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by a
Monday, Dec. 05, 2005 at 10:56 PM
Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools & Axis of Justice present: REFLECTION. RESISTANE. RESPONSE. Hosted by Jerry Quickley of Beneath the Surface
 338770226_l.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x750
with musical guests.. Colectivo Error Excessive Acts Hijos De La Tierra Stacey Lisa Disrott plus bands from Lynwood & Montebello High FRI DEC 16TH , 4-10PM @ Space Art Gallery in Highland Park 106 South Avenue 58, LA, CA. 90042 323.257.7969 questions? Contact, ashley@militaryfreeschools.org 626.799.9118
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2005 at 7:49 PM
Stopping the US military from recruiting volunteers, on highschool and college campuses, will only hasten the return of the non-voluntary DRAFT.
As long as the military has enough voluntary enlistments and commissions of officers, then there is no need to restart the Selective Service.
BTW -- Stopping military recruiting on campus, does not end the requirement for eligible males to register for the draft.
Warning! If the DRAFT ever starts up again, and you don't have a degree, join the Navy or Coast Guard. Don't worry if you fail basic training. But , regret you missed a good job opportunity and great benefits. (30-days paid vacation annually for as long as you want.)
If you have any kind of a degree, join the Air Force. At least try to get in. They may have an Army-style basic training, and a lof of academics, but their overseas bases offer the best in amenities.
At any rate do a 2- year stint, in the military to get some training, in chemical warfare, and all of the vaccinations, medical and dental freebies you can get. Oh, and have a baby for free too.
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by Tramp
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2005 at 8:45 PM
I agree Border Raven, but you're speaking to a crowd that hates the military (... or do they 'support the troops'...?) so unfortunately your sage advice will only be spit on.
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by former Infantry
Friday, Dec. 09, 2005 at 2:57 AM
At least the ones who live to enjoy them.
Here's a benefit alot of Vets enjoy Holding a sign that says Homeless Hungry Need help. I'm sure you've seen them.
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by support the troops: bring them home NOW
Friday, Dec. 09, 2005 at 9:13 AM
The war is a lie. Anyone with a brain knows that now. The draft would swell the ranks of the anti-war movement with youth. Bring back the draft and watch peaceful protests turn into riots.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Dec. 09, 2005 at 11:09 AM
I don't hate the military and the idea of having one. Of course not. But because of the war in Iraq, I would recomend not joining the military at this time.
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by johnk
Friday, Dec. 09, 2005 at 8:45 PM
Military recruitment tends to target minorities. A draft is more fair, because wealthier people are supposed to go, too.
In schools in low-income neighborhoods, there are Junior ROTC offices and classes right on the campus. At the same time, the No Child Left Behind law is pressuring these same schools to drop Advanced Placement college prep classes (so they can focus resources on raising the average test score).
The message is simple: go die for the country that screws you over.
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by BorderRaven
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 at 8:14 PM
It only takes serving in the military for 180 days, to earn the title of "veteran", and be able to claim such on a cardboard sign, begging for a handout.
I'll wager most "veterans" have served from 2 to 6 years of active duty, a smaller number served to 10 years, but a greater number served to 20 years and beyond.
Benefits are proprotional to length of service.
Funeral contribution, a flag, National Cemetery plot, etc.
You earn 60 hours of vacation time per month and can keep up to 2,160 hours on the books.
You get free medical and dental coverage for youself, and your dependents while overseas, but pay a small co-payment, here in the USA.
Pay and allowances allowing an nice lifestyle an apartment off post.
Veteran's Administration guaranteed home loan.
Also some states provide veterans benefits.
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 at 8:41 PM
An anti-war movement, would motivate draft dodgers, to leave the country, thus creating a vacuum of labor, which we would fill with guess who?
So forget about returning.
Ending the wars (remember Iraq and Afghanistan are two separate operations), would bring home many combat-weary veterans who would walk the gauntlets of anti-war protesters, who would spit in their faces, motivating those vets to become police officers, in your town, and Border Patrol agents.
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 at 8:52 PM
You want to join the military during war, because they have money. Peace time military sucks.
If you have a college degree, join and try to become an officer. Be a leader.
Join the Air Force and go to a base in Asia or Europe.
Join the Navy and go to an aicraft squadron or a small boat division, or a big aircraft carrier, or hope to go to Okinawa, Japan.
Coast Guard?
Avoid Army or Marines, leave these for the draftees.
If you are a Concientious Objector, then go to the Selective Service website and explore CO options.
Whatever, get in now, while you can control where you want to go, because if drafted or caught dodging the draft, they'll put you where you definately do not want to go. Trust me, I joind the Navy back during the Vietnam war, the war ended a few months later.
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by Christina
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005 at 10:39 PM
The Army has begun calling my daughter regarding recuritment . She is not even sixteen years old yet!!!! They had her on the phone for thirty minutes asking her questions such as could she make it through boot camp. Once I found out who it was I took the phone away and told them NOT MY DAUGHTER!!!! She is only in the tenth grade and the Army is already looking to sign her up. I have went to her high school to request that no information be given to any of the armed forces about her or my younger daughter who is in ninth grade. I know the Army already has her info so I am looking to change my number, not that it will help I am sure!
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by johnk
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2005 at 10:46 PM
If she tells them she opposes the military actions in Iraq, they'll stop calling.
When they were trying to recruit me, I was all interested in stuff going on in Central America, with the coke and guns and death squads. So I said I wasn't that interested because of those things, and they stopped calling. They probably put me on a list or something too.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Dec. 16, 2005 at 12:31 AM
At the local college, a recruiter or some military person was talking to me about what I wanted to do, I guess as a career. When I told him that I'm a ballet dancer, he stopped talking to me. Didn't say a word after that. :- )
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by RP
Saturday, Dec. 24, 2005 at 4:39 AM
I've been participating in two or more anti-war demonstrations per week for three years. Initially, most of the veterans who I encountered were hostile. However, in the last year, the overwheling majority of veterans I've talked to--veterans from every conflict fom WW II to the present--have complimented us and thanked us.
Last Xmas, one Vietnam vet treated our vigil to drinks. He said that during the Vietnam conflict, anti-war demonstrations raised the morale of troops who thought the stated mission was a sham and emboldened them to refuse orders.
In recent months, several veterans have even participated in our vigils.
Yes, there definitely are military people who hate us and believe we're demoralizing the troops in Iraq. However, it should be clear to anyone who's enlisting that not every conflict is going to be a popular one. The troops cannot be DICTATING our foreign policy.
As for my opinion of the military itself, I would like to see it evolve into something resembling the military in Venezuela, where troops are trained to defend the country, but they also perform tasks in the community, such as building shelters for the poor and fighting fires.
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