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by raskache
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 10:59 AM
contact this guy
Yesterday Senator Joseph Dunn (D) of Garden Grove appeared on the "Studio 2" program on CBS2 talking about his work to rectify the wrongs done to Mexican-Amercan US citizens in the 1930s who were illegally deported to Mexico because of job shortages during the Depression. He spoke about how dedicated he is to rectifying this historical injustice, to the point of reparations even. He stopped short of identifying racism as the reason why this history has been erased from the books, but I thought it might be good to contact this guy and see if he's willing to put his money where his mouth is and not just focus on symbolic gestures to fix past wrongs, but look at what's going on in his city right now. When asked why addressing this issue was so important to him, he said it was because of his largely Latino constituency in Garden Grove. Write him/contact him. Also contact CBS2 Studio2 program (Linda Chavez is one of the hosts). http://democrats.sen.ca.gov/templates/SDCTemplate.asp?cp=MemberPage&pg=senhome&sln=Dunn&sdn=34&zrn=Zone/ Senator Dunn Senate District 34 Capitol Office State Capitol, Room 2080 Sacramento CA 95814 (916) 651-4034 District Office 12397 Lewis Street, #103 Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 705-1580 Fax (714) 705-1586
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by u
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 12:39 PM
when called and asked why the police attacks , he said ''we've got more guns than you'' , and then laughed like he was ''just joking''.well he made threats of gun violence against ''protestors''. his number 1 800 600 8642. BORDER PATROL alert all your comrades
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by johnk
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 3:19 PM
The linkage between the deportation of Americans, and the current push to deport undocumented Mexicans is direct.
If the pressure to deport increases again, it means that Americans may start to get deported again. Before that happens, the entire "alien appearing" community will be forced to carry some form of ID, and register in a police or INS database.
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by Tired of illegal aliens
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 5:09 PM
My Hispanic family was living in the American southwest at this time now why weren't they DEPORTED?
Because they were LEGAL.
The Mexicans that were deported were deported because they were ILLEGAL.
More Bullshit from La Fucking Raza!
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by raskache
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 6:51 PM
no doubt, be gentle with him, could be a very helpful ally. In the Studio 2 piece, Dunn cited his interest in this issue as stemming from a book called "Decade of Betrayal" which detailed the illegal deportation of about 2 million Latinos. Unfortunately for us, maybe, the previous poster's family was one of the lucky who were not deported. Maybe if they had been, s/he'd be less of an ignorant reactionary dope/dupe. One of the most interesting statistics that Dunn brought up from the book had to do with WWII vets (and another parallel to today, john): of the many AMERICAN citizens illegally deported to Mexico and then DRAFTED into service to fight for the United States in WWII, NOT ONE FAILED TO SHOW UP FOR DUTY. These young men, who had been ILLEGALLY deported out of the United States and into a country foreign to them, many up to a decade before the draft, complied with their draft notices ten years later and RETURNED to the U.S. to defend it. Talk about "patriotism." Is that some of the "bullshit" you're tired of, culero? here's a recent article about the senator and the book: CA: Lawmaker trying again to address 1930's deportations [to Mexico] AP - San Luis Obispo Tribune ^ | May. 15, 2005 | STEVE LAWRENCE Posted on 05/15/2005 7:15:20 PM PDT by calcowgirl at http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1403814/posts SACRAMENTO - An Orange County lawmaker is trying again to make amends for a shocking but little known episode in American history - one he discovered because he wanted a book to read on a cross-country flight. "Decade of Betrayal" tells the story of the deportation of about 2 million Hispanics, including 400,000 Californians, to Mexico between 1929 and 1944. An aide gave it to state Sen. Joe Dunn, D-Garden Grove, about four years ago and he grabbed it to read on a trip to the East Coast. "I was blown away by it," he said in a recent interview. "It was a chapter of American history that I'd never ever heard a thing about. I was shocked to read about it." The program was started by the Hoover administration, supposedly as a way to get rid of illegal immigrants and open up jobs during the Depression. But the overwhelming majority of the people shipped to Mexico were American citizens or legal immigrants, Dunn said. Some were able to return because they were drafted to fight for the United States in World War II. A number of states, including California, continued the deportations even after the Roosevelt administration cut off funding for them, Dunn said. Los Angeles County was particularly active, with county supervisors overriding legality concerns raised by the county counsel. "Anybody that had a Mexican sounding name was literally taken from their beds and shipped to Mexico," Dunn said. Dunn responded with bills to give the victims of the deportation a new opportunity to file lawsuits seeking damages and to set up a state commission to recommend how to redress the wrongs suffered by the deportees. Former Gov. Gray Davis vetoed the lawsuit bill in 2003 shortly before he was forced from office by a recall election. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger turned down the commission legislation last year. This year Dunn has introduced a bill that would create the redress commission, a window for lawsuits and a fund to pay reparations to surviving deportees who file claims. It would take separate legislation, however, to put money in that account. He's also introduced a second bill that would express a state apology for the episode and require placement of a plaque commemorating the deportees. Dunn said he separated the proposals into two bills because he's convinced Schwarzenegger will veto the reparations measure, and he wants the state to take at least a symbolic step while some of the California deportees are still alive. "At the very least the state ought to, before the last survivor passes away, formally apologize for its role in the deportation of U.S. citizens for one reason - they were of Mexican decent," he said. Schwarzenegger hasn't taken a position on either bill, his office said. The apology bill is scheduled to be considered Monday by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The reparations bill is awaiting a hearing in the same committee.
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by I am very aware
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 7:37 AM
I am very aware
"One of the most interesting statistics that Dunn brought up from the book had to do with WWII vets (and another parallel to today, john): of the many AMERICAN citizens illegally deported to Mexico and then DRAFTED into service to fight for the United States in WWII, NOT ONE FAILED TO SHOW UP FOR DUTY. These young men, who had been ILLEGALLY deported out of the United States and into a country foreign to them, many up to a decade before the draft, complied with their draft notices ten years later and RETURNED to the U.S. to defend it. Talk about "patriotism."
Is that some of the "bullshit" you're tired of, culero?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If they showed up isn't it reliable to state that it was for their own quest for citizenship? OK, if there were some illegal deportations---I would expect justice, but why wasn't even one relative of mine deported? Can you answer that? Not one. And there were many of us in those day as my ancestors had large families. Yet no one was taken away?????
Face it, like today illegals they probably spit out babies as anchors. I guess back then it didn't work as well right? We Americans (Hispanics also) are sick of your anti-American bullshit and your violence towards Americans. And you are receving the reputaion your deserve. YOU ARE ONE HATED FUCKING GROUP! GO HOME AND FIX YOUR CESSPOOL.
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by raskache
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 11:13 AM
it's obvious, pendejo/a--they must have kept your family around because they were all racist bigot self-haters like you.
na I'm just kidding with you, don't get all feelings.
I'm sure ALL your family aren't racists and bigots like you.
anectdotal arguments are one of the common logical fallacies employed by people like you who are unfortunate enough to not have truth on their side and/or too lazy to look at real truth and historical evidence and fact. ad hominem attacks are another popular tactic that substitutes for rational argument based on fact. Instead of investigating the truth for yourself, it's easier to just call everyone who disagrees with you a "liar." I don't know man, I think you're the one whose pants are on fire. I think I smell your chonis stewing in the grog pot of your ignorance.
Here is a parallel of your logic: I have several Jewish friends whose families fled Europe during WWII. According to your logic, I would cite my knowing these people as evidence that the Holocaust didn't actually happen--I mean if it had, then how would I know all these Jews who weren't incinerated?
Oh wait I forgot--the white supremacists whose ideas and ideologies you align yourself with actually DO claim the Holocaust never happened.
Never mind, I forgot how your logic works.
Carry on. Permission granted to crawl back into your cave of ignorance. Go back to reading your Richard Rodriguez cuentos.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 10:14 AM
There are 21 discussion forums currently on the LA IndyMedia web site covering opposition to the racists, and in all such forums, there's a stark contrast between the anti-race hate participants, and the "Save Our State" / "Minutemen" / Whatever racists.
When an anti-race hate participant posts, he or she does so rationally, calmly, with peaceful respect, often offering verifiable references and sound judgement -- such as we see here with the quote from (ironically enopugh) Free Republic.
On the other hand, when the "worthy opposition" posts, it's very often an expression of violence, hatred, spit-spewing bigotry with the abject and unthinking denial of all available evidence -- such as we see here from the clown who ignored the evidence that American citizens were deported and unthinkingly, glibly drew a deep breath, blinked his eyes, and reitterated his stupid spew about how they were all some how illegal aliens anyway.
The most compelling aspect of the contrast between the good guys and the racists in all these forums has been the utter lack of violence, the total embrace of reason, and the peaceful sanity among the anti-race hate participants. Then you read the SOS / Minutemen / Whatever defenders and supporters and the rhetoric of violence, hatred, and bigotry virtually screams from the screen.
It's not so funny but it _is_ ironic. The racists try to proclaim that they're only against _illegal_ aliens, not against all Mexicans. Their postings, words, and actions prove otherwise. The fact that they're not assaulting people along the Canadian border proves otherwise. The fact that they're assaulting American's freedom of speech, art, and expression in Baldwin Park speaks otherwise.
Cudos to the _real_ American Patriots who oppose everything these SOS / Minutemen / Whatever sumbags stand for in actual fact. When _real_ American Patriots stand up for equality against such people, _all_ Americans win, including the racists among us who stupidly think they're some how on the side of good.
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by Quederic Q. Risotto
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 1:32 PM
How do we know we on the left are good? Because we SAY SO!
How do we know those who oppose illegal immigration are bad? Because we SAY SO!
Wow, what powerful arguments. What a fount of wisdom these folks are.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 9:02 AM
> Another self-hating White I believe that the Klu Klux Klan term you want is "race traitor." In any event, the good guys are those who oppose racism, hatred, biogotry, and assaults against freedom of speech, art, and expression. The bad guys are those who have to constantly try to scrub the embarrassing, telling membership of their clan: > Anyone bringing any racist signs, clothing, regalia, > etc. will be ejected from our group. Obviously, we > cannot control who comes out to protest. However, > in no shape or form will Save Our State be affiliated > with any supremacist organizations. That's extracted fromn the SOS / Minutemen / Whatever web site. The good guys don't need such transparent disclaimers. The good guys also don't have known Nazi supporters and defenders: http://www.splcenter.org/intel/news/item.jsp?aid=13 You were saying? Hello? Whardja go? Hello? Is this thing on?
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by Riso
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 9:47 AM
> Another self-hating White
I believe that the Klu Klux Klan term you want is "race traitor."
>>> You're more of an American traitor, both to the Constitution and the defense of your country. However as far as I can tell, you are operating within the boundaries of the law. Unlike bottle-throwing thugs at the last BP protest.
>>> Self-hating White person issues go way deeper than anything that can be discussed here.
In any event, the good guys are those who oppose racism, hatred, biogotry, and assaults against freedom of speech, art, and expression.
>>>> You think you are all these things. From where I stand, you just have a different set of enemies, and not just the obvious like the Klan.
>>>> For example, I doubt you'd object to the Black Panthers or Mecha, the Black and Mexican Ku Klux Klan, respectively.
The bad guys are those who have to constantly try to scrub the embarrassing, telling membership of their clan.
>>> Rubbish. There are certain leftists who also apologize for the embarrassing and racist Mecha and other fringe lunatics like violent anarchists. But they are few and far between.
The good guys also don't have known Nazi supporters and defenders:
Like hell. Go read the Mecha charter. Your White ass is their enemy. They're using you, pal.
>>> The Race Card is so played out. You know damned well this is about illegal immigration and the racists on both sides are merely fringe.
>>> The mainstream liberal media--far more powerful than you--would LOVE to find evidence of an official Klan/SOS connection. If THEY can't find one, what say you?
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by The Voice of Truth Speaks
Friday, Jun. 03, 2005 at 1:45 PM
LOOK FRED, You just want to assume that all SOS members are racist, and no one la.indymedia/socialist/mecha/whatever activists are. HOW COME YOU'VE SO CONVENIENTLY FAILED TO MENTION MY POST ASKING FOR DIALOGUE - its rather respectful and not racist at all (reflecting my values). Take a look: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127826_comment.php#128084 So, where are all the responses from your side reflect the values you claim they do: "rationally, calmly, with peaceful respect, often offering verifiable references and sound judgement ." Not one of your comrades are smart enought to offer any rebuttal. The ADMIN took teh post off once. Other posts from your side simply repeat that the SOS members are trolls and racists. And no one could justify the remarks by your activists celebrating "al-Zarqawi, the Gringo Killer" or the "Go Back to Europe" insults. GEE, DO YOU SUFFER FROM A PROFOUND SELECTIVE JUDGMENT OR WHAT? Here's the post. Quit being so deceptive and a hypocrite! Offer a rebuttal that, in your own words, will be offer peaceful respect and sound judgement. NO, you and your side are dishonest and will simply ingore the truth I have written. How sad. SOS Balwin Park II ADMIN - SO WHAT GIVES? MY LAST POST WAS DELETED. MAYBE YOU'RE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME CENSORING OPINIONS RATHER THAN ENGAGING IN MEANINGFUL DISCUSSIONS. MY OLD POST IS REPOSTED BELOW. I BET YOU'LL TAKE IT OFF ONCE AGAIN, RATHER THAN OFFER AN INTELLIGENT REBUTTAL. TO ME, THAT COMES ACROSS AS A LACK OF SELF ESTEEM OR JUST PLAIN COWARDICE. Email Email Email EVERYONE - you're right, please e-mail everyone. Depending on how the question is phrased, clear majorities of the American people (sometime super-majorities of 80% or more) want our borders secured, illegals repatriated to their home countries, and an end to incentives for illegals to come to the U.S. illegally. [Take a look for yourselves: http://www.fairus.org/Research/Research.cfm?ID=1167&c=2 ] So the more you look like rowdy, out-of-control extremists (throwing bottles of water at the other side, or blocking driveways and smashing car windows, etc.) the more you turn off that vast silent majority that does not see this situation at all like you do. They're the ones responding to the above polls, they're legal, they vote, they financially contribute to politicians' campaigns and have the ears of their elected officials. Better yet, just by showing up, especially when you have people make incredible statements like at the first Baldwin Park protest (i.e., "Go back to Europe", "viva al-Zarqawi, the Gringo Killer", etc.), you prove there is an anti-American 'reconquista' movement. As an FYI, most citizens of Mexico and all the other Central and South American nations (90%+) are descendents of the Spanish conquistadors and Portuguese settlers (some history you'll need to research). So this "go back to Europe" remark would easily apply to most Hispanics in the New World. Certainly, your activists using this racially-charged insult directed at the SOS protestors are not suggesting Hispanics go back to Spain or Portugal, right? Up to now, most folks would not believe you if you told them there was a present day MEChE/ reconquista movement. They would tell you it was probably a 1960's thing, but no longer exists. But now, thanks to Baldwin Park, Garden Grove and those KRCA-TV (L.A. in Mexico) billboards, people are starting to believe there is. By showing up at these protests, you prove the current, continuing existence of MEChE, which in turn arouses the sleeping giant (yes, those gringo Americans, along with African-Americans insulted by Mexican President Vicente Fox and recent legal immigrants from Asia, Europe and elsewhere that had to wait in line and come here properly - i.e., with a visa). BTW - Diversity does not just exist on you side of the fence, but on ours as well, which make all the bogus charges of "racism" seem just that - bogus. The more visible you make yourselves, the more ordinary Americans will perceive you as a threat. And if you've even bothered to go to the link I provided on public polling data, you'll discover that roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of American think almost the exact opposite as you on the matter of illegal immigration. So, again, please e-mail everyone.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 9:01 AM
> You're more of an American traitor, both to the > Constitution and the defense of your country. > However as far as I can tell, you are operating within > the boundaries of the law. Unlike bottle-throwing > thugs at the last BP protest.
And this from a clown that probably supports and defends George W. Bush and his "USA PATRIOT Act" assault against the American people.
Well, I've always known that the average racist's IQ ranked right around 80.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 9:06 AM
> LOOK FRED, You just want to assume that all SOS > members are racist, and no one > la.indymedia/socialist/mecha/whatever activists are. You won't mind if I just cut you off and ignore you from this point on, I'm sure. The minute some moron throws out "socialist," you know they're incapable of reason -- Republidiots, in fact. What's left is the racist's own words and actions. Their assault against people's freedom of speech, art, and expression in Baldwin Park, as well as the Nazi supporters and the violent hatred speaks volumes: http://www.thedarklwind.org/bppart3.mwv Tip a glance at the faces contorted with hatred, the spittle flying from the lips as the racists try to taunt the peaceful protesters into becoming angry. "Bring it!" as the spittle flies, the snot spews, and the face of hate contorts. Then try to pretend hatred isn't an integral part of everything these people stand for.
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by Voice of Reason Returns
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 12:32 PM
 bp1.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x200
This is the guy that chanted "viva al-Zarqawi, the Gringo Killer" Check it out for yourself at: http://www.teamamericapac.org/ta-gg-050523-baldwinpark.shtml Fred, feel free to ignore this post as well. Why worry about the truth. Ignorance is bliss, right?
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by Voice of Reason Returns
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 12:35 PM
 bp2.jpghl3yw4.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x200
Nice crowd. There are the kinds of people I want to be associated with.
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by Voice of Reason Returns
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 at 12:36 PM
 bp3.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x200
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by Farnsworth T. Capitalist
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:28 AM
The minute some moron throws out "socialist," you know they're incapable of reason -- Republidiots, in fact.
The leftards at this site ARE typically proud communists, socialists (that’s communism where ask you nicely to obey—once) and even anarchists.
They’re not ashamed of what they are (though they—and you—should be).
Although they deny it ‘round here, even the “mainstream” victicrat party has been hijacked by the extreme looney left.
As you appear to be a Freelance Professional Victim™, you should have already known that socialists are your best friends.
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by 'Shake harder, boy!'
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 12:49 PM
> You're more of an American traitor, both to the > Constitution and the defense of your country. > However as far as I can tell, you are operating within > the boundaries of the law. Unlike bottle-throwing > thugs at the last BP protest.
And this from a clown that probably supports and defends George W. Bush and his "USA PATRIOT Act" assault against the American people.
>>>> Well, when the best the left can do is throw the most liberal of all senators at the presidency, I have to waste my vote on a RINO instead of voting for a real candidate. If democRATS would simply not run a candidate, there might be a real choice.
Well, I've always known that the average racist's IQ ranked right around 80.
>>>> This just reflects poorly on you, since I've made a fool out of you countless times at this site using all "80" IQ points while liberal apologists choose 'sustainability' by only using 5. >>>> PS you're a bigger racist than me, since I don't hate myself for my European hertitage.
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by John Evans
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 12:06 PM
Many in our government and the media deny the existence of the militant whites plans for the the liberation of Aztlan. They say it is just another conspiracy theory. Others say it is only an idea supported by a few radical whites.
What happened in Baldwin Park, is happening in cities across America. It is supported by all the major white organizations including SOS, LaBamba, and the kkk. These groups get funding from corporations and American taxpayers. Elected officials attend their events and accept their awards. The media quotes them as sources in news reports. Yet they continue to deny that any of these groups are a danger to American citizens.
Read the transcripts and view the videos below. Ask all who continue to support open borders to take time to see the footage and then decide. Is it all a myth? Or is the liberation of Aztlan well under way
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 8:57 AM
How amusing! Comment upon the suspected average IQ of the typical right-wing racist Bush supporter and there's anways someone who will come along and generally confirm my suspicions, just not. able. to. stop. themselves.
I wonder what these types will think of the Hopi and Navajo purification ritual next June 25'th which will (assuming it takes place) cleanse the monument of their evil influence and will protect it from future evil.
To be sure every last one of them will probably look upon Native American religious beliefs as "Satanic" or "demonic" and "savage," but the good guys will demonstrate our tolerance of diversity -- the American Ideal -- and (always hoping) doing so while pretty much ignoring the bad guys.
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by The Voice that just won't go away
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 12:52 PM
... the subtle kind.
Above are posted pictures of blatantly racist remarks made by members of YOUR SIDE of this debate, and you conveniently and continuously ignore them. Why? Because you know there is no moral justification for them. Your truths are selective.
I will be there for Baldwin Park 2, with the America lovers, defending our territory from that racist monument. BTW - the Indian purification ritual - PERFECTLY FINE! We have no problem with it whatsoever. So much for your simple-minded attempt to call us racist with lies (once again). It has nothing to do with the racist remarks engraved on that monument, and you write about it as a distraction to the real issues.
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by KPC
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 1:19 PM
hearing voices : "...defending our territory from that racist monument."
...yeah, it might fall down and hurt somebody.
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Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 2:11 PM
WELL, JUST TO LET YOU KNOW.. I am a NATIVE AMERICAN from the southwest and I am in total support of the MM and SOS. I see no problem at all with their protest of the mexican INVADERS. I love AMERICA, its where I was born. Its where my ANCESTORS are buried, its where MY PEOPLE are now living... I read the inscription on the "danzas" brick pile and whole heartedly agree with what it says.
EXCEPT FOR ONE PART! this one: "this land was mexico once"..."and will be once again"
Nope, sorry...this LAND was NEVER MEXICO. and the few measly years that the "mexicans" thought they had ANY claim to it are too few to even mention.
there were'nt enough mexicans to fill a Border Patrol bus... I dont buy the " we are in aztlan.." B.S. either. you can name off all the tribes you want to, but you will never get any of them to name their SACRED HOMELANDS in your scheme to take over AMERICA, not even ideologically. your 'xicano' thingie is only good for a few chuckles and nothing more.. US NAT.
ps. I already cleansed the grounds from the evil stench of your mexican hatred for America yesterday. I was there. I prayed for our NATIVE LANDS in mexico that were stolen by the spanish who now call themselves mexicans. I prayed for the STRENGTH of our NATIVE PEOPLE to resist the re-conquest of our SACRED NATIVE LANDS, against the mexican oppressors of INDIGENOUS PEOPLES. The invaders are falling, America is rising. Our ancestors are united in our fight for AMERICA, the land of the NATIVE AMERICANS. forever Native.
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by ...goaway....
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 7:12 PM
"this land was mexico once"..."and will be once again"
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by not canat
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 9:22 AM
this is not what the a-hole chicomecha said was true he metioned that CA belongs to the mexicans?
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Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 2:36 PM
Mr. Rice, you wrote: >>ignored the evidence that American citizens were >>deported
How many adult Mexican-American US citizens were deported? I bet is was no more than a few hundred. For sure it was not one million as you seem to want to believe.
For your info, the citizenship of babies born to illegal aliens (anchor babies) in the US has never been confirmed by Congress or the Supreme Court. This practice was instead started by the Executive branch back when there was only a handful of illegal alien, to reduce reporting and verification requirements of hospitals/midwifes/etc. Apparently during the Great Depression the Executive branch decided to suspend this policy in order to deport anchor babies along with their illegal alien parents.
Also for your info, legal immigrants are not US Citizens, and the right for them to stay and become Citizens is not absolute. The Government can revoke their legal resident status if it is in the best intrests of the US. This has happened before when Chinese legal immigrants were deported in the 1880's, and during WWII to German and Italian immigrants. Why aren't these people also included in the bill? Isn't excluding them racist?
>>Then you read the SOS / Minutemen / Whatever >>defenders and supporters and the rhetoric of >>violence, hatred, and bigotry virtually screams from >>the screen.
I am American-Vietnamese. I support the goals of SOS and MM. I suppose by your standards I am a hateful racist. And I suppose the Chicanos who tell me to "get my ugly, smelly Chink ass back to the worst shit-hole in the world Vietnam" are not.
>>It's not so funny but it _is_ ironic. The racists try to >>proclaim that they're only against _illegal_ aliens, not >>against all Mexicans. When _real_ American Patriots >>stand up for equality
I suppose you stand for equality. I suppose equality to you is our current immigration system, where Mexicans are only 2% of the world's population, but are 50% of US "immigrants". You support this "equality", right?
How would you feel if whites were only 2% of the US population, but 50% of college students? By your standards, this would also be "equality", right?
Well, most Americans don't accept this definition of "equality", and they feel that Mexican illegal aliens WHO CONSTITUTE 70% OF ILLEGAL ALIENS, and who are the only national group pressuring for amnesty, are in fact the ones who are promoting discrimination and inequality.
>> The fact that they're assaulting American's freedom >>of speech, art, and expression in Baldwin Park >>speaks otherwise.
Thinking this way might make you feel better, but what SOS actually opposes is corrupt US politicians who are working overtime to make the statement on the monument come true, that California will once again belong to Mexico or Mexicans. If there were only 1000 Mexicans illegal aliens in the US, there would be no SOS or protest against the monument. Since there are instead 20 million illegal aliens in the US because our politicians won't enforce the immigration laws, SOS exists.
Speaking of freedom of speach, art, ect. would Mexico allow a monument in Mexico City which proclains this land was American once (since the US occupied Mexico from 1846-1848), and will be again?
Well, enough violent, hateful, racist, bigotted rhetoric for now.
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