As you drive through the streets of Los Angeles, you may notice a few posters of George Bush drowning in a flood of skulls and other debris. These posters, titled “Patriot Inaction,” serve to remind the public of the Bush administration and its handling of hurricane Katrina victims.
Putting up a few thousand posters in the middle of the night involves coordinated effort. The master planner was no other than the poster’s designer, Robbie Conal. Joined with a hundred or so of his fans on Friday night at Canter’s deli, Conal gave instructions on how to put up posters in visible places and avoid getting arrested while doing so. Ideally a postering team has three members: someone to spread the glue, another to attach the poster, and a “getaway” driver. Conal’s crew distributed gallon containers of glue, large paintbrushes, and posters in bundles of 25.
For more information about Robbie Conal's and his work, go to
I have seen them posted everwhere. They are beutiful.