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by Gandhi
Monday, May. 23, 2005 at 11:50 AM
By Jerry Seper
Published May 19, 2005
WASHINGTON -- Minuteman organizer James T. Gilchrist, whose 850 volunteers shut down the flow of illegal aliens along a 23-mile section of Arizona-Mexico border last month, has joined forces with another citizens group to help organize a new border vigil in California -- beginning in August.
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By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published May 19, 2005 The Minuteman Project has reached an agreement with the Friends of the Border Patrol (FBP) to help promote a new "border watch" aimed at assisting U.S. Border Patrol agents in apprehending illegal aliens on the California border near San Diego. FBP Chairman Andy Ramirez said more than 500 volunteers have signed up to patrol areas of the California-Mexico border in August, including former Border Patrol agents, retired police and military personnel and pilots. He said yesterday that at least 2,000 more applications from volunteers nationwide are still being reviewed. FULL STORY: http://www.wpherald.com/storyview.php?StoryID=20050519-094223-9951r FRIEND OF THE BORDER PATROL: http://www.friendsoftheborderpatrol.com/ VIGILANTES PATROL US BORDER: THE POLITICS OF THE MINUTEMAN PROJECT: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/may2005/minu-m20.shtml
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 9:26 AM
Well, they can parade around in the desert wearing Brown Shirts and playing pretend they're some how True Amerikkkan Heros, expressing and exposing their hatred and bigotry for all to see as they wish.
The good guys, however -- _real_ Americans_ will once again be out there also, opposing them and everything they actually stand for. Count on it.
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by CitizenJ
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 11:13 AM
Don't you understand that this is not a racial issue? YOU are the ones making it that way. Don't you understand that someone can be AGAINST illegal immigration and NOT hate Mexicans? NOT be for the war in Iraq? NOT have a shrine to Hitler in their house? NOT be a caucasian? WTF is your problem? There are some f*cked up people in this world, for sure. SOS doesn't tolerate White Power types and neither did the Minutemen. In fact the one guy who made contact with an illegal and gave him cereal, a sandwich and $20 was dismissed because he violated the rule against making contact with the border crossers. No one got hurt, no one fired a shot, the ACLU got bored and went home. These are concerned citizens from all over the country and representing many races, not racists playing target practice on Messicans.
I hope the California Border Police initiative passes too, and I'm sure it will. Californian taxpayers are finally FED UP with paying for the care, education and incarceration of illegals. We need to take care of our own citizens FIRST.
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by federick rice
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 11:28 AM
agodofiron@lycos.com Victorville, Ca.
Mr. Rice In order for this to be "racism" the minutmen would have to be of one race and the illegals another. Ok, what "race" are the minutemen? (ANSWER: ALL) What "race" are the illegals (ANSWER: ALL) So please define how this is racism. "latino" is not a race..... "hispanic" is not a race.... "mexican" is not a race..... "illegals alien" is not a race..... "minuteman" is not a race..... "American" is not a race...... so what "races" are you ranting about and if a group share the same races with those whom they oppose, how can that be racism?
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by KPC
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 11:38 AM
....geez, I can just see you now, mumbling yoursefl to sleep...
..."but I'm NOT a racist....
..I'm NOT, I'm NOT, I'm NOT...
...I'm NOT a racist....
....am I?"
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by KPC
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 11:50 AM
...well, when you get called a racist all the time, you can either examine your position, or deny, deny, deny...
...and you don't strike me as the reflective type.
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by Leslie
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 1:17 PM
Just got a better number to stop Gilchrist in his tracks.
Call the Women's Civic Club of Garden Grove at 714-539-7364.
My source tells me that they're getting *lots* of calls opposing Gilchrist's effort to organize vigilantes in SoCal--even the GG police have called the Women's Club with concerns. Keep those phone calls coming!
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by And why MM are racists
Tuesday, May. 24, 2005 at 7:01 PM
Length of the US border with Mexico = 1,330 miles Length of the US border with Canada = 4,000 miles 80% of Mexicans are of Native American descent. 80% of Canadians are of Northern European descent
Number of vigilantes patrolling the Canadian border = 0
85% of the people who enter the US fly into airports. This is the main port of entry for people who are here illegally. Most of these people are from Europe, South America and the Middle East and Asia, they commonly have light complexion.
Number of vigilantes patrolling US airports = 0
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by Meyer London
Wednesday, May. 25, 2005 at 7:03 AM
Actually, I don't know why anyone in his/her right mind would want to emigrate from Canda to the US anyway. For what? No national health care? No effective gun laws? A chance to be governed by a moron - G.W. Bush? American talk radio? A military draft coming sooner or later? American television? Rampant crime? A massive number of homicides, many of them carried out with legally purchased firearms? By the way, there is discrimination against some Canadian immigrants. Many readers of IMC are probably too young to remember this, but one of the reasons why Senator Edmund Muskie of Maine was defeated in his quest for the Presidential nomination by the Democratic Party in 1972 was that Nixon operatives has spread the false story in New Hampshire that he had referred to French Canadian immigrants by the derogatory name "Canucks." These immigrants are resented by some in northern New England and do face discrimination and insults.
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by mistah chewy
Wednesday, May. 25, 2005 at 9:18 AM
yo these wack MM folks just need to chill out, smoke a spliff and listen to some bob marley
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by Beer Belly Brigade
Wednesday, May. 25, 2005 at 11:13 AM
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by J'onn J'onz
Wednesday, May. 25, 2005 at 1:29 PM
Length of the US border with Mexico = 1,330 miles
Length of the US border with Canada = 4,000 miles
80% of Mexicans are of Native American descent.
80% of Canadians are of Northern European descent
And this proves what? Canada is mostly trees and snow, with a tiny population.
Number of vigilantes patrolling the Canadian border = 0
Minutemen border patrols of the northern border are in the works. This will buy you lef-tards some time to make up some new bullshit about the Minutemen patriots since the 'racism' argument won't work.
85% of the people who enter the US fly into airports. This is the main port of entry for people who are here illegally.
Right. 10 million Mexican illegals all boarded a few planes. The expired visa jerkoffs to which this refers are are something different entirely.
Most of these people are from Europe, South America and the Middle East and Asia, they commonly have light complexion.
Here we go, the race-obsessed left.
Number of vigilantes patrolling US airports = 0
We have "government security" at all airports now. More incompetent, overpriced, poor-quality Big Government bullshit. So feel safe.
Now if only we had socialized medicine...
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by M. Jordan
Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 9:51 AM
Keep the illegal scum out of our country. Let them go suck their own country's resources dry.
What's that? They already have? Well then, STAY OUT OF HERE.
People who don't contribute to this system in America aren't entitled to shit. Not to it's welfare, not to it's schooling, not to it's roads or any other public service. If some bandana wearing socialist dropout thinks otherwise, he or she is welcome to save up all their little pennies from working at the mall to start a big "Support the illegals" campaign. With PRIVATE MONEY.
Illegals: - We don't want you - We don't need you GO HOME!
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by M. Jordan
Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 9:56 AM
I've seen the MMP project parody site. Funny in a way, but it just makes me wonder why people are spending so much time combating this group?
Is it because the MMP is effective?
Is that why one of the largest gangs in America the MS-13, whom you've chosen to align with, are so afraid?
That campaign in Arizona was merely the opening salvo in the war against illegal immigration. This thing is going to be HUGE!
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by KPC
Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 10:24 AM
Mr. Charlie : "Is it because the MMP is effective? "
Effective at what?
What is their goal and how do they measure their effectiveness? Reduction in the flow of illegal immigrants?
And what is your definition of "illegal" to begin with....no visa....expired visa....incorrect visa?
Do you think there should be amnesty for people with such visa issues that would allow them residency and avoid deportation?
Do you believe that persons with visa issues who subsequently become citizens should suffer any penalties for their previous status?
How about persons who came here with valid visas and have been here for some but have had their visa renewals refused or otherwise put in some beauracratic limbo for technicalities?
How about persons who were brought here by their parents as infants and have lived here all their lives. Is is really just to send them back to a country where they have no support because of the action of their parents?:
Why do so many of your post refer only to Mexico or Mexicans, when it is a well know fact that many of residents with visa issue come from throughout South and Central America...sometimes fleeing political persecution and death squads?
Do you think it would be right to send such people and their families back to certain death? Could you blame such individuals for doing all the can to save the lives of their children?
Why do you worry so much about terrorist comming through Mexico when the present government is aware of the presence of a Cuban terrorist in Florida without a visa...a man responsible for the murder of more than 75 innocent people...and yet the government does nothing to arrest him? Why isn't MMP worried about persons from Cuba who enter without visa very frequently?
What lobbying efforts are MMP taking on a national level to get a better understanding of how the federal government is handling this responsibility? Why do MMP work so much on a statle level, when the state government have no jurisdiction on immigration issues?
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by M. Jordan
Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 11:53 AM
Personally, I don't think it's practical to actually deport everyone who is already here illegally. Not to round them up anyway and ship them back. And I'm not even terribly concerned with that. I'm concerned with governments, companies, groups, and individuals PROMOTING the importation of even more illegal aliens to further burden our system.
I don't think you should get citizenship because your mom hoofed it over here while she was pregnant, but I wouldn't revoke the citizenship of those people who got it that way. I would simply terminate that law thus killing one more incentive these people have to come over here illegally.
Give people reasonable amounts of time to work out legitimate visa issues. I wouldn't advocate just freaking out on someone after 5 days and putting them on a bus. When I moved back to California I got a ticket for not having a CA license and was told that from the day I move there I only had 7 days to get one. That was very frustrating to me, and I can understand reasonable delays.
What I don't understand is people who have NO intention of going through legal channels to get what they want.
Honestly, I am less worried about terrorists than I am of illegal immigrants. It is a real problem, and not because they're Mexican, or brown, or whatever, but because they aren't operating within the system and instead bringing it to a grinding halt.
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by KPC
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:22 AM
...what is the difference between an illegal immigrant and someone whose visa has expired? Seems like you see there is a difference when....BY LAW....LEGALLY....BY THE RULE OF LAW....there is none.
You avoided two important questions -
What is MMP's goal and how do they measure success?
What is your definition of an "illegal"?
...oh, and by the way, if you are born in this country you are a citizen...PERIOD. Does not matter if you partents were or how they got here. Just in case you were wondering.
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by XXinfinity
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 8:23 AM
Illegal Immigrants don't take away your job, the corporate whores who breed greed take away your jobs so that they can add to their 9 digit salaries. Illegal immigrants don't take away your take money, corporate conglomorates of greed use migrant workers, illegal sweatshops use migrants workers, all the jobs people in America refuse to do use migrant workers, they intimidate them, pay them shit wages, never include healthcare, no way in hell, so they save the money for their fat slobbering greedy selves, and use the taxpayers to pick up their tab. You think the border between the US and Mexico is made that way to stop immigrants? HELL NO, without immigrants this economy would be DOWN THE DRAIN Why don't you people wake up, this is a capitalist system, run on SLAVERY White America ain't gonna be the slaves, it's gonna be all the other people, who migrate here with dark skin Wake up and fucking smell the deception Workers UNITE for INJUSTICE Unity is the key for ALL workers, don't let racism get in the way
In Solidarity, XXinfinity
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by liberals
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 6:30 PM
I can see you just lieing there mumbling...I've got a brain, I've got a brain, I've got a brain.
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by liberals
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 6:33 PM
Oh yeh lots of support from illegals. All polls tell us 80% of americans want the border controled idiot.
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by liberals
Friday, Jun. 10, 2005 at 4:56 AM
KPC, you like many liberals have a difficult time forming complete and clear thoughts. Let me try and help you out. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!!! I know your tendency is to make an excuse for every illegal action a person makes. That way you can live you sick unethical lives in peace. Try this, the next time you're trying to justify some sick thought you're having, try and remember what the first thought you had, in your pea brain, right before you justified some illegal action. Here's an example: Your thought; "sure she killed her husband but she looks like such a nice person and she's a democrat". Your first debate within your own pea brain, "she's nice but murder is wrong" (this is the thought you should follow-it's called clear thinking). Your next liberal and final thought; "Yeh but he was mean to her, she had every right to kill him or maybe she was pms'ing, or maybe she's crazy, or maybe it was real hot that day, or maybe he was doing something we didn't know about, or maybe he was seeing another woman ....ahhhhh....not guilty".
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by KPC
Friday, Jun. 10, 2005 at 7:55 AM
...what the FUCK are you on about, dude?
I think you better have a little lie down, wingnut...your egg is cracking....
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