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by Next Move
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 7:21 PM
Robert Floyd of Pearblossom, CA (posts on both the Stormfront and SOS forums under the name Baldy) is a National Vanguard member/white nationalist and regular attendee of SOS rallies (I guess that would make him a member of SOS too). His name was printed in Sunday’s (6/17/05) Los Angeles Times.
The National Vanguard is also planning a BP3 (details below)
 robert_floyd_pearblossom_ca.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Robert Floyd of Pearblossom, CA (posts on both the Stormfront and SOS forums under the name Baldy) is a National Vanguard member/white nationalist and regular attendee of SOS rallies (I guess that would make him a member of SOS too). His name was printed in Sunday’s (6/17/05) Los Angeles Times. The picture in the paper, similar to the one here had an accompanying caption which read: Protestor Robert Floyd of Pearblossom was briefly restrained by Laguna Beach police. This picture shows him being detained by police. dixieland_delight writes: Hey Baldy, you're famous now! Konkwista88 and I just picked up a copy of today's LA Times, and your picture is in there, as is your name and the city you live in. The article in print is slighty different than the internet version, and they even has a picture of the Mestizo that was harassing the minster… http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=218614&page=2&highlight=laguna KuKluxKlan_SoCal replies: Get use to the publicity -- and how they may display your picture, name and location. This is what happens when you become more active. But its great!! Your a rockstar now... Celebrity.. Can I have an autograph??? http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=218614&page=2&highlight=laguna Dixieland Delight and Advocate are both members of Stormfront/National Vanguard and SOS Dixieland Delight writes: We got a lot done out there today, even though the art show is still going to give the money to the illegals. I made a lot of good contacts, since SOS now loves us. I'm trying to put together BP 3, so I collected a bunch of e-mail addresses, including the chairwoman of CCIR, a videographer, and a bunch of SOS members who are interested in coming to BP 3, hosted by us. We can expect high participation from both SOS and CCIR at our Baldwin Park rally, perhaps the Minutemen as well, since I now have contact info for the LA Minutemen organizer and James Chase. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2024631#post2024631 This proves that SOS, CCIR and the National Vanguard, the Minutemen are working together. Advocate writes: You people didn't even have a professionally produced banner until I came along with one. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3572&st=40 This all once again proves that SOS has become an organizing tool for the National Vanguard. Some stormfront members have even written in the past that the first time they met in person was at the Victorville/SOS protest. http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/06/128996.php It is too late. SOS is an openly racist/fascist orgainzation with direct ties to the National Vanguard.
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by Next Move
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 7:21 PM
 dixieland_delight_and_advocate-sos-stormfront.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Dixieland Delight and Advocate are both members of Stormfront/National Vanguard and SOS
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by El Chivo
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 8:55 PM
Where's the racist Charles Kirkby? He should record this that one of his man from SOS and Stormfront got arrested. He's afraid to show this at his cable access show. Call in his show every wednesday at 8pm and tell his viewer that his man got arrested. (805) 564-4153.
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by Charles Kirkby
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 10:00 PM
chksb@aol.com (805) 884-8154 1511 San Pascual St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101-4105
for more info on Save Our State, Contact Me! and I am very lonely.
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by Charles Kirkby
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 10:06 PM
1511 San Pascual St Santa Barbara, CA 93101-4105 (805) 884-8154
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by me
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:47 AM
He was NOT arrested! He was questioned and released. There were no arrests in Laguna!!
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 6:48 AM
so who threw the water bottle then ?
baldy was arrested ! baldy was arrested !
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by Intel Op Center
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 6:57 AM
The girl in the black tank top, holding the sign posts as dixieland_delight. Here is some more info on her we have dug up. Her name is Megan Nicole Parigi and she is a student at UCLA. She is trying to start a band named Panzer, which is named after her Dog (who is named after the Nazi Tank). She lives in Westwood, CA and has two known email addresses iron_eagle1939@hotmail.com and mparigi@ucla.edu. Reports have come in that she is very open about where Nazi tendencies in her classes, and believes that the White Race is superior and needs to separate itself from other races to "preserve its blood line". We are working hard to get phone numbers, home addresses, and any other information available. We are also working to collect information on all the other people in attendance (SOS and their racist partners). This has gone far enough and we are working hard to bring their War on Mexicans to the doorsteps of the racists!
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 7:58 AM
I'm not bad at datamining - though I usually start with a website (IP's)
Has anyone snagged and websites other than the one's we already know about (SOS MM)
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by Willie
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:55 AM
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 2:49 PM
Aryan Supremacist/ Nazi SOS collaborator VINCE ESTRADA is shown in this pic vying for conterfeit Aryan status, along with LUPE MORENO, aryan collaboratist whore. Don't these sumbags have anything better to do than to harrass honest, hard-working Jornaleros??? http://images5.theimagehosting.com/DSC00434.1.JPG
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by stopthenazisnow
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:27 PM
Advocate @ Jul 17 2005, 12:37 PM
Make you sick?
Well since the Mexicans who attack us and try to kill us don't apparently make you sick, it's nice to know something does.
I dont' know if you've ever attended a rally, but if you do you should wear a shirt or carry a sign that says "I hate WNs". That may score you some points with your communist friends (whose esteem you value so highly) and will give give the heads up to any WN's present not to risk their lives trying to save yours if your beloved minorities have you down beating your brains out. ----------------------------------------
I've read your pathetic resume and I don't need your pathetic lecture on adulthood or intelligence. My bowel movements have a higher IQ than you do.
You people didn't even have a professionally produced banner until I came along with one. If you continue to insult me, I'll take mine back and you can revert to using your home grown, crayon produced graphics that nobody can read but you.
When you get a lifetime appointment to a Federal judgship and you have an army of federal marshals to protect you, then you can insult me this way. Until then, watch your God damned mouth.
Our State Event - July 30th OCAngel Posted on: Jul 17 2005, 12:12 PM
Replies: 30 Views: 370 Hi Advocate,
It was nice to meet you, too. Thank you for coming out. You efforts in putting pressure on LB to cease funding of the site are very appreciated.
When the reporter was talking with me she quoted David Peck's comment and asked me what I felt about it. I responded with the question "what did Laguna Beach do prior to the illegals coming to take our jobs?" I answered my own question by saying that it was the high school kids bussing tables, parking cars, hauling tourists' luggage, and young adults entering the construction trades. I told her I remembered when I was in high school many of my fellow students went into construction and were able to support and raise a family and live a good American life by doing so. That doesn't happen today. No longer in Laguna Beach do you see your neighbor's kid bussing the table at the cafe or a group of boys mowing lawns to earn "date" money for the weekend. These easy low skilled jobs are no longer available to our own young adults.
My comments were not published. I know reporters feel the need to report both sides of an issue, but since she asked my thoughts on his comment I would have thought she would have published my answer.
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:39 PM
here is another pic of Gestappo girl MEGAN NICOLE PARIGI, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with all of her fellow Nazis from Joe Turner's SOS at the Baldwin Park 2 rally. This PROVES that Turner and the SOS are working for the "4th Reich" . I thought World War 2 was supposed to have ended Nazi rallies!!! click to see the Gestappo girl...... http://images5.theimagehosting.com/bp2_0042.jpg
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by lance_sjogren
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 4:28 PM
I realize you guys are not interested in the truth, but it is ludicrous to say that SOS is working with those white nationalist organizations.
Joe Turner has made it crystal clear that SOS will have nothing to do with those organizations.
The fact is, although I realize you guys have contempt for the Bill of Rights, not even the government can stop those guys like Baldy from exercising their right to freedom of assembly, let alone private citizens such as supporters of SOS.
The main difference between us and you guys as far as I can tell is that we repudiate the extremists who claim to be on our side.
In contrast, I don't recall when those of the ultraleft/ultraright open borders lobby have repudiated the Brown Supremacists. Perhaps it is that they constitute a large contingent of your coalition, rather than a small lunatic fringe as in the case of the white nationalists.
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 7:19 PM
> Joe Turner has made it crystal clear "Bring your bats fellas, if we are lucky, we are gonna need them...PING!"
yeah - he sure has !
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:10 AM
> I realize you guys are not interested in the truth, but it > is ludicrous to say that SOS is working with those > white nationalist organizations.
The evidence would tend to indicate otherwise. It wouyld appear to me that all protestations against having white supremists in their membership is solely a matter of public relations -- at least that's what the available evidence indicates me to, so far.
I doubt that _all_ SOSMM cult followers are white supremists and I now suspect that some of them actually believe they're not followers of a hate cult.
But then some 74% of the American populace believed the Bush regime that Saddam attacked New York, and a large percentage believe they've been abducted by flying saucers and no end of unfortunate things people will believe despite all evidence and all reason.
I'd like to see the honest anti-illegal immigrant activists divest themselves of the SOS/MM/ANP/NV/NA/AN/SF et al. groups, finally accepting the fact that they don't stand for what they claim to. I'd like to see honest anti-illegal immigration activists walk away from the hate cults and join _real_ anti-illegal immigration groups.
But that won't happen. The human brain is wired to reject reason, logic, and evidence in favor of clinging to preconceived notions that make the body feel good.
My opinions only, of course. I'm often wrong.
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by Voice is Back
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 12:20 PM
<< My opinions only, of course. I'm often wrong. >>
Yes Fred, you are often wrong, particularly when you go to non-denominational religious forums and start using cuss words like GD. Gee, should I enlighten people here, or will you fess up to your anti-religious hate speech on other forums?
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by Voice is Back
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 12:43 PM
Let's see how peace loving Freddy really is: "In amusing and brief article covering a photograph of sand dunes which shows a vague outline of a human face -- which could very well be Charles Manson but which believers in the occult will almost certainly pretend is Jesus Fucking Christ. " URL: http://www.groupsrv.com/religion/about137811.html And my personal favorite post by Fredric Rice: Title: God mother fucking damn! "Do any of you Christians think I committed a sin with this message postings' subject line? " URL: http://www.groupsrv.com/religion/about125956.html Fred, you're more sick than anyone else I've ever known. Get help.
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by Funny me
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 3:05 PM
Lupe and Vince are Nazi collaborators?
Is the little Mexican girl a Nazi also?
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by Funny me
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 3:07 PM
Do you realize that if you obtain addresses and phone numbers---------- the opposition can get yours also?
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 3:07 PM
> the opposition can get yours also?
BTW the hex stands for hex anon with encryption
that means I use as many as 6 proxies chained with an encrypted tunnel between them
also we have a wireless network at this end so my machine can be anywhere within about 1 block from the *phone line I don't own*
good luck !
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:47 PM
 pathetic.jpgnncjz4.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Boy did all the indymedia slackers come out to face us at Laguna Beach. 5 protestors? That's completely pathetic.
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:58 PM
And the signs you losers brought to Laguna Beach were rather sorry as well.
"Vivi Zapata" - whatever, he died in 1919.
"The Police Are Guilty" - this is not Garden Grove, you fools. figure it out. buy a thomas guide or look online at mapquest.com
"Arrest Hal" - same deal, this is not Garden Grove, but a protest about a day labor center in LAGUNA BEACH and its funding from the Arts Festival.
And then there was some crap in spanish. Why learn Spanish? I don't need to get a decent paying job. Too bad you can't say the same for English, huh?
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:40 PM
 security.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
the internet account on that phone line I don't own is in someone elses name & address
here's a diagram ^
happy hunting !
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by Fredric L. Rice
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 8:53 PM
Love it! I'm going to steal it. Maybe I should add it to http://www.notserver.org/ }:-} Have you checked out TOR on eff.org ?
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by Hex
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 11:44 PM
 screen.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
The requested URL could not be retrieved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.notserver.org/ The following error was encountered: Unable to determine IP address from host name for unknown server name This means that: The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The proxy chaining using mostly SSL CONNECT proxies is a bit tricky - I use Proxomitron pointing at a SOCKSCap'ed HTTPort pointing through another HTTPort pointing to a public SOCKS proxy along with a tunneling proxy in the middle (which is technically only 5 public proxies but I count the tunnel as 2 since it's inward IP is different than it's outward IP) (other people have only option of SOCKSchain using all SOCKS proxies which are becoming quite rare and hard to find) By using HTTPort, SSL proxies can be used which also pass encapsulated SOCKS traffic (in fact any TCP traffic) Usually I only use 1 or 2 proxies because SOCKS tend to die quickly and are so rare anymore, however parts of the wireless network provide better security (we have routing for direct end-to-end connections but have Proxomitrons set up which keep *no logs* on various nodes so they can be chained and bounced through. By selecting a "local" proxy that's down the street on wireless we get the same effect.. Many big cities have whole networks of hotspots (we have 4 separate networks right here) and with so many often you can connect to and sometimes access either internet or more often NETBIOS, printers, routers, etc "Wardriving" is pretty fun - I use special high gain antenna reflectors placed outside to connect to hotspots way beyond the normal range giving the same effect as driving around for a few blocks by positioning the reflectors in different directions... We also have a permanent long-haul link set up this way. Just window screen folded with the wireless adaptor in the crease works well - no need for a RF connector, coax and antenna or cans, Yagi's or other fuss - the adaptor's own antenna is best as the cut is extremely critical at 2.4GHz, so just focusing what you have works out best my measurements revealed
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by only the truth
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2005 at 8:14 AM
Until recently, Megan Nicole Parigi was residing in apartment on Landfair Ave in Westwood, Los Angeles. She may have recently moved however, as her summer sessions class has recently ended and sightings of her have significantly decreased. This noted absence may also be due to her having received her drivers license (it was taken away for a DUI offense). She often spends her summers at her mother's apartment in Monterey. While her family has not openly embraced white nationalism, she makes no secret of their white nationalist attitudes and leanings.
Please, let me stress, you want to be very careful around this girl. I met her several years before she became a neo-nazi. During this time, I learned that she had spent a significant stint in juvenile lockup immediately before coming to UCLA. She also informed me that no less than two psychiatrists had diagnosed her as a sociopath. Predictably she stated that they had no idea what they were talking about, and admitted that she had received no professional help since the diagnoses.
Megan Parigi has violent tendencies and will attack with little to no provocation. She delighted in smashing a young man in the testicles with a wooden sword simply because he "annoyed" her. She kicked a boy in the back while wearing steel-toed boots during a friendly pillow fight. She uses her dog (a pit bull) to intimidate others when her own threats are no longer enough, encouraging the dog to “eat” others. She also is a self-described gun nut, and has a cousin in Long Beach with a "miniature arsenal."
While these acts of physical violence may seem bad enough, Megan also engages in depraved acts that endanger complete strangers. While working at Haagen-Dazs a while back she would frequently spread remnants of fecal matter on the ice cream she was selling. Why would she do such a thing? Because she was bored and frustrated with the work.
It is important to note that Megan is frequently under the influence of narcotics and hard liquor. She abuses these substances on a regular basis. Thus, she may not fully be in control of her actions. This makes her extremely dangerous to confront.
Until this girl is put away where she belongs, I recommend staying as far away from her as possible.
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by only the truth
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2005 at 8:27 AM
Want Megan Parigi's live journal? It's a great read... http://www.livejournal.com/users/meganparigi
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by Hex
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2005 at 8:46 AM
> drivers license taken away for a DUI offense/frequently under the influence of hard liquor
see I said she looked drunk
I posted the comment after reading her personal notes about how to play head games with men (like the script of a soap opera)
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