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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 4:30 PM
Report from the Alhambra Home Depot Save Our State anti-immigrant demonstration and counter-protest
It was a few minutes after 9:00, and it was already clear that Joe,
determinedly grinning, and his ragtag crew from Save Our State had lost their
effort to stop Alhambra Home Depot shoppers from supporting the store's hiring
practices. What wasn't clear was why the police let most of the Alhambra
and Los Angeles counter-demonstrators stand behind and on either side of the
small Ventura group, as well as across the street, for more than an hour.
Thirty Alhambra, Monterey Park, and Glendale police lined up along Morengo
Street facing both groups on the sidewalk, those complaining about Home Depot's
community-based hiring practices in front and those supporting it directly
behind them and to spilling along the sidewalk on either side.
A hundred and fifty or so day labor supporters had surrounded fewer than
twenty SOSers when the police moved the out-of-towners to the south corner of
the driveway entrance. Somewhere in the move, the three skinheads with
U.S. flag handkerchiefs in their pockets who had stood with the SOSers drifted
away, diminishing their number further. By 11:00, the swelling ranks of
counter-protestors, now two hundred and fifty or more, filled the north corner,
the west side of the street, and even the sidewalk east of small band of
anti-Mexican protestors. Unless the SOSers had busloads of supporters on
the way, they were outnumbered fifteen to one. A helicopter circled
overhead for ten minutes and flew away.
This time the SOSers gave up their trademark sports pants and sundresses of
Baldwin Park and Garden Grove for jeans, baseball caps, and one droopy Cat in
the Hat hat that mimicked the the U.S. flag. They held up signs declaring
"This land was Mexican once and will be American Forever." Their
smirking leader, Joe Turner, carried a printed poster that said "This is
our land. This is our fight. saveourstate.org" Another sign
read "Home Depot Partners with Racist La Raza."
From all sides, chanting supporters of la raza and day workers, mostly local
Chicanos and Mexicanos, responded to remarks on the SOS website with homemade
placards declaring that "Alhambra Is Not a 'Cesspool'," "Alhambra
Is a Racist Free Zone," and "All Work Is Legal in
Alhambra." Mexican flags, yellow anti-racism banners, and an
anarchist flag waved over the crowd. About every fifth car honked their
support for the chanting locals and their allies. On the back of one T-shirt
from Cerritos College MEChA was the observation "They call us violent cause
we're no longer silent."
The counter-protestors took up a collection for the day workers watching from
the back of the parking lot and the three green-hatted National Lawyers Guild
observers delivered the collection. Telemundo, NBC Channel 2, and
ABC Channel 7, roamed the crowd and waited in their vans, waiting for something to happen.
Suddenly smirking Joe appeared among the counter-protestors on the west side
of the street, vainly roiling those in front until he was escorted back to his
followers across the street by an Alhambra sergeant, slapping Joe on the back as
they crossed.
At 11:15, the police distributed riot kits and helmets among their ranks and
stepped forward toward the counter-demonstrators on the west side of the
street. At 11:35, the
police escorted two late SOSers to their companions. The sun was nearing its apex, and the warm weather hinted at the
heat of summer, but today was not the day for a showdown.
And then they came. In crisp white t-shirts and carpenters' caps, homemade signs
held high, twenty jornaleros from San Gabriel Valley appeared in the south, marching toward Save Our State. The police stopped them
briefly until counter-protestors called from behind the cops to let the workers pass.
The crowd roared as the laborers joined the eastside counter-demonstrators and
held up their messages: "Jornaleros unidos del Monte" and "Fue,
es y será de México." The contingent of jornaleros and the eastside
demonstrators crossed the street to cheers of "El pueblo unido jamás será
The re-invigorated counter-protestors shouted "You're the problem!"
to the anti-immigrant group, and by 12:15 most of them had disappeared into the
parking lot. One stayed and rolled up his flag, and Joe, looking for all
the world like a captain on a sinking ship save for the perpetual sneer, faced
the protestors with his sign rolled up and bent in one hand until he, too,
drifted down the sidewalk.
The jornaleros took the bullhorn to thank the crowd and the organizers, the
San Gabriel Valley Friends of Peace and Justice. Announcements followed
for Baldwin Park, Chicano Park, and the summer border actions. As the
police walked to their cars I shouted to one, "We're not so scary.
What's with the riot gear?" He said, "Better to have it and not
need it than to need it and not have it." I answered, "But it
makes everyone edgy." Like a recording, the cop behind him repeated with the same intonation,
"It's better to have it and not need it."
On the way to my car, I passed a Home Depot shopper talking on his cellphone
as he loaded lumber onto the roof of this van. ". . . people who are
extremists and don't want the Hispanics here" was all I caught.
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:56 PM
Home Depot has a strong policy in support of diverse hiring, as proven by the
SOS attacks on it. I'm sure they're under pressure from SOS and
organizations like them across the country. If you can, take a moment to thank
the Home Depot corporate
office for the community support at 770-433-8211 or fill in their
web-based email
To Home Depot: Thank you for your work to support and hire from within local
communities. I recognize you are under pressure from Save Our
State and white supremacist groups to reverse your commitment to the
National Council of La Raza and to the most oppressed workers among
us, the day laborers, and I thank you for standing strong. I want to
commend the staff and management of Home Depot #6610 in Alhambra
especially for cooperating with pro-labor, pro-immigrant demonstrators
who stood in support of your "United We Can" campaign.
They were exemplary in their cooperation and each one is an employee you
should be proud of. Sincerely, |
taste--there's more on their website |

At the Home Depot, we believe in the abilities and talents of all
people. It is talent above all else that is cultivated, nourished and is
considered to be the foundation of our culture. The greater the diversity
of our people, the greater our ability to serve our customers.
As part of our National Hiring Partnership, The Home Depot is proud
and honored to have alliances with some on the most prominent and
respected Hispanic organizations in the country. Together we are united
to bring positive change to communities across the U.S. from economic
development, education and health, to specialized job training.
The Home Depot is looking for qualified people who are seeking a career
that offers challenge, opportunity for advancement and great benefits.
If you enjoy serving customers, learning new skills and helping make
people's dreams come true – join
us. Be sure to select your referring organization when
applying for our full time, part time, seasonal or corporate
Click on the organization's name below for a detailed overview of our
dedicated partners and a link to each of their sites. The following
organizations are proud members of the Hispanic Association on Corporate
Responsibility (HACR). HACR strives to ensure that there is
equitable participation of the Hispanic community in corporate America.
The Home Depot is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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by Render
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 6:19 PM
I don't think so. I get better service from the local hardware shop and they take time to find stuff in the catalogs for me.
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by johnk
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:00 PM
I'm going to Misson HW. Other businesses are closer to me. It's just an issue of convenience.
Besides, I've already paid this specific HD thousands of dollars. LOL.
Hey, HD, if you're reading this -- sorry about the plant damage. I'll come by and purchase paint to make up for it.
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by Patriot
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:16 PM
Again, the world saw who the barbarians are.
Well today, the protest at Alhambra Home Depot ended this morning.
But, the battle is not over.
Do we have a surprise for the illegal Mexican criminal invaders, and their supporters.
So, you think you won? Just wait and see.
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by San Franciscan
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 8:01 PM
Home Depot in the San Francisco area has a reputation for being non-union. I suggest the labor unions start handing out the union cards right now. These non-union outfits like Home Depot often claim to be for "the community" as a means of avoiding unions. All they are really for is their profits, as always.
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by johnk
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 2:04 AM
Just skimmed the SOS site, and learned:
Some of them drove a long way to go there. That seems nuts to me. How much noise and shouting can they take? Jeez.
Next thing you know, they'll be signing up to fly to Iraq to Christianize the al-Zarquawi guys, with fuzzy Uncle Sam hats on.
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by Maru
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 4:31 AM
I wont be writing up a letter to home depot 'cuz they are a big cotribution to W's campaign. also, I think all or most HD is not unionize.
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by Render
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 6:31 AM
On that page, All the 'Benefits'... it refers to a booklet you aren't allowed to see. These corporate sharks are real rat f**kers about the way they treat the workers. They're like Walmart or Disney.
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by analyze
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 7:24 AM
yeah, I'm not so sure about propping up home depot until some hard facts about their own labor practices are put forward. on the surface they're playing a savy pr game by patronizing day laborers (although on the 5 o'clock news they say they don't), but are they for real. either way you get caught up supporting another problematic corporation.
the SOS people try to claim the anti-corporate and even anti-bush posture. they even roll out some token hispanics with identity issues, who bring their child in the front near the ruckus--what the f$%k is up with that!? But I don't see any of these people camped outside of the homes of any of these corporate ceos, and I've never seen any of them at any of the anti-war protests, so I'm gonna have to call bullshit on their posturing. their only "secret weapon" seems to be pulling out some high-spanics or something so joey can blather "we support immigrants" as joey was blathering on the news. do these people assume the public is that stupid...you might as well be the governator and make the same claim. after iraq and all that its easy to tell that these people are some lyin' ass mother$%@#ers.
the real issue here is that SOS is allowed to come all this way to take up public space and spew their archaic and outdated rhetoric (anti-immigrant scapegoating is as old as the 19th century, as is the red baiting and commie bashing). one of these morons has a foothold in alhambra which allowed him to invite his racist friends. they try to act like their on some kind of peaceful protest / MLK-style agenda, but they're really just like when the nazi party used to march through jewish neighborhoods in Chicago and crap like that. the difference (as noted by the police backup from alhambra, monterey park, glendale, and san fernando) is that the racists are protest by the police, whereas MLK's people were attacked by the cops. As biased and one-sided as the police were in their shameless agency as defenders of the state and apparently, white supremacy, the pigs did behave well on saturday.
SOS, american patrol, minimen and their ilk are just a bunch of racists who exploit the taxpayer support of the police and take up space. they get away with it because their ideology coincides with the institutionalized racism of this country. but they're gonna lose anyways...
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by Union Power
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 12:18 PM
Like any employer, Home Depot is required by law to be an equal employer. There is nothing special about their stated policy.
The only reason they hire people is to exploit them. Home Depot are anti-union, corporate pigs just like Walmart. Boycott Home Depot, not for the reasons SOS gives, but for the right reasons: the right to decent pay, healthcare and the right to unionize.
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by Chris
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 1:29 PM
Home Depot claims to not exploit personnel. As a ex-employee, I disagree. At their orientation, we were all informed we would be treated with the uttmost respect. We were talked down to and some employees attempted to breathe down our necks. I highly recommend employees to report unprofessionalism and not worry about being perceived as a trouble-maker. You may end up being regarded as a disgruntled employee.
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by BushAdmirer
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 1:43 PM
I own a business and I sure don't want troublemakers or labor unions on the premises.
I've actually owned 4 or 5 businesses and my employees have been treated very well.
However, I would not tolerate a labor union. I'd shut the company down before I'd deal with organized labor. No F______ Way would I even discuss the possibility with them. I have a deep and abiding antipathy toward organized labor that's non negotiable. They suck.
I also can't stomach whiney troublemakers who make it their duty to inflame and stir up other employees. They have to go (and now).
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by 1planet1People
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 5:19 PM
"Home Depot in the San Francisco area has a reputation for being non-union. I suggest the labor unions start handing out the union cards right now. These non-union outfits like Home Depot often claim to be for "the community" as a means of avoiding unions. All they are really for is their profits, as always."
There is a GREAT idea brewing that would bring BOTH the racists and the anti-racists together! Why don't we BOTH demand a union at HD?!?! This way, the people that work there get a better deal. What do you say (sos people) in us organizing a pro union protest together to make HD unionize their people. My guess is that you will reject this, but if not, use indymedia to promote unionizing HD!!!! I am sure the people at Indymedia would put it on the head lines (not sure as I am not a indymedia administrator and only speaking for my self).
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by SoS Rules
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 10:30 PM
There were not American flags on the Indy Media, MechA, La Raza, Communist/Socialist side. There was ONE mockery of a US flag but that was it. Plenty of communista, reconquista flags and even a tribute to Mao!
According to Indy Media, flying the colors of the United States of America is racist.
You guys are fucking geniuses, obviously...
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by SoS Rules
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 10:35 PM
There will never come a day we at SoS cooperate with you parasitic, primordial ooze. You again proved your hostility towards democracy, this country, free speech and 1st ammendment rights. You also were guilty of several assaults which are now being investigated via police report submissions, photos and video tape.
You are enemies of liberty and secure borders. You want to destroy what our forefathers built, what our grandparents defended and what we fight to keep alive today. That makes you OUR enemies.
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by KPC
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 7:30 AM
da filcher: "I've actually owned 4 or 5 businesses"
This statement is so ridiculous as to be laughable on the face of it...
..."owned"? What happened, out of "business" by market forces?
..."4 or 5"? Most business leaders I know can easily count to 5....and know EXACTLY what their assets are...
...wadda fuckin' dolt!
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by dontcarryinpublic
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 2:37 PM
Like I said don't carry in public.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 6:28 PM
It's great reading about so many Mexicans and Mexican Americans standing up against these white supremist traitors, opposing them where ever they show their neo-Nazi faces. When day workers show their courage in standing up against today's Klu Klux Klan like this, it shows that the spirit of opposing racism and defending what America is supposed to be all about is alive and well in America.
Next up: Opposing the white supremist neo-Nazis in Baldwin Park once again.
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 1:29 AM
>> I've actually owned 4 or 5 businesses
4 or 5? Can't remember? Did you not "actually" own one or something?
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 1:31 AM
There were some at the BP demo.
This time, I think people made an effort to look different from the SOS. Thus, no flags.
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by Happy Gilmore
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 5:46 AM
 democratseal.jpg, image/jpeg, 399x399
It's great reading about so many Mexicans and Mexican Americans standing up against these white supremist traitors, opposing them where ever they show their neo-Nazi faces.
Another self-hating White liberal apparently doesn't know that the real enemy of Mexicans isn't a handful of White racialists, but their own corrupt socialist government, which has the billions of dollars of natural Mexican resources on lockdown.
Similar lessons apply for disloyal "Mexican-Americans" trying to recreate the slum conditions of Mexico in the United States, with American taxpayer money.
For those who haven't seen it, find the video at thie website of the two socialist assclowns faking injuries after Hal Netkin's car escapes the violent "protestors." That reallly says it all about the left's dishonesty and corruption.
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Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 10:53 AM
looky here!!!! the SOS hate George W Bush for his alleged "love" of illegals and denouncing the Minutemen as vigilantes, but they've been infiltrated by the Bush-loving TOMMY THE TORY who proudly holds up a portrait of "GW BUSH, LIBERATOR OF IRAQ!!!" I guess Joe Turner isn't as smart as he thinks!!! [img] http://www.alhambra-insider.info/hd26.jpg[/img]
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Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 11:24 AM
LUPE MORENO, a self-hating, Aryan collaborating alleged "latina", is the woman in the middle of this picture. http://images5.theimagehosting.com/DSC00434.1.JPG
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Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 10:44 AM
LUPE MORENO is the dirty aryan collaboratist whore in the middle of this pic http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/bdaz01/DSC00496.jpg
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Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 11:38 AM
Tommy the Torry has been seen at various protests with a huge GW Bush portrait which reads "Liberator of Iraq" seen supporting SOS at Alhambra But SOS members HATE GW Bush for his alleged pro-illegal policies and his friendship with V. Fox. I guess it's not that hard to totally fool Joe Turner. Tommy the Torry: http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/sos_7.jpg
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by Tom
Sunday, Jul. 03, 2005 at 5:52 PM
Actually, the poster of Bush is not that big. Also, Tory is spelled with only one letter r.
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