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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
The photograph below is of Baldy, an avowed white supremacist, who allegedly tried to physically attack Naui Huitzilopochtli, a counterdemonstrator, at the Saturday, July 16, 2005 protest that a member of "Save Our State" organized against a day labor center in Laguna Beach, California. In this photograph, Baldy (who identified himself as Robert Floyd of Pearlblossom) is talking to Suzie Harrison, a reporter for The Coast Daily Pilot.
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Monday, July 18, 2005 LAGUNA BEACH COPS TACKLE WHITE SUPREMACIST TO THE GROUND: PART I Police report expected to show that S.O.S. and National Alliance members allegedly tried to attack counterdemonstrator at 7/16 rally By DUANE J. ROBERTS duaneroberts92804@yahoo.com LAGUNA BEACH, CA -- "The rally in [Laguna Beach] this morning was better than I could even imagine," wrote OCAngel in a message she posted on the "Save our State" website last Saturday night. "Thank you to SOS for allowing me an outlet to announce this event, and a place to rant, rave, and bitch, as well as meet new friends. Thank you to those who couldn't make the rally but kept us in good thoughts." {1} OCAngel (whose real name I'm withholding for the moment) is a Laguna Beach mom who is fed up with "illegal immigration". She's angry that a portion of the revenues the yearly Sawdust Art Festival generates for the beach community she calls home are being used to fund a day labor center for undocumented workers. So on the morning of Saturday, July 16th, she held a protest on the public sidewalk outside of the event "to educate the public and tourists about how their Festival of the Arts ticket money is being used to aid and support illegal immigration." {2} By OCAngel's accounts, the rally she worked hard putting together was indeed a smashing success. More than sixty people showed up, while only five counterdemonstrators appeared to oppose them. Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist, an Aliso Viejo resident, dropped by for awhile to pay his respects. Barbara Coe, the venerable Chairwoman of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR) and co-author of Proposition 187, was also there. And Don Silva (aka "OldPreach"), one of Joe Turner's close allies, was running around dressed in camouflage again, waving around an American flag (for matter of record, the rally itself was not officially endorsed by S.O.S.). {3} But members of the National Alliance, an avowedly white supremacist organization, appeared to be out in full force that day. In fact, somebody who calls herself occutegirl, perhaps unbeknownst to her at the time, posted a photograph she took of two reputed members of that group on the "Save Our State" website. The photo shows a young woman (alleged to be "dixieland_delight" on the Stormfront White Nationalist Community website) and a man suspected of being her boyfriend holding up a blue banner reading, "DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS," with the words, "www.SaveOurState.org," emblazoned just underneath them in much smaller type. {4} After realizing that a good number of "white nationalists" had attended her rally, OCAngel, to her credit, took some steps to distance herself from them. In one cryptic posting on the "Save Our State" website, she hinted publicly to a person who apparently had sent her a private message that they had "an agenda I do not agree with" and would "have preferred your group [possibly the National Alliance] to set up further and separate from us [on Saturday, July 16th], and not aligned yourselves with us in any way. I appreciated that you did not openly flaunt your views ..." {5} But the truth is, despite OCAngel's apparent despair over all the National Alliance members who showed up to her Laguna Beach rally, evidence is rapidly mounting that white supremacists from across Southern California are trying to work hand and glove with "Save Our State" and its members in every protest and demonstration they organize; in fact, in some circumstances, it appears some white supremacists are active members of that group. And for the very first time anywhere, evidence of loose ties between S.O.S. members and people known to be white supremacists are going to be documented in an explosive report soon to be filed by Officer Andy Peck, the Laguna Beach policeman who monitored OCAngel's rally against the day labor center. Naui Huitzilopochtli, was one of five people who showed up to demonstrate against OCAngel's Laguna Beach rally last Saturday. A seasoned activist, he's been involved in many protests and demonstrations here in Orange County, defending the rights of the Mexican people against racism, oppression, and police brutality. Another person who showed up that foggy morning was Sam, a UC Santa Cruz student, whose parents came to this country from Bombay, India; she was spending her summer vacation at their home in the Northern part of the County. "Undocumented workers are NOT the enemy!" was a sign she proudly held up throughout the demonstration. For more than an hour, Naui, Sam, and the other counterdemonstrators that came that day endured the crude insults and taunts of a bald headed white man (hereafter to be known as "Baldy") who attended OCAngel's rally. "You are my slave," he allegedly shouted to them in as loud a voice he could possibly could utter across the wide swath of pavement known as Laguna Canyon Road. Sam told me that Baldy appeared to be "obsessed" with them; he spent most of his time hurling racist, derogatory comments: "He said things like, 'Go back home! You're fucking up this country! You're making it like Tijuana!,'" she remarked. At around 11:10 a.m, the Reverend Wiley Drake, a right-wing Baptist minister from Buena Park, walked directly across Laguna Canyon Road to interview the small handful of counterdemonstrators that had assembled along the fence. He was wearing headphones and was talking into a microphone to a Christian talkshow that was being broadcast live over internet radio. Noticing that Drake had jaywalked, a Laguna Beach policeman got pretty miffed. "Hey, what are you doing? Trying to cross the street when I wasn't looking, huh?" the officer allegedly blurted out to the Reverend, who at that time was talking with Naui and asking him if he would be interested in being interviewed. "Go back around the other side," the cop said. Appearing a bit confused, and not wanting to ignore what he thought was a policeman's order, Drake decided to head back to OCAngel's anti-day labor center rally. But instead of jaywalking, he walked South on the public sidewalk toward the crosswalk, which was about several hundred feet away: quite a long distance. Naui followed closely behind him, with the belief the interview was going to continue, but at a different location. It was at that moment that all hell began to break loose. According to Sam, a number of people attending the anti-day labor center protest began yelling at the top of their lungs. "He's going to assault the preacher!" she heard one person remark. "Arrest him and deport him!" another person was alleged to have shouted. Suddenly, Baldy and two other males, including Frank, a Cuban-American member of the "Save Our State" organization, unexpectedly darted out into the street in front of oncoming traffic and began running like crazy across Laguna Canyon Road. Hot on their heels were two Laguna Beach policeman. "Hey, stop!" Officer Peck was alleged to have shouted at the men, all of whom were rushing toward Naui. Naui, who turned around quickly to see what all the commotion was about, began to fear for his life; he believed he was going to get physically attacked. He claimed Baldy had a big knife and was allegedly told by the men coming after him that "his ass was going to get kicked." But before that could happen, Officer Peck tackled Baldy to the ground with such force that it caused his eyeglasses to come flying right off of his head. His partner then pinned Baldy down. "You came here with the intention of looking for a fight, didn't you?" Officer Peck allegedly told Baldy as he began to brush himself off. Frank, one of the men that had been running toward Naui, demanded that the policemen immediately arrest him for "attacking the preacher." But that was of no concern to the latter. Reverend Drake had been so preoccupied with his Christian talkshow that he had continued to head toward the crosswalk; he wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to anything going on behind him, witnesses say. According to Sam, Officer Peck's partner ordered Frank "to return back to the group across the street." She told Frank the same thing, to go back: he allegedly told her to shut up. A photograph of Frank standing on Laguna Canyon Road shortly after Baldy was tackled to the ground was posted by on the "Save Our State" website by occutegirl. {6} After the two Laguna Beach policemen interrogated Baldy for a couple of minutes, they both escorted him back to his vehicle across the street, did a brief but thorough search of it, and then released him from their custody. I went across the street to OCAngel's anti-day labor center rally while it was still in progress. and took several good photographs of Baldy as he talked with Barbara Coe and mingled with some of the other protesters in attendance. When the opportunity arose, I then interviewed him, along with Suzie Harrison, a reporter for The Coast Daily Pilot (which is owned by The Los Angeles Times). Baldy identified himself to us as Robert Floyd of Pearlblossom. He told both of us that he ran across the street for "self-defense"; he believed Naui was going to "attack the preacher," so he just darted over. "To be honest, I didn't think about the cops," Baldy remarked to me. When I asked him about allegations that he had a knife in his possession, he said, "I did not." But the Laguna Beach Police Department had a different story to tell. Officer Peck, who took down a police report at Naui's request in the lobby of their headquarters, confirmed that Baldy had a pocket knife on him when they tackled him to the ground; but he added that it was completely legal for him to carry one that size in the State of California. In addition to that, Officer Peck said that when both he and his partner initiated a search of Baldy's vehicle, they found another knife. Officer Peck said he seized all the knives that Baldy had, but returned them to him when he left the protest. "This guy was itching for a fight," he remarked. "I kept my eye on him." Although Naui repeatedly pressed the Laguna Beach Police Department to file criminal charges against Baldy and the two other men running after him for allegedly attempting to assault him, Officer Peck said that there wasn't anything he could do. He said Baldy couldn't be arrested for carrying an ordinary pocket knife; and that he didn't see him make an attempt to pull it out of his back pocket shortly before he tackled him to the ground. In addition to this, he also said the two other men stopped running before they did anything else illegal. Despite some clear differences of opinion between Naui and Officer Peck, the latter did agree on one point: he would be writing up a full and detailed report on everything that occurred that Saturday morning. And that's a good thing, because when LPBD Report #05-2891 is finally made available to the general public, the evidence will show that one S.O.S. member and two avowed white supremacists allegedly tried to assault a Mexican counterdemonstrator at the July 16th rally in Laguna Beach. End of Part I NOTES: {1} OCAngel, Jul 16 2005 message posted at 08:49 PM: http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3209&st=120entry31879 {2} OCAngel, July 15, 2005 message posted at 08:09 AM: http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3209&st=40 {3} See photos posted by occutegirl and OCAngel: http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3209&st=80 {4} occutegirl, Jul 16 2005 message posted at 04:04 PM http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3209&st=80 {5} OCAngel, Jul 17 2005 message posted at 10:19 AM http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3572&st=40&hl=flaunt {6} See the man in the street wearing a red shirt and light blue jeans. occutegirl, Jul 16 2005 message posted at 04:04 PM: http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3209&st=80
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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Baldy talking to Barbara Coe, Chairwoman of CCIR (wearing the white t-shirt with the green colored picture of the United States labeled "FULL" on it). Frank is nearby. 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
 img0059.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Baldy talking to unknown woman. He is standing next to Barbara Coe (wearing the white t-shirt with the green colored picture of the United States labeled "FULL" on it). Frank is nearby. 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
 img0060.jpg, image/jpeg, 480x640
Baldy talking to unknown woman. He is standing next to Barbara Coe (wearing the white t-shirt with the green colored picture of the United States labeled "FULL" on it). Frank is nearby. 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
 img0061.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Baldy, Barbara Coe (wearing the white t-shirt with the green colored picture of the United States labeled "FULL" on it) and Frank. 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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Baldy talking to Suzie Harrison, a reporter for The Coast Daily Pilot (which is owned by The Los Angeles Times). 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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Baldy talking to Suzie Harrison, a reporter for The Coast Daily Pilot (which is owned by The Los Angeles Times). 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
 img0071.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Baldy talking to Suzie Harrison, a reporter for The Coast Daily Pilot (which is owned by The Los Angeles Times). 7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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7/16/05, Laguna Beach.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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"Baldy standing up for the white race" at Baldwin Park, along with other leaders of S.O.S. He's wearing a t-shirt with National Alliance website printed on them. See: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=213950&page=4&pp=10
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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Naui Huitzilopochtli talking with Officer Andy Peck in the lobby of the Laguna Beach Police Department on Saturday, July 16, 2005.
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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by Duane J. Roberts
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 11:35 PM
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 2:47 PM
pic of VINCE ESTRADA, SOS/NAZI COLLABORATOR Aryan Supremacist/ Nazi SOS collaborator VINCE ESTRADA is shown in this pic vying for conterfeit Aryan status, along with LUPE MORENO, aryan collaboratist whore. Don't these sumbags have anything better to do than to harrass honest, hard-working Jornaleros??? http://images5.theimagehosting.com/DSC00434.1.JPG
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 2:56 PM
can anyone confirm that the stupid doofus in the red shirt is dirty bastard FRANK JORGE of SOS??? it sure looks like him!!!! click to see the red-clad dirtbag... http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/img0058.jpg
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by I see you, tio tacos and nazis
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:12 PM
Yes, these are the same hispanics "que se creen mucho" (who think too much of themselves) it appears and support white supremacists in their scapegoating of illegal immigrants. No need to result to insulting someone's wife (Mexican women have to put up with enough crap as it is), but these people have offered themselves as poster-children of how white supremacy can cause cultural brain drain. Pray for the children of these kids, that they grow up, get an education, and evade the ignorance of their parents.
Oh, and we'll be keeping the ojo de aguila on these political coconuts.
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by naui huitzilopochtli
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 8:07 PM
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by No Habla
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 8:23 PM
The SoS Hispanics are REAL Americans who can see past the folly and transparency of race. These are models to the rest of you race-baiting cockroaches who think racial loyalty somehow takes precedence over national loyalty. Wrong, shitheads. You could learn a lot from these people. Begone with your Nazi paranoia.
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by We know who you are DUANE
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:05 PM
Isn't it true that Duane Roberts works for BIG BUSINESS?
Come on Duane, tell the truth!
Aren't you paid BIG BUCKS to helping BIG BUSINESS attack Americans?
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 2:15 AM
> racial loyalty somehow takes precedence over national loyalty
no it's loyalty to all races (no) compared to your boxed-in loyalty to one group or another - the exact opposite of your kind of thinking
matter of fact your kind of thinking is what causes these problems to begin with
speaking of facts, I didn't see any posted to back up the claim that Duane is "big business" either
care to show some facts and figures on that ?
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 2:53 AM
>>>>The SoS Hispanics are REAL Americans who can see past the folly and transparency of race. These are models to the rest of you race-baiting cockroaches who think racial loyalty somehow takes precedence over national loyalty. Wrong, shitheads. You could learn a lot from these people. Begone with your Nazi paranoia.
The nation-state is in decline, in case you haven't noticed.
What you're advocating is a multiracial, unicultural, new form of ultra nationalism. It's new fascism The new fascism is an Asian American climbing onto the statue of Saddam, and putting a flag over his head. Then, the propagandists concoct a fake "crowd" pulling the statue down. The new fascism is getting some far-right Latinos to willingly participate in increasing racism against other Latinos.
The new fascism is in full effect in Britain, when almost every spokesperson for the Islamic British community I've heard on NPR and other stations, has stated that he or she haven't experienced racism him or herself, and that racial discrimination probably isn't the issue. Meanwhile, every day, dozens of Arabs and Asians (South Asians) in that country are experiencing a wave of hate crimes.
This is the new nationalism, and it's morphing into a hyper-nationalism. It's a multiracial nationalism that denies the obvious problems of racism. It's a multiracial, nationalism that unites people through violence and historical amnesia.
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 5:40 AM
The organization now on many levels to promote this effect. This ACTION ( illegal immigration caused by economic devastation brought about by capital corruption in their own countries as our willing [ at least the rulers..] 'little', but very proud southern neighbor )and legal as well as economic hurdles preventing humane labor migration standards and REACTION ( the minute men , bozo brigade etc. ) are apparently well orcastrated with individuals like Alex Jones beating the drum in sync. This is deliberate. One may ask why the enemy is designing this wedge. Just for kicks.
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 5:51 AM
See Jack Nicholson in 'The Border'. Another damn good flick of his.
But not as good as 'Head'. Not Ever.
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by Liar chaser
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 6:10 AM
You claim I am am a person of racial loyalty?
Do you have any data that I am WHITE?
Duane Roberts is working for BIG CORPORATIONS!
And the truth will come out! :)
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by Duane J. Roberts
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 7:14 AM
Liar chaser writes: > Hey HEX! > > You claim I am am a person of racial loyalty? > > Do you have any data that I am WHITE? > > Duane Roberts is working for BIG CORPORATIONS! I am? Wow! That's news to me. Which Fortune 500 companies am I getting checks from? And how much am I earning, right now? > And the truth will come out! :) The truth already has come out. That's why I wrote the above article and posted on la.indymedia.org. So far, nobody -- including yourself -- has contested it for its accuracy. And I know as a fact the folks at "Save Our State" are very upset about it. They falsely claim that I made the assertion Laguna Beach Police will be tying them to racist groups. That's not true. The report that Officer Andy Peck of the Laguna Beach Police department will be issuing will only verify that the incident I wrote about did occur and will contain the names of the participants. Of the three people who ran after Naui, two of them have been confirmed as members of white supremacist organizations. The other is a leader within the SOS group founded by Joe Turner.. Even without the report, I can prove that loose ties exist between SOS. members and persons affiliated with white supremacist groups. I have evidence -- including photographs -- to back up my claims. Sincerely,. Duane J. Roberts duaneroberts92804@yahoo.com
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:21 AM
I don't recall mentioning colors at all
Matter of fact I *ignore* color
still waiting you to post a xerox copy of Duane's paystub
somehow I don't think we'll ever see you do it though
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:53 AM
> racial loyalty somehow takes precedence over national loyalty.
That's curious. Apparently opposing white supremists is an act against one's nation. Or something. Can't decide _what_ the unfortunate individual was trying to say.
But I'm curious whether this unfortunate individual supports and defends George W. Bush's war crime atrocities in Iraq, and his treason against the people of the United States with his "USA PATRIOT Act."
I get the impression that white supremists in general are all Republicans who support and defend Bush regardless of the atrocities, treason, or other crimes, so I'd be interested to find out whether "loyalty" to the fascist regime is a requirement for being a good American -- in this unfortunate individual's opinion, that is.
I also think its very sad that the SOSMM et al. have finally found some non-white people to join them. I remember reading about Jews who assisted Nazi Germany in the oppression and attempted genocide of European Jews and I've read books written by professionals within the mental health industry which attempted to investigate and evaluate what it is that made so many Jews support, defend, and assist the Nazi Germans who were exterminating them.
Probably the few non-white unfortunates who -- for whatever bizarre, illogical reason -- supports these disgusting people probably fell for the outrageous notion that they're opposing only "illegal" immigration.
My opinions only, of course, and nobody else's, yet from all available data I've seen so far, I can't imagine what would prompt non-whites to do this... Nobody could pay _me_ enough money to join these people.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:00 AM
> The new fascism is getting some far-right Latinos to > willingly participate in increasing racism against > other Latinos.
I'm not so sure this is anything new. It may be new in North America, but it's been experienced in Europe and other "Old World" nations. This is just the first time where the phenomena is solid here in the United States, and where the advent of the mass media has made the British variant of late visible to the rest of the world.
I would expect that the non-whites who support and defend white supremists honestly believe that they're not participating with white supremists. Mention National Vanguard or Storm Front or the American Nazi Partty to them, and all will problem proclaim that they're "standing on the other corner" and are some how apart or different or isolated from what they themselves are supporting, defending, and advocating.
It's a phenomena that's not unique. If you read the Christian mythoilogies, in fact, the persecution and eventual execution -- for Sedition against the Occupational State of Rome, no less -- was instigated by the occupied, the oppressed, _not_ the oppressor.
In fact in earlier variants of the Christanic mythologies, the Jesus mythos was stoned to death and jung in a living tree: a Jewish execution as opposed to crucifixion, a Roman execution for sedition.
The phenomena certainly streaches back to the dawn of Humanity. It's got to be an artifact of human evolutionary development.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:03 AM
>> Duane Roberts is working for BIG >> CORPORATIONS! > I am? Wow! That's news to me. Which Fortune 500 > companies am I getting checks from? And how > much am I earning, right now?
Remember when one of these unfortunate individuals claimed I lived in a rich white gated community somewhere? And as such, apparently, I'm not allowed to oppose racism?
I wonder where some of these people get their notions. Rush Limbaugh when he's chugging that Oxycontin and who knows what all else?
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Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:10 PM
This just in:
From James Gilchrist
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 2:26 PM Subject: BULLETIN! Reinforcements needed in Campo, Ca.
Dear Americans,
Reinforcements are needed in Campo, Ca. immediately to support Jim Chase's California Minutemen, who have deployed for border observation and reporting activities from July 16 through at least August 7 (and beyond).
I visited Jim Chase's group, accompanied with a California state senator and his aides, last Saturday. We witnessed the literal seige of VFW Post #2080 by about 60 belligerant, death-threatening anti-Americans twice during that day. The hate-spewing members of the racist, American-hating organization known as the Mexican brown berets, stormed the VFW Lodge, damaging signs and other property. They were eventually repelled by the late-arriving San Diego County Sheriff's Dept. No arrests were made.
The California state senator and his aides took serious note of the hostilities and violence conducted by the Nazi-like, anarchist brown berets. Americans...these goons are incurably evil and have a history of routinely suppressing the First Amendment rights of Americans through acts of violence and threats of death.
Our First Amendment rights of freedom to peacefully assemble and speak are in serious jeopardy, and it is time a stand is taken to preserve these rights.
The rampage was orchestrated by Armando Navarro, a known anti-American racist, who holds a comfortable, taxpayer funded, tenured position as a professor (of hate and blood-letting?) at the University of California - Riverside, Ca., and who has devoted his life to promoting the Mexican conquest of the seven southwestern US states. He calls for the conquest to be carried out by force, if necessary. Navarro, and his minions whose combined IQ was that of a dead house plant, all appeared to be under the influence of drugs.
One California Minuteman volunteer, Jim Woods, was physically assaulted by a gang of ten of Navarro's thugs as he sat in his car alone at a border outpost. He was physically restrained in his car seat by the brown berets, who threatened to kill him. They stole his keys from the ignition and left him stranded without food or water for several hours. When Jim Woods identified two of the gang members to the Sheriff's Dept. and asked for an arrest, no action was taken by the Sheriff's deputies. One deputy just responded to Mr. Wood's plea for help with "Oh, you just lost your keys," despite repeated pleas to the contrary from Mr. Woods.
I am returning to Campo this week. Volunteers from anywhere in the United States are welcome to join me as soon as possible. Two minuteman groups from Texas have already committed to arrive this week. I am also requesting reinforcements from Chris Simcox's Minuteman Civil Defense Corps in Tombstone, Az. and from select members of another well-known California border watch group that operates independently from The Minuteman Project.
Navarro's anarchist's attempted to shut down, and trash, the VFW lodge because the lodge allowed thirsty and hungry California Minutemen volunteers to purchase food and water from its restaurant. Their attempts to bring down the U.S. flag were thwarted by Jim Chase's California Minutemen.
Our goals here are twofold:
1. Protect the rights of ALL Americans to freely and peacefully assemble without being physically assaulted, or threatened with violence to maim or kill them by the mindless minions of the Univ. of California's "Professor of Hate", Armando Navarro.
2. Protect America's war veterans at VFW Lodge 2080, in Campo, Ca. from being battered by literal thugs with clubs and to protect the property of that lodge from being destroyed.
3. Simultaneously, volunteers are forming to protest at the Univ. of Ca. - Riverside, demanding the ouster of Navarro from his department at a state funded institution, which Navarro has selfishly turned into a department of tyranny.
The VFW lodge address is 301 Sheridan in Campo, Ca.
Be warned that the roving gangs of adversaries engaging the California Minutemen WILL physically attack you if they outnumber you. I repeat, they WILL physically attack you. Stay in groups, and stay LEGALLY armed with pepper spray...tasers...etc. Sidearms are legal in certain areas in Campo. Confer with Jim Chase on the issue of sidearms. I am remaining unarmed, but will have legally armed body guards with me while I am in Campo.
Remember, remain passive. However, that does not mean you cannot defend yourself against threats to your safety by incoherrent mobs of gangsters who are determined to do you physical harm.
It truly is a sad day in America when the First Amendment rights are preserved only for those who carry the biggest stick. The alternative is to remain a cringing little mouse and forever relinquish your unalienable rights to peacefully speak or assemble.
Good Luck, Americans. May God, patriotism, and country be with you. See you in Campo.
Jim Gilchrist, Founder - The Minuteman Project - Americans doing the jobs Congress won't do.
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by Funny me
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 3:17 PM
Is it true Duane that you work for the BIG CORPORATIONS?
You are an attorney aren't you?
Is it true that you are on the side of the BIG CORPORATIONS?
Come on Duane Roberts.
You are becoming angry for some reason?????
shhhhh is Duane Roberts working for the GOOD OLE BOYS?
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by Funny me
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 3:29 PM
Do you think Duane Roberts will work in the open? Or under the table like the illegals he is so fond of?
Why are you so upset Hex?
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by Duane J. Roberts
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 5:18 PM
Funny me wrote: > Duane Roberts is upset? > > Is it true Duane that you work for the BIG CORPORATIONS? > > You are an attorney aren't you? > > Is it true that you are on the side of the BIG CORPORATIONS? > > Come on Duane Roberts. > > You are becoming angry for some reason????? > > shhhhh is Duane Roberts working for the GOOD OLE BOYS? Why, I reckon that you're right. In fact, I'm so highly regarded by "the GOOD OLD BOYS" that President George W. Bush just nominated me to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court today. Check out the latest headlines: "Bush nominates Roberts for Supreme Court" And boy, am I really pissed now. Dubya just blew my cover! How will I ever be able to deceive the good folks at la.indymedia.org ever again? Oh, the shame of it all! Boo hoo hoo! :) Sincerely, Duane J. Roberts duaneroberts92804@yahoo.com P.S. I reckon it's about time for me to stop feeding the trolls. Bye, bye!
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by The truth about Duane Roberts?
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 4:14 AM
Come on now Duane!
How much money are you paid to atttack your fellow Americans SELL OUT!
Come clean Duane!
Benedict Arnold
Cleap Labor businessmen loves Duane Roberts!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:39 AM
> They were eventually repelled by the late-arriving > San Diego County Sheriff's Dept. No arrests were > made.
Yeah, the San Diego Police have a long history of not arresting rioting mobs who engage in property destruction. Yep.
It's pretty interesting to see these people's rich fantasy lives. What's funny is that only about 10 people or so on _their_ side know it's fantasy while the anti-racists are greatly amused.
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by Voice Exposes Hate-filled Indymedia Activist
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:53 AM
Fred has a rather disturbing problem. He HATES people whom believe in God. Far from all the flowery language used here at indymedia for peace, social justice, tolerance and harmony, a number of indymedia leaders are filled with hate and actively work to promote hate. They hate religion and religious people. But then they hypocritically turn-around and point the finger at others and accuse them of being full of hate. Well, let's see how peace loving indymedia leader Freddy Rice really is. Here's some of his posts and the URLs, so you can check out the hate for yourselves: "In amusing and brief article covering a photograph of sand dunes which shows a vague outline of a human face -- which could very well be Charles Manson but which believers in the occult will almost certainly pretend is Jesus Fucking Christ. " URL: http://www.groupsrv.com/religion/about137811.html And my personal favorite post by Fredric Rice: Title: God mother fucking damn! "Do any of you Christians think I committed a sin with this message postings' subject line? " URL: http://www.groupsrv.com/religion/about125956.html Fred, you're more sick than anyone else I've ever known. Get help.
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by Casper
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 11:21 AM
Casper@yahoo.com 212 646 9873 NYC
I have a plan to destroy America. If you believe, as many do, that America is too smug, too white bread, too self-satisfied, too rich, let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. History shows that Nations are more fragile than their citizens think.
Here is my plan on how to destroy America.
We must first make America a bilingual-bicultural country. History shows, in my opinion, that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; it is a curse for a society to be bilingual. One scholar, Seymour Martin Lipset, put it this way: “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face cries of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethic rebellion. France faces difficulties with its Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.
I would then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out-of-bounds.
We can make the United States an “Hispanic Quebec” without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather that unity. As Benjamin Schwarz said in the Atlantic Monthly recently:
“…the apparent success of our own multiethnic and multicultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony. Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically, and what it meat to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.”
I would encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. I would replace the melting pot metaphor with a salad bowl metaphor. It is important to insure that we have various cultural sub-groups living in America reinforcing their differences rather than Americans, emphasizing their similarities.
Having done all this, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated-I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our population. I would then get the big foundations and big business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of. I would get all minorities to think their lack of success is the fault of the majority-I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.
I would establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would “celebrate diversity.” Diversity is a wonderfully seductive word. It stresses differences rather the commonalities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other—that is, when they are not killing each other. A diverse, peaceful, or stable society is against most historical precedent. People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together, and we can take advantage of this myopia. Look at the ancient Greeks. Dorf’s World History tells us:
“The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshipped the same gods. All Greece took part in the Olympic games in honor of Zeus and all Greeks venerated the shrine of Apollo at Delphi. A common enemy Persia threatened their liberty. Yet, all of these bonds together were not strong enough to overcome two factors… (local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political division…)
If we can put the emphasis on the “Pluribus,” instead of the “Unum,” we can balkanize America as surely as Kosovo.
Then I would place all these subjects off limits-make it taboo to talk about. I would find a word similar to “Heretic” in the 16th century-that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking. Words like “racist” and “xenophobe” halt argument and conversation.
Having made America a bilingual-bicultural country, having established multiculturalism, having the large foundations fund the doctrine of “Victimology,” I would next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. I would develop a mantra-“that because immigration has been good for America, it must always be good.” I would make every individual immigrant sympatric and ignore the cumulative impact.
Federal Law—Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he: assists an illegal alien she/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or encourages the illegal alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:46 PM
 pathetic.jpgom84xe.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Boy did all the indymedia slackers come out to face us at Laguna Beach. 5 protestors? That's completely pathetic.
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by Gee Whiz
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:49 PM
Duane the sell out ASSHOLE is finding out his entire cover is BLOWN!
He is working for the BIG CORPORATIONS isn't he?
Come on Duane! Let all of Indymedian know why you are so into the illegal alien movement.
Did you think you would get away with your bullshit? We are finding more and more about you! A DEEP THROAT in your group is exposing your true self. Or isn't that true? Just wondering Duane Roberts! The truth will come out. You have a paper trail don't you? Careless.
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:59 PM
And the signs you losers brought to Laguna Beach were rather sorry as well.
"Vivi Zapata" - whatever, he died in 1919.
"The Police Are Guilty" - this is not Garden Grove, you fools. figure it out. buy a thomas guide or look online at mapquest.com
"Arrest Hal" - same deal, this is not Garden Grove, but a protest about a day labor center in LAGUNA BEACH and its funding from the Arts Festival.
And then there was some crap in spanish. Why learn Spanish? I don't need to get a decent paying job. Too bad you can't say the same for English, huh?
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:56 PM
wow such creative energy - troll bait in two of four threads- plus the same pasted drool in all four
then the AP pastes as new threads
poor poor loney paste spider
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 8:53 AM
The same old same oild.
What's amusing is the notion -- apparently honestly believed by these unfortunates -- is that only indymedia participants oppose white supremist hatred and bigotry.
Equally amusing -- and bizarre -- is the notion -- apparently honestly believed by these unfortunates -- is that there was some kind of desire to organize any kind of opposition to the hate mongers in Laguna Beach. Few anti-hate activists felt the need since the racist's intentions were almost certainly, in my opinion, one of recruitment, something even more amusing considering it was stupidly attempted in Laguna, one of the most tolerant and American townships in Southern California.
It's always interesting to watch the way Republican brains operate, seemingly totally disconnected from reality. The behavior exhibited is entirely the phenomena of destructive cult behavior in so many ways.
This is even further underscored by the expressed belief by these unfortunates that there must be layers of leaderships and organizers among the anti-hate activists which oppose them.
It's also interesting to observe them attempt to depict their intellectual and moral superiors as both inhuman supermen that constiututes a grave and immediate danger to all of America as well as pathetic, impotent and thus ignorable wastes of carbon. The flip flop is entertained and probably honestly believed at the same time, resulting in the cognitive dissonance that seems to be such an integrated aspect of the racist arena.
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by ^H^e^x^
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 9:29 AM
or as silicon life might say ;
ugly bags of mostly water
they contradict themselves yet are blind to it
they say they hate lefties yet spend their time trolling here
they say they hate gays yet get woodys when exposed to them
they say they hate undocumented foreigners yet have them pick tomatoes, mow their lawns and serve their drinks
contradictions everywhere
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by Sage
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 8:14 PM
Save Our State seems to be doing something that they strongly feels needs to be done... props! If you're so eager to get rid of all immigrants start at the top, like your Governor (He was once illegal, he didn't cross a river, just a little pond we call the Atlantic Ocean) but wait, then you have to skip the Lieutenant Governor because we're not sure if he's an imigrant or not his family has been here since before this was a state in the Union.... nah he's a wetback, get him outta here! Just send everyone else our way and close your borders for any other states as well. Start a state-passport program in which one must apply for a visa to get into California... in the Great State of California it must be a priviledge to be able to walk down the street. Although there must be a waiting period of seven years to be heard by a state-migration court in California from a resident in Arizona; Texans need not apply (too many Texans live in California already) Just know that when this happens, California seize to be the fifth largest economy in the world... maybe it can settle for eleventh. The two major exporters of fresh produce in the country are California and Texas, then again, when Baldy starts picking tomatoes @ 16.75 per hour and the Californina tomatoes are priced at $6.30 per tomato don't be surprised if Texas takes the cake, but don't worry it isn't about state pride it about National pride... (Thought, Save Our State should then change it's name to Save Our Country) I can't wait to taste the 2006 Vintner Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay priced at $600.00 a bottle; because all the grape pickers get paid $16.75/hr... or maybe if we can find someone to do it for $9.00... but where... who would be willing to work for slave wages... no, not the mexicans, I could go to Federal Prison. Let's do something much cooler and come up with a nifty name for it, like outsourcing...
Wake-up!.... you need the wetbacks! If a wetback comes into the country, he comes in as an indentured servant to pay off his smuggling across the border, going rate is $3,500 US right now, Those are a lot of toilet bowls to scrub for a beaner! He won't come in and apply as a computer technician or head of corporate accounting and steal that promotion you justly deserve.
We're getting away with Slavery and the world doesn't see it. They are our servants, maids, landscapers, bussers,(servers need a little english) fruit pickers, laboring construction workers, and they do all this for slave wages.
The govenment sees this, and thus, allows it because they know that in order for a cow to eat next year it's gotta take a dump and fertilize the grass it just ate. The "shit" or our society can only stimulate the economy.
But what is the bottom line? Terrorism... we're a capitalist county, money will buy you everything from an immigrant visa to plane-flying instructons. Last time I checked, the terrorists were on the other side of the world, not south of the border. But just in case maybe the minute men can free up some volunteers and post them around federal buildings (maybe they can search consuelo the cleaning lady to see if she has tnt strapped to her chest in a Federal Building in Oklahoma City... but no that's ok no foreigner will ever be able to blow up THAT building)
Boy, I tell ya... I wish the minutemen hadn't disbanded after the revolutionay war and resurfaced now. Maybe if we nipped it in the bud and instead of killing all those indians, we could've made them our slaves instead of importing all those niggers. We could've posted all the minutemen on the shores of the East Coast and sent all those Irish pricks and German Dogs packing back to their famine infested countries. Closed the border back in Calif.... no wait my bad, it was still Mexico... That way we just have nice english speaking english bred Americans. But with our oun Country.
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by Hex
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:59 PM
> He won't come in and apply as a computer technician
I sometimes get noting or virtually nothing for fixing people's computers (to me it's more of a public service anyway) . > bussers, landscapers, laboring construction workers
I've been a dishwasher a few times, plus the above
People often mistake me for a Latino, however when I work low paying jobs it's because I *choose* to, undocumented workers don't have a choice - and that's what real slavery is - not the pay but the lack of choice..
Big business wants profit to freely cross borders but NOT PEOPLE - to me profit is unimportant, it's people that matter.
So I want *as many Latinos as posssible to come here* because *I like them* - what I don't like are businesses.
Businesses can go belly up for all I care
Flea markets, barter, working under the table, direct local trade with other people - no taxes, no profit taking, no 50 % going to wars we don't want or need
I provide music on the radio, internet and multi-media access, do some free repairs
*guess who I do them for*
feeding into an alternative economy that big business and government doesn't have their fingers in, is the way to go
every dollar you make or spend outside the box is a dollar that doesn't get taxed as income then taxed again for buying
I'm now putting *all* my efforts into the alternative economy
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by Mike Mason
Tuesday, Oct. 04, 2005 at 6:38 PM
I am suprised they do not have their faces covered like so many from their cause. Cowards for sure...or are they smugglers of humans and dope.
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