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by Publius
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 4:41 PM
On Saturday, July 16th, S.O.S. members will be coming to Laguna Beach. Shall we greet them?
 sosmembers.jpg, image/jpeg, 375x309
Announcement as worded by SOS. Show up to counter their message of hate! LAGUNA BEACH Laguna Canyon Road/Laguna Canyon Frontage Rd. JULY 16TH * SATURDAY 10AM-12PM
ARTS FESTIVAL RALLY! The City of Laguna Beach supports an Illegal Day Labor site through income generated by their World Famous Art Festivals. We are gathering in a peaceful rally in front of the arts center to educate those entering the festival and the drive-by public to the illegal activities their tickets are paying for. Bring your signs: "Shame on Laguna Beach" "Laguna Beach Supports Illegals" "Laguna Beach Arts Support Illegals" "Laguna Beach Residents Before Illegals" "Your Art Ticket Pays For Mexico" Also bring the usual signs denouncing Illegal Immigration and Day Labor Sites. -------------------------- Directions: From Los Angeles take the 405 Freeway into Irvine. Take the 133 Highway (south) towards Laguna Beach. This highway turns into Laguna Canyon Rd. From San Diego take the 5 Freeway to 405 Freeway, take 133 Highway (south) towards Laguna Beach. The 133 turns into Laguna Canyon Rd. Parking: There is metered parking up and down the street ($1.50 per hour. Quarters only) Or there is a ($5) parking area as you enter the canyon called ACT V parking. You will then take a shuttle bus to the Sawdust Festival site.
(Last month several American citizens and residents of Laguna Beach lost their homes in a major landslide. They were not insured, therefore have lost everything. Instead of using city money to help these good Americans, the mayor of Laguna Beach funds an illegal resource center, which includes a hiring center, counseling, and housing for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS)
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by Joe Neanderthal
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 5:09 PM
2121 Richard Leakey Drive, Fossil Creek, California
I am deeply offended "Publius" has compared us Neanderthals with the vicious racists who associate with "Save Our State". The people linked with that group are savages who have a callous disregard for the rights of other bipeds.
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by JackCroMag
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 5:14 PM
Anyone notice Turner seems to avoid the OC??
What about Gilchrist? Laguna is his home town,
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by IMC
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 5:50 PM
We like your title a lot, but we changed it anyway. I hope that you don't mind.
We don't want to add gasoline in the fire. Thank you very much for your post.
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by Publius
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 6:41 PM
IMC sez:
> We like your title a lot, but we changed it anyway. > I hope that you don't mind.
Nope. Don't mind at all. Keep up the good work!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 7:37 PM
I seriously doubt whether the white supremist scumbags will find a single recruit in the tolerant township of Laguna Beach, a township that is generally known to be a hot bed of diversity, equality, and tolerance. These racist scumbags won't find a single recruit to join their hate campaign and I really doubt there's any reason to turn out to oppose these hate mongers this time around. They are, after all, pretending to attack fellow whites while trolling for recruits in one of the most tolerant and diverse cities in California.
It's when these white supremist scumbags assault Americans in places like Baldwin Park where they're directly spewing their hatred and bigotry against people with dark or brown skin... That's when I think the community needs to come out and overwhelming the scumbags with a massive display of smack down.
I should add that I know Laguna Beach very well. I know the Sawdust Festival and the more organized festival grounds across the street. When I was in High School, I spent every Summer day from morning until evening walking those streets, reviewing the art, surfing out in front of the Lifeguard station, lunching at the Charlies Chili that used to be there, and sifting the sand with metal detectors.
The people who live there -- mostly white -- are extremely tolerant and will treast these white supremist scumbags with smiles, shake their heads at the Republican hate mongers once again goose-stepping through their community, and ignore the fucking Nazi wannabes totally.
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by LagunaisOC
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 8:19 PM
The organizers are Laguna Beach residents. Not even an SOS event.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 8:41 AM
> The organizers are Laguna Beach residents. Not even an SOS event.
Yeah, and all them American Nazi Party, Storm Front, National Vanguard et al. groups and individuals aren't really a part of SOSMM, right?
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Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 3:35 PM
Fred, do you actually know what the term "scumbag" really means? I'm just curious, since you use it every chance you can and it's really kind of annoying.
A "scumbag" is slang term for a condom. Meaning the "scum" is, well, you know.
So I'm curious--when you call these people "scumbags," are you saying they are latex bags filled with, or potentially filled with, semen? In this scenario, are these "scumbags" perhaps "ribbed for her pleasure" or "lubricated with nonoxynol-9"?
Personally, I think condoms are a really really great thing that everyone should use, and their use reflects respect, intelligence, and a sense of worth both for oneself and for the well-being of others. So, I'm not quite sure why you continue to use this term to refer to ignorant, hateful, violent human beings like the members of SOS.
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by Kurt Brown
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 5:08 PM
USA, Prison State Nightmare
The art looks as I would perceive the Indians viewing big bulky Europeans going to battle. SOS my ass. This nation is under seige. Forced experiments on veterans and murder in the federal government's banking agenices labeled suicide. I have an SOS for ya, two tons of TNT and a dance in Hell with drag queen Satan, Burt Bacharach If you want to read of atrocities, go to Mobile Audit Club. You will never want to be in LA again without a .45 at your side and my new weapon, Dirty Hairy Blow Fly, a bioengineered fly from Pseudacteon Spp, Triseptera, and the Hairy Blow Fly, sucking up your melon's juices. http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:17 AM
> A "scumbag" is slang term for a condom.
Scumbag n. Slang A person regarded as despicable.
There. I did your homework for you. Glad to help!
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:43 PM
 pathetic.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Above (at the top of this thread) is the picture the indymedia stoners use to rally the troops to show up. And here is the massive indymedia crowd of 5 -- count it -- 5 counter-protestors. Oh, sorry, I think lard ass Duane showed up later on.
Duane, go on a diet. It's painful to even see someone so large, and frankly offensive to see as well.
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