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by phuk minutemen
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006 at 9:42 PM
activist arrested while protesting at costa omesa police // anti-immigrant policies, many minutemen present at protest. gather at costa mesa jail to demand release of organizer // arrestee // companero
see aboveactivist arrested while protesting at costa omesa police // anti-immigrant policies, many minutemen present at protest. gather at costa mesa jail to demand release of organizer // arrestee // compane
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by Border Raven
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006 at 10:01 PM
The email I got telling me about the Costa Mesa CC MTG:
Subject: Support Costa Mesa Mayor - Tues Jan 3, from 4 - 6 pm/ Lake Forest 7 pm Date: 1/1/2006 5:41:11 PM Pacific Standard Time
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006 at 10:29 PM
Channel 9 news is about to run a report on TV after the comercials right now.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006 at 10:35 PM
Okay, Channel 9 just showed their coverage. Lots of quick video clips with narration. Footage of Coyotl being led away from the council room by police. Some protest signs. I got some pictures, I'll post them when I type up a report. They showed Coyotl speaking, but identified him by another name. But I won't mention the name, even though it was on Channel 9 news.
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by Wasthere
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006 at 11:14 PM
 dsc01901.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Coyotl Tezcalipoca attempted to have his group stand and disrupt the meeting. The mayor asked him to cease, he refused, police moved in, he resisted, they took him our by force. Members of his group attempted to stop the arrest, they were stopped. Patriots began singing "God Bless America". People tried to leave the chambers but were almost knocked down by police running in. Helicopters move in overhead with police running in to the meeting.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006 at 11:27 PM
That photo above was posted earlier on the SOS board. It was him. I'm typing up my report. I'll edit some photos and post those. I have some video and audio clips I'd like to share too.
While waiting for the release of Coyotl, which I'm not sure has happened yet as of right now 11:28pm, some were concerned about what I'd post. Don't worry, I'm not getting personal. Just documenting the events on hand.
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by witness
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 4:08 AM
Coyotl was released at around 12:30 AM, early Jan. 4th. He is doing okay. He is on his feet and please believe that he will not be intimidated by what has happened. More news to come.
Thank you to our friends and supporters on Indymedia, to everyone who has written, called, text messaged, joined us in the wee hours, I just want folks to know he is okay. Please continue to check the news (this site and others, radio, TV, word on the street) for updates as his fight and this larger struggle we are ALL engaged in continues.
Hasta la victoria. Siempre adelante.
Love, respect, and revolution,
your witness
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 4:19 AM
Thanks for the update.
I'm posting my report, including audio of his speech.
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by Quizling
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 8:10 AM
It's in the air. Breathe deep, the scent of desperation. Sweet sweat of the agitated classes. Bind us with your false assumptions. Daily chants from the Mexica Nation heightens the media circus. The Barker, the clown and all those that may be found. Lying to the crowd as the circus is back in town.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 2:17 PM
While calling for peoplep to stand up in the council room may be counter to the rules in there, personally I don't think it was that big a deal in general. Keep in mind I mean that in general and I'm not a member of the group of protesters in general. I was largely unsuccessful in keeping myself clearly isolated, partially by my choice to speak with people.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 6:11 PM
Whoooooa hey easy with the choice of words there.
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by OC
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 7:24 PM
Nice threat!! That post has been cut and pasted in an email to Mayor Monsoon, the Costa Mesa Police Department, The Orange County Sheriffs Department . From there I am sure it will be sent to the FBI and who knows the Secret Service. Keep it up Humberto.....
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by Nice Threat
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 7:34 PM
That post has been forwarded to Mayor Monsson, Costa Mesa PD and Orange County Sheriff. Next stop, FBI!!!!
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 8:17 PM
Now you got the DHS, CIA, FBI, and the rest of the "Letter People", going nuts.
You'd better go see your dentist and have your teeth whitened, then see your stylist and get a new hair style, stop by K-mart, so you can by some new threads, and wash your car, because you are going to be the focus of every camera, telescopic lens, and satellite.
The Letter people, have probably already copied the harddrives of LA Indy, and the home office of Indy, in Perth, are being searched.
Way to go.
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by John Paul Jones
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 10:01 PM
"Love, respect, and revolution,"
When is the revolution going to start? We are ready and waiting for it. Just remember who won the first American revolution, and Mexican-American War I.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jan. 05, 2006 at 10:35 PM
http://www.dailypilot.com/front/story/34426p-50764c.html# Here's an article about the arrest. I spoke to a reporter from the Daily Pilot there so I know one was there.
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