Kurt Isobe, one the last protestors still in Orange
County jail after being arrested by Garden Grove
police at last Wednesday's demonstration against
Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist, was arraigned today
in Department W15 at the West Justice Center in
Westminister. His case was heard by Orange County
Court Commissioner Richard E. Pacheco
The District Attorney's office is charging Isobe with
committing one felony and three misdemeanors: PC
245(c), assault with a deadly weapon other than a
firearm to produce great bodily injury on a peace
officer; PC 148(a)(1), resisting or obstructing a
peace officer in the performance of his duties; PC
600(a), throwing or hurling objects at a horse being
used by a peace officer in the performance of his
duties; and PC 185, wearing a mask in the commission
of a public offense.
David Haas, an Orange County civil rights attorney,
entered a plea of "not guilty" on Isobe's behalf. Haas
also asked Commissioner Pacheco to drop the $50,000
bail that had been set and allow him to be released on
his own recognisance. The Commissioner refused to
release Isobe on those grounds, but said he was
willing to consider reducing the bail.
Andrea Burke, the Deputy District Attorney assigned
the task of handling the arraignment, strenously
argued against reducing bail for Isobe, claiming he
was a potential flight risk. She also argued that
Isobe posed a threat to public safety, stating that
Garden Grove police allegedly saw him throwing two
cans full of marbles at their officers standing on the
street and on horseback.
Haas responded to Burke's statements by telling the
Commissioner that Isobe is an 18 year old student who
lives at home with his parents and has no prior
criminal record. He emphasized that Isobe is not a
flight risk and pointed out the fact that close to 40
of his friends, concerned citizens, and family members
-- including both his parents -- had attended today's
arraignment in support of him.
Upon hearing all the arguments, Commissioner Pacheco
finally agreed to reduce bail to $25,000 but attached
the condition that Isobe not be involved in organizing
or participating in any "protests, picketing, or any
conduct like what happened in this last demonstration"
-- a blatantly unconstitutional requirement -- but one
that was reluctantly agreed too.
Isobe's family will be meeting with a bailbondsman
later tonight to post $25,000 bail. It's expected that
he'll be released from the custody of the Orange
County jail sometime early Saturday morning.
Statements, videotape, and other evidence are in the
process of being collected and analyzed. If anyone has
information they believe will be useful to Isobe's
defense, they can email this author at the following
email address:
In the meanwhile, Isobe's next court appearance has
been scheduled for Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 at 8:30
am in Department W15 at the West Justice Center,
Orange County Superior Court, 8131 13th Street,
Westminster, CA.