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by Tony
Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005 at 6:34 PM
wcwlays@yahoo.com (213) 804-9670
Two Los Angeles organizers for The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime! took the stage against fascist David Horowitz at last Friday's reactionary "Liberty Film Festival" in West Hollywood, were jumped by right-wing thugs!!!
Intro: David Horowitz: Author, Former 1960s Radical Turned Rightwing Bully Quoted in From "Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks—and Racist Too," by David Horowitz, FrontPageMagazine.com, Jan. 3, 2001: “What about the debt blacks owe to America—to white America—for liberating them from slavery? This may not seem like a serious question to some, but that only reveals their ignorance of the history of slavery and its fate.” Conservative, My Ass...These People Are Nazis! The showdown: David Horowitz, right-wing bully and Bush Regime operative, made an appearance at a film festival in West Hollywood to introduce a film and to speak about his "Academic Bill of Rights." A group of World Can't Wait! organizers from here in LA went determined to disrupt and shut this fascist down. We approached this with the orientation that this was analogous to a KKK grand wizard coming to town to speak in the lynching belt of the US south, and that this monster must not be allowed to speak. We had to make sure his unwelcome was known. Two of us were able to walk into the theater free of charge, by pure chance. We sat right up front and had to endure about 20 minutes of the most nauseating commentary, film trailers and award-giving for virulently reactionary, despicable films such as one that honored that great enemy of humanity, Reagan (it opened with a mushroom cloud, literally!). One of the vile dogs sitting next to us kept leering at us and feverishly clapping, noticing that we weren't showing any love. I was worried this storm-trooper might try to thwart our actions. Finally, Horowitz stepped on stage. He began by talking about the success his "Academic Bill of Rights" campaign is having across the country, including by passing legislation and attacking progressive professors. We jumped up out of our seats and onto the stage and shouted that we were there to put a stop to all that. We declared that "Fascists have no right to speak! Horowitz and the whole Bush Regime must be Driven Out! Horowitz is a bigot who wants to end ethnic studies and all critical thought on the campuses!" We stood our ground as long as we could until we were assaulted by some of the henchmen in the audience. They literally threw me off the stage and tackled me to the ground and into the first row of seats. My companion received the same treatment. We continued agitating and they strong-armed us out of the theater and shut the doors, dragging us into the lobby and guarding the door as security came up. The reactionary watch-dog sitting next to us followed behind the brawl shouting, "I knew those two were dangerous!" We replied that the real danger was the NAZI RALLY going on in that theater. In the lobby, security pleaded with us to leave and said the pigs were on the way. We told them they should be kicking out the fascists occupying the theater! As people continued to come into the theater (having to be re-routed since we were agitating in the front) we advised people to work on their goose-step and put up their Nazi salute for Horowitz and the Bush Regime. All too appropriately, one Horowitz fan responded to this by giving us the US military salute! We were definitely outnumbered and, with no prospect of media coverage or mass participation, decided to leave the building before the sherriffs arrived. We had managed to disrupt and denounce Horowitz-- and put him on notice that he and his whole brownshirt movement will be resisted and defeated as a decisive part of ushering in the END OF THE BUSH REGIME and everything they represent. Because, truly, the WORLD CAN'T WAIT! Tony World Can't Wait! LA Youth & Student Organizer (213) 804-9670 | wcwlays@yahoo.com worldcantwait.org ****************** Disruption Causes a Stir in Fascist Blogosphere ** Last night, my new short film Brainwashing 201: The Second Semester was shown at the Liberty Film Festival in LA. The film was introduced by academic freedom fighter David Horowitz, whose speech was interrupted by two protesters who ran on stage screaming, "Fascists have no right to speak." The irony of that statement from the people trying to shut Horowitz up seemed to be lost on the protesters, but it served as a perfect illustration of the intellectual thuggery covered in the film that followed. The protesters were quickly whisked off stage and out of the theater in a fashion that was far more gentle than they deserved. **Liberty Film Festival, 2:Friday night really had three stars: Even Coyne Maloney, the genius behind Brain Terminal and On the Fence Films; David Horowitz, the force of nature who started Front Page Magazine and the Study for Popular Culture; and Horowitz's hecklers, who stormed the stage the moment he began speaking, and had to be forcibly removed from the stage—and then the room. Where, BTW, did Jason Apuzzo learn to tackle like that? These hecklers—one man and one woman—were enormous, like two big slabs of left-wing beef. And Horowitz is a small man; I'm glad Apuzzo and a few other volunteers from the audience (law enforcement? barflies?) kept them from getting near Horowitz as they continued to shout "you have no right to speak!" I guess they aren't too happy with Horowitz' stance on the Bill of Academic Rights. Once we all knew these left-droids were being taken care of, most of us simply started laughing at them. Maloney started changing "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye" as the hecklers were "escorted" (forced, kicking and screaming) out of the room. ***As David Horowitz began to introduce Maloney's film, two audience members rushed onto the stage and ran towards him threateningly, shouting, "You have no right to speak!" They were quickly surrounded and escorted out of the hall. An audience member was heard to ask, "Who were they?" Quipped Horowitz, "They're called Communists." When Maloney took the stage, he commented, "David was up here exercising his right to free speech, and they literally said, 'You have no right to speak.' .... That's not uncommon on college campuses."
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by Silas S.
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 4:42 AM
Here is one of the great lefty mantras in a nutshell. Anyone who does not think or believe as thay do, such as David Horowitz, who used to play on their team and knows how they think, has NO RIGHT TO SPEAK. Sorry, folks, this is still America, and the First Amendment is still in force. And what do you suppose would have happened to someone who jumped up on the stage to disrupt an intellectual like Cindy Sheehan? Whatever it would be, I guarantee that as they were being dragged out, they wouldn't be yelling that she has no right to speak. Only "progressives" think anyone who disagrees with them hasn't got that right.
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by Steve
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 5:16 AM
You must understand that the Left doesn't care about free speech. It believes that only it's views should be heard, and anyone who disagrees must be silenced. This is the method Stalinists have used for decades. Up here in Berkeley, we see it all the time. Speakers of whom the Left disapprove are shouted down, harassed, and physically assaulted. Fortunately, we now have people who are fighting back with lawsuits and restraining orders. It's really a shame that we have to resort to lawyers and police to guarantee free speech. Stay vigilant. The Left is dying, and it's going to be an ugly death.
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by @
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 8:38 AM
freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to be ignorant and racist. David Horowitz is a disgusting racist who frequently characterizes any dissent against Israeli policy and occupation as anti-semetic. anyone who is a racist and starts a right wing propaganda website like frontpage mag which has nothing but disinformation needs to be called out .
i only resent that it wasn't me who was there disrupting him
right on y'all!
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by Steve
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 10:01 AM
Actually, that's EXACTLY what it means. If you don't like what he says, then stay away, stay outside, picket, write a letter, whatever. But you have NO right to shut him down. He has as much right to speak as YOU do, even though I would imagine there's a lot more people who agree with him than with you. You really need to 1. get out more, and 2. read a Civics textbook. I realize that you man not understand free speech since they no longer teach these things in publik skools.
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by Orca
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 12:15 PM
Leftists resort to physical force to silence dissent because Leftists, Mexicans, and Blacks are too dumb to debate. Because they're too dumb and lack confidence in their ability to defend or advocate their positions with speech, they resort to "disruption" of those who are more intelligent and more articulate than they.
You just keep it up! Whites are growing increasingly restive and impatient with your viciousness and will deal with you if you dont' learn some manners.
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by @
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 1:49 PM
keep on crying fascist -your time will come
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by Hex
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 at 3:34 PM
Liberal academics in the crosshairs
David Horowitz, the head of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, and the conservative women at the Washington, DC-based Independent Women's Forum are focusing their homeland security operations on a much more specific target -- liberal academics.
Horowitz and the IWF have been cranking out advertisements and placing them in a number of student newspapers across the country encouraging conservative students to scan their campuses for so-called anti-American academics...
...Horowitz's campus jihads could not take place without well-stuffed coffers. His first post-conversion project, which he co-directed with Peter Collier, was called "Second Thoughts." Between January 1986 and January 1990, this project raised $950,000. As president of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, he has profited even more handsomely: According to MediaTranparency.org, between 1989 and 2002, Horowitz's outfits received 115 grants accounting for more than $12,700,000. Right-wing philanthropic partners include the Allegheny Foundation, Castle Rock Foundation (the Coors Family), the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Scaife Family Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Olin Foundation. (FIRE is funded by the same folks)
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by Steve is a dumb ass
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 5:02 AM
David Horowitz and his kind hide behind free speech. The first they would do if they got power would be to take away free speech.
The protesters did not protest Horowitz for speaking. They protested him for what he was saying. And that is free speech in action. The response was that they were thrown out. If it was an open free speech forum then they would have been allow to speak. So there is no free speech when David Horowitz is speaking.
Steve you are a jerk.
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by Hex
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 5:24 AM
Horowitz not only suppresses free speech while hiding behind it himself, he's funded by BIG MONEY doing it - he's a front
The issue of protected hate speech is a slippery one - while yelling fire is generally considered beyond the limit, Horowitz pushes the envelope, then his fans use the reaction as a club to beat down the opposition.
Much like yelling fire then hitting the people running out of the theatre for reacting to it..
Horowitz's whole agenda centers on denying free speech to Professors - again with big money backing him - and he's jumped on the immigration bandwagon to boost his sagging popularity, so suddenly he's a hero to our new SOS guests hanging out here..
A "wanted" poster for a Professor posted all over campus
Gee that sounds a lot like Megan's which these very people *raised hell about* here
the word hypocrite comes to mind
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by 4th Reich at our doorstep
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 9:48 AM
This dangerous individual Horowitz is the modern day version of National Socialist (Nazi) propaganda minister Goebbels of Hitler's regime in Germany. The vile hate Horowitz spews is responsible for the continued deaths of Palestinians, Iraqis, and even US soldiers (now above 2000). Propaganda is a powerful tool recognized by the Nazis, it was the only way they could convince the German people to be subservient to the criminal Nazi regime under the charismatic reign of Hitler. This same fascist mentality, dictator charisma and corporate media spinsters like Bill O'Reilly of FOX news are the main reasons US people haven't stormed the White House and demanded an international war crimes tribunal of the criminal Bush regime. If people really knew what their government was doing, the outrage of US people would be beyond belief. That is why the corporate media and fascist propaganda prostitutes like Horowitz are given free reign with their hate speech. Their hatred keeps people oppressed and divided against each other so the Bush regime remains in power. Teach people the truth behind the petrochemical complex being the reason for the invasion of Iraq and Zionist mythology (AIPAC influences on government decisions) and the Bush regime collapses like a house of cards. Thank you to all the people who disrupted the Horowitz hate speech and attempted to restore the balance in favor of reality..
As far as censorship goes, people are attempting to restore the balance in favor of non-corporate values. We are already outnumbered and outshouted by Klear Khannel Korporation monopolizing the people's airwaves and Nazi thugs like Horowitz who are harrassing free speech on campus yet given venues to spread hate and deceit. If a few people in the crowd challenge Horowitz's hate speech, this hardly qualifies as censorship. Just listen to am talk radio to hear the same tripe hatred Horowitz spews on a daily basis with a few commercial interludes..
"BUY MORE CORPORATE CRAP" they say. Nothing news here..
luna moth
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by fresca
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 1:47 PM
" The protesters did not protest Horowitz for speaking. They protested him for what he was saying."
I know you think you've made a very profound statement, but you must realize by now what an assinine comment that was.
Protested him "for what he was saying" ala, trying to shut him up.
No typical closeminded leftwing censorship there, huh?
The left has a virtual stranglehold on college campuses. That's all fine and good. Kids grow up and grow out of their youthful silliness. But to get all upset because a miniscule backlash seems to have sprung up is simply ridiculous.
The left's stock in trade is censorship and intolerance masquerading as some sort of righteous sensitivity.
The left in this country today is possibly the most hypocritical subculture we've ever seen.
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by Tramp
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 2:20 PM
This is the face of the New Left... The tyranny of the offended, Generation Projection. The New Left projects its own psychological disorders onto others and then blames them for the existenece of these disorders. For example, they call Horowitz a "fascist". So what do they do? They attack him and try to shut him up... which is exactly what happens under a fascist government (ie: Cuba).
The New Left calls people who disagree with them "racists". Yet it is the Left who CONSTANTLY refers to people on the basis of which race group they belong to. It is the Left who demands preferential treatment based on race (ie: Affirmative Action). And yet they will tell you to your face that they're pathalogical obsession with race is healthy.
The Left blubbers day and night about "open debate" and "dissent". But when someone dissents from their view... why, they're a fascist! Open debate means "hashing over ideas with people who already agree with me". The New Left is NOT about 'dissent' and 'open debate'. It's about self esteem, comfort zones and the redefinition of terms.
The New Left is the social manifestation of a youth culture that hates itself.
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by Hex
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 2:32 PM
 look_a_new_one__not.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x100
you didn't see me defend the action
but dirt is useful to show where they're coming from - to show it's hate speech
personally like you I value freedom of speech too much to even object to yelling "fire !"
it would seem almost scary to agree with you on a point but it's largely coincidental
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by fresca
Thursday, Oct. 27, 2005 at 8:19 PM
You, uh, realize now that you've stooped to copying and pasting actual posts that you yourself previously copy and pasted.
Do you literally not have a single original thought ?
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by Sarah
Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 at 7:02 AM
...this monster must not be allowed to speak...
The only people who are afraid of free speech -- even "hate" speech -- are those who have no ideas of their own.
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by the bottom line
Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005 at 10:12 AM
Please, enough of the white liberal whining. Its already been said that Whore-no witz has no ideas. He's just spewing the same reactionary, fascist, racist blather that the Nazis who murdered his ancestors in Europe used to spew (how ironic, but indicative of all the crack this moron must have smoked when the CIA brainwashed him in the late seventies). But Amerikkka has shifted so far to the right that people think free speech is the freedom to call someone an "N-word" and insult the history of blacks, mexicans, and progressive whites. Gee, I guess those Nazis in Toledo, Ohio who represent a legacy of hanging blacks from trees, burning churchs, murdering over a million jews in Europe, attacking gays and lesbians--wow, don't we call these people terrorists nowardays. Oh, except these terrorists are protected by the state. Gee, I guess by the retarded logic of Whore-witz and and ilk, Al Qaeda should be allowed to have speaking engagements in the U.S.
Hats of to the people who disrupted Whore-witzs speech. They should have just kicked his ass.
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005 at 10:17 AM
"Al Qaeda should be allowed to have speaking engagements in the U.S. " I thought that's what Operation MOCKINGBIRD was all about; CIA assets in the public media.
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by well said
Sunday, Oct. 30, 2005 at 10:36 AM
Very well said indeed. Perhaps it needs capitalization.
The Tyranny of the Offended
Yep, that's them, alright. Thin skinned racists. If the "people of color" shit isn't preferential racism against whites, what is?
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