Please go to the Death Penalty Focus "What You Can Do" moratorium webpage ( ) to help pass the moratorium!
Some of the actions that are explained there are:
1. Sign the moratorium petition
2. Print and circulate the petition. Post copies at places of worship, on campuses, and on bulletin boards.
3. Get your organization, congregation, or group to pass a moratorium resolution and encourage other groups to do so.
4. Organize an event! Host a speaker, show a film, or organize a public action to raise the voice and visibility of Californians for a Moratorium on Executions (CME).
Please get iinvolved today!
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You can sign all the petitions you want. It means nothing. The law will change in one of two ways: the Dems will pass it in the Legislature, where it will be vetoed by Arnold. Even if he signed it, the people would put it back on the ballot and vote it back in. Two thirds of Californians support it, so you don't have a chance. If you think you do, go ahead and try to put it on the ballot and watch go down in flames.
It was because of the will of the people the death penalty is on the books, too damn bad your side is the minority on the issue. Is it not enought that the liberal wet nannies have bloated the system to the point that death row inmates are dying of old age denying the arrival of swift justice for the victims of crime.