian loyalties, but it seems very unlikely that most persons of native descent in Anishinabe-waki ever went through such a process. And it is very unlikely that such a split identity, when it occurred, extended far beyond the first generation.
The mestizo as outcast is simply not a significant reality in Anishinabe-waki. Instead of inventing collections of no-caste individuals, we should concentrate our attention upon the history of real “peoples”- tribes, villages, bands, towns, regions, and nations.
The Mestizo Concept and the Strategy of Colonialism
One of the fundamental principles of the European invaders, and especially of the Spaniards, was to follow the policy of divide and conquer, or keep divided and control. This policy pitted native against native, and tribe against tribe, until Spanish control was established. Later this same policy prevented a common front of oppressed people from developing, by creating tensions and jealousies between the different sectors of the population.
The Spaniards were shrewd colonialists. They gave minor privileges (uniforms, batons of office, and the right to collect tribute) to caciques (chiefs), in order that the native leadership would prevent their people from rebelling. They also gave privileges (of a minor nature) to each different caste (indios living in villages sometimes were exempt from certain taxes, while mestizos, mulattos, and others were able to obtain minor positions in the army, move about freely, except in Indian villages and so on). People with some degree of European ancestry were ordinarily able to wear European-style clothing and obtain concessions not available to most Anishinabe (Indians). A racist system was created by the Spaniards which favored light skin and European descent. Natives were regarded as inferior or childlike beings, and almost all who were ambitious sought to deny nonwhite ancestry or at least to be as white as possible.
This system, which saw each minor caste or class trying to curry favor from above at the expense of those below, served very well to keep the masses divided and distrustful of each other. It also resulted in many people of predominantly native descent pretending to be either mestizo or criollo (white or near-white) in order to be considered “una persona de razon” (a rational person). To the Spaniards, the native generally was not “de razon,” but mixed-bloods could be!
The concepts of mestizo, coyote, lobo, cholo, pardo, color quebrado, and many others, were invented by the Spaniards, and Spanish policy kept these categories alive throughout the colonial epoch. Were those concepts of any real objective value, apart from being useful to the ruling class? It is extremely doubtful if the differences between a coyote (three-quarters Anishinabe), a mestizo (one-half Anishinabe), a lobo (Anishinabe-African), a pardo (Anishinabe-African-European), and so on were at all significant except in so far as the Spanish rulers sought to make them significant. It is true that there may have been cultural differences between natives and mixed-bloods speaking a native language and living in a native village, on the one hand, and Spanish-speaking person (of whatever ancestry) on the other hand. But those differences relate to political loyalty and culture and not directly to mestisaje as such.
The colonial documents mention several cases where mestizos, mulattos, and so on, took part in Indian rebellions on the native side. The documents (padrones or censuses in particular) also reveal that some Spanish soldiers of lower rank were “indios,” at least when first recruited. Therefore, it is clear that the differences between indio and mestizo were not necessarily even of political significance.
On the other hand, if there were cultural differences and antagonisms existing between mestizos and indios, whose fault was it? Who created the conditions of exploitation which caused Anishinabeg to rebel? Who created a system wherein one could rise upward only by repudiating one’s native blood and exploiting native people? In short, the Spaniards created the system that created castes that were different one from another. They also created such rankings to accomplish their selfish purposes.
Let us dwell on this point for a moment by contrasting the development of Aberdeen, Scotland, with Santa Fe, New Mexico. The people of Aberdeen have a mixed origin, being of Scottish (Gaelic-speaking), Scandinavian, Norman-French, Flemish, and Anglo-Saxon descent. But this fact of biological mixture is of little ultimate significance in the history of Aberdeen. Of much greater importance is the fact that Aberdeen became a Broad Scotch and English language enclave in what have been a Gaelic-speaking region and that Aberdeen was a royal burg, a town loyal to the Scottish crown rather than to any Highland clan (tribal) chief. Of greater significance, also in the history of Aberdeen is the fact of socioeconomic and religious tensions within the city, totally unrelated (it would seem) to ethnic origins. In sum, whether an Aberdonian is one-fourth Gaelic of one-half Scandinavian or all Anglo-Saxon is of only passing interest. Loyalties to Aberdeen, to religion, to economic classes, to Scotland, are all of infinitely greater significance. Finally, all native-born Aberdonians are, and have been considered Scots, whether of Scottish or non-Scottish descent.
Similarly, Santa Fe was a Spanish royal settlement established in the far north of the Spanish Empire (Aberdeen was established to control and civilize the unruly Gaelic Scots, as Santa Fe was created to control and civilize the unruly Anishinabeg). The bulk of the initial settlers of Santa Fe, who lived in the barrio of Analco, were Mexicans, that is, Aztec-speaking people of Anishinabe blood. As time went by, the people became mixed, with Spanish, Anglo-Saxon, African, Pueblo Indian, Apache, Navajo, Plains Indian, and Paiute ancestry being absorbed into the community. Likewise, the Mexican language was gradually replaced by Spanish, religion changed, and so on. Whether or not a person of Santa Fe, by say1848, was all-native, three-quarters native, one-half native or one-eighth native is utterly without intrinsic significance. What is important is whether he was rich or poor, ruler or ruled, Catholic or fold religion, Spanish-speaking or native-speaking, and soon.
Ah, but there is a difference between Aberdeen and Santa Fe. In Santa Fe, the racist colonialist, strategy of the Spaniard and implanted the notion of nonwhite inferiority. Therefore, whether one was dark or light or classed as mestizo, blanco, o’indio did make a difference! The difference is not, however, due to the intrinsic significance of mestisaje but only to a racist-colonialist stratification based upon racial descent.
The French pursued a policy somewhat different from that of the Spanish, (except in Louisiana where part-blacks were classified as quadroons, octoroons, and so forth). The French were never able to recruit many settlers to come to Anishinabe-waki, so the interests of the empire (and of the fur trade) demanded that the Metis, the mixed-blood, be incorporated into the French system wherever possible. It appears that prior to 1763 no distinct class of mixed-bloods developed, since the Metis was absorbed into French Canadian society (albeit initially as a fur trader, canoe man, or trapper) or into a particular native group. It seems highly likely that most French-Canadians have some degree of native descent, while many Anishinabeg in the northern United States and Canada are part-French.
During the nineteenth century, however, along the banks of the Red River, Lake Winnipeg, and the Saskatchewan River, there developed a group who came to be known as Metis, and most of their descendants (now spread all over western Canada) are still known by that term. These people, sometimes called Red River Metis fought against the Canadian government on several occasions between 1860 and 1890, in alliance with Cree, Assiniboin, and Chippewa groups.
Who are these Metis? Initially some were French-native hybrids, some were Scottish-native hybrids, and a few were English-native hybrids. Generally speaking, they were closely connected with Cree and other Anishinabeg both in terms of annual migrations, alliances, marriages, and language. (Modern studies have shown that a large majority of Metis people speak Cree in their homes, at least in certain provinces.) The culture of the Metis was (and often still is) basically of a native character modified by European influence. (For example, they observed an annual buffalo-hunting migration cycle similar to that of the Cree and Assiniboin, with whom they frequently lived).
My tentative analysis is as follows: The so-called Metis were nothing more nor less than a partially Europeanized sector of the Cree-Chippewa-Assiniboin confederation (or alliance system). (It may well be that having a European father or grandfather was of crucial importance in becoming Europeanized, but that is not at all surprising [intermarriage is often a key element in an acculturation process].) If left alone, the so-called Metis would have been to the Cree people what the mixed-bloods were to the Cherokee Nation: an influential subgroup within the overall nationality. To some degree this undoubtedly occurred in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, since the line between Indian and Metis even today is ethnically obscure in many areas.
The Anishinabeg of the Canadian prairies were not left alone, however. British imperialism (in particular, the Hudson Bay Company) attempted to distinguish between Metis and Indian. The Metis, being somewhat more European in orientation and usually bilingual, were favored over Indians for certain purposes, but were never recognized as being the equal of whites. Later the British and white Canadians recognized “Indian tribal” land rights and rights to special federal services but denied these to Metis. In point of fact, however, may people whom the Canadian government chose to regard as Metis were distinguishable from Indians. They simply were left out of treaty negotiations, were ignored, or were too mobile to live on a reserve.
Are the Metis truly mestizo, or is their present status a result of current British-Canadian policy? Some Metis call themselves non-status Indians, and perhaps that is a good description of some of them. Perhaps overall they represent simply an Europeanized, partly landless sector of the native population, confused about their identity by years of being denied Indian status. Or perhaps some of them are a distinct people for whom the name Metis does not mean mestizo but has become an ethnic (national) appellation.
In any case, the Red River Metis did not, and do not, exist as a no-caste collection of half-breeds. They seem to have always lived in communities or groups they considered home. Whenever they are to be known as Anishinabe is a matter for them to decide and not the Canadian government.
The United States and the Atlantic seaboard British colonies approached the Spanish system of caste categorization (mulattos, half-breeds, quarter-bloods, eight-bloods, mustees, high yellows, quadroons, sixteenth-bloods, and so on), but extreme racism somewhat altered the nature of colonialist policy.
Generally, the lighter the skin color the more acceptable a person was in colonial Atlantic seaboard society. Elaborate government records were not kept, but it would appear that visual inspection and local white opinion was utilized to determine whether or not a person was sufficiently white to vote, bear arms, hold office, or marry a white person (the laws varied from area to area, requiring anywhere from one-half to seven-eighths white blood to qualify as a white). The Anglo-Americans very definitely adopted a system of giving different rewards to different castes and keeping nonwhite groups at odds with each other whenever possible. This was especially true in keeping Indians, free coloreds, and blacks (mostly slaves) from associating with each other (the fear of combined Indian-slave rebellions or raids was great in certain regions). After being militarily subdued, Indians generally became except from being enslaved (although many were enslaved before ca. 1750). They also were sometimes able to preserve a small tract of land in return for paying tribute. Free coloreds (mixed-bloods of all shades and free blacks) were able to move about more than tributary Indians and sometimes were able to vote and bear arms in the militia. Light-skinned mixed-bloods, who were able to prove they met the admission standards, could become white.
This system did several things:
(1) it forced many mixed-bloods to identify as tributary Indians in order to live on a reservation and be safe from the possibility of enslavement;
(2) it forced all visibly nonwhite people, no matter what the degree of blood, to become a part of a free-colored caste if they wished to live away from an Indian reservation;
(3) it accentuated notions of white supremacy and encouraged people to try to be as white as possible (except for those who chose to be a tributary Indian and even the latter were affected psychologically); and
(4) it made people caste conscious and encouraged disunity among the oppressed nonwhites.
It may well be that many of the free colored were initially mestizos, that is, in between, no-caste people. Soon, however, the free colored began together (frequently clustering together with a remnant Indian group), and they developed a community of their own. The nature of this community is, however, too complicated a subject for us to pursue here.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (the United States’ colonial office for Indians) at a later date became (and still is) the government’s most ancestry-oriented agency. The bureau keeps records on ever Indian, recording the supposed exact degree of blood in detailed manner undreamed of even by the Spaniards. Furthermore, the bureau also decides who is an Indian and who is not an Indian and which Indians are eligible for Indian services.
One can well ask if there is any significant reason for keeping records of five-eighths Indians, one-quarter Indians, one-tenth Indians, “full-bloods,” “half-bloods” and so on. What purpose does it serve? The categorization of Anishinabeg by degree of blood serves to transform the Anishinabe people from a group of nationalities into a series of castes.
The overall objective of United States native policy has been to liquidate the Anishinabe people entirely (a subject discussed below). One step in liquidation is to prevent Indians from assimilating (absorbing) outsiders and even to prevent them from retaining the loyalty of their own racially mixed children or grandchildren. A second step is to get the people of native descent to think of themselves as full-bloods, quarter-bloods, and so on, to keep them from thinking of themselves as Comanches, Cherokees, or other tribal groups, and to introduce jealousy and disunity.
This attempt to divide the Anishinabe into subcastes and to make much of the degree of blood may be useful to the bureau, but it does not really reflect the truly significant divisions within the native community. For example, from the 1820s through the1860s the Cherokee people were at times divided into two major factions. One group was highly Indian in loyalty and was composed of full bloods, but it also included many mixed-bloods, and its official leader was John Ross (seven-eighths white, one-eighth Cherokee, by blood). The other group was oriented toward the slave-owning, plantation economy of the south and was composed primarily of mixed-bloods. However, its leaders included full-bloods such as Stand Watie. The key difference between these two Cherokee groups was the degree to which they were oriented toward Anglo-American values. One was quite interested in Southern-style wealth acquisition while the other was more traditionally Cherokee in its values. Mixed-bloods and full-bloods were found in both groups. Therefore, we again see that being biologically mixes is less significant than other factors, such as ethnic loyalty and values.
White writers often make much of the fact that Sequoyah was part-white. But since Sequoyah was raised as conservative Cherokee, thinking and speaking in Cherokee rather than English, is his white blood of any actual significance? Clearly, Sequoyah was a complete Cherokee nationalist, and he died seeking out lost Cherokees in northern Mexico. Quite obviously he was not mestizo, confused or split in his ethnic-cultural loyalties. To the Bureau of Indian Affairs, however, he would be regarded as a half-blood or a half-Cherokee, whatever that means! The same can be said of such racially mixed native leaders as Cornplanter, Quanah Parker, and Alexander McGillivray.
No general class or caste of Anishinabe-white mestizos has actually developed in the United States for several reasons:
(1) most of the mixed groups who have lost their specific native identity (such as these-called Mestizos of South Carolina or the Lumbees of North Carolina) have developed a new identity of their own (the “Lumee” identity, for example, is a new invented identity- the name is a local pronunciation of “Lumbar River”);
(2) white racism has usually forced recognizable mixed-bloods to remain in the nonwhite community, where they originated, or at least to remain loyal to it;
(3) because native national(tribal) loyalties have remained strong. It may be that there are Anishinabe-white-black mixed-bloods in the South and East who possess almost no group pride and who would choose to become white if they could. (Too dark to become white, many are being absorbed into the black population.) Such people perhaps come closest to the concept of being mestizo or out-caste. The colonial policies of Spain, Britain, and the United States have invented the concept of mestizo and given reality to the concept through racist, caste-oriented policies that favor white persons over nonwhites while distinguishing grades of people within the nonwhite world. Isn’t time that this grading system is halted forever? The Plan to Liquidate the Anishinabe Peoples
In Mexico an indio who puts on shoes, learns Spanish, and moves to a larger city becomes a non-Indian (he becomes mestizo or a Mexicano).
In Peru an Anishinabe woman who sets up a small shop becomes a chola. She is no longer an india.
In Guatemala a Cakchiquel who learns Spanish and moves to the city becomes a ladino. He is no longer indio.
In Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, and elsewhere, millions of people who were indios just a few years ago are now officially campesinos. Bolivia has no more Anishinabegs, only peasants.
In Brazil an Indian who takes up farming away from a tribal village becomes a caboclo or perhaps a mestizo or simply a Brazilian peasant.
In the United States an Indian whose reservation is terminated becomes officially a non-Indian.
In Canada an Indian whose group never signed a treaty or received a reservation is a metis.
In the United States many Chicanos of unmixed physical appearance are classified as whites with Spanish surnames. In Mexico a man of complete Indian appearance who wears a suit, has a college education, and speaks Spanish has to be mestizo, since he could never be an indio.
Throughout the Americas a strange phenomena exists. Almost every country in the hemisphere is doing away with Indians, either by genocide (as in Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador) or by legislation and custom. The computers of the minds who dominate Anishinabe-waki have decided that the Anishinabe is programmed to disappear, but, of course, this disappearance is completely imaginary and exists only in the minds of the European-oriented ruling class.
The plan to liquidate the native people originated with the Spanish, English, and Portuguese imperialists. It involved several components:
(1) killing Anishinabe in wars of conquest;
(2) forcibly destroying native identity and culture in programs of missionization of “civilizing”;
(3) transforming economically independent native into serfs, slaves, or urban proletariat and thereby making them part of the imperial economy;
(4) making native (indio) ways of life a bad thing and encouraging, via racism, everyone to try to become espanol, white, portuguesa or at least mestizo;
(5) discouraging the association of mixed-bloods with people still identified as Indian and developing jealousy and shame on the part of the various castes; and
(6) doing everything possible to be sure that all people, whether of European ancestry, mixed ancestry, or native ancestry, regard everything European as good (civilized) and everything Anishinabe as bad (uncivilized or, at best, rustic).
This European colonial policy, so vicious and one-sided, has had the effect of making it literally impossible, in most of Anishinabe-waki, for an Indian to be anything other than a rural peasant or inhabitant of some remote region. By definition, no Indian can be a professor, a doctor, an engineer, a statesman, or even an industrial worker, a sailor, a miner, a cowboy, or a truck driver. Since Indians are defined as rural peasants (or jungle dwellers), they cannot be a part of modern society. As soon as Indians become part of society they are given the “courtesy” of being regarded as cholos, ladinos, mestizos, caboclos, or Peruanos, Bolivianos, Brasilenos, Mexicanos, Chilenos, or Guatemaltecos, or campesinos, trabajadores, and so on. This is true to some degree even in the United States, where tourists and white children want to see “real” Indians in war bonnets and feathers and where anthropology has stereotyped Indian culture, such as the pre-white contact period.
European imperialists thinking has denied Anishinabeg the right to possess large (mass) nationalities. The anthropologists and colonialists generally have decided that Indians are tribal forever. Whereas other peoples have had the right to merge tribes together and form large nation-states, Anishinabe become something else whenever they leave their village.
For instance, the Paraguayans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans, and El Salvadoreans, are not Indians. How could they be? They belong to nation-states! But why not? Have they magically changed their raced merely because of intertribal mixture and the absorption of a few aliens? Are the Germans no longer Germans because they merged different tribes, changed their religion, and social system? If Europeans can remain Europeans while going through processes of tremendous social change, Anishinabeg can remain Anishinabeg while doing the same thing (no matter what white social scientists want to tell us)!
Since 1492 the conscious European colonialists policy has been to transform Anishinabe into an urban or rural proletariat. To accomplish this, tribes and villages had to be destroyed or uprooted, millions had to be killed, ancient values had to be destroyed, and a whole new mass of landless, economically dependent people had to be created. In the United States this policy has determined much of the present circumstances of the urban Indian, the landless Chicano migrant, the urban Chicano worker, and of course, the landless black population. South of the Unite States the result of this policy has been the creation of the mestizo-ladino-cholo-caboclo population.
Basically and fundamentally, the so-called mestizos of Anishinabe-waki are nothing more nor less than proletarianized Anishinabe. They are simply the descendants of Indians forced off their land, forced to mix with divergent tribes and languages, forced to learn Spanish or Portuguese, forced to become Christians, and forced to become an impoverished mass of rural or urban wage laborers. Of course, in the process of being proletarianized, European, African, and even Asiatic genes have been absorbed. But the fact of race mixture is of no real significance-whether the proletarianized, detribalized mass is of pure Anishinabe or mixed descent is inconsequential. What real difference can be shown between the predominantly Indian, Spanish-speaking proletariat of Mexico and the somewhat more mixed proletariat of El Salvador, aside from the fact that one is Mexicano in its specific history and the other is Salvadorian?
The Spanish-speaking Peruano is every bit as Anishinabe as the Quechua-speaking Peruano. The differences between the two groups are due to specific cultural characteristics and not the race. (Essentially these differences derive from the way colonialism affected the two groups. Both are equally pawns and victims of white manipulation and white-oriented thinking.)
In this connection, it should be stressed that the colonial policies of Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the United States have never been assimilationist. It was not the intention of the white invaders to absorb nonwhites into their own superior race. On the otherhand, it was, and is, the policy of the white ruling groups of Anishinabe-waki to proletarianize nonwhites!
Let us not confuse these two processes. Both assimilation and proletarianization would demand that the native Anishinabe (or African) cultures and tribes be destroyed. Both would demand that the conquered groups learn new skills, learn European language, and become part of the cash economy. But there the similarity ends. An assimilation policy would require the liquidation of racism, color consciousness, and resistance to intermarriage. Clearly, the white ruling groups of the Americas (even in the so-called relaxed Latin countries) have had no intention of doing that.
We might ask also, how is it that the white-oriented ruling groups stay in power in such overwhelmingly non-white countries as Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, and so on? Perhaps these rulers have learned to use the Spaniard’s old trick of pitting cholo against indio, caste against caste, and city against countryside. Doesn’t the policy of liquidating the Indian fit into this nicely? For example, an Inca-oriented Quechua revolution cannot probably occurring Peru as long as the cholos are led to believe that they are different and better than indios. No real revolution can take place in Guatemala as long as indios distrust ladinos and ladinos look down upon indios. It all seems so clever and (thus far) so successful. Divide and conquer. Keep divided and control.
The Mestizo As a Cop Out
Before 1910 it was common for the Mexican intelligentsia to refer to themselves as blancos in contrast to los indios. Until very recently also it was common for Mexican-Americans to refer to themselves as whites, Latinos, Spanish-Americans, or Hispanos. More recently, firs in Mexico and now in the United States, the mestizo concept has come to be used (along with the ambiguous la raza terminology and de habla espanol in the United States).
This movement from whiteism and Spanishism to mestizoism can be as a progressive step, in that apparently the presence of Anishinabe ancestry is being acknowledged. In that sense perhaps it should be encouraged.
On the other hand, to be a mestizo is to be a nothing in particular (as discussed above). All people are mestizos to one degree or another, so for the Mexicano or Chicano to say he is a mestizo is to say, in effect, “I am a human being.” Moreover, in its usage it says, “I am an out-caste, a confused in between person.” (It may well be that many Chicanos are confused about the clash between Mexican and Anglo-American values, but mestizo is not used to refer to that cultural conflict). The traditional culture of most Chicanos is not mixed. It is a well-blended, fully integrated culture that has been evolving and changing for thousands of years.
More significantly, to be a mestizo is to cop-out. It is to accept the Spaniard’s colonialist-racist ideology. It is to fall supine before the European’s racial grading system instead of struggling for psychological liberation. It is to deny one’s own people’s history in order to have a masochistic, obscene relationship with the invaders and conquerors.
It is to be suspected that many Chicanos, Mexicans, and other nonwhite groups in Anishinabe-waki grasp at being called mestizo, not because of a desire to acknowledge Anishinabe descent, but quite the opposite reason, to affirm white descent. A mestizo (according to the racist caste system) is, after all, not a lowly indio. He is at least part-white and, therefore, part-civilized, una persona de razon.
The affirmation of being mestizo is, therefore, a counter-productive, neocolonialist stage of thinking. It is based upon a continued subjection to white categories of denigration and racism. The mestizo-ladino-cholo-caboclo syndrome is also a major weapon in the arsenal of the white or near-white ruling cliques of many regions of Anishinabe-waki. It prevents the unification of the oppressed nonwhite masses in a common liberation struggle. Who are the Mexicans? The Mexicans are what they always have been- Mexicans. Since (and before) 1520 they have absorbed many non-Mexicans (including other Anishinabeg as well as Asiatics, Africans, Spaniards, and so on); and their culture has changed (as do all cultures). Fundamentally, the Mexican people go back into history as far as we can see into the past. They have no need to explain their present status by denying their continuous past or by genuflecting before the shrine of mestisaje! The word Mexican historically means Aztec-Nahuan. Isn’t that enough?
Basically, the peoples of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay are, at one and the same time, both Mexicans, Guatemaltecos, Salvadoreans, et cetera, and Anishinabeg.
A clear distinction must be made between the use of the term mestizo as a purely descriptive statement of fact and the use of the term to categorize an entire community or people forever. For example, Winston Churchill could (I suppose) have been classed as a mestizo, that is, a person of mixed ethnic descent (since he was part-Indian). His identity was not that of a mestizo, however, since he was clearly and completely British.
It follows that when the term mestizo is merely used as a descriptive term, a person can be both mestizo and Indian, or both mestizo and French, or both mestizo and Filipino. For example, Cornplanter can be described as a mestizo (i.e., as an individual of known ethnic intermixture) and also as a Seneca. His nationality was, however, Seneca.
Similarly, individual Chicanos can be described as mestizo if they look part-European or know of anon-Indian ancestor. Their identity, however, is Chicano, and the Chicano group, by virtue of its cultural, racial, and historical continuity, cannot be categorized as mestizo.
Liberation from Colonialism
The oppressed peoples of the world are struggling to liberate themselves from both the material and the psychological forces of imperialism. Unfortunately, a “Brown is beautiful” movement has not yet penetrated many sections of Anishnabe-waki. Many people are still castrated by feelings of racial and cultural inferiority implanted by European colonialists and their neocolonialists successors. The mestizo concept, as used by the Spaniards, by white ruling cliques, and by social scientists, is an anti-Indian, psychologically paralyzing tool of colonialism. It must be exposed and replaced by concepts rooted in the realities of American life.
NOTES 1. “Staff Paper-Spanish-Speaking Peoples,” United States Commission on Civil Rights, February 5, 1964(draft). 2. Harold Driver, Indians of North America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961), p. 602. 3. C. Wilson Record, “Intergroup Conflict in the Bay Area,” Public Affairs Report, Bulletin of the Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California Press, Berkeley, v. 4, August 1963, p. 5. 4. Earl Raab, Editor, American Race Relations Today, (New York: Double-day, 1962), p. 167. 5. R. H. Dana Jr., Two Years Before the Mast, (New York: A. L. Burt Co., n.d.), pp. 72-3, 160. 6. Quoted in Albert K. Weinberg, Manifest Destiny, (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1963), pp. 165-77. 7. Frederick Law Olmstead, A Journey Through Texas, (Dix, Edwards and Co., 1857), p. 126. 8. Paul S. Taylor, “Mexican Labor in the United States: Imperial Valley,” University of California Publications in Economics, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 88-9, 93. 9. Paul S. Taylor, “Mexican Labor in the United States: Valley of the South Platte, Colorado,” in Ibid., v. 6, no. 2, pp. 230-2. 10. Paul S. Taylor, “Mexican Labor in the United States: Chicago and the Calumet Region,” in Ibid., v.7, no. 2, pp. 227-8, 232, 234-7, 280. 11. Paul S. Taylor, “Mexican Labor in the United States: Dimmit County, Winter Garden District, SouthTexas,” in Ibid., v. 6, no. 5, pp. 389-90, 418, 421,425, 432-3, 436, 442, 446, 449. 12. Manuel Gamio, Mexican Immigration to the United States, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1930),pp. 52-56. 13. Victor S. Clark, “Mexican Labor in the United States,” Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor, No. 78, September 1908, pp. 466-7. 14. Carey McWilliams, North From Mexico: the Spanish-Speaking People of the United States, (New York: J. P. Lippincott Co., 1949), pp. 208-09. Quoted by permission of Carey McWilliams. 15. Taylor, “Mexican Labor in the United States: Valley of the South Platte, Colorado,” pp. 212-16. 16. Conference on Social and Educational Problems of Urban and Rural Mexican American youth, Occidental College, April 6, 1963, pp. 25-28. 17. E. Cordoza Orozco, “Mexica: An Identity for Mexican-Americans,” mimeographed pamphlet, ca. 1966. 18. Pete Silva Sloss, “One Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire,” in La Palabra Alambre de MASH, v. 4, edition 5,July 1972, pp. 15-66. 19. “El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan,” El Grito del Norte, v. 2, no. 9, July 6, 1969, p. 5. Quoted by permission of El Grito del Norte. 20. Jack D. Forbes, “The Mestizo Concept: A Product of European Imperialism,” unpublished manuscript.
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by Ixachilanka
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 10:46 PM
Mexica wrote:
"4) Just as the Jews took their land back after 2,000 years, so too will the Indigenous Peoples of this continent take this land back after only 500 years. "
Mexica, the "Philistines" the Jews attacked to take over the land of Caanan are the Palestinians of today. In Arabic, "Palestine" is pronounced "FILL ih steen."
The Jews have no claim to dominance of that land, however much one might suppose they have a right to be there. They have no prior right that supercedes the rights of the Native people - the Palestinians.
As Mexicas, we have no right or prior claim to Hopi land, or Dine land, or Lakota land or Tongva land. We do, however, have a right to enter alliances with those peoples.
We don't need an Azteca Empire. That was a mistake in the first place.
Brother, the Elders tell us that we must unite all races to live in a new way. They don't preach kind of rehashed Third World nationalism.
With Respect,
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by Chicano
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 11:15 PM
brother what elders? with all respect but some guys far away from my barrio that have nothing to do with it and would not even step into are not anyone I would look to for guidance. There are plenty of elders here in the barrio. Lets go ask them.
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by Mexica
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 3:19 AM
This land does not belong to Europeans.
It never did. It doesn't now.
And our growing numbers throughout the next century will enforce that.
Europeans will go back to Europe, whether it takes 200 years or 1,000 years.
And then we'll start working on extracting all of our stolen gold, silver, and other wealth out of Europe.
In 200 years, Europeans will be so outnumbered on this continent that their resistance will be irrelevant.
But we'd rather they go willingly as a first resort.
This is a long-term project and we're in this for the long term.
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by Ixachilanka
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 3:22 AM
Here is an example, Brother... http://www.nativevillage.org/Editorials/Summer%202004%20Message%20from%20Chief%20Arvol%20LookingHorse.htm AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM CHIEF ARVOL LOOKING HORSE, OF THE LAKOTA, DAKOTA, & NAKOTA NATIONS Mitakuye Oyasin (All My Relations), I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nations, would like to ask for this time for you to understand an Indigenous perspective in reflection of what has happened in America, what we call "Turtle Island." For the past six years, my work has concentrated on an effort on uniting the Global community, through a message from our sacred ceremonies in recognizing a day of World Peace and Prayer on June 21st as a time to unite spiritually, each in our own ways of beliefs in the Creator. We have been warned from the messages, passed down from Ancient Prophecies of these times we live in today, but also a very important message of a solution to turn these terrible times around. To assist you in understanding the depth of this message involves the recognition in the importance of Sacred Sites. It is important that you realize the whole interconnectedness of what is happening today, in reflection of the continued massacres that are occurring on other lands and our own Americas. I have been learning about these important issues of Sacred Sites since the age of 12, upon receiving the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle and it's teachings. Our people have strived to protect Sacred Sites from the beginning of time. There needs to be an understanding in the concern of the protection of Sacred Sites that goes deeper than just the issue of Shrines built by humans. Our people have built similar objects and Shrines to identify and to remind the significance in the power of the Sacred Site. We have also witnessed them being destroyed for many decades, but we also realize it is what is underneath them that is important. These places have been violated for centuries and have brought us to this predicament that we are in concerning the unstable Global Level thus far. Look around you, our Mother Earth is very ill from these violations and we are at a brink of destroying a healthy and nurturing survival for generations to come, our children's children. Our ancestors have been trying to protect our Sacred Site from the continued violations called the Sacred Black Hills in SD, "Heart of Everything that is". Our ancestors never seen this site from a Satellite view, but now that those pictures are available with modern technology, we see that it is in the shape of a heart and when fast forwarded it looks like a heart pumping. The Dine have been protecting Big Mountain, calling it the liver and now that the coal is depleting, we are suffering and going to suffer more from the extraction of the coal and poison processes used in doing so. The Aborigines has warned of the contaminating effects on the Corral Reefs from Global Warming, which they see as Mother Earth's blood purifier, our sacred water is being polluted. The Indigenous people of the Rain Forest relay that the Rain Forest are the lungs and need protection and now we see the Brazilian Government approved the depletion of 50% of this Sacred Site. The Gwich'in Nation has an issue of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain, also known to the Gwich'in as 'Where the life begins!' The coastal plain is also the birthplace of many other life forms of Animal Nations. The death of these Animal Nations will destroy Indigenous Nations in this territory. As these destructive developments continue all over the world, we will witness many more extinct Animal, Plant and Human Nations, because of the misuse of power that mankind has made and their lack of understanding the "balance of life". The Indigenous people warn that these destructive developments will cause havoc globally. There are many, many more Indigenous awareness's and knowledge of Mother Earth's Sacred Sites, connections (Mother Earth's Charkas) to our spirit that will surely affect our future generations. These people are still suffering from this contamination and their livelihood is being destroyed as I write this to you. There needs to be a fast move toward other forms of energy that are safe for all Nations upon Mother Earth. We need to understand the whole picture in the type of minds that are continuing to destroy the spirit of our whole Global Community. Unless we do this, the powers of destruction will overwhelm us. Our Ancestors foretold that water would someday be for sale. Back then this was hard to believe, since the water was so plentiful, so pure, and so full of energy, nutrition and spirit. Today we have to buy pure water, and even then the nutritional minerals have been taken out; it's just empty liquid. Someday water will be like gold, too expensive to afford. Not everyone will have the right to drink safe water. We fail to appreciate and honor our Sacred Sites, ripping out the minerals and gifts that lay underneath them, as if Mother Earth were simply a resource, instead of the Source of Life itself. Attacking Nations and having to utilize more resources to carry out the destruction in the name of Peace and elimination is not the answer! We need to understand how all these decisions affects the Global Nation, we will not be immune to it's repercussions. To allow continual contamination of our food and land, is now affecting the way we think. A "disease of the mind" has set in World Leaders and many members of our Global Community, with their understanding that a solution of retaliation and destruction of peoples will bring Peace. In our Prophecies it is told that we are now at the Crossroads, either unite Spiritually as a Global Nation, or be faced with chaos, disasters, diseases and tears from our relatives eyes. In times of disasters it is sad to say, that it is the only time that we unite spiritually, but we must not taint it with anger and retaliation. We are the only species that is destroying the Source of life, meaning Mother Earth, in the name of power, mineral resources and ownership of land, using methods of chemicals and warfare that is becoming irreversible, as Mother Earth is becoming tired and can not sustain any more impacts of war. I ask you to join me on this endeavor. Our vision is for the Peoples of all continents, regardless of their beliefs in the Creator, to come together as one at their Sacred Sites at that sacred moment of what is known as the Summer Solstice of June 21st, to pray and meditate and commune with one another, thus promoting an energy shift to heal our Mother Earth and achieve a universal consciousness toward attaining Peace. As each day passes bringing us to this day of concentration together, I ask the Global Nations to begin a Global effort, in knowing that each and every one of us are making a daily effort in waking to a gratitude of another day, that is gifted to us and begin to remember to give thanks for the Sacred Food that has been also gifted to us by our Mother Earth, so the nutritional energy of medicine can be guided to heal our minds and spirits. This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the Great Myth of Progress and Development that ruled the last millennium. To us, as caretakers of the heart of Mother Earth, falls the responsibility of turning back the powers of destruction. We have come to a time and place of great urgency. The fate of future generations rests in our hands. We must understand the two ways we are free to follow, as we choose the positive way or the negative way.. the spiritual way or the material way. It's our own choice--each of ours and all of ours. You yourself are the one who must decide. You alone-and only you--can make this crucial choice. Whatever you decide is what you'll be, to walk in honor or to dishonor your relatives. You can't escape the consequences of your own decision. On your decision depends the fate of the entire World. You must decide. You can't avoid it. Each of us is put here in this time and this place to personally decide the future of humankind. Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger? Know that you yourself are essential to this World. Believe that! Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this World. Did you think you were put here for something less? In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no beginning and no ending! Mitakuye Oyasin, Chief Arvol Looking Horse1 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe WHITE BUFFALO TEACHINGS Hau Kola. Hello, friend. I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, greet you on behalf of the Pte Oyate - the Buffalo People, the First People, the Original People. We come from The Heart of Everything That Is - the sacred Paha Sapa - known to most as the Black Hills of South Dakota. We are the watchers. We are witnesses. We see what has gone before. We see what happens now, at this dangerous moment in human history. We see what's going to happen - what will surely happen - unless we come together: we - the Peoples of all Nations - to restore peace and harmony and balance to the Earth, our Mother. This new millennium will usher in an age of harmony - or it will bring the end of life as we know it. Starvation, war, and toxic waste have been the hallmark of the Great Myth of Progress and Development that ruled the last millennium. To us, as caretakers of the Heart of Mother Earth, falls the responsibility of turning back the powers of destruction. We have come to a time and place of great urgency. The fate of future generations rests in our hands. Excerpts from White Buffalo Teachings * * * When I was 12 years old, words of our ancient Prophecies were instilled in me by our Spiritual Elders of that time. Those Prophecies concern drastic changes that would come to all life upon Mother Earth. These changes are here with us today! Our Prophecies tell us that we are at the Crossroads. We face chaos, disaster, and endless tears from our relatives’ eyes - or we can unite spiritually in peace and harmony. It’s time to bring the Message of the urgent need for Peace, of creating an energy shift throughout the world. As Keeper of the Sacred C’anupa Bundle, I ask for your prayers for Global Healing. Our Mother Earth is suffering. Her wonderful gifts — the water, the trees, the air — are being abused. Her children — the two-legged, the four-legged, those that swim, crawl and fly — are being annihilated. We see such atrocities occurring everywhere. Nineteen generations ago the beautiful spirit we now refer to as Pte-san win-yan (White Buffalo Calf Woman) brought the Sacred C’anupa to our People. She taught the People the Seven Sacred Rites and how to walk upon Mother Earth in a sacred manner. She said, "Only the good shall see the Pipe…the bad shall not see it or touch it." She arrived among us in this way— At that time, not long after the Flood, the People still followed the buffalo, but they had forgotten the Creator and the teachings of the buffalo. They were trying to control one another, be more than who they were. The buffalo disappeared and the People were starving and crying. They grew too weak even to move camp, and so they sent out scouts to look for buffalo or other game. But always they returned empty-handed. Then one day they sent out two scouts, who saw not even a rabbit the whole day. Dejected, they started back to camp from their failed hunt, traveling through the woods and rolling hills, northeast of the sacred Black Hills, just up the river from where I live today..... We must comprehend in each of our hearts and minds the two ways we human beings are free to follow, as we choose: the good way, the spiritual way - or the un-natural way, the material way. It’s our personal choice, our personal decision - each of ours and all of ours. You, yourself, are the one who must decide. You alone can choose. Whatever you decide is what you’ll be - good or bad. You cannot escape the consequences of your own decision. On your decision — yes, on your own personal decision — depends the fate of the World. You can’t avoid it. You must decide. You personally - each of us personally - is put here in this time and this place to decide the future of humankind. Did you think you were put here for something less? Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger? Know that you are essential to this World. Believe that. Understand that. You yourself are desperately needed. This is the message that I carry to you as we stand at this Crossroads in history — I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, known also as Horse Man, Keeper of the Sacred C’anupa (pipe) brought to the Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation by the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman nineteen generations ago. Hau kola. I am honored to greet you. I honor your sacredness, your humanness. I ask you to honor mine. It is good that we meet. Yes, good. Wasté! Mitakuye Oyasin. When we say Mitakuye Oyasin — "All Our Relations" — many people don’t understand the meaning of those words. The phrase Mitakuye Oyasin has a bigger meaning than just our blood relatives. Yes, it’s true; we are all one human race. But the word Mitakuye means relations and Oyasin means more than family, more than a Nation, more than all of humankind. Everything that has a spirit. The Earth herself, Maka Unci, is our relation, and so is the sky - Grandfather Sky - and so is the Buffalo…and so are each of the two-leggeds, the four-leggeds, those that swim, those that fly, the root nation, and the crawling beings who share the world with us. Mitakuye Oyasin refers to the interconnectedness of all beings and all things. We are all interconnected. We are all One. Don’t call us "earth-based," as if we worship the Earth. We don’t worship her. We honor her. But to worship anyone, we, the Indigenous, will never do that. We humble ourselves to the sacred energy of all life knowing we are one. We stand up when we address the Creator, we bow down and touch the earth, to acknowledge and give thanks to our Mother. We see ourselves as part of the universe, part of all that is seen, and part of all that is unseen. We recognize that we are no better - and no worse - than the grasses, the trees, the birds, the insects, the animals, the stars. But we also understand that we humans are different. Each being of Creation has a unique role and place, and a specific task to perform. Our Original Instructions tell us what our role is, where our place is, and what our task is as human beings. Do you know your task? Unless you know it, and then perform it in this life, you have strayed from the Good Red Road that the Creator - Wakan Tanka - has given each of us to walk. Even those who don’t know how will pray or meditate. They will learn to contribute their energy. All people need to learn that within each of us, we have this ability and gift. Yes, our life energy must be a gift for our future. Your life, my life, everybody’s life must follow your given path. So pray or meditate. Follow your inner path and learn just how powerful you are and learn that you are a leader for your people, your family, your children, and the Mother Earth. What happens within us happens in the World. We are the Message of the World. As we are and as we do, So the World will be. When the people of all colors pray together with the Sacred C’anupa (pipe), or with any other sacred gifts given by the creator, even with just our natural spirit energy — without anger or resentment or prejudice — extremely powerful things can occur. When we do this with a good heart and in a sacred way we can - and will - change the world! When you begin to believe in the sacred way of life, you will begin to understand the importance of the sacred sites, knowing that they are a connection to Mother Earth. You will understand the traditions and the ability to see the prophecies that were passed down through the generations of Ancestors, who lived in harmony. They had seen what was in store for their seven generations to come (us), they prayed we would re-find the "key" to harmony in understanding the Spirit of the Circle of Life. It is then that you assist in bringing health, prosperity and balance back to Mother Earth. That is human sacrifice and spiritual growth. That is the way. We as the Buffalo People believe in this circle of life, where there is no ending and no beginning. The process of mending the sacred hoop continues..... Know that you yourself are essential to this world. Believe that. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the Soul of this World. Did you think you were put here for something less?......Chief Arvol Looking Horse
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by Mexica
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 3:50 AM
For the year [b]2100:[/b]
[b]190.33 million "Hispanics"[/b] (i.e. Mexicans and Central Americans)
[b]6.442 million "American Indians"[/b]
230.236 million Europeans
Extrapolating on that same data,
[B]by the year 2200:[/B]
[b]390 million "Hispanics"[/b] (i.e. Mexicans and Central Americans)
[b]10 million "American Indians"[/b]
290 million Europeans
Europeans will eventually go back to Europe.
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by Ixachilanka
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 5:02 AM
Brother Mexica;
These figures are a white man's fantasy, a fantasy of endless and unlimied empire. Earth cannot sustain such numbers, that is, the overall growth in human populations worldwide that they imply.
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by Mexica
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 2:32 PM
The only way it is a "white man's fantasy" is that we continually exceed expatations and arrive "ahead of schedule."
Don't worry 'Ixachilankah" (by the way, that word is NOT what our people called our continent. It is a recent invention in the style of Lord of the Rings. It is not a Nahuatl word. It does NOT show up in any codex source, whether it be Florentine Codex or Popul Vuh. )
We'll outnumber Europeans after this century whether you like it or not. You just keep smoking your "peace pipe" and "playing Indian" on the weekends.
We're doing this for real and for the long-term.
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by Ixachilanka
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 10:01 PM
Sure, the demographic trends show what you claim. But one would think that as a person concerned with Native tradition, you would have taken the time to recognize the realities of immenent ecological collapse, the realities of global warming, the potential collapse of agriculture, the extraordinary fragility of the dollar - and thus of the global economy, the predictions of wars over water and arable land, global, nuclear armed resource wars, and peak oil and the collapse of the "American way of life" attendant to a global economy fueled by carbon based energy.
I had hoped you might have paid attention to the prophecies of the Maya, the Hopi, the Kogi, the Six Nations, the Lakota, and others.
The empire you want to build will be an impossibility . The gold you want to take back won't buy water or land; it won't buy back the melting glaciers the ruined rivers, the arable lands turned to desert, nor the species of life that are becoming extinct at a rate unrivalled since the mass extinctions 60 million years ago.
We will, of course, fight as we need to fight, as our Peoples always have. No one has a corner on the market of understanding the genocidal and ecocidal nature of Western Civilization. There is not one and "only one" Mexica Movement (and that in no way detracts from or denies the important work you have done.)
The question of land title doesn't have to do wth empire building, it has to do with our natural role as caretakers of Mother Earth.
The most devastating oppression that has been visited upon us as a People is the destruction and deprivation of our function as caretakers of land and life, and it is this, first and foremost, that we must seek once more.
I will leave you then with these remarks from Martin Gashweseoma and John Trudell:
Hopi elder Martin Gashweseoma notes:
"Like the Hopi, original native peoples were placed across this continent, and given special instructions by a higher being. Each had special functions by which to hold life in balance, which they were still carrying out when the Europeans arrived. We know these foreigners once had similar spiritual means for promoting life, with which they were supposed to bless the native peoples. But they had apparently misused their power. Most of the native peoples were forcibly stripped of their culture, language and religious ceremonies, depriving them of their function as caretakers. Those that remain face imminent cultural extinction. Clearly these foreigners are not here to help, but to destroy everything the original people have left, and in doing so, destroy this world. The only hope for humanity lies in restoring true land title, which is inseparable from our function as caretakers of life."
John Trudell:
"We are a spirit, we are a natural part of the earth, and all of our ancestors, all of our relations who have gone to the spirit world, they are here with us. That's power. They will help us. They will help us to see if we are willing to look. We are not separated from them because there's no place to go -- we stay here. This is our place: the earth. This is our mother: we will not go away from our mother.
"And no matter what they ever do to us, no matter how they ever strike at us, we must never become reactionary. The one thing that has always bothered me about revolution, every time I have seen the revolutionary, is they have reacted out of hatred for the oppressor. We must do this for the love of our people.
No matter what they ever do to us, we must always act for the love of our people and the earth. We must not react out of hatred against those who have no sense."
"We must not become confused and deceived by their illusions. There is no such thing as military power; there is only military terrorism. There is no such thing as economic power; there is only economic exploitation. That is all that it is. They try to program our minds and fool us with these illusions so that we will believe that they hold the power in their hands but they do not.
All they know is how to act in a repressive, brutal way...Power...we are a natural part of the earth. We are an extension of the earth, we are not separate from it. We are a part of it. The earth is our mother. The earth is a spirit and we are an extension of that spirit. We are spirit. We are power. They want us to believe that we have to believe in them and depend upon them and we have to consume these consumer identities and these religious identities and these political identities and these racial identities. They want to separate us from our power. They want to separate us from who we are.
"Genocide is just an intellectual way of saying: murder, because we live in a so-called civilized industrialized world, and because this world is allegedly civilized and allegedly has laws, they can't go out and call an act of murder "murder" anymore, so they call it genocide to throw another illusion in our eyes."
"We want to be free of a value system that is being imposed on us. We do not want to participate in that value system. We don't want to change that value system. We want to remove it from our lives forever.
"We must never underestimate our enemy. Our enemy is committed against us twenty-four hours a day. They use one hundred percent of their effort to maintain their materialistic status quo. One hundred percent of their effort goes into deceiving us and manipulating us against each other. We have to devote our lives, we have to make our commitment, we have to follow a way of life that says we are going to resist that forever ... a resistance: something that we can pass on as strength to the coming generations." "A resistance where organizational egos don't get in the way. A resistance where individual egos do not get in the way. A resistance where the infiltrators and the provocateurs and the liars and the betrayers and the traitors, they do not get in the way ... a resistance of consciousness. This is our obligation to the earth. And only by fulfilling our obligation to the earth can we fulfill our obligations to the people.
"We must go beyond the arrogance of human rights. We must go beyond the ignorance of civil rights. We must step into the reality of natural rights because all of the natural world has a right to existence and we are only a small part of it. There can be no trade-off." ________________
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by Mexica
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 2:07 AM
Dear Ixachilankah,
My elder says you are wrong.
My elder says you are an intellectual masturbator.
My elder says you are a "koward" (spelled with a "k")
My elder says the SOS isn't worried about you because you are totally non-threatening to them (unlike the Mexica Movement.)
My elder says that NOBODY is actually worried by what you say.
My elder says you sound too much like a White New Ager.
My elder says you sound long on words, short on actions.
My elder says you worry about "copy-paste" words more than warrior actions.
My elder says you watched "Dances With Wolves" one too many times.
My elder says you are so busy playing the "humble Hollywod Indian" routine that you ignore the fact that all our peoples were warriors.
My elder says you're a "know it all" on the web browser, and a do-nothing-at-all on the battlefield.
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by canat
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 8:02 AM
there you have it, meksica is her own best enemy ... good entertainment here folks!
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by canat
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 8:06 AM
the only elders you got are just as loony as you lol you cannot even begin to comprehend what it means to be an ACTUAL INDIGENOUS PERSON
for real, its kind of sad (wipes tear, plays small violin for mexica)
yoiks !!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 12:12 PM
> Not all Europeans are racist and unjust.
Ah, thanks. I couldn't locate it since it was burried deeply in the race hate and didn't appear where it's more noticable.
Might I suggest that the web site get cleaned up, the colors made normal, the fonts made normal, and the main entry page broken up into several pages, and that "Not all Europeans are racist and unjust. " and other disclaimers get posted a little more frequently?
Otherwise visitors see what certainly looks like an endless spew of race hate against whites.
My opinions only an donly my opinions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 12:15 PM
> The Navajos are from China?
Yes. Maybe if you're going to amusingly proclaim the Navajo Nation came from Canada you should actually investigate what genetic research has to show about the movement of peoples from Asia and from Africa, and what "tell tale" codon sequencing along the maternal genetic line has to say about it.
Canada. I'm sorry but that's kind of funny.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 12:22 PM
> This land does not belong to Europeans. > It never did. It doesn't now.
What's not said is that the individual believes that the land belongs to Mexicans or to some other North American group of people.
No. Wrong. Stupidly wrong.
The land doesn't belong to anyone. The people belong to the land. Proclaiming ownership of the land is an absurdity, one that the white invaders brought with them, a concept that the Domestic Indian tribes didn't hold past battles instigated by incursions into very restricted geographic areas where other conflicts -- not "land-ownership" based -- existed.
The very notion that people can own the land... That's absurd.
It's funny. The Excaliber myth/legend tied the King to the Land, and the Sword to the King -- divine right handed down by the gods, backed up by goddess-driven might made the king a _steward_ of the land, not an _owner_. When the Sword was abused, lifted in tyranny, the land died.
What greater tyranny than to pretend that people own the land?
So you're wrong.
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by Mexica
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 12:40 PM
Even other
from Native American Professor Jack Forbes Enrolled member of the Rappahannock Tribe and Powhatan Confederation
"Mexicans form the largest Indian tribe or nation found in the United States today."
(quoted in "Aztecas del Norte: The Chicanos of Aztlan" ISBN# 449-00605-095)
from Leonard Peltier Oglala Sioux American Indian Movement and political prisoner
"So-called Latinos, of course, are what the white man calls INDIANS who live south of the Rio Grande...There are more than 200 million of us Indians right here in the Western Hemisphere."
(quoted from "Prison Writings: My Life Is My Sun Dance" by Leonard Peltier)
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by Ixachilanka
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 1:05 AM
Ask your elder what a warrior is. Here’s a set of characteristics I agree with:
A warrior is challenged to assume responsibility, practice humility, display the power of giving, and then center his or her life around a core of spirituality.
Ask your elder, then ask any person from an intact First Nation with intact traditions if this is something to agree with.
Now, we are done with one another.
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by Border Raven
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 9:28 AM
My elder says, he can beat up your elder.
My elder says, your elder is a false prophet.
My elder says, you are a fool to reach for unattainable goals, when there is so much to live for.
My elder laughs at you. hahahahaha
My elder pisses on your elder.
My elder defecates on your elder's writings.
My elder says you are misguided, but young enough to find your way, on your own.
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by canat
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 11:40 AM
L O L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aAAhhhhhhHHHHaaaaaaaaHAAA !! !!! !!!!
make-sika ( or make-fake-aH ) whtevr,
forbes is a quite a few cards short of a full deck if you know what I'm sayin > ; )
all his tripe is not helping your false claims
you'd be better off trying to prove carlos " the lying sack of shit, exploiter if indigenous culture" Casteneda's legitamacy.... L O L !!!!
thanks for the entertainment though......whooo! all my relations! c/s
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by Mexica
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 1:24 PM
The Mexica Movement does not promte this idea of "elders."
Our people in our majority came from cities, urban civilizations and did not have the tribal elder mechanism.
We had Venerables (priest-writers) who encoded and instrcuted knowledge from books.
In our experience, we have come across 28 year olds calling themselves elders. The Hollywood "Dances With Wolves" scenario of "oral tradition" is not in our urban traditions of Anahuac.
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by canat
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 1:43 PM
wow,, its hard to think that we have some this far as a PEOPLE Fighting, Surviving, Having good life, Struggling for OUR Cultures recognizing our worth as Indigenous Peoples Respecting our Tribal Elders, Always vigilant for the ENEMY
the enemy, is the one who steals the one who EXPLOITS the WEAK kills the inheritance of our tribes futures the one with no REGARD for the PEOPLE
a dog, and even saying that is an insult to DOGS, because a Dog is sacred, and lives as God has made him., no guile , no lieing. his appetite is honest.
BUT you, maksica,(singular, plural) are even worse than that. because besides your GREEDINESS you have no HONESTY. and you continue to seek the COLONIZATION of our SACRED ABORIGINAL LANDS.
All while stabbing the Indigenous survivors and For REAL NATIVES as you expoit and colonialize our CULTURES.
these things will not stand ,mexicva get real ...aho all my relations
real eyes ( me and other Indigenous Peoples) realize real LIES ( you and all your racism and expoitation of Indigenous Peoples)
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by Mexica
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 2:31 PM
I think your peace pipe is empty.
You'll have to ask the White man for permission to get up off your knees so you can go refill it.
Oh, and your copy of "Dances With Wolves" is due back at the video store. The said other White people are waiting to see it.
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by Ixtli
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 11:41 PM
"Mexica" is an abuser who ridicules and name calls those he disagrees with.
Mexica doesn't seem able to disagree with someone without hating them.
He's giving his group a realy bad name.
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by Mexica
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006 at 12:13 AM
Cry me a river, Ixtli.
If your feelings got hurt because I dealt with a vendido properly and served a White Racist a six-pack of Bitter Truth, then all I can recommend for your wounded Inner Child is some therapy.
You're young, I'm sure you'll get over it.
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by Ixtli
Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2006 at 1:48 AM
Listen to the hate in your tone, Mexica. You can only spew insults. You're no fun.
"Listen to the hate by Mexica Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 1:40 PM
Listen to the hate in your tone, Canat. You can only spew insults and no facts. You're no fun. .."
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by Watchale
Friday, Jan. 20, 2006 at 11:44 PM
The Uto Aztecan groups originated in what is now the US Southwest - all of them, Hopi, Azteca/ Mexica, Comanche, Tongva, Tarahumara, Yaqui, Pima, Papago, Shoshone, Paiute, Ute, etc etc etc and many more.
But you knew that.
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by Pachuco
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006 at 4:27 PM
Mexica, pardon my intrusion, but homie you're treading rocky ground.
Mexica excludes me, I'm a Huichol and you know how we feel about being called Mexica.
We are related under the Aztec-Tanoan language and DNA, but Mexica is only one branch of the entire continental nation.
You should mention this at your site.
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by Pachuco
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006 at 4:31 PM
You said canat meant Native in your tribes' language. What Tribe would that be, cus I couldn't find it in any native languages.
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by cat
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2006 at 5:37 PM
One of the lost tribes.
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by Pachuco
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 8:49 AM
Canat is a poser
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by Who
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 6:17 PM
Didn't people notice how divisive canat was? SOP First red flag.
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by observer
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 8:24 PM
Lupe Moreno's husband.
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 4:48 PM
That would be ok, but make sure they are not illegals, else you face aiding, abetting, and possibly transporting illegals.
It is totally up to you and yours, but you face a big fine and a long term in the Big House.
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by r.s.
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 5:32 PM
I know lots of Cheyenne, Navaho, Apache, and other AMERICAN Indians who would disagree that the ENTIRE CONTINENT belongs to the Mexica.
navajos and apaches are canadian indians.they came from their "aztlan" canada before migrating to the southwest.btw there are also mexican apaches.
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by canat
Thursday, Feb. 09, 2006 at 1:36 PM
small answers: canat is not meant to translate into any NATIVE LANGUAGE does not mean "native", although if it did mean anything that would be beside the point.
I did say search out subjects " CA NAT, canat, native, m'gwitch.." as what some Aboriginals view the subject.
Posers : mexica, poonchacho
I say that they are posers, fakes and frauds NOT because I disagree with anything they said , if I did or did not is not the point.
the reason I recognize them as such is because it is a FACT that they are FAKE in so much as they pose and preen over their fake ill-gotten claims to my INDIGENOUS CULTURES .. if you listen and consider for a moment the RHETORIC LIES and PROPAGANDA issued forth by the 'mexica movmnt" aztlaners and others who spout this type of drive, you will begin to see the AGENDAS of such fakes, frauds, RACISTS, and EXPLOITERS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE.
it is not because I agree or disagree with any one, IT is because I DAMN WELL KNOW MY INDIGENOUS CULTURE.
aho, all my relations. PS I have not met Lupe Moreno but I have the deepest admiration and respect for what she has done. It takes a lot of COURAGE to stand up to the RACISTS, FAKES and FRAUDS who comprimise the other side of the line the other side that have nothing but hatred for ALL AMERICANS. she has all my blessings and INDIAN PRAYERS as do all who fight the good fight against ignorance and hatred. fight on Lupe.
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by Xikano
Thursday, Feb. 09, 2006 at 3:16 PM
Canat, you say the same damn thing over and over and never back it up.
I don't think you _can_ back it up.
It is indisputable fact that the average Mexican is 80% native "blood."
It is indisputable fact that Mexico as a nation is named for one of it's central Native cultures- the Mexica.
It is an indisputable fact that colonized peoples have a right to decolonize themsleves, and to reject the culture of their conquerors while embracing their national - in this case native - roots.
It is an indisputable fact that Mexican and Xicano people who return to their roots are not riping off native cultures, but are returning to the cultural and historical and verifiable traditions of _their own nation(s)_. That's why people call themselves "Mexica, not "Apache" or the name of some other nation.
YOU have no right to deny other people their nationhood.
Now, that said, the SIx Nations, in their "Basic Call to Consciousness" draw a distinction between what they call "Natural World Peoples" who still live close to the Earth and in accord with Her cycles, and "Indigenous American Peoples" which they describe as "Nations of human beings living on the American continent at the time of the first contact with Western Civilization" but who may or may not retain the status of "Natural World Peoples."
The distinction is based on a way of life.
I really doubt your way of life, as you live it in the concrete, is that of a "Natural World Person."
Neither is mine - but I am trying to figure out how to get there, and I am not gloating about it.
I am part of a Xicanao-Indigenous group. We have Huichol, Purepecha, and Quechua people, among others, and those whose original nation has been lost.
YOU cannot tell us who we are.
If you want to talk land title, _that_ is not a problem. The First Nations who were in _any_ given Place have land title to that place.
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by canat
Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006 at 11:15 PM
what exactly are you saying? prove what?
YOU have NEVER EVER, come close to proving anything regarding your( mexica/aztlaner/xicano/mexican/spanish/Euro-Colonialist/ etc.etc.etc.) fantastical fantasy romanticized FALSE FAKE and Exploitive of NATIVE TRIBES; bull-ca-ca CLAIMS, about my INDIGENOUS CULTURES.
so what excactly is there , that anyone is supposed to to _ disprove_, when you have not, and still cannot, _prove_ anything in the FIRST place ?
Just being a chicano/Mexican/latino/hispanic then changeing your spelling with a few little "x"'s around is the basis for a culture?? (i.e "chicano > xicano meshica > mexica etc.etc.) is not a "baxis" for xlaiming a xulture
tieing yourselves slavishly to a artifical "language tree" AND then having the turds to THEN claim you fakers got ALL these tribes in your pocket like you actually had some or any support from ACTUAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES... sounds like EXPLOITATION to me...
your what is it now?? you fakes used to claim 50/50 and then you started to claim 90% "indian"
I guess now it's "80 %" and who knows what the FAKES will claim tommorow?
TYPICAL COLONIALIST MOVE claim a tribe that cannot defend itself OR claim if far enough away( locality-wise, chronologically, historically, cuturally, ETC.) so that NO ONE can OBJECT( to your exploitation of aforementioned culture)
you have no proof, you have no RIGHT you have no support in short, YOU have no CLAIM most especially to the here, now American Continants. and most especially not in the presence of REAL NATIVE PEOPLES
you may as well go back to your studies of " learning to speak Klingon" and carlos casteneda eyecrossing
Believe me, we INDIANs have seen your types before.....
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by r.s.
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2006 at 2:50 PM
<>Believe me, we INDIANs have seen your types before.....
you claim you're an indian.what is your tribe?
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by Pachuco
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 4:34 PM
This was posted by Canat: mexica by canat Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 at 5:56 PM
“…look up 'canat' 'ca nat' ' native american' 'native' …”
I looked it up and Canat is a French name whose meaning has been lost.
Since it sounds like Pachuco Caló word tenat (testis), I hearby give meaning to canat as “the missing testis.”
I don’t mean that a person is missing a testis, but the actual missing testis – as in, “Look I found the canat!” to mean “Look I found the missing testis!”
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by canat
Thursday, Mar. 09, 2006 at 9:51 AM
yes poonchoncho, it is quite obvious that you have lost your testicles, the question is if you even ever had any to begin with??
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by Pachuco
Friday, Mar. 10, 2006 at 3:02 PM
I was at the sweat lodge a couple of weeks ago and we were discussing people like you. The elder said that too much white blood runs in your veins and that is why you can't recognize a native because you think they should be pink like you.
I don't know what you look like and I told the elder that it was not wise to say that you were one of those guys that white society won't accept because of the little native blood in you. He said, that from what I have told him of what you have written, he knows exactly what you are - a Chindi.
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by canat
Saturday, Mar. 11, 2006 at 1:03 PM
LOL ! yeah poonchacho I can JUST imagine you sittin ina sweat with your "elder" LOL!
for that matter, I can just imagine what kind of HIPPIE sweat you was in, not that I have anything against hippies as a rule; but it SO suites you poonchocho, all your falseness lies and deception all this time you have posted here.
Man! you are truely a testament to your agenda! lie after lie after lie, and YOU still dig that f'n hole deeper and deeper with every utterance you are a liar living a lie, and thats ok, it just shows the world what WE NATIVE PEOPLES have to stand up to and confront at every turn
As I have said, " We Native People STILL face COLONIALISM on MANY FRONTS..." your false IDEOLOGY, pochocho, is here for all to see.... I thank you for that M'gwitch, ALL my Realtions!! whoooohooooo!!!!
Ps. I am not focused on SKIN COLOR like you, you RACIST SWINE. but if you must know I am darker that most of the Black Brothers and I place no importance on a persons skin color Peace out !!!
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by r.s.
Sunday, Mar. 12, 2006 at 10:26 PM
*Ps. I am not focused on SKIN COLOR like you, you RACIST SWINE. but if you must know I am darker that most of the Black Brothers
you claim you're a "native american".now you're darker than most of the black brothers?lmao!!
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by Pachuco
Monday, Mar. 13, 2006 at 12:02 PM
Canat, many peeps have asked you to identify your nation and you have failed to do so.
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by Fak Indian
Monday, Mar. 13, 2006 at 12:29 PM
Haven't you heard of the lost tribe? The nation of lost testicles. The cannot nation.
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by observer
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006 at 10:23 AM
is this the best you can do? downing people because of their SKIN COLOR,... hmmm asshole??
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by observer
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006 at 10:26 AM
is this the best you can do? downing people because of their SKIN COLOR,... hmmm asshole?? Or maybe you have never seen a real Indigenous person and only have liars like yourself to compare too.
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by Pachuco
Friday, Mar. 24, 2006 at 9:23 AM
FYI: The sweat lodge I go to is at the Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians Nation.
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by banat
Thursday, Mar. 30, 2006 at 12:47 PM
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by Maria
Thursday, Mar. 30, 2006 at 9:34 PM
I don't care much about the protest because I see how some people are acting. Making some of us look bad. If I only can count how many times I heard "You stole our land and the Indians where here first." WHO CARES!! The only thing I can say, for some reason God meant for the Pilgrims to land in America. I don't agree with HR4437 I think is inhuman but I don't agree that God's name is being remove from every thing either! God is the one that has flourish this country not just immigrants and why, because our founding fathers acknowledge God in everything they did. That's why U.S. is a great country! But remove God's name from everthing. You think that immigration is harming this country that's not even one part of the problem. Also, can we all just get along..
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by canat
Saturday, Apr. 01, 2006 at 10:24 AM
.............. lets all get along and sing a song about the oppression and the HATE you have demonstrated to here and now all'a yall demonworkers
sing a song about your spanish hate and create the mexican racist wank its not too late to realize all your lies and let your exploitation agendas float in swirls innna the toilet bowl of your racist colonial minds
the blood people NEVER forget the history the murders of our children your filthy diseases your constant ethnocidal ideations against the PEOPLE
your colonialism is un-hidden and made real we see it bleeding in the sacred sunlight of our Creator and we continue the fight against your colonialism (excuse me,...."kolonialism") and laugh at the imitators dumbass fakers
INdigenous forever we will not forget
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by Juanes!
Saturday, Apr. 15, 2006 at 11:52 PM
Why can't we all just get along! This is garbage!
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by Cholo
Saturday, Apr. 15, 2006 at 11:55 PM
YES! Lets act exactly like the Colonialists of Europe did! Arrogant, self-righteous, and blind to understanding others!
umm....who moved from Virginia.....his ancestors fled the potato famine in Ireland due to British policy and bad luck.... BUT DAMN HIM!
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by EZO-(means covered in blood)
Sunday, Jul. 30, 2006 at 12:36 AM
Its true we were here first and were always gonna be here. As a Mexica Member, I can safely say that we know what were talking about and this isn't something that were just coming up with now. The native americans in association with us have been saying the same thing for decades, bieng forced on reservations and us bieng forced out. And whats odd is that people have so much respect for them and none for us, even though it's the same exact movement. I saw a comment about it bieng GODs plan for the pilgrims and the spanish to come. YEAH im sure it was gods plan for Cortez a man who never commited a sin...well....except for killing his own wife, forcing natives into slavery, and creating a holocaust through out all of Mexica. As for the alleged MEXICAN who said that, Id like to take the time to directly call him a SELL OUT and a BRAIN WASHED insignificant human bieng who is caught between the white world and the Mexican world. If anyone has seen a show on adult swim called "The Boondocks" (great show) I would also like to say that he is the spitting image of a character on there by the name of RUCCUS. Now, the reason why I say all of that is because for one, I can tell that he is iggnorant to what really happened in 1492 when the "settlers" better yet "terrorist" came to our land. As for quoting GOD, I would like to say "Little boy if they never came, you wouldnt even know who Jesus is" "You would probably know as much about him as you know about Hindu gods which im guessing is very little if not none"
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by MadMaxim
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 6:22 PM
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by canat
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 6:50 PM
uh-hunh...... "as a member of mexica mvmt"... by definition .... ....... yawnnnn! try again culero
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by joachin solis
Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2007 at 11:53 AM
Why you want to lend support to the, some would argue, racist mexica movement .. which has many of the qualities of a relgious cult ?
You only harm the cause of sane voices which support latin americans and latin american immigrants.
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by YTC
Friday, Jun. 08, 2007 at 6:01 AM
Save Our State: the true face of hate.
Save Our State: EXPOSED!
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by A. Jackson
Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 9:49 AM
maroatoriumusa@hotmail.com 912-677-4444 90210
download PDF (165.6 kibibytes)
An immigration moratorium must be anacted and groups like the mexica movement jailed for treason and hung.
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by Craig Wilson
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2008 at 5:07 PM
electcraigwilson@gmail.com 213 798 5893 7728 Toland Ave LA
I am running for city council 11 because our present Sanctuary city policies lead to the deaths of Jamiel Shaw Jr and 14 yr old Cheryl Green. Both were killed for senseless reasons, just for being black. In San Francisco, another sanctuary city, Mrs Danielle Bologna lost her husband and 2 sons to a known illegal alien gangster from El Salvador. He shot them with an AK 47 rifle over a minor traffic jam. All 5 victims above were killed by known illegal alien gangsters. In Los Angeles, near MacArthur Park, a female tamale vendor was beat up by gangs for not giving her money to them. She wrote an article about her life in Los Angeles Magazine recently. She is illegally here also, so the thugs know she will not call the police. Plus, she will be killed if she is a witness at trial. A 16 yr old hispanic girl was killed so she wouldn't testify at a trial against gangs. A Man tamale vendor at 6th and Bonnie Brae was shot dead by gangs for not giving the money. The bullet went through him and into 23 day old Luis Garcia, who is dead also. If Elected, I will put before the council Jamiel's law which says simply" LAPD can and will and must turn over to ICEany info on or any person known tobe illegally here AND is a gang member.' The police know who is a gangster or not. The police have no desire to arrest just any boy or man wearing baggy pants. The police know who is bad. No mother in LA wants her daughter raped by a gangster. No sane parent in LA wants their child killed by known illegal alien gangsters. This is not about Race. It is about evil. Catholics know about Good and Evil. All good people know there is good and evil in this world. Please help me to fight these gangs. I cannot do a Paul Kersey, a Death Wish Movie, Charles Bronson style. I can only use my brain and words and desire to be on the council to fight these gangs and killers. Craig Wilson LA
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by Tiemoko Kouyaté
Thursday, Jan. 01, 2009 at 6:38 PM
Damn, Craig Wilson is really crazy, but in a way his is exactly the kind of personality that the whole above argument encourages and re-creates. Aside from the passages copied from the elders, there are really no actual VALUES expressed in people's comments other than "my culture is good and I will protect it." That's fine but when do we talk about WHAT is good about our cultures (and I mean ALL of them) that can re-make the world? Unless that is not the goal here...I generally get the feeling this discussion is dominated by a bunch of young men who fantasize about war--in this case race war--which is really probably the main source of misery on this planet since day one of human civilizations. C'mon people, can't we see racism and colonialism in a context other than one that simply essentializes CULTURE? What about all the other exploitative social relationships built into a system that PROFITS FROM OUR DIVISIONS? Do we want justice, kindness and world peace or do we want "blood and soil" posturing, autarky and hatred?
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