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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
On Wednesday, June 1st, the people went to the DA's office to voice community demands.
 side_shot_of_the_crowd.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
On Wednesday, June 1st, about 65 people went to the DA's office to demand that all charges be dropped against the innocent individuals arrested on May 25th at the protest against the Minutemen and the Racism that they represent. Further, the people are demanding that charges be brought against Hal Netkin, the drive of the mini-van who drove into the crowd of peaceful protesters. The final demand by the people is that the District Attorney's office opens an internal investigation into the conduct of the Garden Grove Police Department and explain why Hal was released and peaceful protesters were arrested. The people have given the District Attorney seven days to respond to their demands.
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
 free_kurt.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
 no_human_is_illegal.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x600
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
 open_borders.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
 stop_scape_goating_immigrants.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
 press_conference_2.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 6:00 PM
 press_conference_4.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by Me
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 4:35 AM
I hope those arrested get the book thrown @ them, for the vile "Hate crimes" they committed, during the protest!
Those helping "Illegals" should be arrested for accessory!
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by Cortez
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 4:58 AM
...while people cannot, because capital doesn't require me to educate it's children and give it free medical services, which closes emergency rooms for everyone else to go to. And for the other sign holding clown, no human is illegal IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. What happens to an illegal Guatemalan in Mexico?
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 7:00 AM
I see there are still Republicans out there who think that oppoing racism, hatred, and bigotry are some how crimes or accessory to crimes. I wsuppose that's Amerikkka under the fascist Bush regime, true.
These peaceful American citizen protesters were engaged in their lawful, Constitutionally guarenteed right to oppose racist hate mongers and everything they stand for. Because the fascist rehime couldn't pen them up in communist-ish "Free Speech Zones," the fascists indiscriminately selected peaceful victims out of the crowd of lawful Americans and arrested them knowing full well that all charges will be dropped and that their victims are not legally entitled to sue the fascists for violating their Constitutional and Civil rights.
Let's arrest and deport illegal aliens, absolutely, and let's do so without regard to skin hue. Let's also collect the hundreds of thousands of illegal Canadians, Australians, Germans, and British who are here in America illegally also. Let's not utilize the overwhelmingly serious problem of illegal aliens in Southern California to whip up the race hating white supremist hate mongers among us.
Let's arrest and deport illegals safely, humanely, and with regard to human rights, and let's not support and defend hate mongers under the guise of fighting illegal aliens. Let's clamp down on our borders and arrest and indict the Republican corporate owners who hire illegal workers -- and let's impeace government officials that grant amnisty for Republican corporate criminals.
Let's safeguard America's borders without the hate.
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 12:22 PM
i hear people, even friends of mine, thinking that they're not being racist when they refer to human beings as "illegals" and "aliens". Please remember that we are not just talking SHIT when we say--NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL. We are saying this for a reason. Objectifying and dehumanizing a person or group of persons is a fundamental element necessary in oppressing them. Our choice in words ABSOLUTELY matters. The event yesterday went great, glad to see so many companeros in solidarity for this action.
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by Bisbee
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 7:32 AM
So what happens to an ILLEGAL Guatemalan in Mexico? No human is illegal for being human, I'll give you, but for them to break the laws of a country by entering illegally, them that makes them ILLEGAL, if they are from Ireland, Iceland, or dare I say it, MEXICO.
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by 1planet1people
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 9:08 AM
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The only thing illegal is the institutions that install restrictions on the free movement of humans, especially when they need that movement to ensure health and security. Not just the US institutions, ALL of them. SOS and the MMP is as American as the Al Qaeda. Learn your history, learn the philosophy that our original government was founded on. The only law that matters is the laws of nature, and any government that creates a law counter to that, it is simply wrong.
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by What?
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 2:12 PM
As for white supremacy that I keep hearing about, I feel compelled to point out the only swastikas I have seen have been on posters and flags brought out by the pro-illegal immigrant protesters.
This whole argument is absurd. Someone in another post made a particularly good point. No other nation would tolerate the massive influx of foreign citizens (illegal immigrants) that the United States has put up with. Moreover, It's insane for these illegal immigrants to make demands of the host country (America) of any sort. It's like someone breaking into your house and then bitching at you because you don't have any Corona in the fridge.
What kind of crap is that? The insult and injury don't stop there. The guy brings his whole family in, and one of his brothers has a load of cocaine in his bag. He shoots your son dead and then just leaves while you're left to provide everything (shelter, medical attention, security, etc. )for these people that broke into your house.
This is not an unfair allegory. Illegal aliens make up to one fourth (1/4) of the population in the Los Angeles County jail. Over 3,000 American citizens have been killed by illegal aliens in the past five years. That's about as many people that died in the World Trade Center.
Americans can pick their own crops, fold down their own beds, and mow their own grass. It's been done in the southeast for a long, long time. We can make do without the influx of people from other countries. If we can put people on the moon and split the atom, we can take care of the little things too.
Let the illegal immigrants deal with the political problems in their own countries, rather than causing political and social strive in the United States.
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 3:00 PM
If any of you are tempted to believe Hector, let me crunch the numbers: According to the Californians for Population Stablization (an anti-immigrant group if there ever was one), 40% of California's 2M undocumented immigrants lived in the greater Los Angeles area in April 2004. According to the U.S. Census the population of L.A. County is 9,871,506. 800,000 / 9,871,506 = 8.1% . *************** And here's some background on Ines Netkin (name sound familiar?) from the same site. " Ines Netkin lives in a neat, ranch-style home in middle-class Los Angeles County, but she worries that her neighborhood is starting to look like it belongs south of the border. 'It used to be nice to live around here, but it's deteriorating. We have dirty streets, traffic jams, more crime. It's not the way it used to be,' Mrs. Netkin said. 'I feel like it's going to become like Mexico City. Right now, if you closed your eyes and opened them in downtown Los Angeles, you would think that you were in Mexico City.' "Mrs. Netkin should know. Born Ines Acevedo, she left her home in Mexico City 15 years ago and came to Los Angeles as an illegal alien. She worked as a nanny, learned to speak and write English, and then became a legal U.S. resident by marrying one. "Now she regards with frustration the Hispanic immigrants she sees taking over her San Fernando Valley Van Nuys neighborhood, packing 20 persons into single-family homes, turning the local stores into Spanish-only tiendas, leaving their burnt-out stoves and infested mattresses in the alley behind her house, slowly but surely driving out their middle-class neighbors. "'It wouldn't be so bad if they would adapt to our ways, but they don't. We have to adapt to their ways,' Mrs. Netkin said. 'Whatever happened to, 'When in Rome'?' . . . "'They live in conditions you and I would never consider,' said Hal Netkin, Mrs. Netkin's husband. 'They take shifts using the beds. These landlords look the other way -- they don't care as long as they get their money and [the immigrants] don't complain. And they're not complainers. . . "'You can't touch a San Fernando Valley house for less than $300,000. So how can these immigrants afford to live here? They can't afford to live here,' Mr. Netkin said. 'But they do.'" http://www.capsweb.org/newsroom/media_coverage/richardson_tsunami.html And Hal has another website I haven't seen: http://www.lawatchdog.com/
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by Hal
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 7:03 AM
I read this and laughed my ass off. It's just too funny to break American law. http://www.lawatchdog.com/SensenbrennerGetsLetterFromHal4n29.html I mean, you're a racist if you want to stop it, right? Right?
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by Hector
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 7:47 AM
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca had a study conducted in 2003 which concluded that 38,748 county inmates -- 23 percent of the jail population -- were illegal aliens.
Not all illegal immigrants are criminals per se, but they have all broken U.S. immigration law to come here and should be deported. Imagine the cost savings to the taxpayer if we didn't have to house, feed and provide shelter (as well as free legal representation) for almost 40,000 people that weren't supposed to be here?
This is just one city in the United States. How many illegal aliens are in other jails around the country?
And for the record, when I see these signs that say "no human being is illegal!" and I want to scream. Here's a list of illegals you might or might not recognize. I defy anyone to tell me these people should not be considered illegals.
Mohamed Atta Khalid Almihdhar Majed Moqed Nawaf Alhazmi Salem Alhazmi Hani Hanjour - Satam M.A. Al Suqami Waleed M. Alshehri Wail M. Alshehri Abdulaziz Alomari Marwan Al-Shehhi Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad Ahmed Alghamdi Hamza Alghamdi Mohand Alshehri Saeed Alghamdi Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi Ahmed Alnami Ziad Samir Jarrah
Yeah. We should just leave the border open and do nothing.
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 9:32 AM
Leave it to "Hector" to not know the difference between "foreign born" and "illegal aliens." "Of the 170,000 people who pass through the county jail system every year, an estimated 25 percent are foreign born." Barbour, Eleanor. "Closing the Revolving Door." _City Beat_ . Aug 12, 2004. http://www.lacitybeat.com/article.php?id=1140&IssueNum=62 According to the 2000 US Census, 36.2% of those in LA County are foreign-born. Sounds like they're doing a lot better than those born here at keeping themselves out of County Jail. Hector, you should be worrying about those people who are born here.
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by Mr. Dickhead
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 10:10 AM
Aren't illegal aliens foreign-born citizens? You can't be an illegal alien and not be foreign-born. It's like being the tallest midget. You're still a midget.
Are you going to address any of Hector's other points? I noticed you didn't touch them at all. Do you think just anyone from anywhere should be able to come into the country and make demands on our social welfare system or even kill American citizens?
That's a pretty huge issue that hasn't been addressed at all here. I just see a lot of people screaming "racist" at people that want national security.
So what is it to be? Open borders?
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by Samson
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:13 AM
Communists (and their communist-lite brethren known as 'democrats') opposed fascism because it's a competing form of tyranny.
In all other wars and conflicts, the left has been WRONG.
While not always actively working for the enemy like Hanoi Jane Fonda, the left still does its part to undermine national defense.
Democrats usually vote against military spending and encourage 'appeasement' of vicious enemies who have no intentions of obeying treaties.
The American Left at War Record: not doing so hot
WW2: Sided with America against nazism
Korea: Sided with North Korea against America
Vietnam: Sided with Viet Cong against America
Cold War: Sided with Soviet Union against America
Gulf War I: Sided with Saddam against American intervention
Serbia/Somalia: Supported American intervention only because a leftist felon was in the White House Botched non-leadership of worthless "President" taking orders from UN humiliated U.S. Military, causing needless losses and emboldening terrorists
9-11 Attack: sympathetic to terrorists, blames WTC victims Afghanistan: Sides with Al Quaeda terrorists against American intervention
Iraq War: Sides with Saddam and other terrorists against American intervention
Illegal "immigrant" Invasion: Both Left and Right against secure borders
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 8:10 PM
Replies (read the post above it you care about any of this.)
OK, Logic 1: If undocumented immigrants are a subset of foreign-born residents, does that mean that all foreign-born residents are undocumented immigrants? "Hector," Mr. Dickhead, and most of the rest of that crowd don't recognize the difference.
"Hector" tried to make the case that the World Trade Center bombers should not be allowed to cross the border. Let's try this: if American had open borders, it would be an entirely better country, and the WTC bombers would have not been here in the first place.
And how many of the Twin Tower bombers snuck across the Rio Bravo? I'd suggest all the Minutemen head out to NYC and FL to patrol the airports there, if they're looking for terrorists.
Undocumented workers don't get "social welfare" except for our lowest -rung medical care and help for their children. Now I know you'd like to see immigrants dying in the streets for lack of healthcare and uneducated second-generation Indigenous-descent citizens around for your children to bash, but only dickheads want that.
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by Mr. Dickhead
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 8:50 PM
Dude, it ain't that deep.
Foreign-born residents who enter the country legally - cool. Any foreign-born alien who enters the country illegally - uncool.
How hard was that, retard?
Nobody has any "right" to just come to the United States because they have this odd notion that this land was taken from their forefathers. It's bullshit. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - 1848, does that ring any bells? Also, the FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS that the United States Government paid Mexico at the time sealed the deal. Of course we have paid a zillion times that amount in "lowest rung medical care" for illegal Mexican citizens in a single year.
You and I both know a single operation for one patient can go into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every damn day there are illegals that exploit the fact that they can go into the hospital, get treated, say they are illegal and walk right the fuck out of there and not worry about it. AMERICAN FUCKING CITIZENS have to pay and pay and pay for their own health insurance which is currently skyrocketing because doctors have to charge more because they can't afford to treat people for free.
Oh have you noticed the spiraling tailspin the state of American healthcare is currently in? Do you think the illegal alien problem is going to make it easier?
As for Al Queda and the rest of that lot, I'll point you in the direction of what has been - documented. Yup, you sure are right that none of the hijackers came across the border illegally. They overstayed their visas and even had legal driver's licenses. Ain't that a kick in the pants? Guess we'll have to be more careful in the future, huh?
It's very well known that Al Queda has designs on infiltrating the U.S. over the southern border and has even made an effort at recruiting in central America. They want to stay as far off the radar as possible now because they know we're on to them and their methods. I guess that's just paranoia, isn't it? Yeah, I mean it would be nuts to think anyone would fly an airliner into the Pentagon. That's just crazy talk. It'll never happen.
Hey, do you think MS - 13 (Mara Salvatrucha) would qualify as a terrorist organization?
As for the Minutemen, I'm sure they drive you nuts. I'm sure it drives you crazier that they didn't hurt anyone in the process. It must have made the drug runners crazy. Oh, wait. I thought all the people coming over the border wanted to pick strawberries or something.
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by BushAdmirer
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 5:35 AM
Question: Which group of protesters do you consider the lesser evil? The Minutemen or those "No War of Oil" traffic disrupter pinheads in L.A.?
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by Buddy
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 7:10 AM
From what I understand, Mexico is run by the so-called "white Mexicans". The darker skinned, indiginous Mexicans, are considered to be second class, if THAT, maybe third class, who knows! Does this seem right to you? It doesn't to me. There is too much corruption in Mexico, too much favoritism of the so called "white Mexicans", they are the ones getting rich off the backs of the REAL Mexican people. NAFTA did a number on these people and now the a**holes want CAFTA and the FTAA! What do you think THAT will do to ALL of us? We are fighting for OUR country, why can't Mexicans fight for THEIR country? We would be glad to assist in any way we can!!! Mexico is a lovely place with lovely people, they DESERVE to be able to survive and improve their lot in life, not starve, in their native land!!! Any suggestions on how to help them NOT have to flee their beautiful country, their homeland? It's a sad state of affairs when one has to leave their "home" in order to eat and feed their family!!!!
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by Republican Scum
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 7:57 AM
Always on the wrong side? There are several so called 'communist' ideas through history...
(Not in any particular order)
1. Women's Rights to Vote and Equal Pay 2. Equal Rights For African Americans and other Minorities. 3. Trade Unions and the Right To Organize 4. Public Schools 5. Social Security 6. Voting Rights for Non-Property Owners 7. National Parks 8. Minimum Wage 9. OSHA 10. Stockholder Rights 11. Child Safety Laws
Those dam'n lefties!!! Always doing the moral thing when all we conservatives want to do is screw the innocent, exploit the poor, destroy small businesses, and create a society of uneducated slaves so we can rule like the kings we were in the good old dark ages. But those damn lefties, always spoiling our fun....
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by St. Hosea
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 10:49 AM
According to 1 planet 1 pinhead, everyone in the world should be allowed to come to the United States.
I as an American, am making an open invitation to all white people of the world.
Anyone with white skin from Ireland, Scotland, Russia.
All white people are welcome.
IF La Raza and MALDEF, can be racists.
Then I can finally be a racist.
If La Raza and MALDEF, can aide and abett illegal hispanic immigrants.
Then white people can and should, support illegal white immigrants.
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by St. Hosea
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 10:54 AM
How laughable.
You people demanding that the DA release criminals.
Har Har Har Hee Hee, please, make me stop. I cannot stop laughing.
Oh, I forgot. You already have criminals amongst you.
They are called illegal Mexican immigrants.
Hee Hee Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, please, quit making me giggle so hard.
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by KPC
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 12:22 PM
yeah, the simple minded are always easily entertained...
...now, go back to polishing your boots in preparation for the "race war", of which your tiny little mind thinks the flames are being fanned by your laughable posts...
...now pardon me while I do my laughing off line.
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by Republicans ROCK
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 9:51 AM
1. Women's Rights to Vote and Equal Pay
---They have them thanks to American women themselves, not communists
2. Equal Rights For African Americans and other Minorities.
---Done by capitalist government with more Republicans voting for Civil Rights legislation than victicrats
3. Trade Unions and the Right To Organize
----Unions are now extortionist bullshitters and useless dinosaurs
4. Public (government) Schools
---Expensive failures
5. Social Security
----Because the gummint knows how to spend your money better than you do.
6. Voting Rights for Non-Property Owners
---not given to anyone by communists
7. National Parks
---communists mismanged entire natural wealth of USSR. FORMER USSR
8. Minimum Wage
---makes it harder to hire unskilled labor, drags down economy
---labeling beach sand as "toxic" another moron bureaucracy.
10. Stockholder Rights
---since commies hate private property, why is this even touted?
11. Child Safety Laws
---now prevent the young from having first jobs and keeping what they earn
Communism has brought us more important advances:
1) concentration camps 2) pogroms against Jews and other minorities 3) Planned terror famines 4) eradication of private property 5) state censorship 6) gulags 7) genocide
Communists have never been elected to office ANYWHERE.
they're the LOWEST form of life...next to nazis.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 9:57 AM
Republican Cock (pardon the redundancy): "Communists have never been elected to office ANYWHERE. "
He may be an idiot, but he's PROUD of it, obviously....
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by Republicans Rule
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:11 AM
"Communists have never been elected to office ANYWHERE. "
It's the truth, dumbshit.
So have a Coke and s smile and STFU.
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by Republicans Rule
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:14 AM
Communists DO go thru the motions of being "elected," but only with AK-47s pointed at the "voters" heads.
Every communist election has been a sham.
Down with communism. Down with the traitor left.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:18 AM
Republican Tool: "Every communist election has been a sham. "
...I didn't know da shrub was a commie...
...his election was certainly a sham.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:42 AM
Vietnam in 1940's:
"When the Japanese were defeated, the Viet Minh took control of the country and proclaimed independence. This independence has begun to make a real difference in many people's lives. For the first time in Vietnam's history, national elections were held. People could choose their own leaders, Communist or non-communist. "
No AK-47's - elections free and fair...
...that make you and idiot...
...well, no, actually you would be an idiot no matter what.
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by RepubliCAN versus liberal CANTS
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:54 AM
Vietnam in 1940's:
"When the Japanese were defeated, the Viet Minh took control of the country and proclaimed independence.
This independence has begun to make a real difference in many people's lives. For the first time in Vietnam's history, national elections were held.
People could choose their own leaders, Communist or non-communist. "
No AK-47's - elections free and fair...
>>>> So tell me, DID they vote for communists? And if so, why did the evil USSR and Red China supply the vietcong with arms?
>>>> Does this somehow make the later Cambodian and Vietnamese genocides at the hands of commies "OK"? The evil REDS (redundant) sure made a 'real diference' in people's lives, all right.
>>> Your technical exception doesn't exactly trump the massive evils of communism.
>>> No comnunists, once in power, EVER allow free elections.
...well, no, actually you would be an idiot no matter what.
>>>> your pissy attitude only detracts from any actual facts. but then, I DID call YOU a 'dumbshit' so ee're even, except you're still on the wrong side.
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by RepubliCAN versus liberal CANTS
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:54 AM
Vietnam in 1940's:
"When the Japanese were defeated, the Viet Minh took control of the country and proclaimed independence.
This independence has begun to make a real difference in many people's lives. For the first time in Vietnam's history, national elections were held.
People could choose their own leaders, Communist or non-communist. "
No AK-47's - elections free and fair...
>>>> So tell me, DID they vote for communists? And if so, why did the evil USSR and Red China supply the vietcong with arms?
>>>> Does this somehow make the later Cambodian and Vietnamese genocides at the hands of commies "OK"? The evil REDS (redundant) sure made a 'real diference' in people's lives, all right.
>>> Your technical exception doesn't exactly trump the massive evils of communism.
>>> No comnunists, once in power, EVER allow free elections.
...well, no, actually you would be an idiot no matter what.
>>>> your pissy attitude only detracts from any actual facts. but then, I DID call YOU a 'dumbshit' so ee're even, except you're still on the wrong side.
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by RepubliCAN versus liberal CANTS
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:55 AM
Vietnam in 1940's:
"When the Japanese were defeated, the Viet Minh took control of the country and proclaimed independence.
This independence has begun to make a real difference in many people's lives. For the first time in Vietnam's history, national elections were held.
People could choose their own leaders, Communist or non-communist. "
No AK-47's - elections free and fair...
>>>> So tell me, DID they vote for communists? And if so, why did the evil USSR and Red China supply the vietcong with arms?
>>>> Does this somehow make the later Cambodian and Vietnamese genocides at the hands of commies "OK"? The evil REDS (redundant) sure made a 'real diference' in people's lives, all right.
>>> Your technical exception doesn't exactly trump the massive evils of communism.
>>> No comnunists, once in power, EVER allow free elections.
...well, no, actually you would be an idiot no matter what.
>>>> your pissy attitude only detracts from any actual facts. but then, I DID call YOU a 'dumbshit' so ee're even, except you're still on the wrong side.
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by RepubliCAN versus liberal CANTS
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:55 AM
Vietnam in 1940's:
"When the Japanese were defeated, the Viet Minh took control of the country and proclaimed independence.
This independence has begun to make a real difference in many people's lives. For the first time in Vietnam's history, national elections were held.
People could choose their own leaders, Communist or non-communist. "
No AK-47's - elections free and fair...
>>>> So tell me, DID they vote for communists? And if so, why did the evil USSR and Red China supply the vietcong with arms?
>>>> Does this somehow make the later Cambodian and Vietnamese genocides at the hands of commies "OK"? The evil REDS (redundant) sure made a 'real diference' in people's lives, all right.
>>> Your technical exception doesn't exactly trump the massive evils of communism.
>>> No comnunists, once in power, EVER allow free elections.
...well, no, actually you would be an idiot no matter what.
>>>> your pissy attitude only detracts from any actual facts. but then, I DID call YOU a 'dumbshit' so ee're even, except you're still on the wrong side.
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by RepubliCAN versus liberal CANTS
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:55 AM
Vietnam in 1940's:
"When the Japanese were defeated, the Viet Minh took control of the country and proclaimed independence.
This independence has begun to make a real difference in many people's lives. For the first time in Vietnam's history, national elections were held.
People could choose their own leaders, Communist or non-communist. "
No AK-47's - elections free and fair...
>>>> So tell me, DID they vote for communists? And if so, why did the evil USSR and Red China supply the vietcong with arms?
>>>> Does this somehow make the later Cambodian and Vietnamese genocides at the hands of commies "OK"? The evil REDS (redundant) sure made a 'real diference' in people's lives, all right.
>>> Your technical exception doesn't exactly trump the massive evils of communism.
>>> No comnunists, once in power, EVER allow free elections.
...well, no, actually you would be an idiot no matter what.
>>>> your pissy attitude only detracts from any actual facts. but then, I DID call YOU a 'dumbshit' so ee're even, except you're still on the wrong side.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 11:07 AM
...Take it EASY there republiCUNT, seems like you had a little pre-mature ejaculation there...hand shakey or what?
Now...let's see...you posted (one time, not four) this:
"Communists have never been elected to office ANYWHERE. "
Which is obviously WRONG...so when you realized you didn't know WHAT THE FUCK you were talking about...you change the subject to the EEEEEVILS of communism.
...Done with you...too fuckin' easy.
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by KPC's Tutor
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 3:21 PM
...Take it EASY there republiCUNT, seems like you had a little pre-mature ejaculation there...hand shakey or what?
>>> A computer slip-up and unintentional. It happens.
>>> I‘m sure you didn’t PLAN to be an asshole when you woke up this morning….or did you?
>>> Anyway,the glitch is these darn computers at Republican Master Central, 30 miles underground, where we hatch plans to starve minorities by cutting off all guvmint programs.
Now...let's see...you posted (one time, not four) this: "Communists have never been elected to office ANYWHERE. "
Which is obviously WRONG...so when you realized you didn't know WHAT THE FUCK you were talking about...you change the subject to the EEEEEVILS of communism.
>> Oh, AM I wrong? I asked you to demonstrate WHERE the commies were voted in? And WHEN? >>> I’m STILL waiting.
To be fair (something YOU will never be) I believe there was one extreme example where some numbnuts in Russia recently got in as a commie, but he doesn’t really count.
>>> RepubliCUNT? A ha ha ha ha ha.
>>> More telling is your silence on the communist genocides.
KPC = (acting like a) Useful Idiot
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by fresca
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 3:29 PM
" "Communists have never been elected to office ANYWHERE. "
Which is obviously WRONG...so when you realized you didn't know WHAT THE FUCK you were talking about...you change the subject to the EEEEEVILS of communism. "
Yeah, I'm still waiting for this one as well. Your earlier Viatnam reference was wrong as the "free elections" Vietmihn claimed were after the communists had already taken power.
In addition, communism is hardly evil. Inane and clearly so unworkable as to be considered almost humorous, as history is clogged with shitbag failed societies drowning in the morass of communist regimes.
Silly yes, Evil, no.
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by communism is evil
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 3:44 PM
In addition, communism is hardly evil. Inane and clearly so unworkable as to be considered almost humorous, as history is clogged with shitbag failed societies drowning in the morass of communist regimes.
Silly yes, Evil, no.
>>>> Sorry to disagree my man, but communism IS evil, and far greater an evil than the nazis were, if only because the world suffered 70+ years of the former.
In the 20th century, left-wing governments (never identified as communist by the American liberal media, which ''admires" Cuba) easily surpassed the Nazis in murdered millions.
Unfortunately, the sheer scale of human carnage is too great for any one person to comprehend.
The only reason we can now view communism as quaint is Reagan (a genius) stood up to the evil the Bear represented.
When the Soviet Empire died, all the planned famines, bread lines, gulags, State censorship and genocidal wars communism fed around the globe died with it.
Thank God there are only a few remnants of this disastrous system left. China would' ve collapsed long ago had they not "secretly" begun converting to capitalism.
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by where did you get that?
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 3:53 PM
Too bad it's all a pile of nastalgic crap. For morons.
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by communism is evil
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 4:02 PM
if you deny communism sucks, Cuba is always waiting. There are 1000s who would gladly switch places with you, comrade.
Talk the talk? Try walking the walk, beeyawtch.
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:24 PM
Would love to go, but for some weird reason, our government won't let me. Maybe they are scared that we will see the truth and discover the propaganda from the cold war. Its funny though, most the countries that LET their people go, the don't think it is bad as we are lead to believe (I have talked to many that have gone, many wanted to stay).....
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:27 PM
"When the Soviet Empire died, all the planned famines, bread lines, gulags, State censorship and genocidal wars communism fed around the globe died with it."
Yeah, your right, now their just starving in the street. Capitalism is the greatest, it just lets people die....
Why don't you check the status of eastern europe you moran. Most the people are BEGGING for their old system. At least they had food....
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 6:31 AM
DA DANCING SHITPILE: "Viatnam reference was wrong as the "free elections" Vietmihn claimed were after the communists had already taken power. "
Ho Chi Minh was a hero in Vietnam...his troops cooperated with the Americans in fighting the Japanese. The US promised that they would support a Vietnam independent of France (but we lied...AGAIN). The Vietnamese conducted free elections, and many communists AND non-communists were elected. This is historical fact. you putting shock quotes around the phrase does not alter this historical fact.
Geez, don't you ever get TIRED of being exposed as a fuckin' lyin' lackey?
As for republicCUNT...anyone who uses the term "guvmint" is not to be taken seriously....a freeper fuck, obviously, spewing someone else's thoughts, incapable of generating his own...
...come to think of it, that applies to shitpile as well.
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by makes me an idiot, but here goes...
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 11:15 AM
Would love to go, but for some weird reason, our government won't let me.
What a lame copout. You must be doing something wrong, such as lying your sorry ass off.
I know of a fellow who went to Cuba to visit. You simply take a flight to another location outside the US and then fly to Cuba. It’s easy.
As for wanting to stay there, I’m sure El President would LOVE to parade you around as an example of someone who broke the bonds of American decadence and is now proud to join Cuba’s “paradise,” where the basics of life are unattainable (to anyone outside of the commie elites).
Maybe they are scared that we will see the truth and discover the propaganda from the cold war.
100 million murdered worldwide by communism. That’s a lot of “extras” the US paid to act dead.
Your post demonstrates—hopefully to many—how there can still be people who believe the earth is still flat.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 11:35 AM
idiot no matter what: "Cuba’s “paradise,” where the basics of life are unattainable"
like an education...well...wait, that's not right, Cuba has a higher literacy rate than the US...
OK...health care...well, that's not quite right, either...Cubans have guaranteed health care, unlike the millions in the US who must go without.
Hummers....OK...they can't get new Hummers in Havana...
...those poor souls...
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by phuck communism
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 11:41 AM
Ho Chi Minh was a hero in Vietnam...his troops cooperated with the Americans in fighting the Japanese. The US promised that they would support a Vietnam independent of France (but we lied...AGAIN).
I have no reason to deny your claim about Ho Chi Minh. Also, as anyone who reads can see, Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh sure as hell didn’t stay a “hero”, just like the Soviets didn’t stay our allies (if they ever were).
We “lied” huh? Don’t you blame-America-First clowns ever get tired of the same rap? (Obviously not).
I’ve never said America is perfect, but even on our worst “imperialist” day, we’ve never come close to the evils unleashed by communism.
And after the REDS invaded, I’m sure there were lots of Vietnamese who would’ve LOVED to have French losers running the show again.
Despite the left's grandest attempts at sabotage, the world still LOVES America.
The Vietnamese conducted free elections, and many communists AND non-communists were elected. This is historical fact. you putting shock quotes around the phrase does not alter this historical fact.
This still doesn’t explain why North Vietnam—funded by the fucking REDS--invaded South Vietnam and murdered millions of their own countrymen, women and children.
But I’ll cut you even more slack: in the 1930s, the naïve thought communism still might work. After it was proved a murderous failure, all the commies after that in all the nations have been disingenuous or just plain rubes, except for the Party leaders seeking power.
Geez, don't you ever get TIRED of being exposed as a fuckin' lyin' lackey?
“Lackey” for whom? Individual and property rights? Free markets? First Amendment Rights for all (not just for liberals)? For all your hot air against America, you’re still here. Vote with your feet if you think it’s so bad.
And I never get tired of being “right,” jerky. Just like you never tire of making a vulgar fool outta yourself.
As for republicCUNT...anyone who uses the term "guvmint" is not to be taken seriously....
For a klown whose only one hit wonder is the word "shitpile" you've got a lotta nerve criticizing anyone's lack of originality. A lotta nerve, but not a lotta brains.
a freeper fuck, obviously, spewing someone else's thoughts, incapable of generating his own...
More mumbling from the mat after being knocked down?
Bitch, why don’t you just reveal your true identity: you’re Howard Dean, aren’t you?
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:01 PM
republiCUNT: "And after the REDS invaded,"
REALLY???...I didn't know the US was communist? The US was the only country to invade after the French left...who else could you be talking about?
...look, there's hardly anybody reading right now...why don't you go play catch and let the proof of you stupidity get buried before you embarrass yourself further.
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by KPC foolishness on display
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:22 PM
OneEyedGlans: REALLY???...I didn't know the US was communist?
I’m not sure you know anything, including when to take your meds.
The US was the only country to invade after the French left...who else could you be talking about?
Oh? Did the US “invade” Vietnam or were we there to protect it from thugs of the Evil Empire?
It’s too bad democrap presidents were starting the show then. They’re worthless as warriors. A Reagan or Bush would've kicked the shit out of your beloved Soviets despite Kronkite's nightly sabotage act.
...look, there's hardly anybody reading right now...why don't you go play catch and let the proof of you stupidity get buried before you embarrass yourself further.
Hell, YOU should be thankful “hardly anyone’s” reading. There’s time enough for you to pretend your beating never happened.
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:37 PM
"Cubans have guaranteed health care, unlike the millions in the US who must go without."
You are categorically wrong .
Millions of Americans DO NOT go without health care. They go without Health Insurance.
A huge difference.
Anyone can walk into any emergency room and they will not be denied care.
But please, please keep on with your glowing endorsement of Cuba. I cannot wait to send links to them to my few Cuban friends who never grow tired of leftist naive Americans spewing on about how great THEIR country is now that Fidel and company have systematically raped it for decades.
What I wouldn't give to have the opportunity to allow you to explain this to them in a small face to face encounter.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:55 PM
...nope...millions of Americans do go without health insurance and health care...if you have to wait until you gotta go to the emergency room to treat your condition, you are in a world of hurt. Try walking into your local docs office and demanding care...
...but you know this...
...so now you can go tell your "cCuban" friends any fuckin' thing you like...don't wait...DO IT NOW!!! I can see the post now "Big bad ol' one eye is saying nice things about Cuba...go beat him up please!"
...unbelievably lame broke dick dog you are.
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by do tell
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:55 PM
Oh you mean the American aggression after the failed invasion?
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:02 PM
republiCUNT: "Oh? Did the US “invade” Vietnam or were we there to protect it from thugs of the Evil Empire? "
Were you born yesterday or what? Of course the US invaded Vietnam, who were they trying to protect, the Vietnamese? You have GOT to be kidding me! Ever hear of the Pentagon Papers?
Tell me; what foreign power had troops in Vietnam fighting the war (Hint: It wasn't Russia, China, Cuba, Estonia, Romania, East Germany, Poland.....)
Please keep posting...this is like shooting fish in a fuckin' barrel....
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:04 PM
"...nope...millions of Americans do go without health insurance and health care...if you have to wait until you gotta go to the emergency room to treat your condition, you are in a world of hurt."
Yeah, uh actually you said millions of Americans have to go without health care, and that is simply not true. They may not be able to DEMAND health care from any doctor they choose (but then again, neaither can anyone with even the best health coverage) but they can, in fact, always get health care.
And as for my Cuban friends, I think they may have a few issues with the "nice" things you are saying about Cuba. Funny how middle class leftists think Cuba is such a wonderland and CUBANS tend to think it's a paradise that's been stolen and turned into a shithole.
But I'm sure you know better than them
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:36 PM
...fuck you AND your cCuban 'friends', Posada and Bosch...
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:42 PM
Millions go without insurance AND care... TENS of millions without insurance http://www.familiesusa.org/site/DocServer/82million_uninsured_report.pdf?docID=3641 a large portion of them go without care... Now, da shitpile is two stepping here with two left feet...wants to argue that that is not true because they "can" get care... ...maybe they "can" maybe they "can't"...hell, I "can" be president...but I am not, I will not... ..and millions of Americans DO NOT get health care. Shitpile...DIS-missed!
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:44 PM
If you're talking about Jorge Psada of the Yankees then I'm with you.
Fuck the Yankees.
I guess I got a little under your skin there asshole. Sorry to upset you so much.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:46 PM
I used to hate the Yanquis...
...but if I am on the same side as da shitpile...then a shower and reconsideration is needed.
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:50 PM
" ..and millions of Americans DO NOT get health care."
So you're saying they DON'T get health care but they CAN get health care.
Hmmmmm? Curious.
Of course the health care system needs a huge amount of work here in order to insure better care for everyone who needs it. No argument there.
But saying millions have to go without and the somehow, our level of care is below that of Cuba is not only patently untrue ( I'm sure you knew that, making you a liar) but downright ridiculous.
So you are either a liar or a fucking idiot.
Or both.
I think you're both.
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by WTF?
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 2:34 PM
I guess that explains our higher infant mortality rate than Cuba.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 2:55 PM
shitpile DANCING: "So you're saying they DON'T get health care but they CAN get health care.
What, are you functionally illiterate or what?
I said they don't get health care...YOU claimed they CAN get health care. Whether they CAN or not was not my point, but YOUR strawman to try to deflect the FACT that there are millions of Americans who DO NOT get health care.
Now, if you want to talk about access, that's OK...as we all know access to healthcare is a problem...so your dismissive 'CAN' is a lot of shitpile stink.
Get it?
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 3:33 PM
No, you did in fact say they CAN get health care. You also said some nonsense about how you CAn become president. Followed by the heartfelt declaration of " but I never will!".
Probably one of the funnier lines of the day.
I'm sure we'll all rest a little easier knowing you're above becoming president.
Anyway, clearly you said they CAN which is entirely correct. EVERY american CAN get healthcare. They CAN go to emergency rooms. They CAN go to free clinics. No one said they CAN demand excellent healthcare. But then again, they don't get that in Cuba either.
The system needs a drastic overhaul, obviously. But to say that millions of Americans CANNOT , WILL NOT or don't have access to any health care is just plain wrong. It's still wrong.
Are you going to post again and reprise your idiocy?
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by johnk
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 5:44 PM
"No other nation would tolerate the massive influx of foreign citizens (illegal immigrants) that the United States has put up with."
Not true. The US tolerated more undocumented immigration back at the turn of the last century.
Also, the current immigration laws don't really have any category for "person who wishes to come to America to work and live". There are categories for well educated people, professionals, performers, wealthy people, spouses and kids, and elite folks... but nothing for the average person.
That's why so many come here under the radar.
That's why Ines Netkin had to come over illegally. There is no category to ever allow someone like Ines into America. That's why she had to marry someone, so she could get into the "spouse" category.
Lastly, the reason why capital can travel more easily than people, is because restrictions on movement are a good way to corner people and lower their wages.
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by johnk
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 5:52 PM
"We are fighting for OUR country, why can't Mexicans fight for THEIR country? "
There are a lot of Mexicans fighting to improve their situation, but this country called the United States of America works with the government of Mexico to keep them down.
I think the reason why Fox is all kissy-ass to migrant labor is because he's looking at losing his elections, and he needs to appear populist. In reality, he's a very pro-America neoliberal. He worked as a VP of Coca Cola, was educated in the USA, and his pops was American.
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by johnk
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 6:03 PM
Sometimes, it's hard to get healthcare. There's a severe shortage of it right now.
A diabetic I knew was trying to get seen by a county doctor, and it took four months to see one.
Basically, if it's not a critical emergency, and you are poor (in Los Angeles County), it's hard to get healthcare.
Emergency situations are easier, and you can get treated in around 3 to 20 hours, depending on the severity. (I'm serious about this.)
Because of the long wait to see a doctor, if you have an apparantly non-serious condition that should get seen by a doctor (because it might become serious), it's difficult or impossible to get seen in a timely manner, like a week or so, the system will tell you to go to the emergency room.
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by give it UP, OneEyedStooge
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 10:19 PM
Of course the US invaded Vietnam, who were they trying to protect, the Vietnamese?
>>> Yes. Protecting South Vietnam from the RED murderers of the North, who were being supplied with munitions from China and the Soviet Union. Ever hear of the Domino Theory? Do you know how many countries fell to the communist pigs during the 70s? You have GOT to be kidding me! Ever hear of the Pentagon Papers?
>>> Yeah. Big fuckin’ deal. That was all victicrat Presidents too.
>>> It’s difficult to gauge where you’re comin’ from dawg…probably cause you don’t know yourself.
>>> Your political “philosophy” seems to depend on blaming America for all the world’s ills.
>>> Otherwise, who the hell knows what you’re babbling about.
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by KPC
Friday, Jun. 10, 2005 at 7:38 AM
"Ever hear of the Domino Theory?"
You have GOT to be kidding me!
Well, Vietnam IS communist, so what other dominos fell, shitshoulder?
...you don't need my comments to discredit you...your doing fine all by yourself.
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by KPC
Friday, Jun. 10, 2005 at 7:39 AM
"Ever hear of the Domino Theory?"
You have GOT to be kidding me!
Well, Vietnam IS communist, so what other dominos fell, shitshoulder?
...you don't need my comments to discredit you...your doing fine all by yourself.
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