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by Duane J. Roberts
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 6:22 AM
I never thought I would say this, but thanks to The Los Angeles Times, an estimated one million people throughout Southern California have now heard something about the Garden Grove Police Department raid of Theresa Dang's Westminster home last Thursday.
Hello everybody! I don't know who Bonnie Bluestein of Pasadena is, but bless her heart! She wrote an excellent letter! :) Sincerely, Duane J. Roberts duaneroberts92804@yahoo.com The following "letter to the editor" was printed in the Wednesday, June 22, 2005 issue of The Los Angeles Times (OC edition) on page B12: Police Actions Raise Questions About Rights Re "Minuteman Flap Leads To Home Search," June 18: The Garden Grove police apparently used a missing flashlight as an excuse to violate Theresa Dang's 4th Amendment right to protection from unreasonable searches, in order to chill the exercise of her 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech and assembly. In so doing, and in using mounted officers to disperse a legal (if "raucous") May 25th protest against the anti-immigrant Minutemen, they trampled on the rights of all of us all. Their claim to be "applying the law equally" is just about as believable as the excuses we were given for going to war on Iraq. BONNIE BLUESTEIN Pasadena
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by Is there a case?
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 6:30 AM
Maybe activists should consider a forming a class and going after the City of GG.
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by AmericanME
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 11:00 AM
Theresa Dang Exposed as Liar by Jose Gracielo Fernandez • Tuesday June 21, 2005 12:28 PM joe_g_fernandez@yahoo.com Racist Theresa Dang caught on tape faking her "injuries" allegedy at the hands of civil rights activist Hal Netkin. Theresa Dang, Other Racists Exposed as Liars LOS ANGELES, CA. June 21 - Hal Netkin, a community civil rights activist, acted in self-defense when attacked by Theresa Dang -- the racial supremacist recently filmed stealing police property -- as well as other violent extremists, new video shows. Netkin had earlier been cleared by police of wrongdoing in an incident following a peaceful meeting where Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrist had spoken. Surrounded by hostile members of MEChA -- the racist group with a track record of violence towards non-Hispanics -- and other hate groups, Netkin slowly drove his minivan through the seething crowd blocking the only exit from the venue. Police agreed that Netkin, a senior citizen, acted reasonably given the threat under which he found himself. No injuries resulted to the protestors or to Netkin, although the vehicle was severely damaged by the pounding fists of the extremists. Moments later, Dang, unaware of the camera filming her, theatrically flopped to the ground after some coaching from a fellow radical. Another hate group member, carrying a bullhorn, actually exited the scene. Apparently he later regretted his good health and returned to the spot to collapse tragically next to the unhurt but prostrate Theresa Dang. The radicals seem increasingly desperate in recent days, as poll after poll demonstrates that most Americans are strongly opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens. As the illegal alien enthusiasts like Dang grow more isolated, they seem to align themselves with ever more extreme and anti-American interests. In the crowd protesting the Minuteman meeting, where Mexican flags, Anarchy posters and Che banners were seen, but American flags were curiously absent, a contingent was seen expressing support for arch-terrorist Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi. “Viva Zarqawi, the gringo-killer!’ they chanted. Dang will be answering misdemeanor theft charges for stealing a police officer’s flashlight. The hate group activist and bigot has not had much luck on camera recently: like her phony injury, the theft was also caught on tape. Dang’s flop can be viewed at http://keepstuff.homestead.com/NetkinAnsweresOsborn5620.html. It is not known if Netkin or the police department will press charges against Dang for her perjury. Netkin has also not made known if he will pursue her in court for assaulting and slandering him.
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by johnk
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 11:24 AM
Response to American ME:
She may have stood and lain down again. Because she was hit by the car, it's possible she could have sustained injury without knowing it. Lying down was the right thing to do.
What would you do if someone hit you with their car? The right thing to do is to move as little as possible, and get taken see a doctor, so you can get checked out. Simple as that.
Also, it doesn't negate the fact that Netkin drove into the line of people, hitting five of them. One or two, I could see being clipped unintentionally, but, he accelerated, hitting two dead on, and clipping three more.
And, finally, it doesn't negate the fact that the police released Netkin without due process. He was arrested for assault, and assault with a deadly weapon. Then he was released. That is the wrong thing to do. It smells of police sympathy, and perhaps collaboration.
This kind of unjust police support of vigilantes or anti-activist actions belongs back in the 19th century, when lynch mobs were allowed to run free, hanging minorities, burining their bodies, and terrorizing their families.
And last - please don't spam this message anymore. Link it or something, but, all the recent spamming is getting annoying.
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by Pachamama
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 11:28 AM
To AmericanME: Obviously you were NOT there when Ms. Dang was hit. If you had been, you would know that no one was blocking Netkin's "exit from the venue." I WAS right there, at the scene, and what I witnessed was totally different from what you described here.
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by Is it at your house?
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 11:34 AM
 garden_grove_police_work_hard_to_find_flashlight.jpg, image/jpeg, 292x429
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Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 1:48 PM
Liar/racist/bigot and THIEF Theresa Dang is having a tough week.
Caught not only STEALING police property, she also will soon most likely have to face assault charges for her unprovoked attack on hero Hal Netkin. LOL! And as for her faked injuries, and filing a false police report...tsk, tsk little bigot! Hope you enjoy jail.
Attack many old men lately, Theresa? Or do you just steal their stuff?
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 7:08 PM
Considering the near certainty that the police are lying, requesting that an unaltered copy of the video be released into the public domain should probably result in either outright denials to do so, else result in thundering silence. Those of us who doubt the claims and consider the outrageous assault against the rights of peaceful activists might consider writing and asking for a release of the video anyway as a method of alerting the liars to the possibility that nobody believes them any more. michaelh@ci.garden-grove.ca.us Flashlight video Mr. Handfield Public Relations Garden Grove Police Department
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by Unbiased_Va
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 9:03 PM
Last time I checked...when hit by a car, you don't walk around... Megaphone man ur a joke, Mrs. Dang get a life instead of trying to ruin others. Unbiased no longer is this situation. I'm going to go get hit by car now and take a calm walk on the beach... To this website and wackos... do you realize you cause inpending harm to people by giving half truths. Whether it be GG police or Hal and his three children. Post a story on how someone can walk around after being hit by car... or why they did that... 1planet..help me out on this one...
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 4:47 AM
> last time I checked...when hit by a car, you don't walk around.
It was only a matter of time before the white supremists started trying to pretend their hero Hal Netkin never did run over a bunch of peaceful anti-hate protesters. It was all a left-wing conspiracy staged for the benefit of the "liberal media" conspiracy, apparently.
The fact is that their white supremist hero Netkin was arrested 45 minutes after the vehicular assault and, after his skin hue was tested and found to be white, he was released without even a fine.
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by Hex
Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 5:54 AM
 bone_bruise.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x320
> last time I checked...when hit by a car, you don't walk around.
The worst accident I ever had was when a car accelerated into me on my bike - I went completely over the car and ended up behind it. (the car was stopped before it hit me)
The bike was totalled, the cross-bar hit my leg causing a "bone bruise"
"Bruises are often caused by falls, sports injuries, car accidents, or blows received by other people or objects. Bruises can last from days to months, with the bone bruise being the most severe and painful."
This picture shows almost exactly the injury I had...
___I got up and walked away____
Some old people walked up and told me I should lay down and get the paramedics, but at first it didn't hurt that much so I thought I was alright - I was wrong !
Within an hour I couldn't walk at all - I could only hop on the other leg..
A visit to the emergency room confirmed the injury.
It still hurts a bit sometimes - 20 years later
And this is a big muscle, (quadricep) in me at least, the doctor needed to compare to the other leg to see it wasn't an enormous swelling, over the biggest-strongest bone in our body.. Now what do you suppose the potential injuries might be for impacts NOT in only one strong spot ?
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by me
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 4:57 PM
Thanks for the link to the newspaper Fred. I am thinking of sending them a little note about how when I first arrived you called me a M***ER F****R not once but 3 times. And then you said M***ER F****R do you know what the F**K you are doing here? I know it was you because you have yor picture up on your websight. I bet they would be interested in my account of your behavior. Such big words and a big bullhorn for such a small man.
As a matter fact, they were very interested. I even sent them a link to your web site. Keep up the good work. You are making yourself look like the self hating anti Amrican lost soul that you are. Thanks again.
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by me
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 5:00 PM
Duane, I hope to send your school board videos of you protecting illegals and screaming 4 letter words at WOMEN (big man aye) over a bullhorn.
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by a woman
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 5:12 PM
The SOS people call each other and everybody else derogatory names for women, then hide between Dottie's petticoats (a *woman* got beaned!), while much of their most ugly racist bs is spewed by SOS women.
Women of SOS: you can't have it both ways. You can't lash out with your racist tirades here, on the SOS list, and at the demonstrations, and then have your men protect you from Duane or anybody else's name-calling. Stay in your kitchens or stand in the streets, but don't claim the privileges of the kitchen while you hurl your venom in the street, or the right to protest only to goad your men into protecting you from the blowback. If the street's too hot for you, go back to the kitchen.
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by me
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 5:43 PM
She did get hit dumb ass! the animals did throw a bottle at her like the savages that they and you are!! Piss off.
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by Chicomozteca
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 6:21 PM
Do you suppose that out of their "chivalrous" concern the Minutemen and their SOS and Nazi allies won't pull guns on Mexican and Central American women at the border - or on children for that matter?
No, the terrorization of women and children is a key part - the basis of - their "family" values, don't you think? Like in the 11 million of "their own" women they burned alive in their "Inquisitions."
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by Duane J. Roberts
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 8:31 PM
> Duane, I hope to send your school board > videos of you protecting illegals and > screaming 4 letter words at WOMEN (big man > aye) over a bullhorn. I hate to disappoint you, but I've never been employed by the Riverside School District. Why would they care? And I didn't speak on any bullhorns that night and never shouted at women using four letter words. That's not my style. If you have a video of me doing that, I'd really like to see it. Sincerely, Duane J. Roberts duaneroberts92804@yahoo.com P.S. By the way, why don't you talk to me using your real name and email address? Too chicken to do that? Cluck, cluck, cluck.
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by another woman
Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 at 9:59 AM
i heard Bonnie who was hit by a water bottle has suffered brain concussions? wow. there's a first for all kinds of out-of-this-world fabrications, i s'pose! but obviously, it hasn't affected her brain all that much because she's still the same stupid, ill-informed racist.
but i want to talk about white women for a bit. since the beginning of this country's inception, from the moment white settlers set foot here to the culmination of massive numbers of black peoples stolen from Africa and brought here to build the foundation for capitalism, white women have been instrumental in the perpetuation of white supremacy. white women have white privilege. white men have historically used the protection of white women as a justification for their crimes. remember Emmett Till. he was 14 years old when two racists in Mississippi killed him. and for what? for allegedly looking in the direction of a white woman. it remains unclear if there was other contact. Carolyn Bryant, according to the PBS website, "testified outside the presence of the jury and said Emmett walked into the store, purchased two cents' worth of bubble gum, and made 'ugly remarks' to her. Then, she said, he whistled." he can't tell his story because he is dead. HE WAS A CHILD. white supremacy has no mercy on children! and so long as white women are any part of this kind of crime, they are just as guilty!
Emmett's killers thought they could get away with it. defense attorney Sidney Carlton told the all-white, all-male jury that if they didn't free Milam and Bryant: "Your ancestors will turn over in their grave, and I'm sure every last Anglo-Saxon one of you has the courage to free these men." after 67 minutes of deliberation, the two were found not guilty. although Roy Bryant and his half brother, J.W. Milam, have since died, it is not over. this case has been re-opened and is now focused on Carolyn Bryant, now Carolyn Donham, and another black man who worked for Milam.
please follow and support the efforts to find the truth and justice for Emmett and his family.
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by We are a taking your men
Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 at 10:50 AM
Black men and hispanic men love white women.
Just ask any black woman, where have all the black brothers gone. They are marrying white women.
I see more and more hispanic men hooking up with white women.
You know the theory about the browning of America, it is becoming a whole lot more white.
White women are loved, by all men of color. One reason why, we are more sophisticated.
Look to Mexico President Vincente Fox, he is white.
I love being white.
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by A woman
Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 at 11:54 AM
So true, and only the emblem of the truth.
White women have paid white men for their white privilege for centuries, and they've done so by being the untouchable enforcers of whiteness. They scream rape and hide behind their petticoats to jusitfy white men's lynching parties. Plantation widows use the overseer to be crueler than their "dear departed," while riding side-saddle to view their "holdings." They parade into lands conquered by white men to erase cultures on this continent and abroad. They callously manipulate white men's fear of Black voters to get themselves the vote. They use their husbands' salary to pay Afrikan-descent women less than minumum wage to do work that is "beneath" white women, so they can remain models of white womanhood, and when Black women say "no more," white women hire undocumented migrant women so they can keep women of color in poverty and despair, and themselves on that pedestal. They gleefully enter the workplace and abscond with affirmative action money their husbands' have arranged for, so that white households have two incomes while people of color are left with the crumbs. They cheer for abortion rights and gloss over coercive sterility enforced on poor Black women. Today they fight against military recruitment because this time it won't be mostly children of color who are seduced into the war machine. The list goes on.
So maybe I shouldn't expect better of the SOS women, or white women at all. But they have their privilege only on contingency, only as long as they continue to do the housework, marry and agree with white men, bear and raise white children who are given their husbands' names, tolerate abuse and rape, let white men control their fertility, income, and movement, restrict their association to non-threatening women, enable white male association, and fiercely enforce whiteness. In other words, as long as they give up their humanity and ceaselessly prove they're not witches. So I have this glimmer of hope that a few white women out there decide the price is too high, and trade in their petticoats for their own autonomy, subjectivity, and souls.
Yeah, some days I'm just a screaming dreamer. Or maybe a few more water bottles to their heads might do it.
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by Fed Up
Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 at 1:15 PM
Nice racists...nice...
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by Chop Chop
Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 at 1:53 PM
This thread on white women is as racist as the stuff you can read on Stormfront and it's based in ignorance...
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by B.Kirkpatrick
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2005 at 4:21 PM
uz2bcamonw@yahoo.com K.C.MO.
As a man who spent ten years within the Garden Grove police department,I could tell you of numerous accounts of unprofessional and illegal goings on while I was employed there.I too finally just had enough and left law enforcement,G.G.P.D. and the state of CA. all together.It's just so sad that it still continues to this day.I would look at the top supervisors in the department for the cause of this problem.One or two bad supervisors at the top can cause bad policy to trickle all the way down.
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