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by El Chivo
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 8:10 PM
Linkage with Save Our State to National Vanguard
 img_0187.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by El Chivo
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 8:10 PM
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by El Chivo
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 8:10 PM
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by El Chivo
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 8:10 PM
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by El Chivo
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 8:10 PM
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by El Chivo
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 8:10 PM
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by observer
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 10:15 PM
Notice in the foto second from the bottom Joe Turner is framed by Nazi and Amerikkan flags.
Good work.
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by Chop Chop
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 10:33 PM
That's Joe Turner, standing directly behind the skinhead with the nazi flag.
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by Hex
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 12:42 AM
does anyone know what that white flag with what appears to be a bear on it means ?
also joe is walking not standing at the instant that picture was taken, but other pictures show him hanging out with them..
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 12:43 AM
That's the State flag of California......
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by Sam
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 12:47 AM
Does anyone know what flag it is with the red and white stripes and the blue square with white stars on it?
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by Hex
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 1:20 AM
I'm over 1,000 miles away from there how would I know - I thought it might be another WN flag or something
The flag with the stars & stripes is the united snakes of america I think
I'm not much into symbolism so it could mean anything the holder wishes it to mean I suppose
the people holding them there appear to think it means they have some genetic or god-given right to oppress and exclude others who actually were there before they were but didn't have flags but totem poles perhaps..
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by Caught LYING Again
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 2:29 AM
Once again, Indy Media distorts and lies about the reality of what happened. The nazi a-holes showed up uninvited and attempted to hijack the efforts of SOS, who promptly left once these idiots stood behind us.
You can spin and distort the issue all you want - SOS and these nazi vermin are different entities. The nazis are little more than parasitic pests trying to advance their own hateful agenda and they used SOS to try and do it. It wont work. You can deal with these nazis as you see fit. We still consider YOU illegal alien-loving,socialist riff-raff the primary enemy of this country.
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Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 3:17 AM
the infamous cross-eyed, inbred hillbilly CAT PATROL from SOS is the Nazi-lover holding the George Bush poster amongst his Aryan brothers in the following pic. It proves he's working with the "4th Reich" click..... http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/img_0187.jpg
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by Hex
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 3:33 AM
> illegal alien-loving > Nazi-lover
I see signs of an orgy - maybe
> inbred hillbilly
gee people call me that sometimes (just because of where I live)
and I'm Indian..
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by Anti-SOS
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 4:29 AM
"Caught LYING Again" should be asking why the nazis chose to wave their flags on the SOS side of the street and not the other side.
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by Laguna Raza
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 9:26 AM
Man, don't these geniuses watch history channel? Or A&E, didn't they learn what giant LOSERS the nazis turned out to be? Well, I guess there are the freaks and hopeless cases in the world and this is them.
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by MAru
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 9:41 AM
SOS and NV are bonehead racist!
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by johnk
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 10:57 AM
>>>You can spin and distort the issue all you want - SOS and these nazi vermin are different entities. The nazis are little more than parasitic pests trying to advance their own hateful agenda and they used SOS to try and do it. It wont work. You can deal with these nazis as you see fit. We still consider YOU illegal alien-loving,socialist riff-raff the primary enemy of this country.
No, it's *your* job to keep the Nazis away from your events. They *are* using the SOS as an organziing tool.
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by Caught LYING Again
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 7:44 PM
No, its not our job to keep the Nazis away. Fact is, they've already been told to keep away and they don't. Go look at the SOS website where they are clearly condemned by us. Whether you like it or not, the Nazis and other White Supremacist groups do in face have constitutional rights as we all do and they are using our efforts to promote themselves. They are not exactly happy with us either as they're bitter about us telling them we don't want to associate them with us. Out of spite, they took up a position directly behind us to smear us. At that point, we disbanded and the rally ended.
I don't expect integrity from any of you here so I am not looking for it. I post here to ensure that at least some vestige of truth is displayed for the benefit of outsiders who wander in.
And you do know that when the Nazi vermin saw the Indy Media vermin advancing toward them, they began to initiate a march to head you off and it was clear to the police they were prepared for a fight, which honestly would have been quite funny to watch. Nazis fighting Communists! Just like in WW2! For your sake the cops intervened.
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by Caught TELLING the Truth
Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 8:06 PM
Caught LYING Again writes:
> No, its not our job to keep the Nazis away. > Fact is, they've already been told to keep > away and they don't.
The Nazis don't stay away from SOS events because the leaders of that group quietly keep encouraging them to come to their functions as long as they don't flaunt their white supremacist views in public.
If that Nazis aren't wanted, why is Don Silva, a top spokesperson for SOS, taking family photographs with them?
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by Really Surprised
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 3:14 AM
If it was, he's really decided to come out.
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by Hex
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 3:20 AM
then feel free to post dozens of pictures of SOS standing all by themselves WITHOUT nazi's around or next to or behind or HOLDING THE SOS BANNERS AND CARDS.
Since you are sooo sure of your facts you'll have no trouble coughing them up-
It's going to be funny seeing SOS at future protests running away as soon as the nazi's show up - which they ALWAYS DO
Whether in bed with nazis for public exposure or running and hiding preventing any recruitment - either way your cause is sunk..
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by Hex
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 3:33 AM
 nazisos.jpg, image/jpeg, 689x497
gee I wonder what those SOS posters are ^
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Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 6:56 AM
I suppose if I print my own California Drivers Licence and substitute my name with someone else's that makes me whoever I choose to be too...
If thats too complicated for you to follow, try this...
If i put on a rubber mask, depicting Che, Fidel, or Stalin... that means Im a good Communist too. (ACK!)
or imagine if you will...
A faded picture of FDR, Churchill, and Stalin-- because they were photographed together, can you assume that by their association, that they were all communists? Fascists? Sons of Liberty? Golf buddies?
What of images of Arafat, chairman of the PLO shaking hands with Rabin, The Prime Minister of Israel in 1993? Was Arafat really a friend of the head of the state of Israel? Were they chummy? Best buds?
Your selective photography proves nothing.
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 7:27 AM
all it proves is that a whole bunch of nazis attend SOS rallies...
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Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 8:08 AM
"all it proves is that a whole bunch of nazis attend SOS rallies..."
Almost true.
All it proves is that some nazis *follow* the SOS rallies...
Dont worry, we will get you straightened out yet.
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 8:47 AM
I'm not sure what this word-game proves but maybe you could read the following definitions and elucidate a little about what you were trying to say: Attend: To be present at or to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result. Follow: To come or go after; proceed behind or to accept the guidance, command, or leadership of. The nazis attend SOS rallies, it's plain and simple. And they bring printed signs and banners with the words save our state . org at the bottom and hold the banner with SOS members and talk about how SOS love's them on their message boards... http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/133017.php
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by Hex
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 1:32 PM
Nazis SELECT to be standing with SOS
SOS SELECT to be standing with them
Nazis SELECT to hold SOS banners and posters
SOS SELECT to be photographed with nazis
Nazis SELECT to link to SOS's website
SOS SELECT to chit-chat with them
Where's theres smoke theres fire
SOS is the smoke and nazis are the fire
People of SOS are standing so close to the fire if nazis were actual fire you would be getting burned from the heat
Come to think of it - you ARE
If SOS and nazis can be seen UP CLOSE in the same frames over & over, at protest after protest no amount of whitewash or word games is going erase that burning image from the public's mind
Let's not forget a few threads back and in fact even above in this very thread SOS can be seen DEFENDING them
No one else tries to defend them, no one else SELECTS to stand with them - you won't be taking pictures of social justice protesters STANDING WITH NAZIS or NAZIS HOLDING OUR PROTEST SIGNS
And from the looks of it you won't be showing pictures of SOS standing alone without nazis "within spitting distance" either like Joe promises but the really funny part is even if true the result will be SOS & NAZIS duking it out for "sidewalk space"
Those will be some nice pictures but since SOS people are weenies they'll just run away ?
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by Carolann
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 6:36 PM
You know it's funny, here we are a group of white people proud of our ancestry and afriad for the future of our country and from the begining we are branded as nazis. Because we are young and some of us are a little to exited we have no real politcal stance?? We show up because we need as many people as possible out there trying to make a difference. It's okay for brown pride but not White Pride. You can label us all you want, you can say we're scum, but we are growing, and we will be at every event, rally, protest, gathering of any kind, and we will be proud!!!!
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by Hex
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 7:55 PM
there seems to be some confusion about pride
with nazis that means hate toward other races and even people of the same race who are simply against race hate
that's "white pride"
whereas with brown/black/red/yellow pride it simply means while proud of our own race we accept and like other races too (multiculturalism) that the land belongs to EVERYONE or NO ONE and we all have equal right to be here
white pride's twisted version of it gives the word pride a bad name
please do keep showing up at SOSMM's protests so we can keep taking pictures or better yet video footage showing a timeline of SOSMM *not* running away at the first sign of nazi as they claim
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 10:15 PM
I think it's great that the nazis show up at SOS rallies. They did more damage to Joe Turner's group in that one moment when they broke out the nazi flags in Laguna than all of our work counter-protesting them has done in months.
Keep up the good work Stormfront nazis! You guys rule!
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by Anti-Racist
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 10:26 PM
And you run to the police. Little bump on the head from a little water bottle, and you cry to your congressman. Then you say...
"And you do know that when the Nazi vermin saw the Indy Media vermin advancing toward them, they began to initiate a march to head you off and it was clear to the police they were prepared for a fight, which honestly would have been quite funny to watch. Nazis fighting Communists! Just like in WW2! For your sake the cops intervened. "
HAHAHA My grandpa killed more Nazis in a day then these fools and you think WE need police protection. We do not start violence, but let a Nazi spit in my face, and well lets just say that I hope there aren’t any police around.
I will point out one thing though, something you are correct about. Communists or not, at least we still our on the right side. You would NEVER catch me working, taking pictures with, or even talking to a Nazi. You one the other hand are a true American, you would sell your mother into prostitution if you could get something out of it. That is why SOS made an agreement with the Nazis to be partners as long as they didn’t expose themselves (even in your forums you say that anyone is welcome as long as they don’t use the demonstration to promote nazism). Its not that you don’t want Nazis there, you just don’t want the bad PR when the people FIND OUT that you have nazis there. You have known for many weeks that Nazis were among you. If it were I that were in your shoes, I would have made it quite clear that they were not welcome, and not by say, “shhh don’t tell” I would have gotten in THEIR faces, and let the WORLD know that they weren’t welcome. You are either: sell outs to partner with nazis; racist nazis in hiding; or sissies that are to scared to stand up for what you believe in.
Occutegirl couldn’t even work with you, Nazis and the Jewish people can’t get along and it is SOS that attacked her. You SOSers make me sick!
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 10:40 PM
They cry to their congressman about a water bottle and then take guns to the border to target migrants. And then the MM shoot 2 guys and the "real partiots" on the SOS board make jokes about it. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3791&hl=cazamigrantes
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by Lets All Get Along
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 10:51 PM
 don_silva_dancing_with_the_nazis.jpg0qy4rk.jpg, image/jpeg, 774x645
It is a good idea NOT to call anyone. Even if we call Don Silva and nicely and ask him not to be racist anymore, you should NOT use this number. Because no one will call, you don't need to remember *67, so he can't prank you...... ------------------------------------------------- http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=535&st=120entry4002 ------------------------------------------------- DIRECT QUOTE FROM PUBLIC WEB FORUM FROM DON Oldpreach Posted on: Mar 12 2005, 01:01 AM Replies: 172 Views: 6185 Hey , if anyone sees this before the event, I will be arriving at 8:05 at the metrolonk station about 1 mile from the home depot. If anyone can pick me up from there, plz call me on my cell anytime after 5:30 am . 818-601-8407. Looking forward to finally meeting you guys ! -- Don. ------------------------------------------------ Also, because it is a cell phone, you should defiantly NOT call during peak hours.......
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 11:34 PM
Even if he did post his # on a public forum, reposting it does nothing politically for the cause of migrants rights. Besides, it seems like OP kind of gets a kick out of all the attention her gets anyway.
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by Anti-Racist
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 11:45 PM
SOS is in turmoil. As long as we make sure every newspaper in the area has pictures of the Nazi/SOSers, and we further expose them, it will help. But a multifaceted approach is always the best approach. I am not going to call him, but if others do, as long as they don't keep calling back, or say anything illegal, I don't see what the problem is. At least it sets a precedent for public racists. You team with the Nazis, and the people will take it personal. Of course, you lock someone in a camp, and gas them, which is personal too, so it isn't like people are doing anything these Nazis wouldn't do. In the end, we need SOS to disband, and my vote is for consistently turning up the heat until they give up. If we do the status quo, they will just learn to put up with counter demonstrations, and marginalize us. We need to stay goal orientated, and the goal is the total and complete destruction of the SOS organization. If people would have done this with the original Nazis, millions could have been spared.
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 11:52 PM
What this proves to me after thinking about it for a few minutes is just how naive some SOSers are. I have no doubt that whoever posted the phone # on this thread probably was sitting on that information for some time.
OP was nuts to ever post personal information openly on a public forum but it just goes to demonstrate a lack of political savvy on his part. I'm sure he'd never do it now or ever again in the future.
Back in March when OP posted it I'm sure he never envisioned that the "indymedia hordes" would become such a big part of his life and he didn't consider what life with the "goons" would be like.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005 at 3:59 AM
He started with blogs which he put his full name at the bottom of every post, then got on lgf and linked to one of his blogs, then was on the main IMC & here trolling
I back-tracked him to his blogs where he could still be seen saying word-for-word exactly the same things he was saying on here...
Don made the same mistake of failing to realize he could be back-tracked even to his very first post where he was more open and naive...
Too bad all of them aren't that dumb - we'd have all their info by now if they were..
Don was prob an internet newbie when he posted that - it's a common mistake people make when they first start surfin'
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by Noir Bonita
Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005 at 10:34 PM
These people should really consider reading a few books- History Books. Everyone in this country is a product of immgration/emigration. Pilgrams, indentured servants, Africans, Italians, etc. But I guess there is not much time to engage in an intelligent activitiy when there is so much ignorance to parade.
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by El Chivo
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 at 8:56 PM
Joey, you gotta blame Don Silva for inviting the neonazi to come to your defense in Laguna Beach.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006 at 9:52 PM
According to Debbie Sattler, it was Joe who let them come.
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by El Chivo
Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006 at 6:35 AM
It was don's userid though he was posting in stormfront. probably joey told don to invite them.
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by me
Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006 at 7:39 AM
Oh look, there is Cliff May's friend Mark standing with the Nazis!!! You still pal around with him Jammer? Nice friend you have there, the blond kid in the pic.
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by Jammer CC
Saturday, Nov. 11, 2006 at 1:24 PM
Nope, haven't hung out with him in a long time. I first met him thru the Megadeth forums and at a concert and video shoot, so I was friends with him as a Megadeth fan. He's young and explained a hip hop phase he went thru. Then this german nazi stuff, probably cause of some bad peers. Before that I've had no experience dealing with the white pride crowd or whatever terms they go by but he knew I was half asian and didn't care, nor did he care that our friend was Mexican and black. Technically he doesn't even qualify for the National Alliance and said he was never a nazi. All I can do is hope he has some good friends to help him be good and not be in a bad crowd.
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Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 1:26 PM
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by Updater
Friday, Dec. 12, 2008 at 4:11 PM
from the Nazis/SoS website: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ghost:
We LOST Appeal in Laguna!
Sad new..........
The appeal court ruled today in favor of Laguna Beach's illegal alien DLS..
We have options and we are looking into them.
In the meantime come visit us and drink some WINE! We all need to drown our sorrows.
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