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by Duane J. Roberts
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:28 AM
The Orange County Register is reporting that Hal Netkin of Van Nuys was the driver of a Minivan that struck three persons who were attending the protest against Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's appearance at the California Coalition for Immigration Reform meeting in Garden Grove last night..
 netkinflag.gif, image/png, 252x187
The Orange County Register is reporting that Hal Netkin of Van Nuys was the driver of a Minivan that struck three persons who were attending the protest against Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's appearance at the California Coalition for Immigration Reform meeting in Garden Grove last night. Netkin is the founder of www.mayorno.com, a website that for years has vigorously campaigned against the election of Antonio Villaraigosa as Mayor of Los Angeles. Regardless of what you think of Villaraigosa and his Democratic Party politics, this site is extremely racist and bigoted. Netkin also is involved in running the website, www.brattonmustgo.com, which encourages the ouster of Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton primarily because the latter doesn't support policies which would give the police more power to arrest and deport undocumented workers. One of the persons who got struck by the Netkin's Minivan was Jim Lafferty, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Lawyer's Guild. Lafferty was thrown up against the hood of the Minivan as it accelerated into the parking lot. Two other persons were also flung on the ground. Another person struck by Netkin's Minivan was taken away by ambulance and brought to a local hospital in Garden Grove. According to a friend of his, he was released several hours later. Although bruised and shaken, the injuries he sustained weren't life threatening. Sincerely, Duane J. Roberts duaneroberts92804@yahoo.com http://www.ocregister.com/ocr/2005/05/25/sections/breaking_news/article_534949.php Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Immigration event turns hostile By MARTIN WISCKOL The Orange County Register GARDEN GROVE — An event honoring an anti-illegal immigrant leader tonight was marred by altercations between anti-immigration activists and protesters, resulting in an arrest when two demonstrators were hit by a slow-moving van. The driver was Hal Netkin of Van Nuys, said Barbara Coe, chairwoman of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform. Protesters were blocking a driveway when Netkin tried to drive through and knocked two demonstrators to the ground, Deputy Police Chief K.J. Raney said. Netkin was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. At least one of the protesters was hospitalized. "Knowing (Netkin), he panicked," Coe said. Billy Hall, a member of Coe’s group, said shortly afterward that his car window was broken by a protester. Hall said he filed a police report. The event sponsored by Coe’s group honored Aliso Viejo resident Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project last month attracted nearly 900 people to patrol a stretch of Arizona border in an effort to stop entry by illegal immigrants. The effort was praised by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger but condemned by President George W. Bush, who called the volunteers "vigilantes." "I’m damned proud to be a vigilante," Gilchrist told the 150 people assembled at the Garden Grove Women’s Club. "How about you?" He received a rousing ovation. He also said that deporting the millions of people in the country illegally would lower home prices, reduce traffic congestion and lower taxes. Nearly 100 protesters picketed and chanted on the sidewalk. One sign read, "Beat Back the Racist Attack." "Their racist acts are being masked by patriotism," said Obed Sanchez of Garden Grove. "To say illegal immigrants are coming over here and ruining our lives is ridiculous. We need immigrants like a tree needs water. Even President Bush recognizes that."
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by 4dPeople
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 4:29 AM
HAL NETKIN halnet@pacbell.net PO BOX 3465 VAN NUYS, CA 91407 818-.898-2201
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by Meyer London
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 7:01 AM
That fellow looks like he was sent over by Central Casting to play the part of a block-headed bigot.
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by o
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 9:45 AM
he looks similar to the man who got away with attacking a black man in bellingham wa. the cops protected him.the police can never be trusted especially if you are african amer man.
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by Pac Bell
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 4:20 PM
I wanted to give Hal a call for all his efforts. I was thinking 3 AM. Is that a good time to reach him? Any other suggestions? Being a racist immigrant basher, maybe Sunday AM would be best, as I'm sure he'll be attending church to tell Jesus how many Mexicans he pummeled this week.
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by BrunoNYC
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 3:40 AM
I thought it was terrible until I read he hit someone from NLG. Good for him!
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by CitizenJ
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 1:32 PM
About Hal Netkin: HAL'S BACKGROUND AND PRINCIPLES Hal spent most of his youth in East Los Angeles. He is a Korean War Veteran and is an Electrical Engineer by education.
As a Block Captain and Anti-Crime activist, Hal worked closely with the Van Nuys LAPD. Until he focused his activism to the community he was active in the PTA, and was a public school volunteer. Hal received the "1999 Volunteer of the Year Award" and the 2003 Head Start Support Award, both from the Latin American Civic Association's Van Nuys Head Start Preschool.
IS HAL A RACIST? You be the judge. Hal is Jewish, is married to a Latina who illegally immigrated from Mexico in 1989 (now a proud U.S. Citizen), and Hal and his wife have three adopted daughters whose combined ancestry is Mexican, Honduran, and Filipino. An older daughter of Hal's is married to a Black-American, and Hal's brother's wife immigrated from El Salvador. How's that for family diversity?
IS HAL A XENOPHOBE? Hal is the son of immigrants. His first language was not English. Counting his parents' Yiddish and his conversational Spanish, Hal is tri-lingual. Hal respects other cultures and languages. Hal believes an individual who is bilingual is blessed, but a bilingual country is a curse. Hal believes that reasonably controlled, traditional, legal immigration is good for America. But that massive out of control illegal immigration is destroying America.
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by Unbiased_VA
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 1:46 PM
I know from personal witnesses that this report is completely fabricated! Hal Netkin's car was being attacked, his car wipers were torn off and his windows were being pounded on. His car was surrounded by yelling and some violent protestors...so in fear of not being taken out of his car as in previous riots. Hal Netkin slowly tried moving away. All injuries were exaggerated and nothing was serious. The reason he was not charged is because he did nothing wrong. He was a scared old man. The protest was out of hand... it is a shame that those who were hurt because they couldn't protest peacefully. If your car was surrounded and people yelling and beating down on your windows... I ask you, what would you do? This website should be ashamed for its false reports of propaganda.
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 4:47 PM
You said, "IS HAL A RACIST? You be the judge. Hal is Jewish, is married to a Latina who illegally immigrated from Mexico in 1989 (now a proud U.S. Citizen), and Hal and his wife have three adopted daughters whose combined ancestry is Mexican, Honduran, and Filipino. An older daughter of Hal's is married to a Black-American, and Hal's brother's wife immigrated from El Salvador. How's that for family diversity? "
I am confused, he is willing to "give" one illegal alien US citizenship by marrying her, but wants to deport all the other illegal aliens. I am not going to say how this sounds, but think about it. I am shocked that she allows him to conduct these campaigns of terror, considering (as SOS puts it) he once would have considered her the cause for cease pools.
I do have a question, purely out of curiosity. How old is his wife?
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by johnk
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 10:27 PM
Wait til his wife and kids have to carry ID cards to prove their citizenship, and maybe wear a felt brown star of David with an RFID chip in it to identify themselves to the coppers. He may reconsider what he's asking for. Or maybe it will be a little brown cross. Whatever.
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by Unbiased_VA
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 3:11 AM
Have you met the family? The wife, the 3 adopted children? No you have not, Hal's wife has been married to him for almost 15 years. Is she crazy...no! She loves him with everything she has. She could easily divorce through whatever reasons. Do not bash another man's family. You can debate and protest peacefullly...but when you throw out false accuasations, it makes you and your cause meaningless. I have this agaisnt you. When Hal starts bashing your family and life...let me know...until then...start looking at yourself. The police video cameraed the attack on Hal's car, therefore why he wasn't charged. You will never get ahead in life or your issues with lies
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 5:33 AM
If you look at his website, he is clearly anti-hispanic, yet, he married a woman from the group he hates so much. I just don't get where this guy is coming from. And, no, we are not attacking his wife, we will leave that for his people to do.
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Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 11:56 AM
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Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 2:33 PM
I Knew it!
Who is Duane J. Roberts? Isn't he the guy that picks up the dog shit at dog shows?
No picking on Duane, it's an honest living.
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by Unbiased_Va
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 6:18 AM
Theres video tape confiming violent protestors throwing bags full of marbles, kicking cars, surrounding cars.... Photos can be doctored... video can not. All politics put aside....watch the video. Theres reasons why people aren't charged... VIDEO can't lie.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 10:29 AM
Netkin was released after police watched a videotape that showed protesters surrounding the vehicle, banging on it and refusing to move, said Garden Grove Police Lt. Mike Handfield. About 300 protesters at the scene were “trying to intimidate him and refused to let him pass,” Handfield said. By night’s end, five demonstrators had been arrested.
The protesters blocked the entrance and tossed soda cans and cans packed with marbles at police and attendees, Handfield said. They kicked, banged and threw rocks at cars; some wore latex gloves and hoods so they wouldn’t be identified by police, Handfield said. Some attendees decided not to enter the building because they feared violence.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:07 AM
I just want everyone to know that all photos are real... I used poor word usage by saying doctored... I meant to mean one sided... nonetheless... I'm sorry to 1planet , ...his photos are 100 percent real!!!
Unbiased OUT
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by The MorrÃÂÂgan
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:08 AM
Reality check: the cops say they have a video that exonerates them, so it must be true. Who's seen it? You, "Unbiased"? Or is it "Ned"?
We have witnesses, the cops have Handfield, so, according to the "Unbiased" comments, the demonstrators are liars, the cops are telling the truth.
"All politics put aside" my ass. Politics according to Unbiased_Va are that the police must be right be telling the truth because they're the police. I don't know anyone who's fallen for that one in forty years, except a few yokels up in the hills.
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by Street Fighter 3
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 4:10 PM
>>>If a 79 year old American can kick La Raza's ass like he did last Wed. Think of what the rest of America can do?
The rest of America can start driving their cars into pedestrians, real fast.
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by Deporter
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 2:58 PM
The natives are getting restless, and the invaders (i.e. Mexicans and Central American trash) are going to be removed. It's hard to imagine a bunch of wetback thugs claiming they were peacefully protesting when they were attacking occupied vehicles with projectiles. Bunch of pendejos. It's only a matter of time before an American mows down a whole fucking mob of you buzzard rag-waving scumbags. You're circling the bowl, fetid turds.
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by deulin' banjos
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:26 AM
Didn't this Netkin guy star in "Deliverance?" Someone check with Ned Beatty.
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by The problem of Self-hating Whites
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 11:57 AM
You don't see Black Americans walking around ashamed of the continual slave trading going on today in North Africa.
You don't see Japanese Americans bowing their heads in shame over the rape of Nanking and Bataan Death march.
Every "race" of every nation is guilty of horrendous historical crimes. And there's nothing the descendants of these can do about it. It's just that; history.
But the only sucker in the bunch, whose White Forefathers proudly guaranteed Freedom of Speech and built the Greatest Country in the Universe, is the White Person. Oh, other races played their small parts, but primarily it was White People who created Western Civilization.
Unfortunately, the White American is the only "race" who is continually blamed for the ills of society. This is borne of the need for all other races to have an Enemy to unite against.
The tragedy is that so many Whites believe the Lie.
White people that hate other Whites are like "familiars" of race-baiting, poverty-pimping vampires. They're trying to atone for sins that they did not commit, that sometimes happened centuries before they were even born.
The liars, the creators of the Liberal Matrix, would have you believe that ANY pride in White Achievement automatically makes one a racist or fascist.
It's up to you, White American, to resist this all-encompassing Lie and choose to define who you are...not the Je$$e Jacksons, Al Sharptons and Antonio Villaraigosas. They should never define your reailty, as these racial hucksters not only have made a living off of stirring up hatred of Whites, but are only too willing to sell out their OWN race! Shameful!
In the interest of fairness, being a White liberal doesn't automatically mean one hates one's own Whiteness. But it's a definite step down the wrong path, to be part of a political movement that preaches 'equality for all' yet at the end of the day, excludes the White Race.
Every day you make a choice, White Man, White Woman. Do you define yourself or do you let the creators of the Leftrix do it for you?
Live in slavery and fear of your own skin or stand up to the liars, even at the cost of your life.
The choice is yours.
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by Subcomandante Joaquin
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 1:44 PM
The post on the "problem of self hating whites" is pure Nazi propaganda and recruiting talk.
It should be removed.
That said, the German people - many of them at least, have the decency to be ashamed, unlike the genocidal white Amerikkkans.
Then there's this - these white colonial settler regimes, like the US, South Africa, Israel, Australia, the former Rhodesia, etc, have a special "problem."
They rule the land of those they have subjugated.
For now.
The problem of Self-hating Whites
You don't see Black Americans walking around ashamed of the continual slave trading going on today in North Africa.
You don't see Japanese Americans bowing their heads in shame over the rape of Nanking and Bataan Death march.
Every "race" of every nation is guilty of horrendous historical crimes. And there's nothing the descendants of these can do about it. It's just that; history.
But the only sucker in the bunch, whose White Forefathers proudly guaranteed Freedom of Speech and built the Greatest Country in the Universe, is the White Person. Oh, other races played their small parts, but primarily it was White People who created Western Civilization.
Unfortunately, the White American is the only "race" who is continually blamed for the ills of society. This is borne of the need for all other races to have an Enemy to unite against.
The tragedy is that so many Whites believe the Lie.
White people that hate other Whites are like "familiars" of race-baiting, poverty-pimping vampires. They're trying to atone for sins that they did not commit, that sometimes happened centuries before they were even born.
The liars, the creators of the Liberal Matrix, would have you believe that ANY pride in White Achievement automatically makes one a racist or fascist.
It's up to you, White American, to resist this all-encompassing Lie and choose to define who you are...not the Je$$e Jacksons, Al Sharptons and Antonio Villaraigosas. They should never define your reailty, as these racial hucksters not only have made a living off of stirring up hatred of Whites, but are only too willing to sell out their OWN race! Shameful!
In the interest of fairness, being a White liberal doesn't automatically mean one hates one's own Whiteness. But it's a definite step down the wrong path, to be part of a political movement that preaches 'equality for all' yet at the end of the day, excludes the White Race.
Every day you make a choice, White Man, White Woman. Do you define yourself or do you let the creators of the Leftrix do it for you?
Live in slavery and fear of your own skin or stand up to the liars, even at the cost of your life.
The choice is yours.
Author: The problem of Self-hating Whites Link: Posted: Saturday June 04, 2005 06:57 AM [ignore The problem of Self-hating Whites] [read more The problem of Self-hating Whites] [add The problem of Self-hating Whites to my favorites] [search for The problem of Self-hating Whites on Google]
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 05, 2005 at 6:07 PM
--You don't see Black Americans walking around ashamed
of the continual slave trading going on today in North Africa.
Let us see white Americans make restitution to Afrikan-descent
Americans for our especially brutal form of slavery.
--You don't see Japanese Americans bowing their
heads in shame over the rape of Nanking and Bataan Death march.
Let us see white Americans restore Nagasaki and Hiroshima
and make amends for the generations of nuclear devastation to their children and
pollution to their environment.
It is white history, and it must not be repeated.
It is the white person who brought smallpox-laden blankets
to the people of this continent to gain their trust. The
white person scorched the Earth of Afrika in their quest for shiny bits of rocks
and metal. White Americans pillage,
rape, and destroy whole nations in their lust for dominion. White
Americans prance about the Planet killing other leaders at will and bringing
other peoples in subjugation to their flag, in a perpetual war to create markets
for goods no one wants and to steal oil to keep the machinery of imperialism
greased, so that they can have it all.
The white American discovered the art of taking what they
did not need, no matter the cost. This
is the legacy that all right-thinking people unite in opposing.
A tragedy it is that so many white Americans know only the
lies of story books.
Until white Americans have learned the true history and
undo it, until they stop marching in lockstep down that same path and learn what
it is to be human, white Americans must live with the shame of their history. White
Americans who glimpse the truth must carry that truth to their white brothers
and sisters.
Until white Americans end the perpetual war of dominion,
they can take no pride in white achievement, since it is the fruit of the will
to destroy other peoples and other nations.
It is up to you, white Americans, to see the truth and undo
it, to change your course and find leaders from the rest of humanity to reveal
to you a path that will save the planet. Seek
out elders from other lands and peoples to open your eyes.
White leaders can not go there.
If you embrace your white heritage, we are all lost. Mother Earth will dust us off and begin a new creation story. White
people have taken the power, and now they must decide how to use it, whether to
end life or rejuvenate it, whether to destroy others until a tiny handful of
white people are all that’s left, or to use the power white people hold to
restore life to all.
This is what whiteness means: to destroy all that is, to
leave this planet just another bit of reflective metal in the darkness. If
you do not hate whiteness, then you are continuing the course to devastation.
Every day you make a choice, white woman, white man. Do you define yourself as part of the whiteness or do you use your
privilege to subvert white dominion? Do
you stand with the politicians and economists and businessmen of white
imperialism, or do you snatch what you can from their claws and war machines,
and return it to those to whom it belongs?
Live in self-imposed ignorance and love of your white
privilege, or stand up to the dominionists, even at the cost of your life.
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by BushAdmirer
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 5:47 AM
To Leslie:
Let's analyze this using a bit of deep-thinking liberal logic.
Leslie, your great great great great great great great grandfather did some mean and nasty things to my great great great great great great great grandfather.
You owe me reparations. I'd say about $1,500,000.00 would make things square.
How do I know it was your great great great great great great great grandfather who was the evil one?
I heard it from Maxie Jackson and he's famous. Therefore it has to be true.
Even if it wasn't your great great great great great great great grandfather it was someone who looked like him. And even if it wasn't my great great great great great great great grandfather that he was mean to, it was someone who looked like him.
We know for sure that there were a lot of mean people back then. And a lot of the victims looked a lot like my great great great great great great great grandfather
I've got a bunch of friends who agree with me. We think you owe. So pay up!
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by Leslie
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 7:04 AM
If I put Self-Hating Whites together with BushAdmirer (and assuming BushAdmirer is being facetious), then they're telling me that white people should own the "good" part of white history--the Founding Fathers (no relation here that know of) and all that, but they aren't responsible for their ancestors who did evil things, like condone slavery (in my case, great great grandparents, who weren't, btw, slave masters that I know of). But they still get to wave that Confederate flag.
You don't get to pick and choose your history, no matter what they taught you in school. The Iraqis seven generations from now have to be live off land saturated with depleted uranium. Does that mean white Americans today have no responsibility for that?
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by BushAdmirer
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 7:32 AM
You're right about one thing Leslie: "they aren't responsible for their ancestors."
That's pretty basic.
Italians are not responsible for the heinous acts of their Roman ancestors. They don't owe reparation to today's Christians who may have had some ancestors killed by lions in the Colosseum.
Today's twenty something Japanese don't owe reparations to their same-age Hawaiians who might have lost a grandparent at Pearl Harbor.
None of that makes any sense whatsoever. People are responsible for their own actions and not for the actions of their ancestors.
You could make the argument that Jane Fonda should pay reparations to John McCain, the Swift Boat Vets, and other Vietnam vets. I'd buy that one.
But not that Jane Fonda's grandchildren should pay McCain's grandchildren.
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by Leslie
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 9:11 AM
Then, by your logic, no one will be responsible to future generations for the consequences of our actions, whether they be genocide or environmental devastation.
So you would agree that in a generation al-Qa'ida will owe U.S. children nothing--it will all be forgotten history. The Jewish people should forget about it; all wars, treaties, and constitutions should end in twenty years; and wealth shouldn't be inheritable. That's one way of doing things . . . but you don't get to pick and choose your legacy.
And, according to you, we should forget los tres mojados, the 2001 GAO report on border vigilantes, Roger Barnett, the 1970s Klan Border Watch, the 1990s American Spring, Richard Barrett, the alliance between S.O.S. and Stop Immigration Now in 1994, Light Up the Border, Glenn Spencer's American Patrol, Ranch Rescue, Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance, and the White Fighting Machine.
That's your legacy. I haven't forgotten.
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by BushAdmirer
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 10:34 AM
>>>So you would agree that in a generation al-Qa'ida will owe U.S. children nothing--it will all be forgotten history.
No - in a generation al Qaida will (hopefully) have been dismantled and driven out of business. bin Laden needs to be tracked down and killed. His children and grandchildren are not accountable for his actions unless they are complicit and participate. For all we know his great great great great great grandson may become a US Citizen, move to St. Louis, become a baseball fan, refute Islam, and vote Republican. That future human being may (probably will) also disavow the acts of his ancestor.
>>>>The Jewish people should forget about it
No the Jewish people should do exactly as they have done: track down the Adolph Eichmans and bring them to justice. They're not going to track down Eichman's grandson unless he becomes a Nazi and behaves in a manner that's threatening to the Jews.
>>>>>all wars, treaties, and constitutions should end in twenty years.
Be nice if wars could end immediately because we didn't need them. Be nice if we didn't need treaties and constitutions either because we could depend on one another to always do the right thing. Unfortunately there are always people like Saddam, Hitler, and Kim Jong so no luck on that one.
>>>wealth shouldn't be inheritable.
That's a curious point to raise??? I think you work your entire career to make a nice and secure life for yourself and your family you should be able to do with it whatever you choose. What we shouldn't have is government stepping in, confiscating your money, and then redistributing it. That really really sucks.
>>>>And, according to you, we should forget los tres mojados, the 2001 GAO report on border vigilantes, Roger Barnett, the 1970s Klan Border Watch, the 1990s American Spring, Richard Barrett, the alliance between S.O.S. and Stop Immigration Now in 1994, Light Up the Border, Glenn Spencer's American Patrol, Ranch Rescue, Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance, and the White Fighting Machine.
Never heard of any of them and don't have much interest in finding out who they are. I'm a supporter of the GW Bush plan for immigration which is not a hard line right-wing approach. We need our roofers and yard men.
By the way, I'm also a strong supporter of Nafta and Cafta and free trade in general. I consider organized labor to be about as beneficial as cancer.
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by Leslie
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 12:48 PM
As long as I live in a country built on the back of slaves, as long as I ride railroad tracks laid down by Chinese indentured servants, as long as I eat the harvest of workers making $7500 per year, as long as college-educated Black and Brown men earn 30% less than college-educated white men, I am indebted.
Some corrections: >>I'm a supporter of the GW Bush plan for immigration which is not a hard line right-wing approach. We need our roofers and yard men.
Bush's plan would only affect agricultural workers. So there go your roofers, yard men, surgeons, bakers, teachers, and so on.
>>I'm also a strong supporter of Nafta and Cafta and free trade in general.
Since 1994 at least 1.5 million Mexican farmers have lost their livelihoods because of NAFTA.
But I'm ending this. We have too many differences to resolve here.
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by BushAdmirer
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 2:07 PM
>>>Since 1994 at least 1.5 million Mexican farmers have lost their livelihoods because of NAFTA.
In an open world, where free trade exists, weak competitors are going to be pushed out by stronger competitors.
When governments stand aside, consumers rule. When consumers rule, manufacturers, farmers, and suppliers must be competitive or look for another line of work.
When governments step in and artificially support inefficient and ineffective producers, it is the consumer who suffers.
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by Jail Netkin
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 2:35 PM
Old South racism lives in Texas town. Billy Ray Johnson was beaten and tossed on top of an ant mound. His four white attackers received a slap on the wrist. Sounds just like Hal in SoCal. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0506050298jun05,1,3751388.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true
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by huh?
Monday, Jun. 06, 2005 at 5:56 PM
- When governments step in and artificially support inefficient and ineffective producers, it is the consumer who suffers.= why then the tremendous subsidies given to the huge aguri-businesses?
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by BushAdmirer
Tuesday, Jun. 07, 2005 at 12:28 AM
>>>why then the tremendous subsidies given to the huge agri-businesses?
You're preaching to the choir on that one. I'm for way lower taxes and much smaller government. A good place to start is elimination of government subsidies for such entities as agribusiness, the Public Broadcasting System, etc.
I can see the wisdom of government subsidies to keep an industry afloat after a major emergency (eg: airlines after 9/11 or farmers after a devastating drought). However, longer term subsidies are not something I would support.
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by deahollywood
Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007 at 11:08 AM
They were banging on the van yelling and blocking him.
Here's your racism. mexica-movement DOT org/
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by Reason
Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007 at 11:36 AM
You're a pathetic racist who needs to be in jail for treason.
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Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007 at 1:51 PM
to bad he didn't take the rest of the nazis with him http://www.lawatchdog.com/
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