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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
The Garden Gove Police Department conducted themselves in ways that were expected. They protected the racists, and attacked the people.
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This is the continued report (2 of 3).
The police are carrying the big sticks looking for anyone within striking distance.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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Out of nowhere, the police charge into the crowd and attack this guy. I happened to capture the entire thing on my video camera and there was no pop cans, no bottles, no objects thrown at all, as the police claim. These cops are as crazy as the Minute Men, but the lie better. (According to the LA Times the Garden Grove Police Lt. David Kivler claimed that when the crazy van driver was leaving, and then the protestors starting throwing filled soda cans at officers). You can look at the light from the photos of the van, the injured people, and they speak for themselves. The GGPD is just a city-endorsed gang!
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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A protestor objects to the officers placing their batons in the mouth of this innocent victim.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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I can't remember who this guy is, but when a Mexican male said something to him (I didn't hear what), he responded by saying, "go back to where you came from". (I did hear that). The Mexican man responded, "back to where", and the camera guy said, "you know where", then the Mexican man said, "no I don't, go back where", and the camera guy said (sarcastically), "home". There was no doubt he was referring to Mexico, he is a racist, and he was in the crowd trying to find anything that would make our side look bad. These people are dangerous and the very reason we need to watch everything we do. When we are innocent, they ignore it, when we aren't it leads the story. I would rather be ignored than painted as a violent person. The fact that he did not air "pop cans thrown at cops" says a lot about their outrageous claims.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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it is now 9:15 pm.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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If anyone knows who this guy works for, we need to contact his employer and file complaints. He should not be working in the media, and I think we can work to get him removed.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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I am hoping people recognize him, or can see something that I missed. We need to identify him.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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The order to disburse was not given yet, and they were positioning themselves to attack from the front and the side.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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It is 9:21, the crowd is leaving, and they are looking for people not in the group to attack. This is probably when they arrested the person in the wheel chair for attacking the police with a weapon (the only thing he had on him was an expensive audio recorder).
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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9:25 pm - People agree to go to the police department to stand in solidarity with the victims to this abuse of police powers. People are also getting the information from our legal team for the lawsuits that will be following.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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10:49pm - A group of individuals are gathering at the PD. The police were not happy and said that they would not work with us, that they were processing the prisoners, and they would transfer them to the OC jail.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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People try to organize an action to get the prisoners released.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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10:54 pm - People begin to march and chant together. We knew that in a residental area, they would have to work with us. The good thing is that residents came out to find out what was going on. Once they heard the story, every one of them supported us. It seems like the GGPD is not a popular group in their neighborhood.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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The police agreed to work with us after all, so long as we remained silent and stopped protesting. We agreed.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:26 PM
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1:09 am They set high bails that only one person could post for (ranged from $20,000 - $50,000) and gave people 60 minutes to come up with the money. There are still several prisoners in jail, but the action worked in the sense that they did agree to work with us. If we had an additional 500 people there, there is no doubt in my mind that all the people would have been released. I think this is something we need to really think about. The people arrested didn't do anything, they were innocent victims in a tactic to disperse the crowd. Considering it could have been any of us, it is important that everyone involved in these demonstrations stand in solidarity with those victims of police harassment. When the people are united, they are never defeated. People began to leave sometime between 2 and 3 am.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:49 PM
Now, after looking at the pictures and reading the commentary, take a look at the police's account of what happended. My pictures alone expose their lies. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/state/la-me-minuteman26may26,1,2210132.story?coll=la-news-state&ctrack=1&cset=true
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:53 PM
I don't want to give the LA Times a chance to remove their story when they see how rediculs it is, so here is the text. --------------------------------------- May 26, 2005 latimes.com Violence Erupts at O.C. Protest Crowd gets rough and police swarm in after a Minuteman event in Garden Grove.
By Monte Morin and David Reyes, Times Staff Writers
Three people were injured and at least eight arrested Wednesday in Garden Grove after a motorist drove into a crowd of 300 demonstrators protesting a speech by the founder of the Minuteman Project, authorities said.
The Minuteman Project is a citizens group that patrols the U.S.-Mexico border in an effort to stop illegal immigration.
The demonstrators had gathered at the Women's Civic Club of Garden Grove on Chapman Avenue about 7:30 p.m. to protest an appearance by James Gilchrist, charging that he and his group were racist.
Gilchrist has denied those claims and insists the group is stopping only illegal immigration. His talk was sponsored by Citizens for Action Now, an anti-illegal immigration group.
The motorist had attended Gilchrist's speech and was leaving when protesters began hitting his van with placards and other objects, said Garden Grove Police Lt. David Kivler. The driver, who was not identified but spoke to a KCAL-TV Channel 9 reporter, said he gunned his car engine to get away from the crowd. The man was arrested.
Authorities said the incident occurred when 100 listeners attempted to leave through the crowd of demonstrators. Kivler said protesters gathered around one of their cars.
"They surrounded it and started beating on it," Kivler said. Then, a second car tried to get through the crowd as well.
"As he was doing so he hit at least three people," Kivler said. All three were transported to a local hospital. None had major injuries, he said.
Kivler said the crowd grew increasingly boisterous after the injuries.
He said protesters began throwing filled soda cans at the assembled Garden Grove, Anaheim and CHP officers. At least eight people were arrested on suspicion of felony assault, while others were booked for disturbing the peace.
A witness, Eric Garcia, 22, of Anaheim said the evening turned ugly about 9 p.m. after the talk.
He said some protesters were in a driveway when someone in a car tried to leave and made contact with the group. "Then all hell broke loose," Garcia said. "People started throwing things, like rocks and bricks and stuff."
Within minutes, he said, there were about 30 police cars, and dozens of officers on horseback or wearing SWAT gear.
Protester Jose Gonzales, 27, a graduate student at UCLA, said he noticed dozens of additional police officers, some of them on horseback, arriving on the scene. He said they began making arrests and dispersing the crowd, which had been marching in front of the building where Gilchrist was speaking.
"When the meeting let out … police dragged people, men and women," Gonzales said. "There were men and women and children running away…. I ran. I lost my shoe."
By 10 p.m. police ordered the crowd to disperse, saying they were part of an unlawful assembly. If they refused, police said, they would be arrested. Within half an hour, the streets were nearly empty of protesters.
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by L'audace
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 5:13 PM
Thanks for doing documenting what happened so well and for showing how the press and police distorted it. When I read the LA Times and AP articles (which have since been picked up and regurgitated by many other news outlets) I couldn't believe what I was reading. I was there (and was hit by the rapidly accelerating Dodge Caravan). The LA Times article was co-written by 2 people, neither of whom could have been there, since they got everything wrong and also quoted out-and-out lies about "bricks and stones." AP is worse.
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by Chris
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 6:21 PM
I am utterly DISGUSTED by what I'm seeing! We students at UCSC stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters down south. Show those motherfuckers that we refuse to live in a police state!
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by You fight fire with water and hate with love.
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:40 PM
Two of my schoolmates were arrested, one of them was the young man in the wheelchair. This REALLY can happen to any of us, therefore we MUST work to help them regain their freedom. Thank you.
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 12:41 AM
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This is NOT absoult proof, but I just pulled this still off my digital video camera. She was standing with the racist guy. Now understand that there were more than one camera guy there and it is possible that this guy was not with her, nonetheless, it is good enough to send an email to Channel 9 news exposing him. If it is their guy, they will know. You can call them at (323) 467-9999 or go to the following website. ( http://kcal9.com/feedback/) Direct them to this page and tell them that you will not stand for this sort of racism in the news!
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 12:53 AM
I will not say what that guy did was justified, it wasn't. But after posting that, I did feel like I wasn't giving the whole story. Let me explain why. The mexican male that was talking to him was harassing him a bit. I saw a lot of harassament of the corporate media on this day. I know it is because they always paint us as the bad people, and the activist community has come to expect this, and therefore does not like these people. But I will say that I have a friend that worked for CBS. He quite because everytime he got a good story (he is a true progressive) it got gutted in the editor's room. Many of these people are on our side, and their hands are often tied when it comes to what gets on the air (watch outfoxed). I don't know what was said to this guy before he made the racist statement, but I think he flew off the handle, and when he couldn't take it back, tried to side step it. As I said before, racism is never justified, but without context, I would not be acting in good faith to you, my audience. Indymedia is about the truth, and now you know the entire story. With that said, act in good faith to your morals. You have the story, and the contact info, do as you will.
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 4:08 AM
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My Mistake. Sorry.
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by Hellfire USA
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 10:22 AM
Get 'yer fucking facts together before you start labeling people racist, dipshit.
YOU'RE the fucking racist, Mechista, Aztlan asshole.
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by anthony
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 11:10 AM
i was next to this idiot when he was saying those things he tried to get people on camera after they would start responding the racist bullshit he was saying. he does work for channel 7 so anyone and everyone needs to start writting in about this racist asshole. ca
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by mike
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 1:19 PM
so, without hearing what the mexican man had to say to the camera man, you already take his side? wow, nice "objective" viewpoint.
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by 1planet1people
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 1:56 PM
First, that is why I added context. But racism is never tolerable. If a person harasses me, regardless of what they are saying, I would never resort to statements about racism or sterotyping. He may have been justified in saying something like, "get away from me you a55hole" or trying to explain he wasn't against us, or what ever. But when you are at a protest fighting racists like the Minutemen, don't make racial slurs. But I do not expect your side to understand this for obvious reasons.
I do feel bad for him though. He is obviously from "that generation" where people were simpy brought up racist. The entire gerenation was not bad people. You could tell he knew he said something wrong after he said it, and I think we can all make a stupid mistake. That is the reason I am not calling his station myself. Nonetheless, it was racist, and it was wrong. And though I do not like the way the corporate media was treated (stated many times above), and I do not agree with the harassement he recieved, it was all verbal, non-violent, and legal. Further, because I stand against racism does not necessarily mean that I am always on the side of every oppressed person. It is at least possible (talking theorietically) to be against both sides. But in this case, I am (as your biased news says) just reporting, you decide.
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by johnk
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 11:21 PM
"Go back to where you came from," is always straight out racist, and always a rude insult.
The last two times I was told this it was by people who didn't agree with what I was doing, and neither situation was about immigration, race, or racism. I was holding a sign in the street about the war. Some guy drove by and told me to go back to China. I wish I could, because I've never been to China. He didn't offer to buy me a ticket, though.
Another time, in a similar situation, this crazy, angry guy told a whole group of us to go back to where we came from. The real funny part was that I think all of us, or almost all of us, were born in America, and we had to figure out who he was talking about. The guy insulting us was from Viet Nam! He still had a thick accent.
Another racist person of color, taking the KKK position, hopiing to be more American, by hating.
I almost threw his words back at him, but, held my tongue. All I said was, "Hey, have you looked in the mirror?" We had the high ground, and more people, and could have ripped him a new one if we wanted. He had to live with himself.
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by CitizenJ
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 8:45 AM
Oh, 1 Planet 1 People....your name is sooo ironic! 1 people, but only if they are not white apparently. Though I guess if they can beat on a drum that's okay? I can't believe you would say that racism is intolerable when it's obvious your whole movement is built on it.
Oh and guess what? It would not be racist to "lighten" some of your pictures. Learn to spell too. What grade did you drop out of?
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 10:33 AM
Not being a perfect speller means your not educated? Then why did you right wingers vote someone in office who can't even speak English, let alone spell it? As for what level of education I completed, well it is none of your business, but I would be willing to bet that it was more than you. At most you probably have a bachelors in business. I doubt someone as unenlightened as you could have gotten a degree in much of anything else.
Why don't you trolls go back to where YOU came from (likely a place like Utah).
We really get under your skin, don't we? Makes me smile a bit. The only point we are trying to make is that you are not welcome doing your vigilante activity in California, and you will never be able to conduct these planning sessions, or patrols here, without people thwarting your efforts. We will win.
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by CitizenJ
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 12:39 PM
You make me giggle too. I wish we could do a lot more smiling and a lot less racist bickering. As to your predictions: I'm not a right winger, I hate that dumbass monkey Jorge Bush, I don't live in Utah, I have a degree but it isn't in business. Maybe we really have a lot more in common that you'd think. Anyway, most of your pictures are pretty good and I did enjoy viewing them. Thanks for taking them and posting them.
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 2:42 PM
Maybe we do....
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by Ethan
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 3:28 PM
What's a troll?
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by CitizenJ
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 10:03 PM
Being a troll is when you go on forums such as this and make comments which are intended to piss people off and bait them into an enormous flame war. We should all engage in civil discourse, but you know how it is sometimes!
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 10:36 AM
With VideoTape... and the reason only one person had " MINOR injuries" its the truth that hurts you all...
Netkin was released after police watched a videotape that showed protesters surrounding the vehicle, banging on it and refusing to move, said Garden Grove Police Lt. Mike Handfield. About 300 protesters at the scene were “trying to intimidate him and refused to let him pass,” Handfield said. By night’s end, five demonstrators had been arrested.
The protesters blocked the entrance and tossed soda cans and cans packed with marbles at police and attendees, Handfield said. They kicked, banged and threw rocks at cars; some wore latex gloves and hoods so they wouldn’t be identified by police, Handfield said. Some attendees decided not to enter the building because they feared violence.
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by The MorrÃÂÂgan
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:04 AM
Reality check: the cops say they have a video that exonerates them, so it must be true. Who's seen it? You, "Unbiased"?
We have witnesses, the cops have Handfield, so, according to the "Unbiased" comments, the demonstrators are liars, the cops are telling the truth.
"All politics put aside" my ass. Politics according to Unbiased_Va are that the police must be right be telling the truth because they're the police. I don't know anyone who's fallen for that one in forty years, except a few yokels up in the hills.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:15 AM
I just want everyone to know that all photos are real... I used poor word usage by saying doctored... I meant to mean one sided... nonetheless... I'm sorry to 1planet , ...his photos are 100 percent real!!!
Unbiased OUT
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by Roberto
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 3:10 PM
I said this elsewhere, but it also fits so well here too.
So the descendents of brown people from Mexico are ostensibly calling the descendents of white people from Europe racists because they want to stem the tide of people into this country who do not pay income tax, are exploited by big corporations and have a massive impact on our schools, hospitals, crime rate, and just about every conceivable facet of our infrastructure.
What is the alternative that the counterdemonstrators desire? NO border controls? Status quo? Do they want illegal (they are) foreign citizens to just be able to run into our country without any kind of security check whatsoever? Are these people to work at $10.00 an hour jobs for the rest of their lives when most people can't make ends meet at twice that wage?
Here's another question to sleep on. What would the racial makeup of the counterdemonstrators be if there were no hispanics crossing the border, but Asians were coming in by way of Canada. Would there be so many of my brothers out there chanting and shouting for the equality of illegal Chinese immigrants?
Utter fools. This is not about racism. This is about three simple things. 1. National Security 2. The rule of law 3. Simple economics.
Anyone screaming "racist" is either a racist or a total moron.
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 10:02 PM
First, most the people in this country that are illegal do pay taxes. The give false SS numbers to get jobs. This means that the money that gets paid in is never returned (you know, the american tax return we all wait for). Further, they pay sales tax, property tax (included in rental costs), and every other tax. The only thing that they don't do is drain the tax system. There are many studies that confirm that if all illegals leave, that taxes will have to increase. Do your research people, you are all wrong! The studies are published on http://www.aila.org/contentViewer.aspx?bc=17,142#section2 Please help, and get these stupid racists out of my country. They are simply not welcome to breath our air, and I wish I could get them to stop!
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by cult of anzaldua
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 1:26 AM
The protest is against racism.
Like beauty and obscenity, it's in the eye of the beholder.
The counterprotesters have no uniform demand, but seek to bring attention to the racist aspects of the Minutemen and SOS.
Also, there are Asians coming into the country, overstaying travel visas, sneaking in via Canada, etc. There are people from the Carribean doing the same.
Regarding key issues.
1. National Security - if you close the southern border, the coasts and northern border will become the preferred methods of entry.
2. The rule of law - once made Black people slaves, and Brown people second class citizens.
3. Simple economics - the wages of any group of people who have a second-class status, and have fewer rights, will be lower than average.
If the rule of law continues to marginalize undocumented people by giving them fewer rights, simple economics dictates that wages will continue to drop, and demand for this type of labor will increase, and more people will sneak in via the unsecured coasts and northern border.
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by Roberto
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 7:31 PM
Let me make it easy for 1planet here.
"who do not pay INCOME tax" - Didja get that moron?
In order to pay...
...every April 15, you need to have a GENUINE (not false) Social Security number. You also need a tax ID number as well. I know there aren't a lot of illegal aliens in this country falling all over each other trying to pay their fair share of...
...every year. I am sure though they do take their unfair share of the social services that AMERICAN CITIZENS pay for when they pay their...
So here is an entire class of people that drive on American highways, go to American hospitals (and don't have to pay), call American police, fire, EMS, etc., go to American schools, and find American jobs and simply don't pay...
...to cover any of it. So spare me the bullshit "they pay taxes too" line, because they don't.
As for the other points.
1. Simple Economics - This is a no - brainer. The United States Government needs to start prosecuting and fining American corporations that exploit the cheap labor that illegal immigrants provide. These good people do not deserve to be exploited in America any more than they need to be exploited in Mexico. So what if they make much more money here. The fact of the matter is, that it's not a living wage. Also, people in these jobs deserve health insurance if they work past a certain number of hours. Many American companies that hire them simply say "sue us" and don't provide it.
I don't care how hard working people from other nations are. If they come to the United States ILLEGALLY and CUT IN LINE in front of all the other LEGAL immigrants, then they need to be deported. Simple as that. With almost 300 million people in this country, I'm sure we'll find someone to pick the strawberries. And without having to spend BILLIONS of dollars on illegal immigrants, the price to pay will be well worth it.
2. The Rule of Law - Slavery, let's see that went out of style in the US in 1865. I don't know what other laws marginalize brown people these days since so many white people I see are self-hating, and paranoid of their own shadows when it comes to being branded racist. Looks like you got me there. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Wait. Maybe I do. Maybe you're trying to tell me that people that are here illegally who violate American sovereignty and VIOLATE AMERICAN IMMIGRATION LAW should be incarcerated and returned to their country of origin. That's kind of what the rule of law dictates, right? I mean, no other nation on the planet would stand for it, would they? Why should the United States?
That is what you're saying, no? Si?
3. National Security - No one said to close the border. The point is to secure it so not every Tom, Pedro and Osama can just waltz across with Beer, Pot and a MIRV 6 (or a tactical nuke) under his or her shirt. Again, no other nation in the world would tolerate it. Russians would have planted land mines a long time ago and if you got to the wall they would have had no compunction about shooting.
It has already been documented that Al Queda has designs on infiltrating our southern border through Mexico. They have indicated they want to set up shop in Latin America and screw us that way. Canada would be too difficult for them since they don't have A CULTURE OF CORRUPTION for them to exploit.
I'm sure though you'll get your way. I'm sure nothing will be done and people will just keep flowing over day in and day out. When the day comes and No one can live in Los Angeles or San Diego for the next 250,000 years because of radiation, I'll be sure to thank all the hard working ILLEGAL ALIENS that came to the United States and picked strawberries.
Well done!
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by yo
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 9:33 AM
um, that old white guy who is a cameraman works for ABC-7. he was there that night with reporter Miriam Hernandez.
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by hoser
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 12:08 PM
Roberto: "Canada would be too difficult for them since they don't have A CULTURE OF CORRUPTION for them to exploit. "
ever heard of adscam, gagliano, khretien?
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by Roberto
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 2:58 PM
Sure. Canada is so much more corrupt than Mexico. That's why people flee Canada in droves. I totally understand it now.
I know that so many cops in Canada ROUTINELY shake down motorists, (especially Americans) for money on the side of the road. It has gotten to the point where it's a total joke. "Be sure you have cash for the cops when you travel in Canada."
Canadian politicians regularly accept payments from any number of the several deadly Canadian drug cartels that are responsible for the murder of hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Canadians and Americans that they see as a threat.
Yeah, you got me there. Canada is so much more of a cesspool of corruption than Mexico could ever be.
The more I think about it, the more I regret even taking the time to respond to such a stupid non-rebuttal. Tell me, did you actually type that with a straight face or were you on the floor laughing when you implied that Canadian governmental corruption would even approach the scourge of Mexican corruption.
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by hoser
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 4:22 PM
part serious and part not. I wasn't comparing Canadas past 15 years of bribes, kickbacks, mafia connections, sidestepping democracy for 1 party state, paid voting blocks with their own kickback devices, BOUGHT media, visionless and gutless and elitist-socialist slimebag Liberals still in power(defying process of parliament to do it) TO the illegal immigrant thing in the southwest. I was only wondering if you really think Canada of the last 15 years of liberal reign was corruptionless...? But never mind, it's off topic.
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