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by A
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:20 PM
A loose coalition of local and national groups came together to oppose the SOS-MM in Alhambra today. About 25 SOS/MM were out numbered and out flanked by close to 250 protesters.
 1.jpgp6fowb.jpg, image/jpeg, 370x432
At one point the SOS/MM were completely surrounded by both police on the street and counter protesters on the sidewalk. When things started getting tense the police moved the SOS-MM down the street and kept the two groups apart.
After a face off from across the street the SOS-MM had to be escorted away by police.
Lots of yelling, but no incidents of violence by either side and no arrests have been reported.
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by A
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:20 PM
 2.jpge0qohf.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x338
SOS/MM out numbered and completely surrounded
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by A
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:20 PM
 3.jpgxi38un.jpg, image/jpeg, 355x360
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by A
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:20 PM
 4.jpgyhjfdy.jpg, image/jpeg, 464x360
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by A
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:20 PM
 5.jpghmabbl.jpg, image/jpeg, 325x432
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by A
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:20 PM
 6.jpgssbyw1.jpg, image/jpeg, 426x432
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by ablem cron
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 2:41 PM
there were 36 SoS protestors from my count and 133 counterprotesters
your numbers are way off
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 3:54 PM
I know SOS people are here, and this is written to them. Good pictures on your website today. You guys (and ladies) have been to enough events since Baldwin Park, it is time to sit down with all your pictures and evaluate some stuff. First, look at the people against you. Each protest is growing in size, but in each protest, you will find almost a completely different group of people. This is because on of the major problems in the progressive community is that a lot of people are not willing to travel far. That means that each community you enter now knows about you, and is ready to show opposition to you. This also demonstrates how many people in California oppose your group, your goals, and your tactics. Your side, on the other hand, is the same 30 idiots who have to drive all over the place to make a stand. You are getting news, but your membership in Southern California is not growing. You have to sit back and think about this, you need to figure out what your critical breaking point is, and decide how far you are willing to go. The fact is, opposition against you will continue to grow. More and more people will come to the ranks against your violence and racism (yes, I consider the harassment and attempted denial of the ability to earn and eat, as a violent act against undocumented workers). When you go back to BP, you are walking into a hornet’s nest, and the stings are going to hurt (metaphor, NOT a threat, though I think that your stupidity is at the level that IF someone DOES get hurt, it is your own damn fault!). After BP, opposition will grow even more. The KKK is able to withstand the masses because they make very few appearances, and have the money to buy their safety (bullet proof windows, vests, get away cars, and lots of security), but they have a national membership base that can support that, and hundreds of years of history, your group lacks both. Your group will not last the way it is, cities are already passing laws to suppress the people, BECAUSE of you. Many cities are already investigating lawsuits against SOS and Joe to compensate them for the financial burden of your stupidity (in many cities, the KKK reimburses the city for police hours). Seasoned organizers who oppose you will not be able to continue to control and restrain everyone as the numbers grow. The opposition is already at a size where no one is saying they can guarantee your safety. Are you going to do this until someone gets killed, or are you going to wake up, and re-evaluate your methods sooner?
This is a message of concern. When I was first reading the posts on your site (after BP1), there was someone who seemed like s/he was trying to give you a heads up on the situation you were creating, and the shit storm that was looming. Well, that shit storm is now right around the corner. You may want to re-evaluate your position, or at the least, your residence in California. The people of this great state have already spoken, and since this IS a democracy, just leave. We don't want your kind here, and we are happy with allowing undocumented workers in. We accept them as part of our community. If you continue to stay and try to strong arm people, renounce democracy and America. This is a land where the majority gets to decide policy, and we are the majority. Get out! Tell you what, I would hate to be Joe, he is going to have a lifetime of guilt after he gets some hurt, or god forbidden, killed.
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by No Way
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 4:56 PM
If our forefathers who founded this nation had thought as you do, we'd never have become the democracy we did.
There will be no surrender, especially to the drunken socialists who aim to destroy this country.
It was bizarre and I see that others noticed it too. You people reeked of alcohol the entire time and you really stunk. Do you all have some sort of drinking ritual before you attend a rally? Strange.
Your people acted in about as uncivil a manner as I have ever witnessed. You assaulted people on several occasions. I dont think this sort of thing is going to be tolerated much longer.
SoS may seem small but you are only seeing numbers that attend rallies. The membership and support infrastructure is much larger. Its just hard getting Americans off their ass and out of their little PC world. Remember too that SoS only formed about 7-8 months ago. It takes time to get something like this going but it will grow.
Surrender may be in your creed, but it itsn't in ours. America was born from courage and blood. We'll bleed if need be for our nation.
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:15 PM
"If our forefathers who founded this nation had thought as you do, we'd never have become the democracy we did."
Our forefathers had majority support. That is my point. The majority of Californians are opposed to you. This IS a democracy, we win, and you need to leave.
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 5:55 PM
"SoS may seem small but you are only seeing numbers that attend rallies. The membership and support infrastructure is much larger. Its just hard getting Americans off their ass and out of their little PC world. Remember too that SoS only formed about 7-8 months ago. It takes time to get something like this going but it will grow." -------------------- Yeah right..... The opposition was only born two months ago..... ---------------------- "America was born from courage and blood. We'll bleed if need be for our nation." --------------------- This is an exact quote from the Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan in a rally in Alabama in 1957. I am glad to see you are up on your history.
You guys are delusional and stupid. The feds are already investigating you for making threats to political figures (dumb-asses actually thought you could post stuff like that against Senators), several cities are looking to sue you for committing economic terrorism, and people are coming out more and more against you. You may have been able to do this in Texas, but California… ROTFLMAO
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by johnk
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 6:11 PM
I did a guesstimate of 150, but then, once people gathered across the street, it was obvious it was at least 200. I counted off fifty, and then estimated based on that. By that time, some folks had left, and others showed up, so the real number is above 200.
By the time the crowd moved over, a bunch of people were long gone. A whole bunch left when they thought SOS had left, but were just moved to their own corner. (And a lot of counters went with them.) Many just weren't into going into a crowd.
Also, a whole bunch of lookie loos came out to check it out. City hall folks, and others. Neighborhood folks. It was very fluid. These are people who are probably split between supporting the counter-protest and wishing both groups would leave.
Then there's HD. I'm sure they wished we would go. I guess we were their day's entertainment.
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by johnk
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 6:14 PM
>It was bizarre and I see that others noticed it too. You people reeked of alcohol the entire time and you really stunk. Do you all have some sort of drinking ritual before you attend a rally? Strange.
That accusation is as old as the trees. (You folks are just full of accusations and lies.)
People weren't drinking.
Some of us stunk though. It was hot, and I was sweaty.
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by Patriot
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 6:18 PM
You really do need to get out of your little box.
You need to look at what is going on all across the USA.
It is not just the Minutemen, SOS, and other such groups. America is waking up and forming battle strategies against illegal immigration, all across America.
SOS, is just a part of this fight. One thing their protests do show, is who the barbarians are. Those barbarians are you.
John McCain is in hot water, if you have been reading all of the articles out on his betrayal of the Republican party. The John McCain and Ted Kennedy AMNESTY WILL NOT PASS.
Nor, will any other amnesty. You point out these battles with SOS as if they are the only battles.
Americans are winning. We are winning in Congress, where it counts. I do not have time to list all the different sites for you to see our enormous victories, but we are truly winning.
The proof will be in who wins the war. THERE WILL BE NO AMNESTIES. All illegal immigrants will be leaving.
I know who is going to win this war.
Law-abiding Americans.
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by Yes oh Yes
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 6:30 PM
Yes, the SOS people have a few things to learn about organization. But what you do not realize is they are Americans. And American's don't give up. You people on the other hand, gave up when you left stanky old Mexico to come up to the USA and try and make it stanky, too. And you succeded! Places like Baldwin Park just plain STINK.
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by Freedom or Death
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 6:33 PM
Every Indy Media protest at Alhambra needs to be locked up in an insane asylum. Or maybe they let you out today to clean up your bed mess.
How much is Home Depot paying you wild uncaged animals?
Well, once we restore law and order in California, you will have to answer for your actions. Just like Benedict Arnold answered for his.
Keep looking over your back.
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:12 PM
brutal_truth Posted: Jun 18 2005, 08:20 PM
Was that threat on life in his comments?? ------------------------- Answer: Absolutely not, its just common sense. Take it as a word of warning. I denounce violence, but when you attack an entire nation of people, and thousands who at one time or another came from that nation come out to oppose you, something bad happening becomes a likely probability.
------------------------------------ Quote: Yes, the SOS people have a few things to learn about organization. But what you do not realize is they are Americans. And American's don't give up. You people on the other hand, gave up when you left stanky [stinky] old Mexico to come up to the USA and try and make it stanky [stinky], too. And you succeded [succeeded]! Places like Baldwin Park just plain STINK. ----------------------------------------- MY people? I hate to tell you this, but my family is from Prussia and Norway. Matter in fact, the ONLY people from here are the Native Americans. The difference between US Americans and YOU Americans is that WE consider all people equal, and YOU people view American privilege by the color of one's skin (well, at least most of you). ------------------------------------------ Quote Every Indy Media protest at Alhambra needs to be locked up in an insane asylum. --------------------------------------------- Answer: Indymedia does not HAVE protests you morons. This is an open news wire for publishing. It just happens that a lot of different groups use it. Why don't you do some research, go to www.indymedia.org and look to the left of the screen for the various different indymedia sites. It is a way to communicate the news to the world. ----------------------------------------------- Quote Well, once we restore law and order in California, you will have to answer for your actions. Just like Benedict Arnold answered for his. -------------------------------------------- Answer Does that mean you are going to over throw the government? Say it, I DARE you!!! hahaha WE are in control of the government because this is a DEMOCRACY!!! hahaha How the HELL are YOU going to RESTORE "the law" (as you say), when it is the PEOPLE who decide the law and the PEOPLE are against you.... too funny... ROTFLMAF haha --------------------------------- Quote Keep looking over your back. -------------------------- Answer WE are not the idiots threatening public officials. I bet most of you will be (at the least) indicted before the MMP even gets started. I would start saving for legal fees now.....
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by Freedom or Death
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:23 PM
We are not going to overthrow the government, will we just start enforcing the Constitution ourselves until the government decides to once again represent "We the People", 91% of who want the immigration laws enforced.
I suggest you carefully read the 2nd Amendment.
If you don't like it I suggest you move to another country that doesn't have the 2nd Amendment.
PS. typo in my first post, it should have read "protestors".
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:33 PM
Where do you get 91% from? When you use a number like that, I want to know: 1. Where was the sample taken from.... 2. How large was the sample.... 3. How was the question worded.... 4. Which organization conducted the survey...
As far as people in California, you may get people who want immigrants "screened" as they enter, but a majority of us DONT want Mexicans excluded. IF we do NOT allow Mexicans to enter (as is the current situation) MOST people in California understand and tolerate them coming in UNDOCUMENTED. Fix the immigration problems to allow Mexicans to come and go, and THEN close the borders. My guess is the way the survey was worded (if the number is even real) did not allow for that kind of choice, or it was a Lou Dobbs or Fox survey where the only people taking already agree with them.
I know that I am not in the majority when I am for NO BORDER, but I love freedom, and not many other Americans do.
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by Save Our State Means Racist Hate
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:42 PM
>>But what you do not realize is they are Americans. And >>American's don't give up. You people on the other hand, >>gave up when you left stanky old Mexico to come up to the >>USA and try and make it stanky, too.
First of all, people are people. Being an American doens't make you special. And no amount of saying you are special will change that.
Second, I would estimate that the vast majority of anti-SOS activists are also American. We're not "aliens" which is a right-wing term used to dehumanize others. We were raised on MTV just like you guys. The only difference is that we know our history. We know that there is a direct line that runs through every hate group, including SOS.
Third, they know a hell of a lot more about organizing than you guys.
Fourth, the people are on OUR side. Why do you think you're outnumber 20-1 everywhere you go?
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by Freedom or Death
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:48 PM
Why are you such a racist, only talking about Mexican immigrants?
The answer to your question was posted about 4 days ago, on a thread about Alhambra. Go find it.
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by johnk
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:54 PM
> How much is Home Depot paying you wild uncaged animals?
LOL. That's a good one. They didn't want either side there. They just want to make money with as little hassle as possible.
Some of the opposition is stuck in their binary thinking of us vs. them. Reality is made up of many actors with many perspectives. When things come to organized conflicts, elections, and other disputes, then people have to pick sides.
This is precisely why facists are jumping all over this "illegal immigration" issue -- it's a moderate issue that works in their favor.
The facists aren't ignorant either. They know that, in the past, lines were drawn separating those who were allowed into the US (or allowed to live in white neighborhoods) and who wasn't. These moments were organizing opportunities for their movement.
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by johnk
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 8:16 PM
> I suggest you carefully read the 2nd Amendment. I have no issue with the 2nd. You should try reading the whole Constitution. You should also read the immigration law: http://www.fourmilab.ch/uscode/8usc/www/t8-12.html
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by Tony the Tiger
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 8:45 PM
>>But what you do not realize is they are Americans. And >>American's don't give up. You people on the other hand, >>gave up when you left stanky old Mexico to come up to the >>USA and try and make it stanky, too.
>>>> AMEN. Truer words will be hard to find on this site for the next few days.
First of all, people are people. Being an American doens't make you special. And no amount of saying you are special will change that.
>>>>> WRONG and WRONG. I have zero respect for anyone stupid enough to lump Jeffrey Dahmer in with Mother Teresa. "People are people." Communist tripe.
Second, I would estimate that the vast majority of anti-SOS activists are also American. We're not "aliens" which is a right-wing term used to dehumanize others. We were raised on MTV just like you guys. The only difference is that we know our history. We know that there is a direct line that runs through every hate group, including SOS.
>>>> You were raised on MTV history, you imbecile. You are a naive mook and deserve the slavery you beg for.
Third, they know a hell of a lot more about organizing than you guys.
>>>>> Yeah. We know about the Bolshevik Revolution. You commie thugs left a trail of bloodshed and murder in Soviet Russia for 70 odd years.
Fourth, the people are on OUR side. Why do you think you're outnumber 20-1 everywhere you go?
>>>> Because it's easier for the government to pay off slugs who refuse to pull their own weight, who depend on drinking the work sweat from the brow of others to survive. Beggars outnumber true individuals 2000 to 1.
>>>> You better come correct if you want to debate the motherfuckin' mack daddy, beyawtch.
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by Save Our State Means Racist Hate
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 8:50 PM
Your responses are nothing but generalizations. There is really no point in continuing this discussion unless you can come back with something concrete.
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Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 9:32 PM
The goal of SOS is not to battle Indymedia or to have more protesters than you do.
No matter how often we explain this, you can not see past our hubris. The goals of SOS are being met with your assistance, and for that we thank you.
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by Save Our State Means Racist Hate
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 9:40 PM
But look at the media coverage of the event today. It makes you guys look like fringe wackos who are outnumber 20-1 everywhere you go.
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by Thomas Paine
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 9:57 PM
Feel free to publish this rebuttal to the left at your websites, if it will help ythe cause.
I know SOS people are here, and this is written to them. Good pictures on your website today. You guys (and ladies) have been to enough events since Baldwin Park, it is time to sit down with all your pictures and evaluate some stuff. First, look at the people against you. Each protest is growing in size, but in each protest, you will find almost a completely different group of people. This is because on of the major problems in the progressive community is that a lot of people are not willing to travel far. That means that each community you enter now knows about you, and is ready to show opposition to you. This also demonstrates how many people in California oppose your group, your goals, and your tactics.
>>>> It has been known for far too long now what kind of elements have turned California from Paradise to shithole. Almost all of this once great state’s ills can be summarized thusly: liberal nonsense.
>>>> It’s liberal nonsense like making criminals the “victims” and society the meanie aggressor. Whether “forgiving” the worst any society can and will tolerate, from child molesters to serial killers to cop-murdering gang trash, there is always some COLLECTIVE of naïve FOOLS willing to stand in the way of the just punishments society has every right to reserve for animals who forfeited their right to breathe long ago.
>>>> It’s liberal nonsense that has brought California to the brink of bankruptcy. No matter how often liberals/socialist/communists wish for a magic solution, the State cannot spend more money than it has and be expected to remain stable. Liberals are like children trying to clean muddy waters with a bucket of black paint…they only make matters worse.
>>>> It’s liberal nonsense like the “social engineering” wrought by the state’s education mafia, which does not graduate youth with critical thinking skills and an understanding that capitalism is based on merit and hard work. Instead it cranks out ignorant, illiterate cretins concerned only with their own pleasure, and the expectation that society owes them everything.
>>>> To summarize: liberals promote lawlessness and moral relativism, are fiscally backwards in the same way Soviets and other communist countries bankrupted themselves, and feed both trends year after year by churning out ignoratti from the government’s indoctrination centers. The Mexican invaders are simply taking advantage of the tempting welfare state that has been set up.
Your side, on the other hand, is the same 30 idiots who have to drive all over the place to make a stand. You are getting news, but your membership in Southern California is not growing.
>>>> Well, if Save our State is not growing, why are you so concerned what “30 idiots” think? You’re scared. You know you’re wrong, but you can’t help yourself. You’ve cast your lot with the failures, the dregs. You’ve started an engine of nihilism you can’t hope to stop. And now American citizens are fed up with lawlessness and the failures of socialism. You’re time is up, comrade. The center cannot hold, and the left will implode as the mainstream democrats are imploding now.
You have to sit back and think about this, you need to figure out what your critical breaking point is, and decide how far you are willing to go.
>>>> It was decided on Day One. If the SOS and the Minutemen accrue a few martyrs (if past protest history is an indicator) it will probably be some of our side’s brave senior citizens who know right from wrong and already stand up to the balkanized herd the left dares call an organized (bowel) movement. The thugs who create the SOS martyrs will most likely be some Aztlan or gang trash, and their violent criminality will be captured for all the world to see.
The fact is, opposition against you will continue to grow. More and more people will come to the ranks against your violence and racism (yes, I consider the harassment and attempted denial of the ability to earn and eat, as a violent act against undocumented workers).
>>> You’re a traitor, plain and simple. I easily imagine idiots like you feeding and hiding nazi soldiers on the run from the Allies. Time and again, you communist fools have proven when it comes to swelling your corrupt ranks, you’ll forgive any crime and ignore any law, including America’s immigrations laws. Too many times an SOS adult has had to stop and explain to a leftist child the difference between “legal” and “illegal” immigrants. The lesson has been learned, but like bratty children who refuse to eat their peas, the left sticks to its lie that they don’t understand the difference between right and wrong. Hell, maybe they are really that dumb. No matter. It’s bedtime for the left. Forever.
When you go back to BP, you are walking into a hornet’s nest, and the stings are going to hurt (metaphor, NOT a threat, though I think that your stupidity is at the level that IF someone DOES get hurt, it is your own damn fault!).
>>> The Civil Rights movement was also made up of brave ‘ordinary’ citizens marching into hornets’ nests. If peaceably assembled SOS protestors are going to get hurt, it will be YOUR fault. You got that, thuggy? The cameras will be rolling, and the more people around the world that see what kind of lawless thugs the good guys are up against, the less support your side will have. Frankly, your side is merely louder, not larger, there are no announced or admitted open borders by Vicente Bush or any other sellout because the majority does not approve and has HAD IT with illegal invaders…and those who aid their crimes.
Your group will not last the way it is, cities are already passing laws to suppress the people, BECAUSE of you.
>>> I hope these cities’ cowardly nuisance laws have more teeth than America’s sorry-ass immigration laws, which by not being enforced are the cause of all this mess in the first place.
Many cities are already investigating lawsuits against SOS and Joe to compensate them for the financial burden of your stupidity (in many cities, the KKK reimburses the city for police hours). Seasoned organizers who oppose you will not be able to continue to control and restrain everyone as the numbers grow. The opposition is already at a size where no one is saying they can guarantee your safety. Are you going to do this until someone gets killed, or are you going to wake up, and re-evaluate your methods sooner?
>>>> From the good guys’ and neutral parties’ perspectives, it’s the left’s rowdy thugs, egged on by your communist masters (wise enough to stay hidden) that are costing the cities all that money (when do liberals care about costs, anyway?)
>>> You have the gaul to pretend that SOS is seeking the support of racialist idiots while ignoring the many leftist kooks (anarchists and the communist Code Pink and ANSWER) trying to use the immigration issue as a shield, leeching off Save Our State’s press to score a few measly points? Puh-lease.
A few peaceable protestors who throw nothing but words and assault nothing but the criminality of illegal invaders aren’t the problem. It’s you and your ilk. Your kind, since the early 20th century, knows only how to destroy, not create. It’s been your downfall time and again.
This is a message of concern. When I was first reading the posts on your site (after BP1), there was someone who seemed like s/he was trying to give you a heads up on the situation you were creating, and the shit storm that was looming. Well, that shit storm is now right around the corner. You may want to re-evaluate your position, or at the least, your residence in California. The people of this great state have already spoken, and since this IS a democracy, just leave. We don't want your kind here, and we are happy with allowing undocumented workers in.
>>> See kids? This is the kind of idiocy bred by ignorance, in turn bred by the failure to teach the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.
We accept them as part of our community. If you continue to stay and try to strong arm people, renounce democracy and America. This is a land where the majority gets to decide policy, and we are the majority. Get out! Tell you what, I would hate to be Joe, he is going to have a lifetime of guilt after he gets some hurt, or god forbidden, killed.
>>>> This is what you don’t understand, and may never understand, traitor. You’ve built your marxist house of cards on a tissue of lies. Unlike Mexicans, who have never been able to run their country properly, American heroes aren’t afraid of a little rebellion, and if a few martyrs is what it takes to defend America from invaders and homegrown enablers of the same, then so be it. The line in the sand has been drawn.
>>> You and the other “anti-racists”--who are really Anti-Americans--are but a small band of self-important attention whores. The naïve college kids and gang thugs in your ranks have limited attention spans. How can you possibly think you can intimidate those with the moral advantage? Who are right—and have every right--to defend THEIR homeland though the corrupt federal mafia has abandoned them? Who really know this is not some game when Mexican lowlifes flash their green/white/red rag in the face of America’s greatness, on AMERICAN soil they fled their cesspool nation to invade?
It is you, friend, whose numbers are dying, whose ranks are thinning. Twilight is upon you, and soon night must fall.
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by Hex
Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 11:32 PM
1) Trash some libs
liberal nonsense. It’s liberal nonsense It’s liberal nonsense Liberals are like children It’s liberal nonsense liberals promote lawlessness leftist child bedtime for the left left’s rowdy thugs liberals leftist kooks
2) Throw in a racial epithet about some Arabs or Muslims or Mexicans---its ok to be racist towards them.
trash animals who forfeited their right to breathe communists cretins and other communist Mexican invaders the failures, the dregs ignoratti failures of socialism trash communist fools lawless thugs illegal invaders communist masters anarchists and the communist Code Pink and ANSWER illegal invaders traitor marxist house of cards Mexicans invaders Anti-Americans whores Mexican lowlifes cesspool nation
3) Mix in some material about how you support "sane" America.
society society punishments society has every right to reserve society citizens are fed up You’re a traitor brave ‘ordinary’ citizens good guys the majority does not approve and has HAD IT good guys’ peaceable protestors American heroes a few martyrs defend America moral advantage right THEIR homeland America’s greatness
see what I meant about these people allowing other's to do thier thinking for them ? The ol' Ann C. recipe...
The whole damn thing is simply these 3 elements repeated over & over again
and this is the best they can come up with ?
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by too f-ing bad
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 7:49 AM
Water is wet, outer space is cold....some things will always reman true. Doesn't matter if a concerned citizen or a conservative pundit is stating the obvious.
If Hex and a few others wish to remainin deluded or in denial about how the world REALLY works, that's all well and good.
When Hex and cronies try to flush common sense down the toilet via liberal nonsense (enriching themselves in the process, if at all possible) that's when an adult has to enter the room and take the butterknife out of the child's hand before he sticks it in the electrical socket.
LIberals are easily enchanted by flames of hope, even when they're sparks on a fuse creeping toward a powderkeg.
It was better before the marxists came.
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by Render
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 8:14 AM
that depends on where you are, And your deffinition of cold or even 'outer space'. Ignorance is bliss.
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by Fed Up
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 9:25 AM
And did you graduate?
Economic terrorism...That's a laugh. That's what depressed wages, and Corporate slave labor is committing by hiring illegal, under- educated, mass Mexican Peasants.
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by Hex
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 9:59 AM
it's obvious you don't have any thoughts of your own on the subject, even your reply is still more of the same...
as JohnK pointed out this shit goes all the way back to the old klan days - you would think after all these years you could come up with some new material for your "dog-and-pony show"
The crowd has you pinned as nazi's and klan, doing stupid things like linking to eachother's web pages, spewing the exact same rubbish using the same words, and pasting thoughts borrowed from other idiots all lend themselves very nicely to data mining
topped off with death threats to public authorities...
Well I can see you're in for a smooth ride as the show wraps up
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 9:59 AM
Your 'essay' is so sloppy, and full of invalid and fallacious attacks, it’s not even worth a response.
For example: "To summarize: liberals promote lawlessness and moral relativism"
Well I do agree to promote, "lawlessness" when the laws in question are immoral (remember, Hitler MADE laws, so technically, everything the Nazis did WAS legal), I do not know where the hell you would get moral relativism from. Moral relativism says that morality is based on, and relative to society. If this were true, then we could enslave people if a majority said that slavery was acceptable. Better, we could go to war, and if the majority says its okay, then it is morally ideal. I know a LOT of conservatives that are moral relativists (when bush was asked if the confederate flag was moral for the state flag in S. Carolina, he replied that this is something for the people of S. Carolina to decide), I do not know of MANY moral relativists in the left communities. When I went through business school, EVER professor I had was a moral relativist, and when I went through the liberal arts school, ONLY the sociologists and anthropologists were moral relativists. I for one am a moral absolutist, and more specifically I am an emotivist (as is Adam Smith). I could write an essay pointing out unenlightened points to so many of your attacks, but its really not worth my time or energy. You are uneducated, and frankly, a lose cannon. People like you will not see morality, even when it is smacking you in the face. The way you dehumanize people because you do not wish to feel a moral connect to them is a disgrace to the country and our ideals. To be honest, I do not believe there is any way to deal with your kind at all that will enlighten you. The one thing I commend the communists government for is "trying" to re-educate your kind, but you are too brain dead for it to actually work. That is why I LOVE when O'Reily begs his viewers to join the military and go to Iraq. Since only republicans listen to him, I hope everyone does what he says, so we can just let the Iraqi freedom fighters eliminate our close-minded problems. PLEASE GO JOIN THE ARMY, SUPPORT OUR GOVERNMENT, AND PLEASE GO!!!!
Sorry for the rant....
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 10:30 AM
How old am I? Old Enough
Did I graduate? Yes, I have an advanced graduate degree.
Joe Turner says that he is going to go to Baldwin Park to cause problems because the police have an obligation to protect them, and it costs the city a lot of money to do so. He demands that they continue to pay for his protection, and that he will continue to do this to make them pay for their monument until it comes down. He is trying to scare the city (thus install terror) by economically crippling them into submission. Is this not what economic terrorism is? Because the goal is to financially hurt Baldwin Park, they may have legal recourse into seeking damages from Joe Turner (usually the costs to the city are a unintended consequence, but for Joe, it is the intended consequence, which makes this a different issue than a normal political protest). They will likely sue him personally and they have a good chance in wining, as this is not a protected form of freedom of speech.
And, yes, I agree, that what we do to third world nations is also economic terrorism. But try looking at the people. They "follow the law" and go home, they starve and don't get any health care, if they come here undocumented, then you racist facists harass them. It’s a lose-lose for them, and they don’t even get to vote for the political leaders that do it to them (Bush, Clinton, and Co.). If you want them to go home, you better stop our government's economic terrorism on their country BEFORE you expect to leave. I don't give a shit about anything but helping them stay alive TODAY, and I will fight for their right to do so, but at least I ALSO work to make it better for the people over there as well, and if the day comes where neo-liberalism is driven into the ground, I am sure they would want to go home anyway.
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 11:12 AM
I misread what you wrote, you don't care about the problems your lavish lifestyle causes on other people, you only care about yourself. This is called ethical egoism, and it not only doesn't work, but we kinda got rid of that philosophy when we kicked the Nazis out of power. But as stated before, we know, there are a few of you Nazis left.
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by Fed Up
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 11:54 AM
That was an interesting psychic session, how much do I owe you? You are completely out in left field..pun intended.
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by T. Paine
Monday, Jun. 20, 2005 at 12:21 PM
Mr. Paine Your 'essay' is so sloppy, and full of invalid and fallacious attacks, it’s not even worth a response. >>>> And yet here you are responding. For example: "To summarize: liberals promote lawlessness and moral relativism" >>> There's nothing inaccurate about that statement. Nothing. Liberals are folks who don't know right from wrong, or refuse to acknowledge there is such a thing as right and wrong. They hate God and see nothing as holy or sacred. They only obey laws that make them feel good. They want others to spend money helping the Annointed of the Month. They are as savage as Morlocks, only more sophisticated in their ability to fool themselves and the young. Well I do agree to promote, "lawlessness" when the laws in question are immoral (remember, Hitler MADE laws, so technically, everything the Nazis did WAS legal), I do not know where the hell you would get moral relativism from. >>> If you'rr referring to the difference between "just" and "unjust" laws, it's true that real leader disobeys unjust laws. The immigration laws are just, legal, and in place to protect the people, both from its own government and from outside invaders. Every country on earth has borders and guards them, even between friendly neighboors. It's common sense. Moral relativism says that morality is based on, and relative to society. If this were true, then we could enslave people if a majority said that slavery was acceptable. >>> If youll recall, slavery was practiced in America, and then it was abolished through war. Moral relativism refers to the practice of liberals' "changing the rules in the middle of the game" like the Florida Supreme Court tried to steal the elcetion for Democrats in 2000. It also refers to the false notion that there is no evil and society is unqualified to to judge individuals. I could write an essay pointing out unenlightened points to so many of your attacks, but its really not worth my time or energy. You are uneducated, and frankly, a lose cannon. >>> I think any attempt by you to debate me will only make you look more foolish. And don't you mean 'loose cannon' oh Educated One? >>> It's pathetic to me that you and others are acting like Anti-American, lawless dupes enslaved by emotions and looking down on those who merely support law and order and seek the protection their government is required to provide. People like you will not see morality, even when it is smacking you in the face. The way you dehumanize people because you do not wish to feel a moral connect to them is a disgrace to the country and our ideals. >>> I don't see anything dehumanizing at all about protecting my fellow Americans from invaders of my country. Americans have nothing but goodwill towards the Mexican people...it's the corrupt Mexican government that encourages the invasion of America to prevent revolution at home, and aiding and abetting dupes on the left who add fuel to the fire. To be honest, I do not believe there is any way to deal with your kind at all that will enlighten you. The one thing I commend the communists government for is "trying" to re-educate your kind, but you are too brain dead for it to actually work. That is why I LOVE when O'Reily begs his viewers to join the military and go to Iraq. Since only republicans listen to him, I hope everyone does what he says, so we can just let the Iraqi freedom fighters eliminate our close-minded problems. PLEASE GO JOIN THE ARMY, SUPPORT OUR GOVERNMENT, AND PLEASE GO!!!! >>> Well, as you act as a communist dupe, I think it would be better for you to go to North Korea and Cuba and show use clueless capitalists how it's done. >>> There's no talking to clone troopers of communism but I hope fellow SOSers and Minutemen take hope from my words, and they will. >>> In the meantime, why don't you visit the Museum of Communism. http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/bcaplan/museum/musframe.htm "It would be a great tragedy if Communism disappeared from the earth without leaving behind an indelible memory of its horrors. Communism was not essentially about espionage, or power politics, or irreligion. Rather it was a grand theoretical synthesis of totalitarianism... a theory which millions of people experienced as the practice of murder and slavery." >>> If you don't visit, perhaps others with less hardened opinions will.
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by 1Planet1People
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 4:21 PM
Spewing my MARXISM? Wouldn't I first have to be a Marxist? In posts before this, I have simply said that you people don't have a clue to what Marxism even is. Just because I understand Marxism it does not follow that I am a Marxist. In fact, I am not a Marxist. Though Marx did have some good things to say, and I would like the end result, it is the process he outlines to get to the end that I think is not necessary (which is Che’s argument, he is not a Marxist either, but I would not expect you to understand this since you don’t understand Marxism at all). Instead of just throwing around labels, why don't you drop them and use substance. I could just as easily say that we don't want your capitalist pig mentality. What does that mean? I have no clue since capitalism is a general term that could mean a lot (just like Marxism). Uggg, arguing with morons is so draining, I think I am just going to give up. Do us all a favor and drink some Kool Aid.....
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by 1Planet1People
Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005 at 4:23 PM
"The HIP-HOP culture doesnt give a crap about your AGENDA. You are USING this country for your SPEWAGE. THEY WANT MONEY - YOU WANT TO SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE, it wont work."
I just have a couple real questions. 1. When did I ask if the Hip Hop culture cared about me? 2. Who is the leader of the Hip Hop culture? I would love to sit down with her and talk, maybe get the entire culture on board over a cup of Java.
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Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 11:37 AM
LUPE MORENO, a self-hating, Aryan collaborating alleged "latina", is the woman in the middle of this picture. http://images5.theimagehosting.com/DSC00434.1.JPG
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Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 1:15 PM
Dear 1planet1nation I am sorry but you do not speak for all of us Californians. Ilegal is ilegal. Period. I could care less what color you skin is. We live in a very culturaly mixed state. And I for one love it. This is not a race issue, even thought you want to make it one. YOU are the racist. You a very obvious in your hate of anyone other than brown. America is waking up to the growing problems illegal aliens are causing to our infrastructure. This is an economic issue. It is not right to let one culture in whithout proper authority and tell everyone else that they have to wait because someone just bumped them off the list because he or she cheated to get here. I understand that most of the undocumented are just trying to make a living and feed their families, there is nothing wrong with their motives and I do feel for them. it is a terrible situation in Mexico where there own President doesn't care about the well being of his own people. All of us should be angry at him not the people who want to keep American great.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 2:54 PM
"It is not right to let one culture in whithout proper authority and tell everyone else that they have to wait because someone just bumped them off the list because he or she cheated to get here. "
What the HELL are you talking about?
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by mondo
Friday, Jul. 08, 2005 at 6:48 PM
HAHAHA, this photo is hilarious. Some ol' KKK grandma,
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by Fed Up
Saturday, Jul. 09, 2005 at 5:46 PM
And what's your grandma look like? Want to post a picture like everyone else?
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by test
Sunday, Sep. 18, 2005 at 1:08 PM
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by not u hoe
Saturday, Oct. 15, 2005 at 8:58 AM
mimi4152005@yahoo.com 00000000000 980nmiijk
u u old ass chikenhead hoe u duin 2 much cus u now yo parents immihgrant to hoe an du need to get the fuck on and go home and take care of yo deam cats roach bye you old roach
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