He said opposition to the war is now mainstream, that the Bush Administration is on the verge of collapse, and called on those breaking the law on orders of Bush and the Pentagon to refuse to do so further. We are winning the antiwar struggle, he said, let’s keep organizing.
I’ve heard Ron speak many times. This is is one of his most impassioned speeches ever.
Link to MP3 (8:39, 2.97 MB)
ANSWER fucking sucks, but indeed, the soldiers should disobey their commanding officers as Ron Kovic asked. We shouldn't be passive either.
Again, the anit-democratic nature of the far left is there for all to see. The House voted 403-3 to stay the course.
Also, ANSWER is a DPRK front organization.
They should begin cleaning out their desks. Avoid the rush.
Since when does the House speak for us anyways?