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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
Alhambra, June 18, the Save Our State supporters (SOS), this morning, got into a very close encounter with pro-immigrant activists.
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Alhambra, June 18, the Save Our State supporters (SOS), this morning, got into a very close encounter with pro-immigrant activists. Both sides were on the same sidewalk, elbow to elbow, for over one hour then when SOS members could not deal anymore with being confronted directly, they moved to a corner where the Police surrounded them on all sides to protect them.
Fortunately, this time, nobody threw bottles of water at the SOS supporters, although they surely could have used a lot of water with all that heat on them.
The pro-immigrant side had a very high spirit, chanting loudly, a few inches from SOS members hears, “SOS, KKK, racist cops go away.” Joe Turner and his acolytes were mostly quiet, some of them, showing signs of stress on their faces. For sure, they didn’t expect to be confronted so closely by the counter-protesters.
Around 11 AM, an immigrant day laborer contingent of 15 showed up to join the protest under the applause of 90 or more of their supporters.
At 12 PM, almost all SOS members left under the cheers of the crowd. Joe Turner stayed another 20 minutes before heading to the Home Depot parking lot escorted by 10 police officers.
Although there were some heated debates between both sides, the event was peaceful, and the Police didn’t arrest anybody.
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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SOS Supporter Under Stress
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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That SOS supporter is not having fun, poor baby
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
 013.jpgcphely.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x410
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
 004.jpgwwm0rk.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x385
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
 125.jpgmvswzr.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x340
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
 189.jpgeedpmd.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x440
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by Marcus
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:35 PM
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by Save Our State Means Racist Hate
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 8:52 PM
you guys are racists.
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by Sin Fronteras
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 8:59 PM
Great report and pictures Marcus!! Brings out how pathetic SOS losers are, but also shows people coming together to say NOT ON OUR STREETS!!
Unity, solidarity and pride
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by gothic
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 12:10 AM
You did a great job with the pictures. It has given me a full spectrum of views of the protest. keep making a difference. Gothic
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by johnk
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 1:39 AM
Some of them are almost scary.
To the "Faux American" -- the poor can be supported by the affluent and wealthy, because the poor work for the affluent and wealthy.
No country, no society in the world expects the poor to pay their own way with their taxes. Not even primitive societies do that. They expect people to do what they can to contribute, and then if they cannot make it, to take care of them.
Likewise, they expect those who become wealthy, to spread the wealth. That's reflected in cultures of charity, the tradition of potlatch, and other ways to dissipate wealth.
Among these day laborers, you'll find the kind of people you want on your side. They're going to be the most hard-working, willing to take risks, willing to go to extremes to improve their situations, and willing to break some rules and think for themselves.
Reread de Tocqueville.
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Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 4:11 AM
http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/Stories/0,1413,206~22097~2928487,00.html Save Our State holds protests Home Depot ALHAMBRA -- About 250 people turned out to protest Home Depot on Saturday, charging the company supports illegal immigration, police said. Save Our State, which organized a protest in Baldwin Park last month against a monument they perceived as anti-American, organized the demonstration at a Home Depot store on Marengo Avenue in Alhambra. The group rallied throughout the morning, Alhambra police said. No arrests or injuries were reported.
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by johnk
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 10:56 AM
They need to print a correction and allow for some rebuttals. This is a serious error, and may be intentional. The paper is very Republican.
Maybe it's time for a newspaper war.
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by MujerVieja
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 8:10 PM
Remember: no one is "illegal" (or for that matter "legal") in the eyes of God. Immigrants of all stripes and colors have been targeted by these haters for over 150 years, and with the same words, the same corrupt lies. The children and grandchildren of immigrants eventually assimilate and disappear into American society but the haters never die. They just direct their poisonous words toward new immigrants and immigrant groups. Blessings on those of you who stand up to them!
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 1:16 AM
"Spam" or repetitions of the same post on different threads, will be hidden.
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Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 11:40 AM
LUPE MORENO, a self-hating, Aryan collaborating alleged "latina", is the woman in the middle of this picture. http://images5.theimagehosting.com/DSC00434.1.JPG
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by littlebopeep
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 4:32 PM
When the likes of Lupe and other American Mexicans with even darker skin oppose you, out comes the " " marks! As if Lupe is not a latina....hahaha...her father was a coyote for cryin out loud!
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Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 10:47 AM
LUPE MORENO is the dirty aryan collaboratist whore in the middle of this pic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/bdaz01/DSC00496.jpg thanks to littlebopeep and occutegirl for such fine pix
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by Fed Up
Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 11:10 AM
Wow, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
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Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 11:45 AM
Tommy the Torry has been seen at various protests with a huge GW Bush portrait which reads "Liberator of Iraq" seen supporting SOS at Alhambra But SOS members HATE GW Bush for his alleged pro-illegal policies and his friendship with V. Fox. I guess it's not that hard to totally fool Joe Turner. Tommy the Torry: http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/sos_7.jpg
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by Speak English Damn It!
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005 at 1:47 PM
What you morons are not understanding is SOS is pro-legal immigration. We are not racist. We are against Illigal imigration weather you are from Mexico, Germany, Ireland, China, where ever. You don't understand the diffrence between Legal and Illegal Immigration. Why are you so confused? If you came here without proper documentation, you are ILLEGAL! Why is that so hard to understand?
BTW: If you Illegals are so Anti-American, want to burn the U.S. flag and yell Anti-American slogans, then why are you coming here by the millions?
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jun. 29, 2005 at 10:37 PM
>Why is that so hard to understand?
Because SOS has protested that monument in Baldwin Park twice, and are obsessed with "Meche" and "La Raza". Because they attract racists. Because there are people on the SOS boards who are against all immigration.
It's kind of like me. I try to not be sexist. I try to even say that I'm not, sometimes. But, I've got some porn on my computer. Odds are, I am sexist.
You can say you're innocent, but, you're actions make you guilty.
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