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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
Approximately 60 activists from around the region converged on the border area south of Campo, CA to peacefully make the point that the Minutemen are not welcome in California.
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Approximately 60 activists from around the region converged on the border area south of Campo, CA to peacefully make the point that the Minutemen are not welcome in California and that racist, armed vigilantes aren’t the solution to the problem of anti-worker, anti-human political and social climate that capitalist globalization presents. Unity among working people is the solution, not the fascist rhetoric and actions that the Minutemen offer.
The anti-Minuteman camp is set in a beautiful region of chaparral about 100 yards from the border. The Minuteman camp is located about 1 mile east of that location.
The man-made border consists of rusted, corrugated metal and steel piping and is accompanied by an access road that runs right next to the border fence. There are several areas where the fence is incomplete and where there are gaps in the fence. I was able to find two such gaps during a 15-minute walk.
Activists arrived throughout the evening and at about 8PM there were about 60 of us. There were also several members of the print and TV media present.
At 9PM on Saturday a vigil was held to honor those who have lost their lives while crossing the border.
Following the vigil we piled into vehicles and headed east along the border road to hold the same vigil up at the Minutemen camp, which is located about 1 mile east of the activists camp.
When we arrived at the Minutemen camp, instead of being confronted by vigilantes armed with guns, we were confronted by a bunch of men in their 30s, 40s, and 50’s holding flashlights and video cameras. They just stood there behind a small fence in silence as the protesters had their vigil.
On Minutemen did speak though. While the coordinator of the vigil was reading a story about a man who had died crossing the border, the Minutemen decried, “What about my friend who was killed lat week by an illegal alien?” To which the coordinator replied, “if you’re talking about aliens call NASA, but we’re talking about human beings here.” We proceeded with a moment of silence to honor the 3500 that have died crossing the border wall.
When the organized vigil was complete the interactions with the Minutemen began. Some people crossed over to their side of the fence and attempted to engage the Minutemen in a dialogue. For the most part, the Minutemen returned the effort with blank stares, as they seemed to be operating under some sort of a gag order.
James Gilchrist was present though and he was more than vocal, claiming that the protesters had exposed themselves as “racists”. He provided no explanation however.
A humorous moment came when James Chase, the founder of this particular group of Minutemen put on a pair of full-sized headphones, presumably to make the point that the protestors were making a lot of noise.
Chase provided another interesting moment when he got in his car and left the protest area.
Two San Diego County Sheriffs arrived to keep the peace but there were no arrests.
At 10PM we left. We all headed back to our cars and returned to camp.
At approximately 11:45PM three carloads of Minutemen came to our camp. They were led by Chase himself, although he was in a different truck than the one he drove away from the protest site. He led the Minuteman caravan very slowly right past our camp in an attempt to draw some of us out for a confrontation. It worked. About 25 people walked out into the road and Chase got out of his truck with a rifle. The protestors yelled things like “cowards”, “racists”, “what the hell do you think you’re doing” and “get out of here with your guns you racist vigilantes”.
He didn’t point it at anybody but walked next to the caravan as it proceeded north, while someone else drove the fill-sized red pickup truck. One Minuteman was urging someone in the crowd to touch him. Presumably operating from the notion that if he was touched he could proceed to use his gun. All of the Minutemen that got out of their cars armed with either rifles or handguns, some in holsters. They reminded me of the secret service escorting George Bush down the street during his inauguration day parade.
Nobody was intimidated by the antics of the Minutemen, as it was obvious that they were doing them just for the sake of show and in a vain attempt to create a violent confrontation, which is apparently what they really live for. They didn’t need to drive past our camp and from that point on they exited and entered the area by way of an access road about 15 feet north, effectively averting passing directly in front of our camp.
At about 12:30AM, the Buenos Noches Brigade returned to the Minutemen camp for some more peaceful protest. Armed with poetry, music, dancing and chanting the BNB effectively drove the Minutemen to frustration. The BNB returned to the camp at about 2AM and at about 2:30AM a long caravan on Minutemen and their vehicles left the area.
Most in our camp were either asleep or had decided to drive home as of 3AM. With a few night owls staying up until 5. I woke up, after sleeping in the back of my truck at about 7:30AM and decided to head home and was back in Los Angeles by 11AM.
The camp is ongoing until August 8. Directions from the L.A. area: take 60 or 10 FWY east to 15 south, transfer to the 8 east (to El Centro), get off at Buckman Springs Rd. (south) go 12 miles to # 94 (right) go 1 mile to then take a left on Forrest Gate, stay on this trail to the border. You will drive right into the camp.
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:43 AM
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by Fredric L. Rice
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 8:27 PM
It's great seeing so many good people taking to the desert and standing in opposition to bigots. It shows that people can't be intimidated and threatened into failing to do what's right.
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by Maru
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:13 PM
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I heard that assult riffle is on the ban list. If that so this goon has to be cited.
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by Humbolt County
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:23 PM
Assholes like you stand in the way of law enforcement. If you disagree with borders why dont you protest the Border Patrol themselves? They carry guns and round up illegal aliens. All the MM do is OBSERVE and REPORT. They have broken NO laws and harmed NO ONE. You are all whack jobs who hate this country. You are all TRAITORS.
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by Maru
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:24 PM
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I heard all the firearm have to be in a holster then this goon have to be cited. His gun is in his pocket. also, James Chase have to be cited too. he is letting this happen.
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by Maru
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:29 PM
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by Maru
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:48 PM
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Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 8:19 PM
That rifle is no more an assault rifle than the gun I use hunting in Illinois, perfectly legal, and Illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the country,
Stop the Mexican Swam, Repeal all Gun Laws.
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 6:24 AM
http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html Start at Penal Code 12000 and go to about 12080 or search for "firearms" "assault" "transport" Learn the laws.
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Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 8:00 AM
"I heard that assult riffle is on the ban list. If that so this goon has to be cited."
Okay. You heard that rifle is on the 'ban' list. Care to elucidate? What kind of rifle is it? What makes it a banned rifle? What are the consquences of possessing a weapon that has been singled out as an assault weapon? Citation? Jail time?
Oh thats right, since you dont have facts, you dont know.
If youd like me to give you the answers, id be happy to oblige, but you'll have to ask me nicely.
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 9:02 AM
The guy said he "heard that assult riffle(sic) is on the ban list." He never said he "heard" the make, model and serial number of the darn thing and he didn't say the person from whom her "heard" this information gave him a full report on the merits of the second amendment and gun laws.
If the rifle is on the ban list, should the goon not be cited?
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Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 5:16 PM
"The guy said he "heard that assult riffle(sic) is on the ban list." He never said he "heard" the make, model and serial number of the darn thing and he didn't say the person from whom her "heard" this information gave him a full report on the merits of the second amendment and gun laws.
If the rifle is on the ban list, should the goon not be cited?" -Johnny-
1) One would have to know the model of weapon in order to know whether or not a gun is a banned wepaon or not. 2) Maru like most of the ignorant lefties here make accusations based on heresay, half truth, outright lies and emotion. Because they can type it here doesnt make it true. 3) My post illustrates that Maru hasnt the slightest clue what they were talking about because a) they cant identify the gun, b) do not know what is or isnt banned, and c) dont know the law...
(people who carry around illegal weapons dont get 'cited'-- they have their weapon seized and they go to jail- often for a long time.)
Its about facts people.. not how you feel or where you stand.
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by Johnny
Tuesday, Aug. 02, 2005 at 10:22 PM
So you've proven that Maru may or may not know about gun laws... why such a fixation on Maru? Argue facts..
People on the left probably don't have every gun law memorized like some of our right wing rivals. We're not obsessed with guns, we don't need guns to make up for an emotional or physical deficiency.
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Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005 at 2:59 AM
"So you've proven that Maru may or may not know about gun laws... why such a fixation on Maru? Argue facts..
People on the left probably don't have every gun law memorized like some of our right wing rivals. We're not obsessed with guns, we don't need guns to make up for an emotional or physical deficiency. " -Johnny-
Still not getting it are you Johnny?
I am using facts to illustrate the concept, that if you dont know what youre talking about, you should probably keep your mouth shut. (Or at least wait until youre educated enough to not look like a total ass.)
As for gun laws, us gun-toting conservative types have the left to thank for every infringment on our Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Having a weapon of any kind requires additional responsibilities, not just for safety, but to know what is and isnt legal.
Owning a weapon or firearm isnt a symptom of an 'emotional or physical deficiency'...Its the condition of those who take the responsibility of protecting their homes, family and their country by every legal and necessary means. Id rather be armed and ready than to cower on the phone with 911 awaiting a police response to home invasion, robbery, rape, murder, kidnapping, or any other imaginable violent attack on me, my family, my neighbors, or my friends.
This not only goes for when I am at home, but anywhere I go.
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