Snoop Dogg spoke at the memorial services for Stan Tookie Williams. The services were held in Los Angeles at the Bethel AME Church. Snoop spoke softly and read a very moving poem he had written for Tookie Williams.
" I have none" Thoughts on his death. Heart breaking yet instructive. It was humiliation in painful doses. He was a resistance figure without a political agenda and these murders upon which he died were linked to this potential leader with tainted evidence and justice and compromised testimony. The state had an agenda in his execution and we've seen the well weasel greased campaign this news wire has received, in amounts of vicious racist posts and advocation for 'justice' replete with crafted poster art . Wailing with feigned outrage over the deaths of minority victims they never stood up for in their life previously. Stamping the same chant we heard going into the other major blunders of state power with the same psyops techniques of their repetitious posts in order to provide manufactured 'public' consensus. Team work was evident in this perception management assault ( yes, assault, like in the park ) as these 'killer teams of weasels attempted to smear this subject of Tookie on this forum. Much labor involved was involved in this campaign. But other than expend any more of your time, dear reader, I would like to say this about my impression of the interview. He was self admitted incorrigible years into the system. If indeed he was set up, understandable, and the circumstances of this trial can still be investigated and should be held for public vindication if such exists.
Personally I feel that it was rushed with a suspicious political agenda.
Tookie locked in a cage and he raged for years. That was until until they broke him in solitary after year after year of something all of us should think about. The authority to imprison. What was done to Tookie could be done for any black leader they find it necessary to neutralize. Mostly I believe the execution of Tookie was counter productive if the purpose of law is to prevent crime. I personally believe that law is crafted to promote crime. Now that prison industry shares are doing such swell returns, as contracts provide the 'assault' at domestic labor ( like in the park again ) by undercutting manufacturing . As for Tookie. Mostly he died, I believe, is because he could lead others. And he was defusing the required background of violence needed to justify the repression the state is gearing up for. I would still be interested in the results of any further investigation or court transcripts. If the trial he wanted was denied by the state, the people can step up to the plate to resolve in his death if injustice was committed. This is where the thousands who viewed his body to show respect could carry his memory. It's for all of us or any of us.
the evidence against tookie was not at all flimsy or weak. it was pretty well airtight. Certainly damning enough to stand up to numerous apppeals over the years including the inane 9th circuit.
And his execution was hardly rushed. Society waited 24 years. His time came up and their was simply no reason to keep him around.
His "works" and "redemption" mean nothing if he couldn't even accept responsibility for his four murders.
Allowing him to live witjhout any remorse from him for the four murders he clearly committed would have been a heinous travesty.
the evidence against tookie was not at all flimsy or weak. [which means that indeed it was, not only weak but non existent unless you count the word of cops and snitches; because fresca can't come up with any reasonable one ] it was pretty well airtight [ like screen doors in a submarine]. Certainly [ not even remotely] damning enough to stand up to numerous [ how many through new discovery eh?] apppeals [ or even the light of day, for that matter ] over the years including the inane [ we hold these 'liberal' judges in contempt even when they rule, for instance, separate but equal clauses, but never mind that ] 9th circuit.
And his execution was hardly [ nothing fast enough for fresca unless it's torture ] rushed. Society waited 24 years. His time came up and their[ there goddamnit, learn to understand the differences between 'your' and 'you're' 'know' 'and 'no', 'their' and 'there and they're! ] was simply no reason to keep him around.
His "works" and "redemption" mean nothing if he couldn't even accept responsibility for his four murders.[ like maybe someone like fresca was the judge huh? And I'd say fuck off also. 'Cause with fresca as a judge I'd be guilty before the trial. began where I did it or not. ]
Allowing him to live witjhout any remorse from him for the four murders he clearly [ this in frescaese means clear as mud] committed would have been a heinous travesty.[ translated into common tongue from demon script means a possible retrial costing far less than the last election which accomplished nothing seeking justice and light of day to say nothing of a life]. Yet the drum beat went on and on. fresca adding its sanctimonious vomit to the mix. What else is new?
by Lord have mercy
Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005 at 3:12 AM
That didn't take long. [ less than an hour!]
Just a couple of hours [ can't count either ] and already another [ typical resort to insults without counter argument again ] dimwitted defense of tookie.
You can simply deny everything that's been [ no no no, that's what your posts are doing ] said [,] but the facts [ like lack of material evidence ] remain.
he was guilty. [ like duh1 that's what I keep repeating cause repetition means everything even when it means nothing ]
The evidence [ this is always the funny part of this tragic episode because there wasn't any real evidence ] proved [ the trial was a farce with perjured testimony ,lying cops and agenda driven courts ] it [,] (ballistics and numerous [ extorted ] testimonies).
The evidence held up time [no use pointing out this 'evidence because it would reveal to analysis, to be worthless ] and time again.
There was [ lies of course as they refused to entertain any new evidence ]no new evidence to ever admit.
He's dead. [ but the question remains to his followers ]
End [ you wish ] of story.
Society [ we know the kind of murderous society that is; as your frequent posts attest. ] won this time.
wesley cook is [ a vampire is never filled; it always needs more ] next.
" The evidence [ this is always the funny part of this tragic episode because there wasn't any real evidence ] proved [ the trial was a farce with perjured testimony ,lying cops and agenda driven courts"
Of course it was. It always is when a court convicts a Black guy of murder. That's the left's answer and rebuttal to every conviction.
Well, feel free and try and prove this typical conspiracy theory of yours.
The fact is that, all this handwringing and bemoaning of tookie's justice is going on inside a very small vacuum. The real world and the society that ultimately has already forgotten about this guy looks inside your fishbowl, if they think of you at all, and laugh at your utter foolishness and fruitlessness.
The real world does not see tookie as the martyr of "the struggle". They see him as a guy who committed four heinous murders, was convicted and finally paid his debt. His kid's books may or may not have helped people, who knows? His unwillingness to accept responsibility for his crimes is unforgivable.
So, keep rallying around yet another scumbag who you on the left just love to lionize. he rest of us will just keep laughing at you until we bore of it and forget.
I found it interesting that one of the people to whom Stan dedicated his book, Dhoruba bin Wahad, a political prisoner framed by the FBI, and released after evidence verifying his alibi was released by the FBI, didn't come to Stan's defense. Bin Wahad suggested that the trials were unfair, because they were not undertaken by his own peers, in his own community... who presumably would have punished him for being a street thug.
That bin Wahad could write that says something about who is looking up to whom.
Tookie Williams is a symptom of the police frame up and assasination projects that put Assata Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, bin Wahad, Bunchie Carter, Fred Hampton, and others in jail or six feet under. If these leaders were operating in the ghettos, youth like Tookie would have found an outlet for their anger, and an analysis of their condition.
These leaders were taken out because they were threatening the top of the power structure. Once eliminated, the anger and violence turned away from threatening the elite, and back to threatening the local petit bourgeois. These local petit bourgeois were, in the 1970s and onward, other people of color, who, themselves were experiencing racism from above. (Prior to then, they were a mix of ethnic whites [again, who faced discrimination from the WASPs] and some people of color.)
This violence between the poor and the barely-middle-class was ignored by the elite. If anything, the elite were happy that they were no longer feeling heat directly from the poor. They were probably happy that nobody was voting, or demonstrating, or doing anything except selling drugs, shooting each other up, and killing some immigrants.
Don't even get into the CIA drug stuff, or the gangsters who become Republicans, or the fact that they like it when immigrants start to hate Black people, or anything else like that. Just the basic reality of the situation is bad enough.
This is utter nonsense. Of course he isn't. You're concept of the mainstream, johnk, is very curious. Most people outside of CA don't even know who the hell he is and of those who do, most agreed that he should be executed.
He's only a hero and martyr to a very fringe element who routinely and predictably makes heroes of scunmbags like cook, tookie and other assorted "oppressed" murderers of color.
The mainstream has all but forgotten about this guy already.
That bin Wahad could write that says something about who is looking up to whom.
"Tookie Williams is a symptom of the police frame up and assasination projects that put Assata Shakur, Geronimo Pratt, bin Wahad, Bunchie Carter, Fred Hampton, and others in jail or six feet under. If these leaders were operating in the ghettos, youth like Tookie would have found an outlet for their anger, and an analysis of their condition."
Bullshit. These "leaders" that you trot out feed on and fuel the anger of people like tookie. Well actually, in tookies case he was simply a defective machine. Just a heinous monster. No amount of guidance, even from like minded ghetto scumbags would have changed him.
Sometimes, johnk, these people are simply miswired. tookie was obviously one of them.