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by Next Move
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 6:24 AM
23 anti-hate activists were arrested yesterday at Baldwin Park Demo.
They were arrested for trespassing on railroad property. Of the 23 that were arrested, all but 2 were held for over 12 hours. As of 1 AM the police refused to book 3 of the arrestees.
A private corporation called Corrections Services Incorporated runs the Baldwin Park jail. According to reports the jailers took their time booking everybody and arbitrarily harassed several of the arrestees.
One arrestee was held in solitary confinement for a short time.
Check back for updates later.
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by IMC
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 7:55 AM
Just called BPPD. As of Sunday 10:50 AM
19 have been released 4 still in jail.
BPPD (626) 960-1955
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by Friend of One
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 8:11 AM
I heard that some, if not all, of the demonstrators who got arrested there didn't get a warning to leave the property.
That's very non-standard. Sometimes, the law enforcement will pen you in, corner you, and tell you to disperse when there aren't sufficient exists... then arrest or pepper spray people. It's unfair and wrong, but, they at least try to fulfill some legal technicalities.
Also, I saw a lot of people walking on the railroad property. The police had blocked off one entry to the station area, so people walked south, and then tried to use the rails as an alternate entrypoint. Had they tried to walk around to approach the site via another route, it would have been around an extra half-mile to a mile of walking. This is because there's no road that cuts across to the next street over -- there's a school there.
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by Acidrain
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 9:10 AM
Amusing that the so called Anti-Hate groups are racist yet was thier any arrest from the peaceful non-racist activist? Nope, so what is wrong with this picture? Well it shows that SOS is a peaceful Org that wants the stoping of the Illegal movement. You anti-illegal group keep it up and iam sure that u will be investigated for your actions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 10:03 AM
I see the white supremist take on things is amusing, as usual. There were 30 or 40 white supremists isolated all by themselves so they couldn't easily get into trouble even if they wanted to, not even getting in their vans and driving over peaceful protesters again. Stupid rightard morons. (Well _somebody_ has to be on the left side of the Ball Curve. Volunteers are appreciated.)
But it's a _good_ thing that people walking along the rail bed were collected up and given something of a lesson about the stupidity of playing tag with potential locomotives. I noticed that a temporary speed restriction was in place for the locomotives but even so, walking along the tracks isn't a very good idea... Unless you're a "Save Our State" a.k.a. "Minutemen" a.k.a. National Vanguard a.k.a. Klu Klux Klan hate monger, then it's a good thing -- a _VERY_ good thing -- to do. It helps to have racist scumbags take themselves out of the gene pool and I'm all for such volunteers killing themselves in amusing ways where possible.
There were something like 200 cops roaming around or standing there, and about 500 anti-hate activists opposing the racists in the larger group, and some hundred other anti-hate activists in other groups. So many cops and nothing serious to do so making sure people are safe -- even when they do stupid things like walk along a rail bed -- was a good way for them to actually do something meaningful and useful.
I'd bet that few of the cops actually wanted to stand there and defend white supremist scumbags from the "terrorist protest signs" and "deadly anti-hate slogans" of the peaceful protesters. Many of the cops were black or otherwise had brown skin and without a doubt most probably disliked keeping the peaceful protesters from taking American ideals right up into the face of the hate mongers.
But the cops behaved themselves, acted professionally and properly, and did a good job. I didn't see any abuses, no unreasonable requests, or anything wrong at all with the professional behavior of the cops. They did good.
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by Hex
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 11:56 AM
 lgf.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x255
> what is wrong with this picture ?
SOS promised they had nothing to to with white supremacists by spamming the lie all over IMC's as recently as a week ago ( a quick google search showed otherwise however)
And here they are standing right with them - handing out leaflets and all
What's wrong with THIS picture ?
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by Leatherneck
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 3:25 PM
dont forget to add that those arrested were trying to cross a Police line, and also trying to take violent actions against folks that were peacefully protesting.. why dont you folks report what REALLY happened?
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by arrestee #4
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 3:36 PM
there were no people arrested for trying to cross police lines. i was in the cell nearest the door during the entire rally, and the only people brought in were people who committed crimes non-related to neither protests.
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by daveyt
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 3:56 PM
what about that one guy over by the commuter rail? he cause the greatest stirr of the day and get it from the crowd including a variety of organizations. he had a lengthy interview with a television reporter.
then he was talking to the cops when suddenly the riot police came in and marched him off
what happened? anyone else see that? some good entertainment at the defense of baldwin hill.
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by daveyt
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 3:56 PM
what about that one guy over by the commuter rail? he cause the greatest stir of the day and get it from the crowd including a variety of organizations. he had a lengthy interview with a television reporter.
then he was talking to the cops when suddenly the riot police came in and marched him off
what happened? anyone else see that? some good entertainment at the defense of baldwin hill.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 4:03 PM
> dont forget to add that those arrested were trying to cross a > Police line, and also trying to take violent actions against folks > that were peacefully protesting.
I wonder if this is what the racists are telling themselves as some kind of way to handle their newest humiliating defeat at the hands of the Baldwin Park community.
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by johnk
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 5:53 PM
Freddy - gimme a break. These arrests were mainly harrasment. I talked to one arrestee, and what happened was, the got sent up to the jail, and the people operating aren't even cops. It's some privatized, contracted-out affair, and it's staffed by a bunch of young wannabe cops with a lot of attitude.
What these protesters were due was a misdemeanor citation for trespassing on railroad property. (I'm not sure if this is right. I think it could be an infraction if someone doesn't tell you to stay off the land first. I don't know the law regarding this.)
That means they should be released after being processed. They were held for over 12 hours, and some overnight. That's like a day in jail.
Meanwhile, real criminals, and real violators (aka staruday drunks) were being processed quickly. This is basically police harassment, where they play judge and jury by slowing down processing. They probably hinted to the kids to give the activists a hard time.
[As for trespass... come on -- odds are, people use that route to get to the station. I saw them walking down there when I was trying to find parking. There are two routes to the station from that area. The shorter one was blocked by the cops, and the longer one was several blocks, winding around a school. It's not safe, but, no other short path is offered, therefore, people will use the shortest natural path.]
The PD pulled the same BS down in Garden Grove, when they picked out some protesters, and then held them in jail a while, pending their making bond. The "punishement" is the cost of getting bailed out, paid to the bail bonds at the rate of 10%. (Maybe the cops get an illegal kickback from the bail bond companies/loansharks.)
People were stuck in there for a day, while the CCIR member who mowed down protesters with his car, gets off without even a hearing.
The pattern is self-evident. It's simple abuse of power, and an effort to restrict the right of free speech.
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by Next Move
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 7:01 PM
There is at least one activist who is still in the Baldwin Park jail . Apparantly he is going to be held until Tuesday. I don't know what the charge is (if any).
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by Stomper
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 7:21 PM
There are always more left wing vermin when it comes to protests...they don't work.....but when it get's down to fighting and killing....those pathetic turds are going to have a rude awakening when it get;s just bad enough for white people to say...fuck this let's kick these ugly brown turds back across the border...then we;ll have ANOTHER Operation Wetbacl...and boy won't they look surprised after all the "Reconquista" crap they've been soooo...un-racist" in promoting...hey guess what La Raza...we're on to your Aztlan plan" you ridiculous fucktards...you want a race war? Bring it on turd boy..bring it on!!! You don't have the guts, you bunch of sign carrying turds
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by littlebopeep
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 8:19 PM
Hi there, hate mongering SOS'er here...
Well, like I said in an ariticle on BP that I published here yesterday ( I dont know if it was deleted or anything) we can not kick them off the corner. We did tell them off at one point, so they marched as far away as they could. They could not go to another corner, the police would not let them.
I personally have about the same contempt for them as I do for the MECHA, LA RAZA and other hate/sep groups. I am not white, so I can not join their little club! I am not white enuff for them, but my wife is...that just sickens me.
If you all would just not hate America so much, I would have about the same contempt for both of you all. But, they actually like the USA, and you all hate it....makes a difference of sorts.
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by Hex
Monday, Jun. 27, 2005 at 9:20 PM
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program - all of ya program
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by Next Move
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005 at 9:53 AM
>dont forget to add that those arrested were trying to cross a Police line, and also trying to take violent actions against folks that were peacefully protesting.. why dont you folks report what REALLY happened?
Leatherneck, were you there? Can you read? Information directly from the police said people were arrested for trespassing on train property. Call the PD yourself. And they weren't planning violent action either. Having an opinion is not violent. Opposing racism in all its forms is not violent.
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by Posydun
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005 at 9:55 AM
Yes, I was one of the people wrongly arrested in the Baldwin Park protest. Unfortunately the bigots below fail to realize not only "Mexicans" were kidnapped (or arrested) by the fascist police force, there were many different ethnicities locked up. We were kidnapped for allegedly "trespassing on the train tracks." Several things are wrong with this. #1) we were not walking on the train tracks, we were several feet away from them. #2)there are no signs suggesting this was trespassing #3)people walk along this stretch of terrain every day. children going to school, etc. Do they get arrested as well? #4) In the jail, we could overhear the corporate rent-a-cops (they were not policemen!!!) talking amongst themselves and to officers. For 6 HOURS they could not figure out what to charge us with!!! Can you say BOGUS CHARGES?!?! All over the walls, they had rules printed and posted. One went something like this: AFTER ARREST (Pursuant to Penal Code 851.1)1 have the right to make (3) three phone calls within a (3) hour period, etc etc. The rules were full of mispellings like the "1" up there and "jail" was spelled as "jell" several times, as well as other things, which leads me to believe these were not the brightest crayons in the box. These rights WERE DENIED!!! Most of us were not allowed to make phone calls or fed for over 8 HOURS!!!!! Upon my release (12 1/2 hours after my abduction), there were still at least 3 people who had still not made phone calls or even been booked!!! One of these was a Frenchman, Eve, who sadly on his 2nd trip to America, witnessed first-hand the fascism of our great justice system! Also, a photojournalist from UCLA, Gabriel, was jailed. ???So they were jailing members of the press as well. My friend, Bob, is a 54-year-old man with an artificial hip. This is who these rent-a-cops decided to rough up. (One of them was named Martinez. They did not have any name-tags or other means of identification on them, which i though was strange. We got his name because he was all-too-proud to let us know he beat up an old man) Three of them threw him headfirst into our cell, picked him up and slammed his head into the wall, had a few good laughs and went to go eat pizza and donuts. And the conditions of our cell were horrible. They packed over 8 of us (more than the max capacity) into the drunk-tank. There was pubic hair and vomit stains on the floor. The toilet was leaking and there was a huge urine puddle on the floor. So the SOS is not a racist organization, right? Even though they were there hand-in-hand with the NAZI NATIONAL VANGUARD. And yet we are arrested for walking. FOR WALKING!!!! I was there to stand against racism, whatever form it comes in, whether it's White or Mexican supremacy. These bigots are preaching hate, but that's no big deal right? At least the police go after hardened criminals such as ourselves, the infamous TRAINWALKERS... It's good to know we have a system that works. We will be seeking charges agianst the City of Baldwin Park, let it be known. A big, fat, class-action lawsuit. The struggle continues...
Peace & Love, ~PosYduN~ of AGOP www.myspace.com/agop
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by Favorite Shape: the Hex-B-Gon
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005 at 5:18 PM
 viva_gorditas_.jpg, image/jpeg, 275x361
Nice poster, clown.
I nearly fell over laughing when I got to "THEY THINK FOR THEMSELVES."
The real people who dared think for themselves ended up in gulags run by Soviet and Chinese liberals.
Enjoy the above image of another liberal freethinker.
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by Stimpy
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005 at 5:31 PM
I've been so worried about you!
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