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by Lal
Sunday, Sep. 25, 2005 at 8:46 PM
Cops singled out anti-racist protestors for harassment while nazis were left unscathed. Below are some pictures of the incident, along with some others. The car belongs to SOS leader Joe Turn, not the license plate number.
 12345.jpg, image/jpeg, 470x488
See picture comments below for updates
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by Lal
Sunday, Sep. 25, 2005 at 8:46 PM
 license.joe.jpg, image/jpeg, 227x167
CA License # 4CLA636
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by Lal
Sunday, Sep. 25, 2005 at 8:46 PM
 arrest.jpg, image/jpeg, 355x433
The cops told this protestor his car was stolen, he furnished proof of ownership, then the cops said the car was not registered, the protestor showed them the current registration, then they said his tags were stolen. They then proceded to tell him he was illegally carrying weapons, (keys on a carabiner).
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by Lal
Sunday, Sep. 25, 2005 at 8:46 PM
 big.jpg, image/jpeg, 119x188
This guy was extremely aggressive and explicit in his white supremacist views.
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by Lal
Sunday, Sep. 25, 2005 at 8:46 PM
 wedding-demo_081.jpg, image/jpeg, 1944x2592
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by PD Proby
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 12:50 PM
So American guarding our own border is RACIST? Why does Mexico guard it's border? Because they are racist.
This anti-American shit is going to backfire on your fucking Mexico loving ass! You watch.
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by felix el gato
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 3:12 PM
The american solution is liberty. real americans believe that liberty solves social problems, or did this idea get thrown out the window when the soviet union fell? suddenly were building our own berlin walls. but insted of spliting up germany we split up azalan. I say victory to all that desire liberty! and defeate to all villans who wish to wipe it from this earth. save our state ha! that sounds like a stalinist slogan if i ever heard one! mark twain once said "loyalty to your country allways and loyalty to your government when it diserves it" Im loyal to my country to the land i was born on cascadia azalan the great planes apalacia i love all of the americas. the sos and minnute men are trators to our country.
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by and the nazis are . . .
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 4:51 PM
 2nazitags.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x703
Just as the Laguna Beach rally was ending, the neo-Nazis showed up. Don't know if they came to escort SOS out, start a fight, or if they just overslept, but here are their license tags.
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by Mary
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 5:40 PM
Would the author like to state the significance of posting license plate numbers?
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by Garbage Pale Kid
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 6:38 PM
It seemed as though the Pot Lady stole your show. She took center stage and couldn't be dragged off, just as the guys with the Nazi flags, could not be dragged off of SOS's ealier protest rally either. You see, freedom of expression on public property works both ways. http://static.flickr.com/25/46183038_776d96139e.jpg The cholo seen in the pictrue with Pot Lady, stole focus from your stance in favor of the day labor hiring center, and focused on me, when I sat down. I noticed you had seating on your side, but noone hassled anyone sitting on the bench. Your bigotry and harrasement of an overweight person, is indicative of your lack of sensitivity towards the humanity in everyone. Shame on you. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE VICTIMS OF THE SYSTEM! The young adults, on your side, resorted to name calling, a sure sign that they had lost the argument. I noticed they all (10 of them) dropped their signs in the dirt, and walked off. The migrants seeking work are not the full problem, but an indication there is a problem. If they stand all day and don't get hired there is not enough jobs, and an overcapacity of labor. If they had immigrated legally, they would have legal documents authorizing them to seek work through legitimate employers, and earn a fair wage, but their choice to violate the laws, and immigrate illegally, sucked them into a situation of victimization, and working under the table. I have to ask, is the Day Labor Hiring Center open to everyone? I challenged one of the young adult guys on your side to get a job there, but he refused my $150 bet "that he could not get a job there." Either he don't want to stoop so low to get a job or the DLH is only for illegal immigrants from Mexico. Maybe I should have "bet him $100, that he could get a job, at $35 for the day, and put in a full day of work, for the contractor." So, Jake got arrested, eh? How is he doing? What happened Jake, talk about it. Hi Jesse Diaz, Jr. How is the wife? It must have been a long drive from Riverside, as you came a bit late.
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by Hellfire USA
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 7:47 PM
I applaud the local police for confronting the Mexican Supremacists who so desperately want to destroy every last vestige of Anglo society. Die scum!
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by joey t.
Monday, Sep. 26, 2005 at 11:40 PM
info@saveourstate.org coming soon coming soon
 joe.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
I was at the protest and have footage of Joe Turner calling two of the day laborers "dirty spics" as he was talking to the other SOS member pictured above (another unapologetic fascist).
Joe Turner is a Klansman in disguise and nobody should be fooled by his so-called all american fratboy image that the media portrays. We have credible info that Joe Turner is a stay at home dad who is known to spout his white supremacist garbage around the home to his kid. He was seen in his hometown of Ventura with his little kid who was wearing a shirt that said "California is not Mexico...GO BACK!" This guy is a nut. Attached is a picture of Turner, get a good look.
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by AyatollahGondola
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 5:48 AM
Offer the proof or it's all such libelous statements. The only one spreading a disparaging label was you. So what if he's a stay at home dad. That would be a good thing in my neighborhood. Why would you view that in a negative way? And who the hell are you to be spying on someones kids anyway....Some sort of thrill for you to keep tabs on the famous? Or is it the children that you like watching?
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by Don Silva
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 11:10 AM
You guys are in love with the frat boy good looks I guess! Amazing!
Also, you all quite behind the times. Joey has a job, and unless you have a camera inside of his house, how do you know what his alledged child is wearing?
Coming form those that cover their faces in fear, then post pictures of other peoples lic. plate #'s, I find all your rants to be a lot of hot air. Even that vile goon SOS=NAZI's did not show to beat me down. Oh, in case you missed it on the other related thead, here is what my youngest has to say to you about your rants against my wife that even indymedia was smart enuff to delete in the last day or so...

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by Maskedcoward
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 2:40 PM
Scared of Joe Turner? Ashamed to be seen with Jesse Diaz?
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Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 2:43 PM
than the Masked Cowards of Indy Media. LOL Too funny LOL Best Laugh I have had all day. Thanks Don!
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by Thanksabunch
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 2:44 PM
A BIG thanks to IndyMedia from SOS.
As you know, the SOS goal is to shut down the Laguna Beach Slave Labor Site for the day and we are not sure we could have done it with you! All those masked men on your side, looking like they ready for a car jacking or to knock or to knock off a liquor store scared off the Laguna Beach Neocons and meant that only two slaves were exploited that day!
Shame on racist Neocons, for exploiting the desperate migrants who have to work for less than minimum wage with no benefits, so Neocons can drive their gas guzzling SUVs and Jaguars around Laguna Beach.
Shame on them for watching and feeling their White Power as the migrants clamor around their $80,000 cars, each begging for some meager under the table income for performing tasks they distain as beneath them.
Shame on them for handing out sandwiches from the trunks of their cars, tossing them as if feeding dogs, bemused by their gratitude, relieving their quilt for laying off employees last week to increase their stock price and personal wealth.
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by anon
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 3:05 PM
You can not get personal information from it. EVEN if you "know someone"
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by anonagaing
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 3:07 PM
white socks and black sneakers. major fashion crime in the OC
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Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 3:12 PM
I am Sir Robin of Camelot.
I have come here with the brave Knights,of Camelot, Sir Joe of Turner, The Brave, who fought the Battles of Balwin Park, and Sir BlackCats the Chaste and The Don Of Silva, the Almost As Chaste as Sir BlackCats.
We have travelled far and wide, from the Mythical Kingdom of Camelot, seeking the Mythical Kingdom of Azlan.
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by cazamigrante
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 6:35 PM
If you all had the balls, you'd show your faces and let everyone know who you really are. Instead, you are all a bunch of chickenshit racists spewing your hate for anyone that isn't a brown left-wing liberal.
You don't see any of the SOS or MM with masks, and you sure don't hear them chanting anti-American slogans like your side does. If you hate America so much, I'm sure that your uncle Fidel down in Cuba would welcome you with open arms.
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by LOL
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 6:41 PM
They dont show their ugly faces because:
A. They're pussies B. They are really ugly!!
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by Joe Sucks
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 7:14 PM
Hey SOS goons, your own website postes the license plate numbers of anti-racists protestors first, go look for yourself before you talk your dumb shit. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5035&st=40
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by Mike Mason
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 8:06 PM
Have to wonder why these guys hide their faces....could it be they are terrorist....or just corwards
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by Hiding
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 8:10 PM
Don't you hide your face when you are doing something you are ashamed of?
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by Don Silva
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 8:55 PM
More like, "stop SCARING our children" !
This guy took the worst dressed prize hands down.
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by We Smash Back
Tuesday, Sep. 27, 2005 at 10:28 PM
Zero for three. SOS are losing and they know it. The day laborers stood their ground along with anti-racist demonstrators. SOS' numbers are quickly dwindling. The police harassment of anti-racists is growing however.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2005 at 4:17 AM
> police harassment of anti-racists is growing
the reason is to have a balance of power to maintain the conflict - keep us busy at eachother's throats so we have no time or energy to tackle the real source of the problem
If SOS/MM numbers fall too low the police will probably show up themselves disguised as SOS/MM members - functioning as more overt agent provocateurs insted of merely providing support for it like they already do now
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by AyatollahGondola
Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2005 at 5:51 AM
You bet Hex,
It won't be quite as shallow as you mentioned since the powers behind the illegal immigration scheme, and the NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA one that drive one countries people into another, are quite well practiced at subtrafuge. But while we want to make and enforce rules that apply to everyone, the global manipulators want to ignore them all, and convince as many people as possible that to make the whole world work properly, you have to expand the conflict to a regional level rather than a local one. There is no reason whatsoever that we cannot solve the problems as several countries rather than one giant conglomerate group where the voices of reason will be drowned out by those with the loudest drum or the most powerful media. We already have delegates on all sides of this issue. The infrastructure of representation is in place. We also were working our way through the minions of political opportunists and hacks that do end up in positions that affect the issue. But to scrap all of that in favor of an ever expansive regional governing body where a trinational boundary is recognized instead of several smaller ones, is going to set any hopes and gains made in the last 50 years, back 100 or more years. Just look around and see the evidence that bigger is not necessarily better. It certainly is not more representative. Bigger newspapers = no local coverage of pressing issues Bigger television companies = less access by local groups or small company advertisement Bigger oil companies = needs no elaboration eh? Bigger agribusiness = ditto Bigger government = has never been more representative, has it?
But yes Hex, the intent is to keep us off balance and as separated as possible. But they intend on accomplishing that goal right now by "joining" us.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2005 at 7:02 AM
the local police are only an example - the tip of the iceberg
I don't even bother to go into the details most of the time on here as even simplistic short attention-span quips seem to escape notice plus I'm busy here and don't have much time. Only mornings and late night tired & sleepy after work excepting 1 or 2 days off per week..
> Bigger television companies = less access by local groups or small company advertisement
I directly work to remedy this by operating a pirate radio station. Just sold another transmitter at a loss (I spent more money on the parts then I sold it for, included a free voice processing preamped microphone and antenna) to a local person who intends to use it to aire dirt on the local city officials - something no local station has the balls to do..
I stand way back from these issues and see a different perspective on many things - from where I'm standing there's not much difference between the 2 sides. Or more precisely the difference between me and either side is greater than the differences between them.
The group I'm in is "marginalized within the already marginalized" so to some extent I see the people involved in much the same way as the progressive movement see's society as a whole..
In this context the only light we see at the end of the tunnel is in dropping our squabbling points and building on that common goal we all share in our journey towards it.
The motivation to do so is short-circuited by people on both sides who lack the vision to see past thier own personal agendas and reach out toward this only true path of action that will ever lead us out of the tunnel
For they are too busy having fun with the power structure the way it is - the comfortible polluting lifestyle where one merely drives a car somewhere and screams, then drives home having filled a personal need to "do thier part" in a tiny closed elitist feel good group where people, personalities and living standards are never threatened or changed.
Most people are like this in virtually all social groups - only the labels change.
In this perspective they all appear the same to me..
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Wednesday, Sep. 28, 2005 at 11:35 AM
"Gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak gwak ..."
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by The Garbage Pail Kid
Thursday, Sep. 29, 2005 at 4:25 PM
They wear the masks, because they are ugly and have low self-esteem. Proud people don't wear masks or hide in shame.
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by SOS = nazis and ignorant so-called americans
Friday, Sep. 30, 2005 at 6:54 AM
Shame that they have to share the country with fat-ass consuming vampires like you, no doubt.
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by Hex
Friday, Sep. 30, 2005 at 7:27 AM
I would be fat if I didn't stick to a strict diet and exercise regularly..
Many overweight people are genetically programmed to carry the weight they do and dropping pounds is a real struggle (I'm on a < 1,000 calorie per day diet and exercise 3 to 5 days a week and work a physically demanding job and STILL have a bit of a spare tire/love handles I'm trying to get rid of)
I tend to like overweight people more than extremely thin people personally - they remind me too much of skeletons when you hug them - I always think "put some meat on those bones !" but I come from a fat family so I'm kind of biased I guess..
As to masks and ugly - not true, just another mean poke at people whom the person has nothing better to say about. Beauty is in the eye - I think most of the protesters are nice looking myself and actually it's the SOS'ers who are rather nasty looking - cheetos warriors - but again that's not really important, it's what's on the INSIDE - what you stand for, how you *help other people not hurt them* that matters.
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