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by A
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 8:53 AM
At first the anti-racists counter protesters surrounded SOS-MM and overwhelmed them 10 to 1. After about an hour the police separated the SOS-MM from the counters and kept SOS-MM behind police lines on one corner of the street. By 1:00 pm it was over and the SOS-MM had all been escorted way by the police. The crowd cheered as the last of the SOS-MM left the site.
A post action wrap up was upbeat and there was a sense of victory that the community had taken a stand against the anti-immigrants and racism. There were no reports of violence or arrests.
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 2:42 PM
That was a great video!!! You should take credit for it besides just the letter A. It showed the atmosphere of the event, and had a message in it. It represented the protest very well. I just wanted to give a call out, GREAT JOB!!!!
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by SoS Rules
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 10:11 PM
The fact that we damaged Home Depot's sales for the day and the fact that we now have a lot more footage and evidence of racism, bigotry, communist and socialist/marxist insurgency from Indy Media makes it a huge score for SoS. Ya notice that we never back down no matter how outnumbered we are? That is because we don't retreat in the face of hatred from drunk communists and America-hating bigots like you. See at the next Home Depot rally.
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by Anti-illegal
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 5:56 AM
 illegal_fun_facts.jpggckwtp.jpg, image/jpeg, 679x227
The truth is out there, SENOR.
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by johnk
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 10:10 AM
I've got indymedia running in my blood, but, it wasn't indy that called this counter demo.
Indy lacks those tools. There are no "forums" or "private messages'. There are no email addresses collected here.
A loose network of groups decided to come out. A lot of different folks were there. Many of "the usual suspects" and a lot of others too.
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by HD Supporter
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 2:12 PM
A close friend of mine works for the HD where you guys went. Guess what, their sales on that day were higher than normal. It appears that a lot of people drove into HD to see what all the fuss was about, and while they were there, they did their shopping. He told me that HD was not going to try to stop SOS because it has been real good for sales. Keep it up!
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by Caught Lying Again
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 8:40 PM
Another whopper of a lie.
Of course HD will never admit we screw up their sales but it was abundantly clear that cars were not entering the parking lot.
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by Cassanova
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 11:05 PM
Hey I know! Let's contort what the Minutemen are about- observing and reporting illegal activity along the border- and say that they're anti-immigrants. Just make sure you drop the word "illegal" out of it, because that would fuck everything up. Oh wait, these weren't Minutemen, they were SOS.org- a group commited to the safety, security and welfare of all LEGAL citizens of the State of California. Oh shit, now what do we do. OOH OOH! I know! Let's label THEM as racists, get everyone in our communities stirred up with the usuall string of lies, and commit to hating them! Again, avoid the use of the word "illegal", that could get us in trouble. We wouldn't want to look like we support illegal activity, or hate on people like we do. We want THEM to look bad, not us. Oh wait, too late. It would seem the truth is trickling out...
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 6:57 AM
...since truth is trickling out, let's see if you can please define "illegal alien' for us?
...I have asked this question of SOS & MM supporters, but they dodge the issue every friggin' time.
Also; if the goals of the SOS or MM are as you stated, how do they measure their success toward these goals?
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 11:13 AM
Do any SOSMMer's have the brains and/or balls to answer these very basic questions?
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 11:40 AM
Jeez, I know you SOSMM guys are out there....please help us out....define "illegal immigrant" and state your measureable goals for success.
That should be simple enough...any organization who "claim" to be working toward some end should easily be able to define the problem and establish a measureable goal for success.
...otherwise, what the FUCK are you doin'?
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by Jose Gutierrez
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 12:03 PM
I know you SOSMM guys are out there....please help us out....define "illegal immigrant" and state your measureable goals for success.
I speak only for myself, but as I support SOS/MM, consider my goasl to be at least partly theirs.
I define an “illegal immigrant” as a person who entered the Unites States illegally (without permission) whether 20 minutes or 20 years ago. An “undocumented” alien is a visitor who entered legally, but then stayed past his “due date” to leave, thus becoming illegal.
California Plan (in no particular order)
Throw the judge who declared Prop 187 unconstitutional out on his ass. Immediately enact 187 as LAW.
Eliminate state tuitions of any kind for illegals.
Form California Border Police including their own version of a SWAT team.
Inflict severe fines on any business caught hiring illegal aliens. Inflict severe fines, including a minimum of two years in prison, for any individual(s) aiding and abetting illegals or helping them escape capture (hi Fred!)
Hire bounty hunters to capture illegals.
Cease all aid to Mexico (at the federal level) until all illegal alien fugitives who committed felonies in the Unites States are returned for trial.
Close the border. Begin deportation. If Mexico takes aggressive action, place land mines along the border as well as the State Guard.
Create a State database of illegal aliens, including facial recognition “prints.”
America deserves a secure future, if it fights for it.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 12:25 PM
Should there be a difference, in your mind, in how the law treats an illegal immigrant as opposed to an undocumented immigrant? Please explain your answer.
Do you feel that undocumented immigrants should be penalized for their undocumented status after it is cleared up?
Do you feel that people who were brought to this country by no choice of their own when they were infants, and have known no other country but this one, should be treated the same as people who came here "20 minutes ago"?
Although you have made quite a few impractical ("throw judges out", "close the border") and outright ludicrous (SWAT team and bounty hunters) proposals, you still have not stated your goal or method of measuring success. Please clearly state the goal you agree with and the metrics that should be used in measuring success.
Also, your statement regarding returning illegal alien criminals to the US is perplexing because 1) I thought you wanted them OUT and have complained about their burden on American taxpayers; and 2) The US and Mexico have an extradition treaty. The only case where Mexico will not extradite is in cases where the death penalty may be applied. Seems to me that there is plenty of room to bargain there, and so no real obstacle as you imply.
Also, it would be unconstitutional to form a "California" Border Police, as it is the Federal Government that is mandated by the constitution to control immigration and borders. Are you proposing a constitutional amendment to move this responsibility to each state?
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 12:36 PM
Do you support lobbying any governent officials involved in immigration policy in order to understand current and influence future policy? Who have SOS/MM lobbied?
Do you know the US Senate and or House Committees dealing with immigration reform? Has SOS/MM contacted these committees?
Do you support teaming with potential immigrants on the opposite side of the border to hold teach-ins on how to enter the country legally? If so, what is SOS/MM doing about this?
Do you support working with immigrants (illegal or undocumented, by your definition) that are currently in the US in order to assist those who may obtain legal status? If so, what is SOS/MM doing about this?
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 1:09 PM
...Hmmmm....deafening silence.
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by JG
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 2:11 PM
Don't worry KPC, I wouldn't pass up this chance to provide answers in an atmosphere of civility.
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by Jose Gutierrez
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 7:52 PM
Before I begin to answer your questions, I need to add one more to 'my' platform: no longer would babies born in the USA to foreign parents be considered Americans. I can't believe this idiocy even exists. If an American couple has their baby in France, the kid is not French. This bizarre warped policy, which no other country has, causes the 'anchor baby' problem of illegals sneaking over here to have their offspring.
OneEyedMan asks:
Should there be a difference, in your mind, in how the law treats an
illegal immigrant as opposed to an undocumented immigrant? Please explain
your answer.
Let me answer that by asking you this: if a thief steals jewelry from a
neighbor's house, does it matter if he broke in or was invited over earlier?
Either way, a crime has been committed and the guilty must pay.
Do you feel that undocumented immigrants should be penalized for their
undocumented status after it is cleared up?
Depends on the situation. If a foreign owner of an expired visa is late
by one day and makes a concerted effort to report it, s/he should certainly
be penalized less than someone who came here on a visa to live illegally
until caught.
Do you feel that people who were brought to this country by no choice of
their own when they were infants, and have known no other country but this
one, should be treated the same as people who came here "20 minutes ago"?
An excellent question. I'm not ashamed to say I don't have a specific
solution for this challenge. If we continue on the disastrous course we
have set now, illegals will continue to use their children as anchors.
Also, I don't know the specific demographics e.g. how many children of
illegals are here and of college age, etc. Once the major immigration
problems are solved, we could probably work out something whereby Americans
sponsor some of these kids who get good grades and have grown up obeying the
Although you have made quite a few impractical ("throw judges out",
"close the border") and outright ludicrous (SWAT team and bounty hunters)
proposals, you still have not stated your goal or method of measuring
success. Please clearly state the goal you agree with and the metrics that
should be used in measuring success.
The judge or judges responsible for denying the will of the people via
Prop 187 are petty tyrants and SHOULD be thrown out/forced to resign,
whatever it takes. These activist judges, which go all the way to the
Supreme Court have caused a lot of damage, both to common sense and respect
for the law. We Americans DO have a right to redress of greivances, and the
sacred right to remove from power a government we find doesn't suit our
needs or live to our ideals.
I think if we reduced the number of illegals living in the USA from 10 or 11
million to around 1.5 to 2 million tops at any given time, it would mean we
have the problem under "some" control. Continual punishment for businesses
that hire illegals and the enforced prevention of illegals receiving any
city, state or federal aid would also probably create enough disincentive
for 90% of illegals to want to come here, and for Mexico to cease
encouraging they try.
Using bounty hunters isn't really that radical, since in the beginning of
the phaseout, most people already know where the illegals hide and work. A
Bordr Patrol SWAt team idea is realistic...in fact, it probably won't be
enough. Remember, the drug cartels are behind a lot of human smuggling;
they have the best weaponry and lots of "soldiers" with nothing to lose.
Hell, there's a good chance the entire Mexican Army is on the dole of a few
of Mexico's mightiest drug lords as well.
Also, your statement regarding returning illegal alien criminals to the
US is perplexing because 1) I thought you wanted them OUT and have
complained about their burden on American taxpayers; and 2) The US and
Mexico have an extradition treaty. The only case where Mexico will not
extradite is in cases where the death penalty may be applied. Seems to me
that there is plenty of room to bargain there, and so no real obstacle as
you imply.
Executing scum who have killed police, be they Mexican or American, is
money well spent. An illegal who commits especially heinous crimes should
be removed fro the gene pool as quickly as possible. The present Mexico/US
treaty is useless for the very reasons you describe. Not only is Mexico
foolishly against the death penalty, they also consider life in prison as
"too harsh." How must the average Mexican view the worth of himself, his
loved ones and his government if cop killers and child rapists are
constantly unleashed again and again? One more example of liberalism's
insanity. But on this one, the problem is with America's continual
toleration of Mexico's flaunting this insanity in our faces. Down with
Vicente Bush!
Also, it would be unconstitutional to form a "California" Border Police,
as it is the Federal Government that is mandated by the constitution to
control immigration and borders. Are you proposing a constitutional
amendment to move this responsibility to each state?
I'm not sure how it could be done on paper, but a State Border Police for
California is badly needed, certainly more so here than in Alaska or Ohio!
As the feds have failed to uphold the Constitution and protect the border,
maybe it's time a few states took back some of their power...
The feds have long history of abusing their power. During Reagan's era, it
was technically each state's "choice" whether or not to raise the drinking
age to 21...except the feds, in violation of the law, threatened to withold
federal highway funds of any state who did not up the drinking age. This
gross abuse of power "for the public good" infuriates those of us who know
what absolute power does to any person or government.
I don't expect to be agreed with on every point, especially by similar-
minded Minutemen and SOS, but I do hope this post has demonstrated that,
despite the howlings of a few, those in favor of curtailing illegal
immigration are not nazis or White Supremacists. Yes, those two groups and
others have tried to latch on to the SOS/Minuteman movement, but I think
both SOS and MM have done a good job distancing themselves from these
hurtful clowns. I certainly don't think all liberals are anarcho-communists.
Thanks for the offer of a reasoned argument.
Author: Jose Gutierrez
Posted: Tuesday June 21, 2005 07:03 AM
[ignore Jose Gutierrez]
[read more Jose Gutierrez]
Before I begin to answer your questions, I need to add one more to 'my'
platform: no longer would babies born in the USA to foreign parents be
considered Americans. I can't believe this idiocy even exists. If an
American couple has their baby in France, the kid is not French. This
bizarre warped policy, which no other country has, causes the 'anchor baby'
problem of illegals sneaking over here to have their offspring.
OneEyedMan asks:
Should there be a difference, in your mind, in how the law treats an
illegal immigrant as opposed to an undocumented immigrant? Please explain
your answer.
Let me answer that by asking you this: if a thief steals jewelry from a
neighbor's house, does it matter if he broke in or was invited over earlier?
Either way, a crime has been committed and the guilty must pay.
Do you feel that undocumented immigrants should be penalized for their
undocumented status after it is cleared up?
Depends on the situation. If a foreign owner of an expired visa is late by
one day and makes a concerted effort to report it, s/he should certainly be
penalized less than someone who came here on a visa to live illegally until
Do you feel that people who were brought to this country by no choice of
their own when they were infants, and have known no other country but this
one, should be treated the same as people who came here "20 minutes ago"?
An excellent question. I'm not ashamed to say I don't have a specific
solution for this challenge. If we continue on the disastrous course we
have set now, illegals will continue to use their children as anchors.
Also, I don't know the specific demographics e.g. how many children of
illegals are here and of college age, etc. Once the major immigration
problems are solved, we could probably work out something whereby Americans
sponsor some of these kids who get good grades and have grown up obeying the
Although you have made quite a few impractical ("throw judges out",
"close the border") and outright ludicrous (SWAT team and bounty hunters)
proposals, you still have not stated your goal or method of measuring
success. Please clearly state the goal you agree with and the metrics that
should be used in measuring success.
The judge or judges responsible for denying the will of the people via
Prop 187 are petty tyrants and SHOULD be thrown out/forced to resign,
whatever it takes. These activist judges, which go all the way to the
Supreme Court have caused a lot of damage, both to common sense and respect
for the law. We Americans DO have a right to redress of greivances, and the
sacred right to remove from power a government we find doesn't suit our
needs or live to our ideals.
I think if we reduced the number of illegals living in the USA from 10 or 11
million to around 1.5 to 2 million tops at any given time, it would mean we
have the problem under "some" control. Continual punishment for businesses
that hire illegals and the enforced prevention of illegals receiving any
city, state or federal aid would also probably create enough disincentive
for 90% of illegals to want to come here, and for Mexico to cease
encouraging they try for America.
Using bounty hunters isn't really that radical, since in the beginning of
the phaseout, most people already know where the illegals hide and work. A
Bordr Patrol SWAt team idea is realistic...in fact, it probably won't be
enough. Remember, the drug cartels are behind a lot of human smuggling;
they have the best weaponry and lots of "soldiers" with nothing to lose.
Hell, there's a good chance the entire Mexican Army is on the dole of a few
of Mexico's mightiest drug lords as well.
Also, your statement regarding returning illegal alien criminals to the
US is perplexing because 1) I thought you wanted them OUT and have
complained about their burden on American taxpayers; and 2) The US and
Mexico have an extradition treaty. The only case where Mexico will not
extradite is in cases where the death penalty may be applied. Seems to me
that there is plenty of room to bargain there, and so no real obstacle as
you imply.
Executing scum who have killed police, be they Mexican or American, is
money well spent. An illegal who commits especially heinous crimes should
be removed fro the gene pool as quickly as possible. The present Mexico/US
treaty is useless for the very reasons you describe. Not only is Mexico
foolishly against the death penalty, they also consider life in prison as
"too harsh." How must the average Mexican view the worth of himself, his
loved ones and his government if cop killers and child rapists are
constantly unleashed again and again? One more example of liberalism's
insanity. But on this one, the problem is with America's continual
toleration of Mexico's flaunting this insanity in our faces. Down with
Vicente Bush!
Also, it would be unconstitutional to form a "California" Border Police,
as it is the Federal Government that is mandated by the constitution to
control immigration and borders. Are you proposing a constitutional
amendment to move this responsibility to each state?
I'm not sure how it could be done on paper, but a State Border Police for
California is badly needed, certainly more so here than in Alaska or Ohio!
As the feds have failed to uphold the Constitution and protect the border,
maybe it's time a few states took back some of their power...
The feds have long history of abusing their power. During Reagan's era, it
was technically each state's "choice" whether or not to raise the drinking
age to 21...except the feds, in violation of the law, threatened to withold
federal highway funds of any state who did not up the drinking age. This
gross abuse of power "for the public good" infuriates those of us who know
what absolute power does to any person or government.
I don't expect to be agreed with on every point, especially by similar-
minded Minutemen and SOS, but I do hope this post has demonstrated that,
despite the howlings of a few, those in favor of curtailing illegal
immigration are not nazis or White Supremacists. Yes, those two groups and
others have tried to latch on to the SOS/Minuteman movement, but I think
both SOS and MM have done a good job distancing themselves from these
hurtful clowns. I certainly don't think all liberals are anarcho-communists.
Thanks for the offer of a reasoned argument.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005 at 7:09 AM
A few points:
In answer to the question whether illegal and undocumented immigrants should be treated differently under the law, you said;
JG: "Either way, a crime has been committed and the guilty must pay."
But in the very next sentence regarding visa violation, you contradict yourself;
JG: "Depends on the situation."
The law is either absolute or it is not.
Regarding what you referred to as the "bizzare warped policy", (it is not "policy", it is law, part of the constitution) of those being born in the US being automatically citizens: If being born in the US does not make you a citizen, what does? Your lineage? If the constitution was ammended as you wish, this would open the door for huge abuses, and the federal government could prevent entire nationalities, or races, from becoming citizens. I feel this stance is wholy irrational.
Regarding throwing out judges whose decsions you do not agree with: Judges are appointed, not elected, and can only be impeached for gross negligence or violations of the law. If judges could be "thrown out' because someone disagreed with their decision, there would BE no judges....you can't possibly please everyone. I feel this stance is unrealistic and impractical. Hell, there are PLENTY of judicial decisions I do not agree with, but I am not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Regarding you proposal to come down hard on business that hire undocumented workers: I agree whole heartedly...however, I do not agree that this would prevent a significant number of people from coming here illegally. People who are in desperate circumstances come here with the HOPE that they may find a better life for themselves and their families...there are no guarantees. That hope and their continuing dire circumstances would sustain a the exodus.
Regarding SWAT teams, state police or bounty hunters: even if you COULD do this, and presently you cannot due to the constitutional authority of the Federal gov't, it would be impractical. Who would pay for this? Huge resouces would have to be brought to bear...I think in the end with limited success other than how it would play politically with certain constituencies. Remember, your goal is an 80% reduction in undocumented immigrants residing in the US, not to please some group by political grandstanding.
Regarding Mexico's policy of refusing to extradite prisoners for the death penalty: Regardless of how you feel about Mexico's policy, isn't it just as arrogant for Americans to expect them to change their policy as it is for Mexicans to expect the US to change ours? Think about it. If we REALLY wanted these criminals to face US justice, we would deal realistically with the situation.
I think that more should be done by the SOS/MM to address the problem...my impression is that they are not interested beyond certain grandstanding and vilifying activities, for instance, as posted before:
Do you support lobbying any governent officials involved in immigration policy in order to understand current and influence future policy? Who have SOS/MM lobbied?
Do you know the US Senate and or House Committees dealing with immigration reform? Has SOS/MM contacted these committees?
Do you support teaming with potential immigrants on the opposite side of the border to hold teach-ins on how to enter the country legally? If so, what is SOS/MM doing about this?
Do you support working with immigrants (illegal or undocumented, by your definition) that are currently in the US in order to assist those who may obtain legal status? If so, what is SOS/MM doing about this?
Thanks for the thoughtful response...obviously we agree on the ends, it's the means that we should work to come together on as Americans.
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