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by Chicomozteca
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 1:49 AM
Chican@ protestors + allies show fierce determination in the face of attempted murder by Minutemen and brutal suppression by police.
This is serious.
This is not an "objective" report - but a sketchy, ground eye view of what occurred from someone bent on organizing - not reporting.
But I am writing from a place of rage tempered by a steely determination. What I am writing is the truth.
It is important to note here that the LA Times story tonight is a complete fabrication, and a transparent and racist attempt to completely invert the story, so that Mexican-hunting Minutemen vigilantes look like normal citizens and their crimes look like frustrated outrage at Chican@ protestor's supposed excesses.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
We need to look this situation right in the eye.
The Minutemen are bloodthirsty fascist thugs and racists - potential stormtroopers who are backed by the State and its police, and are an important part of the growing Christian Fascist apparatus. What we saw tonite was an effort at the outright brutal suppression of the Chican@ People - up to and including attempted murder.
What unfolded tonight amply demonstrates that point.
A Minuteman supporter was able to walk free for almost three quarters of an hour after what some termed an attempted murder of protestors, while innocent people on the other side of the line were snatched up in brutal surgical police strikes.
But for hours, the people didn't bend an inch. They only gave ground when met with overwhelming force - and even then, they held the line until having their ranks cut in two twice by baton wielding rioters in uniform.
Three hundred protestors - overwhelmingly young and Chican@ (again, like in Baldwin Park, our white Left "allies" were in scant supply) - gathered tonite in Garden Grove determined to take on the Minutemen.
We outnumbered the racist vigilante wannabes three to one.
Not the ten to one we had in Baldwin Park to shut down the Save Our State fascists ten days ago, but not bad. Especially not bad for a protest behind the Orange Curtain.
Police had cordoned off the entire area - leaving only one driveway open for cars manned by the Terminator's "exemplary citizens" to enter the compound where the gun toting Mexican-hunter Jim Gilchrist was to speak.
Early in the evening - contrary to the LA Times "report," which set the event at the end of the evening, hours after it occured - and which claimed protestors had, in effect, provoked being run over by trying to stop cars leaving the event, protestors were marching across that driveway when, just before dusk, a Minutemen supporter wheeled in from the street without stopping - striking at least five people, two of who were taken to the hospital.
The driver struck the people with a dark green Dodge Caravan, license plate number 4KVE303.
Intitially - for a period of some 45 minutes - NO ONE WAS ARRESTED for this crime, while paramedics bent over the two who remained down. One man had blood on his clothing, but apparently was later released from the hospital.
A young Asian woman said that what shocked her was the absolute force of the vehicle as it blew her to the ground. She and a friend were hit by the side of the vehicle - which did not stop. She said she yelled to her friend to move his feet, and that the rear wheels missed running over their feet by mere inches.
A visibly shaken white woman - a member of Global Women's Strike - later filed charges against the driver for striking her with the car, as protestors gathered outside the police station to demand the release of those arrested. One policeman was overheard trying to convince her that the incident might have been an "accident."
National Lawyer's Guild observers took statements from many witnesses.
Protestors chanted "Arrest the racists, not the people! and "Arrest the driver." After word spread that the driver had at last been taken into custody - only to be charged mere assault and battery - a misdemeanor, protestors chanted "Assault with a deadly weapon!"
Nothing could quiet the righteous sense of outrage and determination of the protestors in the face of such intense violence and smug and filthy indifference to justice.
After it became clear that we weren't backing down an inch the police told a National Lawyer's Guild observer that the driver would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, after all. That remains, of course, to be seen. One thing's for sure - you won't see any headlines about Minutemen "terrorists."
A handful of the racist stormtrooper wannabes stood behind the police lines taunting and mocking the protestors even as their comrades lay stricken on the concrete, waving an American flag and doing their best to act jaunty and smug. One of these clowns - something of a Gilchrist look alike - wore an oversized black cowboy hat and an amazingly gaudy American flag tie with a black leather cowboy vest. Media interviewed him while our camaradas lay on the ground.
In the meantime, Garden Grove Police showed no such slowness in arresting protestors. One Chicano man - a MEChA leader - was standing with his back to the police and among the peaceful protestors during a momentary lull in the events, when an arm suddenly shot out from behind him in the crowd, grabbing and pulling him back across the police line, where he disappeared from sight until he was later seen cuffed and being shoved into a police van in a nearby parking lot. This man was charged, according to a police sargent, with a felony, as were seven others being held.
In another brutal strike riot pigs swept in from behind the crowd, swinging batons beating him and threatening the crowd with pepper spray, to sieze a single man - apparently an anarchist, who had been doing nothing at all, according to several witnesses. Beautifully, many of those around him stepped forward, not back and away from the batons and spray, to defend him, one woman reaching for him from behind a cop and from between his feet.
By the time the Nazi-fest was over, protestors blocked both exits, ready for what might come. Only when protestors were forced back by a line of helmeted cops on horseback were the MinuteNazis able to exit, after a delay of some 15 minutes or more.
However its reported, tonight was a victory for the Chican@ People and our brave Asian and white allies. The Minutemen showed the desparation and tactical stupidity that underlies their empty bravado and swaggernig.
The police, while surprising no one, made it abundantly clear that their allegiance and service lies with the neo-Nazis in the White House and the Governor's Mansion and with the Minutemen.
And our People made it clear that we will not go quietly - that we will fight with complete determination to drive the fascists out, and back, no matter what it takes.
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 6:37 AM
hi--so, there were 7 people arrested? i thought it was five, thanks for the clarification...
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by SWARM the Minutemen
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 8:19 AM
SWARM the Minutemen - May 27th to May 29th (2005) We invite people from all over the world who oppose racist violence to join the Electronic Disturbance Theatre action on May 27th, 28th and 29th, 2005 to engage in a virtual sit-in on the MinuteMen website during their "Unite to Fight" Summit. // SWARM the Minutemen Invita gente desde todo el mundo quien estan contra la violencia racista a una el accion de Electronic Disturbance Theatre en el 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo, 2005 para un "virtual sit-in" el el sitio de web de los MinuteMen durante sus conferencia de "Unate para Pelear". Complete call to action here: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127112.php For more info see http://swarmtheminutemen.com/
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by Educator
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 8:55 AM
Chicano@ is short for Chicano/Chicana (the @ sign looks like an O superimposed upon an A). A Chican@ is a person of Mexican descent who is living in the United States. A Chican@ who describes him or her self using that term is usually someone with a consciousness and respect for his or her own heritage.
See, now you've learned something.
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Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 9:04 AM
The guy that was an "anarchist" and got arrested is not an anarchist. We got attacked by the cops because we were wearing bandanas on our faces. WHAT THE HELL DO THEY EXPECT? for us to show our faces so when we walk down the street they can attack us? They fear people that cover their faces because since they are always all up on our privacy, they feel out of control. SCREW THOSE NAZI'S. we won't go!!! we will continue to fight. AND K.I. WIll not give up on his trial because he did not do anythinbg at all.
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by Jesenia
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:10 AM
Wonderfully written article, thank you so much!
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by LA Observed
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:38 AM
Netkin arrested
Valley dingbat Hal Netkin ran a phone bank during the mayoral election that called voters with automated anti-Villaraigosa messages. He's obsessed with immigrants and the mayor-elect, and on his website calls Villaraigosa "the MECHista mayor who virtually takes his orders from Mexico City." So, no surprise, Netkin is the guy who was arrested last night in Orange County for driving his van into a crowd of Latinos protesting an appearance by the head of the Minuteman Project.
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by Don't Tread On Me
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 12:36 PM
 fallujahminuteman255x375.gifs95oyt.gif, image/png, 255x375
Compare and contrast real minutemen--defending their homes, towns, and loved ones from Bush's murderous occupiers--with America's immigrant-bashing beer belly brigade.
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by ,
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 1:26 PM
we will keep pushin' expose state violence!
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by arcoiris
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:58 PM
thanks for being there as protestors, it means alot to me and the whole world... its insane what is happening
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by Don\\\'t Tread On Me
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 4:04 PM
You are fucking hilarious in the most pathetic way. Bush bankrupts the country, and all your nimble little mind can do is scapegoat immigrants. I suppose standing at the border with guns aimed south is the Christian way to do things, right? How many immigrants would Jesus kill?
You should wake up to tha fact that globalization pits laborers from all countries against each other, so Bush and his ilk can make another billion$. Your job is next on the globalization chop block, chump. Immigration, legal or illicit, is not the issue. Securing workers' rights globally is.
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by just a reader
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 4:07 PM
If he gets away with this, then the other Netkins out there will feel free to drive into protests, if they think the local PD are "on their side."
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by gman
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 6:36 PM
Nonviolent Protest Against SOS Needs Your support
Home Depot
15150 Bear Valley Road
victorville, CA June 11th (9am-NOON)
The following was found on the save our state website (www.saveourstate.com)please help to counterprotest this extremist group by appearing for a nonviolent protest.
Home Depot: Selling Out America For A Buck!
For too long, Americans have sat back and watched Home Depot betray their nation with their support of illegal alien day laborers through their sponsorship of numerous day labor centers and by making alliances with racist, anti-American organizations like the National Council of La Raza.
Professor Abel Valenzuela concluded that over 90% of all day laborers in Southern California entered this country illegally. However, in pursuit of the almighty dollar, Home Depot criminally violates federal laws prohibiting the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens by sponsoring and supporting the establishment of day labor hiring centers throughout the United States.
Home Depot flagrantly lobbies local governments, donates land, provides supplies and materials for the building of the centers, provides funding for staff positions and even allows non-profit organizations to build centers in their parking lots. As a result of Home Depot’s actions, cities all across America are initiating plans to establish their own day labor centers, despite the fact that these facilities are in direct violation of the law.
In Glendale, California, Home Depot agreed to provide the construction materials, a portable trailer and funding for a staff position. Their total commitment amounted to over $50,000 per year for that facility.
In Los Angeles, Home Depot has partnered with the Coalition for Humane Immigrants Rights Los Angeles (CHIRLA) and actually allowed them to establish a day labor center in their parking lot.
In Burbank, California, Home Depot agreed to build a facility for day laborers.
Rialto, California recently agreed to spend $40,000 in taxpayer money to build a day labor center in a Home Depot parking lot.
In Atlanta, Home Depot executives agreed to fund the building of a day labor center.
This is only a partial list detailing their transgressions against the American people.
Furthermore, we have yet to discuss the links between Home Depot and the National Council of La Raza, an anti-American organization that supports open borders, amnesty and drivers’ licenses for illegal aliens. La Raza is in bed with a violent racist and separatist organization called MEChA.
If you investigate La Raza’s Form 990 tax filing (page 36), you will find that this organization has contributed money to the MEChA organization. They have specifically supported the Georgetown University chapter and you will be shocked at some of the things you will find on the chapter's website. Even more shocking is that this isn't a case of a loose cannon giving the rest of MEChA a bad name. Read the national constitution for yourself.
MEChA is a militant, violent and racist organization with a separatist agenda. Their motto is: “For those of our race, everything. For those outside of it, nothing.” This organization believes that the southwest United States (Aztlan) was stolen from Mexico. In the preamble of their national constitution, their stated purpose is to “[liberate] Aztlan.”
Their leadership has promoted and encouraged violence in the past. In one instance, over $500,000 in damage resulted from a MEChA riot on the UCLA campus in protests demanding the addition of a Chicano Studies department. In another instance, MEChA members attacked Americans protesting at an anti-illegal immigration rally.
California State Northridge Professor Randy Acuna, a self-proclaimed socialist and MEChA advisor stated, “Chicanos have to get a lot more militant about defending our rights.” Acuna is the author of Occupied America, one of the most popular Chicano Studies texts in the nation, and has proclaimed that Chicanos are living in the “Nazi United States of America.”
Another CSU Northridge Mechista proclaimed: “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan” and that “non-Chicanos would have to be expelled ...opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep the power.”
If Home Depot were to partner with the KKK, the corporation would be resoundingly rebuked. We call on Home Depot to abide by federal laws and to renounce its partnership and affiliation with anti-American groups like the National Council of La Raza.
please foreward to other concerned parties.
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Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 7:33 PM
Right: If Jews hadn't stood in the ovens they wouldn't have been burned or gassed either, eh?
If we as Indians hadn't been in America you wouldn't have stolen our land and murdered 120 million of us across the hemisphere, eh?
If Mexicans aren't standing in front of your guns we won't get shot, either, eh?
Get ready motherfucker.
The day is coming.
Minuteman Hunter
What Idiots!
If you stupid assholes didn't stand in front of MOVING vehicles, you wouldn;t get hurt! Dumb asses!!! They got what they deserved for being STUPID.
Author: Illegal Alien Hunter
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by Daniel Gomez
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 7:36 AM
Is this supposed to be news? The statements in this article are completely inaccurate. I was THERE!! Please don't hurt the cause by giving out false information on which to challenge the credibilty of our position. You do us all a diservice!
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by Phil
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 7:39 AM
AMAZING! Great report and an excellent job protesting. Just want you guys to know you have support up here in Portland. I would have loved to have been there showing you support..
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by AndrewMorrison
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 11:23 AM
If your goal is to harm the Minutemen, you should simply take pictures of all who enter their meetings (presuming they only put their white hoods on after they get inside) and post those pictures on the internet.
Start a whole new blog of attempting to figure out who these people are. Make their association with these idiots a nightmare, and they will stop showing up.
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by Unbiased_Va
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 2:04 PM
I know from personal witnesses that this report is completely fabricated! Hal Netkin's car was being attacked, his car wipers were torn off and his windows were being pounded on. His car was surrounded by yelling and some violent protestors...so in fear of not being taken out of his car as in previous riots. Hal Netkin slowly tried moving away. All injuries were exaggerated and nothing was serious. The reason he was not charged is because he did nothing wrong. He was a scared old man. The protest was out of hand... it is a shame that those who were hurt because they couldn't protest peacefully. If your car was surrounded and people yelling and beating down on your windows... I ask you, what would you do?
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by Chicomozteca
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 1:08 AM
Protestors were not able to get within yards of any exiting vehicle at the end of the event, but were driven back as a corridor was established by police to allow the cars to exit.
Since police were arresting antiNazi demonstrators (us), and letting Nazis (you) wander free no matter what their crime, it would seem that any number of people would have been brutally arrested on the spot in the phony scenario you picture.
But that did not happen, did it?
No one has been charged with attacking Netkin or his car, have they?
The photos show that the police lied about the event - claiming it occurred at night - not in broad daylight, and after the event, not before it.
You brutal murdering racist Nazis act like the "animals" and "savages" you try to paint the Chican@ and Mexican@ People as.
Some woman gets hit with a plastic water bottle in Baldwin Park and you claim it as a sign of brute savagery.
One of your own attempts murder, and you also claim _that_ as a sign of our "savagery." Of course it can't be you _own_ "savagery," can it?
Needless to say, the White Nation is consistent. You stole our land and committed genocide against us using the claim we were savages, and now, you're getting ready for another round of genocide, using the same filthy lies.
We got your game.
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by Chicomozteca
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 1:11 AM
Protestors were not able to get within yards of any exiting vehicle at the end of the event, but were driven back as a corridor was established by police to allow the cars to exit.
Since police were arresting antiNazi demonstrators (us), and letting Nazis (you) wander free no matter what their crime, it would seem that any number of people would have been brutally arrested on the spot in the phony scenario you picture.
But that did not happen, did it?
No one has been charged with attacking Netkin or his car, have they?
The photos show that the police lied about the event - claiming it occurred at night - not in broad daylight, and after the event, not before it.
You brutal murdering racist Nazis act like the "animals" and "savages" you try to paint the Chican@ and Mexican@ People as.
Some woman gets hit with a plastic water bottle in Baldwin Park and you claim it as a sign of brute savagery.
One of your own attempts murder, and you also claim _that_ as a sign of our "savagery." Of course it can't be you _own_ "savagery," can it?
Needless to say, the White Nation is consistent. You stole our land and committed genocide against us using the claim we were savages, and now, you're getting ready for another round of genocide, using the same filthy lies.
We got your game.
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by Unbiased_Va
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 3:35 AM
All politics put aside, watch the videotape... Stop your rabid name calling, its only a reflection upon yourself. Only one person was admitted to the hospitol from Hal's car with minor injuries released only hours laters. You look at the pictures from this site and it looks like a suicide bombing. An old man felt threatened once his window was broken...therefore the dismissed charges. All politics put aside... do correct reporting... Peace and love will come....have patience...and be peaceful
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 3:58 AM
If what you are saying is true, please post the video tape on here. We already know that your witnesses are liars, they accused me of doctoring photos saying that tire marks were not there, and when I produced the video tape, it showed that they were lying to try to make this seem not as bad as it was. While, your eye witnesses have already been discredited, so why would anyone believe them now? A videotape, on the other hand, is objective evidence. Load it up (which I do not expect because I think your fascist friends are full of ....). If not, then, we will wait until court when we take possession of Hal's house, van, and all his possessions. Wouldn't it be cool to make his van into a day laborer commuter?
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by 1MOON
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 10:52 AM
What is going to be cool, is seeing how all these illegal immigrants, lose everything, they have illegally worked for.
We will be taking everything back that they have stolen.
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by Ixachilanka
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 11:37 AM
There are claims that people rocked his van - but they are seriously doubtful. When Netkin slammed into the picketers, pulling in from the street without stopping - in broad daylight - the police were ten feet away in riot gear - it is not credible that they would have stood by with people "pounding" on his car- especiallly given their viscious treatment of protestors later in the night. The GG police claim the van - and the running down of the protestors - occured at the close of the event. This is a blatant fabrication. All video of the people hit by the van are in broad daylight - not in the dark, not _after_ the event. Since the police lied about the time of the event there is no reason to assume they didn't also lie about its cause. In fact, given the phalanx of horses and riot pigs, there is no way that protestors could have gotten anywhere near the van or any other vehicle after the event. I mean, YOU try busting through a line of 15 horses with riders in helmets with clubs and see how far YOU get. All this junk about the van being rocked is as big a lie as the whole piece about a plastic water bottle hurting some woman's brain in Baldwin Park. It's just sheer fabrication and fantasy woven to sound "plausible." Interestingly, none of the TV news coverage shows anything remotely resembling a car being surrounded at any point. In fact, they report that Netkins crime occurred as he was trying to enter, not leave the event. They apparently got their stories out before the GG police had a chance to consolidate their lie, the lie the LA times later parroted, and that you are parroting here. Interestingly, the video footage of Netkin by the news reporters shows that Netkin was in no way shaken or frightened. His attitude is aggressive and confident, not scared. I found the links on the racist site http://americanpatrol.com/_WEB2005/050526.html
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by Ixachilanka
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 11:41 AM
You'll "take back" everything Mexicans and Central Americans worked for, hm?
Remember the confiscation of everything owned by the Jews in Germany and the Japanese in California during WW2.
Sure you do.
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by Unbiased_Va
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 6:35 AM
Theres video tape confiming violent protestors throwing bags full of marbles, kicking cars, surrounding cars.... Photos can be doctored... video can not. All politics put aside....watch the video. Theres reasons why people aren't charged... VIDEO can't lie. Police filmed it...its funny who you call facists, when members of your group protesting lie on the ground like a suicide bombing.... How many went to the hospitol... only one had MINOR injuries... To 1 planet... When the video is shown by police to you and your group flimed by them comes out to you and court. Will you post that you are wrong? Do you think the police would of let him go otherwise? You wont post it because your afraid of the truth. You seem like one of the peaceful ones...but the crazy protestors ruined it for you. A QUOTE " NETKIN WAS RELEASED AFTER POLICE WATCHED A VIDEOTAPE THAT SHOWED PROTESTORS SURROUNDING THE VEHICLE, BANGING ON IT AND REFUSING TO MOVE, SAID GARDEN GROVE POLICE LT. MIKE HANDFIELD. ABOUT 300 PROTESTORS AT THE SCENE WERE "TRYING TO INTIMIDATE HIM AND REFUSE TO LET HIM PASS, HANDFIELD SAID." Good luck taking that to court 1planet. For Peaceful Protest.... UNBIASED_VA OUT
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by a videographer
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 8:02 AM
video certainly can be doctored. in fact, hollywood makes oodles of money off of it. since social activists generally work on a shoestring budget, and the US government has..... oodles of money, i'd say that the liklihood of altered video is higher on the government's side rather than that of those folks working for social justice.
you might note that the government doesn't easily release video or other evidence of their wrongdoing, either... the tend to only release of bits of "evidence" that supports their fascist ideals.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 10:22 AM
Your absolutely correct, it can be doctored... but they show everything... from hals car being "attacked" to the people being hit. I suspose you want to make the accusation that it is doctored...that will be up to the court. All politics put aside... whomever is lying better realize there is videotape of the issue. Minutemen or Anti-Minutemen... This is a horrible situation that should of never of happened...
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by The MorrÃÂÂgan
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:12 AM
Reality check: the cops say they have a video that exonerates them, so it must be true. Who's seen it? You, "Unbiased"?
We have witnesses, the cops have Handfield, so, according to the "Unbiased" comments, the demonstrators are liars, the cops are telling the truth.
"All politics put aside" my ass. Politics according to Unbiased_Va are that the police must be right be telling the truth because they're the police. I don't know anyone who's fallen for that one in forty years, except a few yokels up in the hills.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:19 AM
I just want everyone to know that all photos are real... I used poor word usage by saying doctored... I meant to mean one sided... nonetheless... I'm sorry to 1planet , ...his photos are 100 percent real!!!
Unbiased OUT
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by johnk
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 12:59 PM
Japanese Americans on the West Coast did not have their property confiscated. They were just put into a situation when many had to sell their property. Also, laws in the state prohibited Asian immigrants from owning property, so, for some, they didn't really own much to confiscate. Many had farms on leased land, which had often started out as some of the worst land, but were repaired into arable land, and these farmlands were coveted by other Californians.
There's actually another interesting confiscation of property that happened in that time frame, when the government pressured American Indians to give up their land rights in a massive assimilation program to make them more "American" that, ultimately, led to a large migration of people from their land. It was a gentle form of "ethnic cleansing."
In both these situations, the issue of whether a group of people had a "right" to exist where they had been existing was challenged.
Definitions preceeded actions.
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 1:32 PM
Video can be doctored, but you can tell it has been doctored by reviewing the raw video. This is why the original ‘raw’ footage is needed for court. Like I have said before, I was not there when Hal hit the protestors, and if the truth is as you say, then yes, I will confirm the truth. Currently, I do not believe the police at all, their accounts of the night are so far off, that everyone there (including the MM) completely discount it.
As for the cans of marbles (marbles aren't put in cans, if you knew what they are used for, you would know that), cans full of pop, bricks, and rocks. The cops state that these were being thrown at cops, which sparked arrests of the protestors. I have the video, and there are NO objects being thrown. I agree that videos don't lie, and that is why we take them. There is no doubt in my mind that these prisoners will beat their charges, and we will win this.
A side note, I hope no one uses the marble tactic. The 'individuals' that these are intended to stop, often get hurt in the process (many times costing them their lives). I am glad that no one did this, and if anyone ever does, if can restrain myself from attacking you myself, I will never stand with you, or up for you. This is an inhumane tactic that is not tolerable in any circumstance. If you don't know why it is used, then I don't want to give it away. If you do, just remember, don't hurt those that have no choices in the matter. I cannot voice enough objections to this tactic, and there are many of us out there that feel the same way.
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by H. Cannes
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 12:26 PM
The Minutemen are doing the world a favor. Mexicans have no more right to enter this country illegally then Americans have the right to buy property in Mexico. To claim that the Minutemen are a bunch of racists is bs to the highest degree, but not unexpected on a site like this.
Basically get off of your high horses and go back to Mexico. Enter legally and we will talk otherwise adios perras
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by Joshua
Thursday, Jun. 02, 2005 at 12:47 PM
Without an organized means of people entering the country (LEGAL immigration), what you then end up with is one big clusterfuck. (ILLEGAL immigration).
Guess what the situation is now?
If you said 'Clusterfuck', you're a winner!!
Do shit the right way and you won't have any problems. Rules are in place for a reason. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
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by Paulinho
Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 at 7:05 AM
If I recall correctly, in California a hit-and-run on a pedestrian is a felony. Five people = five felony charges. Make sure the driver gets charged!
Bravo, protesters.
With love from New York, Paulinho
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by PoliceVideos
Friday, Mar. 24, 2006 at 2:07 PM
As usual, you guys are nothing but liars. No one believes any of the nonsense you spew, except the fools. The more crap like this you pull, the more the cops, prosecutors, judges and juries will disbelieve your claims and you'll just keep getting locked up.
Driver not charged in Minuteman confrontation
Protesters said they were run over, but video didn't support them.
The Orange County Register
GARDEN GROVE – No charges will be filed against a man accused of running over two protesters outside a building where the leader of a group that opposes illegal immigration was being honored, police said Monday.
Harold Netkin, 69, was arrested May 25 after driving his van to the meeting honoring Jim Gilchrist, the Minuteman Project leader.
The protesters said Netkin ran them over after they surrounded his van outside the Garden Grove Women's Club.
Video footage emerged during the investigation showing that two protesters might have been hit by a side-view mirror, Lt. Mike Handfield said. One protester was shown standing up after apparently being hit, walking through the crowd with a megaphone and returning to lie next to the other protester before saying he had been run over.
"(Netkin) was not trying to assault anyone," Assistant District Attorney Jo Marie Escobar said. "He was trying to save his own vehicle. There was really no question about it."
Five protesters were arrested after rocks and cans were thrown.
Three face a felony charge of throwing a full soda can at police. Kurt Isobe, 19, Hugo Sarmiento, 24, and Juan Silva, 26, are scheduled to appear at a pretrial hearing Aug. 22, Deputy District Attorney Kelly Grogan said.
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by Kristy Perez
Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 11:09 AM
I am of mexican descent and was born in Texas. But that doesn't make me a racist Bitch such as yourself. Who the FUck gave you the right to criticize others just because thier not like your miserable ass!!!!
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by BY . Kristy
Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 11:19 AM
to: aMERICA rEVOLTS you are one lameass motherfucker. Yeah you believe that immigrants stole shit from you and that they are gonna get everything tooken away that they illegally worked for. Well lameass I bet on you fat mother's ass that you wouldn't even do any of the jobs that the people that are here undocumented are doing to support your fucking so called american economy.DUMBASS!!!!
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by By.Kristy
Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 11:24 AM
TO: I'll SEcond That yeah your right rules are in place for a reason, but did you forget that their meant to be broken! Also what's this bullshit about doing shit the right way and their won't be any problems yeah right lameass. As if your dumbass don't got any problems. Who the fuck are you Ms. MaryPoppins.
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by By;Kristy
Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 11:27 AM
I actually didn't learn shit because i am one so i've been knowing this ....DUMBASS!!!!
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by us citizen
Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 12:43 PM
MOOT! It is all moot! If there were not milions of ILLEGAL ALIENS rioting in the streets of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, then this discussion would never have taken place! Get real! Get legal! Or go back where you came from! http://www.window-cling.com/Dont-Screw-With-Us-Flag.gif
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by sick sad world.
Sunday, Jan. 28, 2007 at 10:13 PM
All i know, all i can say.. is that United States is the scum of the world.
United states is the scum of the world. United states is the scum of the world. United states is the scum of the world. United states is the scum of the world. United states is the scum of the world. United states is the scum of the world.
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