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GG Police pursue phony criminal charge against woman hit by Minuteman supporter

by Duane J. Roberts Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 2:14 AM

In one of the worst cases of political repression ever seen by the author of this article, the Orange County District Attorney's Office and Garden Grove Police Department have jointly launched an unprecedented and outrageous attack against a young Vietnamese woman whose only real crime was to express her dissent with the powers that be.


Friday, June 17, 2005


Her home is searched by lawmen while she's at work


WESTMINSTER, CA -- When Theresa Dang checked her
mailbox on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 15th, she
noticed one of the letters she received that day had
come from the Orange County District Attorney's
Office. No problem, she thought. Maybe Tony
Rackauckas, the District Attorney, had finally sent
her a letter in response to one that Dang and two
other people delivered to his Santa Ana office earlier
this month. But when Dang opened the letter, however,
she noticed it wasn't from him at all: it was, in
fact, a criminal complaint.

In a letter dated Thursday, June 9th, the Orange
County District Attorney's Office was notifying Dang
that she was being charged with violating Section
484(a)-488 of the California Penal Code, "Petty theft
and Carrying Away", a misdemeanor offense punishable
by a fine of up to $1,000, imprisonment in the Orange
County jail for up to six months, or both. The letter
accused Dang of allegedly committing this criminal act
on the night of Wednesday, May 25th.

What did she do? Dang wondered. She called the
District Attorney's Office to learn more about what
this was all about, but got no response. Little did
she realize the answer would come the very next day in
a most unexpected way.

On the morning of Thursday, June 16th, while Dang was
at work, the Garden Grove Police raided the
Westminster home where she lives with her family.
According to several witnesses, including her father,
four Garden Grove Police officers arrived at her house
armed with a search warrant signed by an Orange County
Superior Court Judge. They went through every room of
the house she resides at, even searching those known
to be occupied by her brothers and sisters. But when
the lawmen found Dang's room, they completely trashed
it: they overturned her bed and threw all of her
personal belongings around. It's a mess.

What were they looking for? According to a copy of the
search warrant affidavit signed by Garden Grove Police
Detective Michael Reynolds, they were on the prowl for
a "Black full sized Maglite with Small diameter
handle". Say what? Here is the English translation:
the cops were seeking a black flashlight that can be
obtained at any Home Improvement store for around $10,
give or take a few pennies.

Although Garden Grove Police spent nearly an hour
rummaging through Theresa's personal belongings, they
never found what they were looking for. She claims
that when Detective Reynolds called her up via
cellphone, he was mad; he accused her of stealing a
flashlight that had been dropped by a police officer
on the ground about three weeks ago. "This is a very
serious matter", Reynolds allegedly told Dang. He
demanded that she tell him where that flashlight was;
and if it was no longer in her possession, who had it?

All of this would be very funny if this were part of a
script for some comedy show on television. But the
truth is, this is reality. Did Garden Grove cops take
time out from their busy schedule of apprehending
murderers, rapists, bank robbers, and drunk drivers to
raid somebody's house and look for a flashlight? Yes.
They did. And it happened here in Westminster,
California. Yesterday. At 10-o-clock in the morning.

In one of the worst cases of political repression ever
seen by the author of this article, the Orange County
District Attorney's Office and Garden Grove Police
Department have jointly launched an unprecedented and
outrageous attack against a young Vietnamese woman
whose only real crime was to express her dissent with
the powers that be.

Theresa Dang was one of about 300 people from around
Southern California who showed up on May 25th to
demonstrate against Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist,
who appeared at the Garden Grove Woman's Civic Club
that night to speak at a monthly meeting of the
California Coalition for Immigration Reform, the group
responsible for putting the racist Proposition 187 on
the ballot back in 1994.

During the protest, Dang was thrown to the ground when
she and three other protesters (including Jim
Lafferty, Executive Director of the Los Angeles
Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild) were hit by a
minivan driven by Hal Netkin, a Van Nuys bigot who
operates several websites on the internet which bashes
Mexico and blames "illegal immigrants" from that
country for all of California's economic problems.

Although the Garden Grove Police on the scene did
initially arrest Netkin on charges of "assault with a
deadly weapon" (especially after repeated demands from
the mass of protesters who assembled that they take
immediate action), they declined to pursue this case
further after he was brought to the station. Netkin
was released from their custody early the next
morning, around 1:00 am.

Theresa was very troubled by this. She was bothered
that Netkin had been set free, while five protesters
arrested by Garden Grove Police that night were facing
criminal prosecution on serious felony charges.
Seeking justice, she, along with two other people,
co-authored and signed a letter that was personally
delivered to the District Attorney's Office on the
afternoon of Wednesday, June 1st. A press conference
was later held on the public sidewalk outside.

In that letter, District Attorney Rackauckas was asked
that: (1) All charges against the accused protesters
be dropped; 2) Criminal charges be filed against Hal
Netkin, and; 3) An independent investigation into
misconduct be brought against the Garden Grove Police

Since that time, Theresa has been outspoken in her
criticism of how the Garden Grove Police Department
conducted themselves on the night of May 25th. She's
been appearing quite regularly on KPFK and other mass
media. Her voice has even managed to be heard on the
infamous Fox News channel.

This has apparently struck a raw nerve deep with top
brass inside the Garden Grove Police Department. So in
a clear act of retaliation, they are seeking to punish
Dang by either fabricating or blowing out of
proportion some incredibly trivial thing she allegedly
did at the May 25th demonstration.

We are asking that people throughout the Southern
California area begin preparing for a mass
mobilization to defend Theresa Dang against this
incredibly vicious attack by the combined forces of
the Orange County District Attorney's Office and the
Garden Grove Police Department.

As of this moment, Theresa has retained the services
of a Los Angeles-based civil rights attorney and is
currently working with friends and family to form a
committee to defend herself from this completely
ridiculous and scurrilous charge.

Although additional actions are being planned, for now
we're asking that as many people as possible make
arrangements to pack the courtroom during her
arraignment at the West Justice Center, scheduled for
the morning of June 27, 2005 at 8:30 am. The address
is 8131 13th Street, Westminster.

To learn more about what you can do to help Theresa in
her fight, please keep an eye out for future messages
posted on this listserv or website; or feel free to
send a message to the author of this article at the
above email address.



Permission granted for reproduction in any non-profit
publication provided that credit is given to the
author of this work
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Praise for GG Police and OC DA

by Hellfire USA Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 6:09 AM

I hope what happened to Miss Dang sends a clear message to all you lowlife, separatist, hatemongering, globalist, open-borders scum. When you act like vicious animals and attack peaceful demostrators the powers that be shall exact a penalty on your heads. I have nothing but praise for the GG police department and the DA's office for going after you assholes. Consider it justice for attacking Hal Netkin.

Bottom line, act like criminal animals and you will be dealt with as such. Personally, I would not have been as nice as the GG police in dealing with you on the scene.
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More George Bush Fascism

by Fredric L. Rice Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 7:23 AM

> She claims that when Detective Reynolds called her
> up via cellphone, he was mad; he accused her of
> stealing a flashlight that had been dropped by a
> police officer on the ground about three weeks ago.

Amazing. And I see that the usual racist hate mongers express their delight at the Constitutional rights of non-white Americans is so easily violated under this fascist regime.

And Hal Netkin is still out there walking -- I mean _driving_ -- freely among us, all charges dropped.


My opinions only, of course. I suspect the Garden Grove police have some other reasons why they're violating this woman's Constitutional and Civil rights so blatantly. Bet her name appears on this fascist regime's "terrorist list" or something equally fascist.
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Dear Freddy

by Hellfire USA Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 8:08 AM

I could care less what race or ethnicity the criminal is, as long as the criminal is punished for their actions. You idiots brought it on yourselves with your uncivil, violent behavior in GG. Serves you right.

I cannot believe I actually agree with you on something, Fred. That being that Bush is a fascist.

As far as good old Hal, well he is an innocent man who was trying to defend himself. Oh, and Hal is a Jew married to a Mexican National and has adopted children from various countries so there goes your racist allegation out the window with the rest of your Marxist, leftist clap-trap.

Medication time, Fred!

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Hellfire USA

by A Fly On The Wall Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 9:19 AM

Be careful what you wish for. Police repression is police repression, no matter who it is against. Today, it is GG, and they are coming after us, tomorrow, it is BP, and that city hates you. Praise GGPD all you want, but don't come-a bitchin to us when the BPPD takes you in for stealing a piece of plastic that was used to cuff you morons at the end of this month.....

I am so glad your racist group went to the BP City Council, they chewed you a new one, and exposed your racism!!! HAHA Looks like you are really walking into a shit storm... The People United Can NEVER....

Looking forward to it....
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Pretty Blatant Harrassment

by FUBAR Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 9:44 AM

Pretty Blatant Harra...
characters_sherrif.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x341

This is a blatant abuse of power.

They trashed her home to exact some "revenge" on her because she's involved with the protest, and organzing around it. I don't know her, nor what she does, but my guess is that she's innocent.

"This is a serious matter" indeed. Please. It's a flashlight, and I bet she never took it. Why would an activist take a flashlight from a cop? It makes no sense.

First, they picked out people to arrest and then "fine" them by making them pay bail (to the bail bonds). They lie about what happened. Now they start targeting the activists who get vocal. To top it off, they harrass her entire *family*.

I think the GGPD mission statement says something:

"The mission of the Garden Grove Police Department, through a Community Partnership, is to improve the quality of life in the city and provide a sense of safety and security to the community members."

... it says a "sense" of safety and security. What about real safety and security?

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slightly off-topic

by elle Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005 at 9:17 PM

I thought it was just a myth but racists really do inbreed...
check out the link below from the stormfront message board.
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To Freddy and all civil rights activist

by Unbiased_Va Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 10:38 AM

When calling people biggots like you have with Hal and the GG police. What information are you going on? Do you know these people personally? Is anti-illegal immigration biggotry? If that is the case...then half of America atleast are biggots. It seems pretty to be a pretty unfair assumption to me. And regarding this inncident, lets wait for what the evidence on these charges are. Its easy to speculate. I myself think if she stole a "10 dollar flashlight" that these charges are pathetic and wrong. Atleast to storm a house. But lets see on june 27th what they really have. Then jump to conclusions! It seems to me that Mr. Roberts, Freddica, and all others who claim biggotry and unfairness scream conspiracy on everything. Not everyone is out to get you. There are bad cops, there are good cops. There are peaceful protestors and crazy protestors that ruin for everything. Lets not prejudge or is too hard for anyone? There is freedom of speech in this country. But if you want to call all illegal immigration and the GG police supporters all biggots or wrong. I suggest you move to mexico or cuba or somewhere else where everything you aggree with is perfect. Its not going to happen, so show some human decency and patient with the country and system you have.

Unbiased out
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Don't go near the Minutemen

by Karen B Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 3:24 PM

Keep attacking Americans folks. And the Police!
And you will continue to be arrested and charged with

How stupid can you get?
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Don't even go there Elle!

by Elle is so stupid Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 3:26 PM

Save our State is not Stormfront.
Nice try Elle!

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by Freedom or Death Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 at 7:10 PM

It's all because the Vietnamese community in Garden Grove hates all you Communists. And loaths any Vietnamese who associates with you.

Rub you two brains cells together, you might figure this out eventually.
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Yeah. I could tell. }:-}

by Fredric L. Rice Wednesday, Jun. 22, 2005 at 10:40 AM

> I could care less what race or ethnicity the criminal is

Yeah, unless their skin is pink. }:-} Then they're allowed to run over poeaceful protesters, huh?

Nobody believes you.
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I was there

by me Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 4:52 PM

Duane, does your school district know you support illegals and shout at women with four letter words over a bullhorn?
I bet the Riverside School District would be interested to see you in action on video.
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Another liar bites the dust

by Duane J. Roberts Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 6:57 PM

> I was there

Really? Where were you? Hiding in the Wendy's restaurant about a mile up the street? You weren't there at all because nothing you've written below is true.

> Duane, does your school district know you support
> illegals and shout at women with four letter words over
> a bullhorn?

I don't know. Do they? I didn't speak on any bullhorns that night and never shouted at women using four letter words. That's not my style. If you have a video of me doing that, I'd really like to see it.

> I bet the Riverside School District would be interested
> to see you in action on video.

I hate to disappoint you, but I've never been employed by the Riverside School District. Why would they care?


Duane J. Roberts

P.S. By the way, why don't you talk to me using your real name and email address. Too chicken to do that?
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Another Liar (Dang) Bites The Dust

by Dang "Gringo" Sunday, Jun. 26, 2005 at 2:08 AM

Theresa Dang Exposed as Liar
by Jose Gracielo Fernandez • Tuesday June 21, 2005 12:28 PM

Racist Theresa Dang caught on tape faking her "injuries" allegedy at the hands of civil rights activist Hal Netkin.

Theresa Dang, Other Racists Exposed as Liars

LOS ANGELES, CA. June 21 - Hal Netkin, a community civil rights activist, acted in self-defense when attacked by Theresa Dang -- the racial supremacist recently filmed stealing police property -- as well as other violent extremists, new video shows.

Netkin had earlier been cleared by police of wrongdoing in an incident following a peaceful meeting where Minuteman leader Jim Gilchrist had spoken.

Surrounded by hostile members of MEChA -- the racist group with a track record of violence towards non-Hispanics -- and other hate groups, Netkin slowly drove his minivan through the seething crowd blocking the only exit from the venue.

Police agreed that Netkin, a senior citizen, acted reasonably given the threat under which he found himself.

No injuries resulted to the protestors or to Netkin, although the vehicle was severely damaged by the pounding fists of the extremists.

Moments later, Dang, unaware of the camera filming her, theatrically flopped to the ground after some coaching from a fellow radical.

Another hate group member, carrying a bullhorn, actually exited the scene. Apparently he later regretted his good health and returned to the spot to collapse tragically next to the unhurt but prostrate Theresa Dang.

The radicals seem increasingly desperate in recent days, as poll after poll demonstrates that most Americans are strongly opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens. As the illegal alien enthusiasts like Dang grow more isolated, they seem to align themselves with ever more extreme and anti-American interests.

In the crowd protesting the Minuteman meeting, where Mexican flags, Anarchy posters and Che banners were seen, but American flags were curiously absent, a contingent was seen expressing support for arch-terrorist Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.

“Viva Zarqawi, the gringo-killer!’ they chanted.

Dang will be answering misdemeanor theft charges for stealing a police officer’s flashlight. The hate group activist and bigot has not had much luck on camera recently: like her phony injury, the theft was also caught on tape.

Dang’s flop can be viewed at

It is not known if Netkin or the police department will press charges against Dang for her perjury. Netkin has also not made known if he will pursue her in court for assaulting and slandering him.
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