Walk down an American City street, with an American Flag..and that made the blood boil of the young chicano's...? Am i missing something here..
You talking to me? Calling me a clown? How poignant coming from you. Is this your way of a propitious answer to a serious question? Insulting someone you do not know, to leverage some kind of hegemony over me? Can you not answer the question Fred? It is a simple question and I'll rephrase it for you just this one time.
Is it now a crime for senior citizens, and any other citizen, to peacefully demostrate against the statements of others without a group of people throwing bottled water and screaming in their faces?
Can an American citizen who has served in ww2 and born in the Southland carry the Flag of his Nation without the threat of physical violence?
Clown? I could sink to your level and demostrate a wrath of justifible insults upon you that would make you shrivel but I am a better Clown than you...
Answer the question..
Hey Fred and Fed Up... break it up or take it outside. Personal attacks get us nowhere...
i agree with ricardo thats exaclty what happened, but thanks to the harmony keepers for there good work, next time we will be more and more organized!
Hey! Great! We managed to keep from degrading into a pack of wild animals.
Yay for our side!
Douchebags...all o' ya'
ISO statement about BPII
Please circulate the statement below to any concerned groups and individuals in the anti-Minutement/SOS movement. We hope that we can get past this episode and continue the urgent work ahead of us, together.
In solidarity,
The LA ISO, along with friends
Los Angeles ISO statement regarding the May 28th Coalition “Letter of Resignation” and other attacks on the ISO’s role in the anti-SOS/Minutemen Movement
• The International Socialist Organization (ISO), side by side with other groups and individuals in California, Arizona, Texas, will continue to organize against the Minutemen Project, Save Our State (SOS), the Border Patrol Auxiliary, and any far right racist group that tries to bring their terror into our communities.
o We are working with numerous others mobilzing for Campo on July 16th (at least) and for San Diego County September 16 and beyond.
o We stand with the basic points of unity that began to take shape at the May 28th summit in Riverside, La Tierra es de Todos. The Southern California Human Rights Network along with brothers and sisters in Orange County circulated the following DRAFT, proposals for a few of them – they’ve developed a total of 9 or so points so far, including ACTIVE support for targets of police repression and brutality. (We highlight these three points of unity since they relate most directly to the purpose of this statement. These and other points of unity need to be drafted and discussed publicly.)
"We believe that no human is illegal and oppose the criminalization, dehumanization, and exploitation of migrants, immigrants and or economic and political refugees, by means of media, legislation, ideology, rhetoric, etc. [This] includes augmenting border patrol units, commissioning other law enforcement agencies to work in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and [includes] such policies as the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and other policies that
exploit the indigenous, peasantry, and environments of countries abroad."
"We believe in, embrace, support and celebrate cultural diversity and therefore will protect all human, civil and political rights, which empowers our incessant struggle for justice; therefore, we will outreach to and toil with all individuals and social sectors, regardless of age, race, gender, social economic status, creed, sexual preference, disability, citizenship status and or nationality."
"We respect the autonomy of each individual, organization and community in the coalition, nevertheless we understand the strategic and practical necessity for unity and collective action; therefore we stand in solidarity to take action against any
attacks on our humanity and will respect the decisions made by the communal coalition and its processes while respecting the ideologies, politics and practices of others. We also encourage individuals to join organizations to become socially active in the struggle for equality, and against racism, fascism, and oppression."
• The charges against the ISO raised by a few groups and individuals in the “Letter of Resignation” sent to members of the coalition and posted on indymedia are based on inaccuracies and distortions about the decisions of the Baldwin Park committee. We don’t place ourselves, as individuals and as members of an organization, above criticism. But we will not be painted with the brush of other groups’ undisciplined actions and we will call out slander for what it is.
• We believe, as did the organizing committee in Baldwin Park, in a democratic, inclusive movement able to bring together folks of all kinds of backgrounds and perspectives on how we build an effective fight against racist terror.
• We do not claim “leadership” of the movement. We like everyone else have much to learn, experience to share, and debates to hold, about what will create the most effective and strongest possible movement against the racist right.
• Nor do we automatically recognize self-proclaimed “leaders” as representing “the community.” Everyone involved in the movement is part of the leadership, whether a seasoned activist or a newly radicalizing student. Democratic organizing, not imposed
leadership, will be most effective in involving the largest number of people in struggle as possible.
• This written response will no doubt generate new charges, or variations on the old ones, launched and “debated” in the undemocratic setting of email and indymedia posts. But our real response is our continued work to mobilize as many people as possible
for action and involvement – on July 16 in Campo and in San Diego in September.
• The accusations themselves stand in a long tradition of red-baiting and race-baiting. If we successfully prove our point against one charge, only new ones will emerge.
o Red-baiting is rooted in the accusation that socialists and the left are not “legitimate” parts of movements against oppression, presumably because we have our own agenda. Race-baiting is the claim that whites or “Europeans” cannot be a legitimate part of
the movement, presumably because we’ll “colonize” it.
• Oppression and violence are not new, neither is resistance to them. What is new is the potential in people’s desire for action – against the SOS and Minutemen, but also against Schwarzenegger and the attacks on working people generally.
• We in the ISO are fighting for a world without borders where the shared interests of ordinary people against ruling classes everywhere form the basis of the international struggle for genuine democracy and liberation. We call that international socialism, not
as it has been, but as we think it can be.
We feel that the most significant accusations against the ISO are twofold – that we “disrespected the community of Baldwin Park” and that we acted undemocratically with respect to the coalition and the Baldwin Park organizing committee. They are pretty
much summarized in the following passages from the resignation letter:
"The organizations that broke the political agreements of June 12th and 22nd showed a complete lack of respect to the local organizing committee of Baldwin Park. Those same organizations that are part of the coalition had been at local and regional meetings and
were aware that the Baldwin Park event would be of cultural and pacific character; without confrontation."
"We also want to make mention that their behavior was disrespectful of the local community…[and that they] do not represent the social base of the migrant
community that are under attack by the racists."
The two charges are related, of course, but it’s worth taking them separately.
During Baldwin Park I, it was the people from the community of Baldwin park who took the lead in confronting the racists, as was the case with the communities of Garden Grove, Fallbrook, and Alhambra, as well as in other communities targeted by the racists. Members of the Baldwin Park organizing committee from Baldwin Park talked about how they were on the frontlines of Baldwin Park I, how great it was to be there, and how they have been to confrontations that didn’t invite violence.
It is nothing but pure condescension and real disrespect to the people of Baldwin Park to suggest that direct confrontation at any of these actions including on June 25 is the result of outsiders and instigators, or that such confrontation is “against their wishes,” or that the ISO’s “disrespect” was to “lead the community” away from the permitted rally.
The ISO had in fact participated on a regular basis in the local organizing committee of Baldwin Park. The ISO and others have also, since before the first Baldwin Park action, worked in the community, advertising the SOS’s plans, talking with people about the issues, and about the best ways to respond. This is one way we try to show respect.
Our experiences in the community and the events at Baldwin Park I, and the fact that the majority of people present on June 25 took part in BOTH the counter-protest and the celebration, shows that many in the “social base” of the migrant community and those in solidarity with their struggles want to directly confront and face the racists. Not all feel
empowered only by “turning their backs on the racists.”
The community is multi-faceted, as was the ultimate event agreed upon by the organizers and actually experienced on June 25.
Finally, there’s the question of danger, and the possibility of disrespect in that context. Two points on this:
1) The Baldwin Park community meetings featured ongoing discussion about the fact that there were going to be a substantial amount of people from Baldwin Park and beyond who want to directly confront the racists. The committee voted to support their efforts and encourage them to be organized rather than random. The ISO worked in this spirit, though we’re only one of many organized groups that took part. As at Alhambra the week before and at Baldwin Park I, the ISO tried to assist in an organized, non-violent, and
with regard to the police non-provocative, protest against racists.
2) We need to learn from each other on this, in a spirit of common struggle and openly. But we’re convinced that the real danger comes from racist street thugs organizing and from the police that protect them, from vigilantes being praised by politicians, from politicians and their war machine that intends to scoop youth out of the barrio into their wars and occupations. Our strength against danger is solidarity and common, concrete, diverse, action.
Here’s the real charge, but the claims of anti-democratic behavior are complete distortions and untrue.
Here’s the inaccuracy – really a distortion – that the letter launches into life:
"[A] representative from Baldwin Park attended a Los Angeles meeting 3 days before the event to clarify that his community (Baldwin Park) wished to have a cultural event."
And the already-quoted:
"Those same organizations that are part of the coalition had been at local and regional meetings and were aware that the Baldwin Park event would be of cultural and pacific character; without confrontation."
The truth of the matter (acknowledged by the letter in some places, but not others) is this:
Whether or not to work in solidarity with those who wished to directly confront the racists was debated and discussed deeply and seriously over many meetings of the Baldwin Park community members. The community members voted, unanimously voted, to support and work in solidarity with the people who wanted to directly confront the racists. The community members were concerned that the confrontations remain non-violent and so it was encouraged that those who wanted to confront make every effort to work together in an organized fashion in order to ensure that no one from our side was injured or arrested.
Some members of the committee personally did not support confrontation. However, the full committee democratically voted more than once that it would support ALL forms of protest. This commitment has been reflected in the committee’s support for those arrested and brutalized by the cops on June 25.
Peaceful confrontation was never against the agreement reached by the coalition, rather it was a part of the agreement. On the morning of June 25, a few groups established a line between legitimate and illegitimate protest. THIS was the undemocratic act.
Other statements in the letter and elsewhere also accused the ISO of “recruiting people to leave the cultural celebration,” and “bringing the community along with them.” Any one on the ground that day could see clearly that people were taking part in both events of their own accord. As was agreed upon in the Baldwin Park committee meeting, there were going to be two different kinds of protesting that day. The ISO’s involvement here, along with other groups that day, was to help organize those who wanted to protest in an
effort to help make the protest as successful and organized as possible. How were the actions of the “security team” not exactly the same kind of “recruitment”?
The ISO takes democracy in our movements extremely seriously – anti-democratic maneuvers plague and weaken many of our movements, not least the anti-war
movement, but also now the anti-Minutemen/SOS movement.
We have to create this democracy, and there aren’t many models in today’s societies.
We’re sure the ISO does not hold all the answers on this. We’re also sure, though, that the attacks on the ISO (and by extension others on the left) by a few members of the May 28th coalition can do nothing but weaken and demobilize the movement against racism and national oppression. We in the ISO wish to turn pointing fingers into linked arms for the struggle for liberation in our lifetime.
In common struggle for a world without borders,
Author: Sin Fronteras
Posted: Saturday July 09, 2005 04:04 PM
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que chiiiiiin a su __________ !!! ya lo regaron, it's too late.