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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
Happy May Day
 8.jpgagpenv.jpg, image/jpeg, 401x432
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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
 8a.jpg, image/jpeg, 383x288
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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
 9.jpgura9il.jpg, image/jpeg, 396x288
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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
 9a.jpg2yqov3.jpg, image/jpeg, 380x360
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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
 10.jpg4arwlo.jpg, image/jpeg, 463x288
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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
 11.jpg8xmavj.jpg, image/jpeg, 396x360
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by A
Sunday, May. 01, 2005 at 9:42 PM
 12.jpgm0qke7.jpg, image/jpeg, 479x360
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by 000
Monday, May. 02, 2005 at 9:43 PM
they have destroyed everything in relation to the meaning of May Day. the history is clear: never trust communists and their authoritarian sturctures...it goes against everything the haymarket martyes stood for. read the history.
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by 000
Monday, May. 02, 2005 at 9:47 PM
the ISO are a bunch of "wankers" as anarchsits in the UK say. they have altered their position so many times on gay rights, among many other issues, in order to recruit primarly college campus students into their paper selling movement. how many of you actually know ISO members outside of the university?
enough of authoritarian leftism. it's dead. and it's time we recognize that as a movement.
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by Us
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 2:10 AM
The point I think is that any vertical organization is vulnerable to top leadership manipulation. Lateral organization with popular consensus and selected temporary representation seems to be a successful model for actions and tactics.
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by Dearly Beloved Marshall BREZNEV
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 4:43 AM
http://img1.uploadimages.net/063107El_Poster_del_MSV_1.0.jpg The Legacy of the Great Leader and Teacher of Marxism still lives, The Pride, Banner and Hope of Progressive humanity.
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by Ivan Badenov
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 5:08 AM
Da tavarish, Stalin and Co. with a little help from the Rockefellers...
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by Dearly Beloved Marshall BREZNEV
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 5:16 AM
this site is infested with petit burgeoise kids playing to be 'revolucionarios' . We, the Proletariat shall purge you, counter-revolutionary scum, as the lackeys of the system you are.
And those damned inmigrantes, why dont you go to make the revolution to your fucking country, coward scum? if the glorious russian revolutionaries of 1917 where as coward a s you are, the Tzar would still be ruling Russia......coward lumpens
hasta la victoria final
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by Ivan
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 5:27 AM
Alway have, always will.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 9:24 AM
What the hell?!
The banner reading "Legalization now!" doesn't indicate what the hell it is the protesters want to have legalized. Maybe there's small print that can't be read but anyone looking at the banner from any distance (such as from the camera distance of when the photograph was taken) are left wondering what it is. Legalization of dope? No clue.
Also the banner reading "Communist Revolution" -- good frocking grief! Communism is just as bad as this fascist regime we have under Bush. Why advocate one brutal, mass murdering political ideology to replace the theofascist mass murdering political regime we're currently under?
Makes no sense. Communism and fascism have both been evidenced as to what they stand for and while the world is faced with another baby killing fascism, it's stupid to advocate the equally deadly Communist ideology to replace it.
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by El Oligarca
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 11:48 AM
 stalinator_3_small.jpg, image/jpeg, 566x400
that USA has some "third world mentality" people living in there......i used to think that alienated marxist sects like the ones we can see in the photos where only to be found in south american countries like mine........you should really improve your border security, or implement some of the minority control and liquidation methods implemented by the the leader of progressive humanity, ingenious thinker and scholar, forging all-powerful and unconquerable spiritual armament for the proletariat, comrade STALIN.
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by nice photoshop.
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 11:59 AM
Funny but I like Larry Mo and Curley Joe for slap stick more.
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by Parlor Pink
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 12:56 PM
One of the best comments on the LA May Day photos was to read the history of May Day. Excellent advice since it is clear that most of those who offered comments, by in large embarassingly uninformed, had not a clue that:
o May Day began in the US in 1886 in Chicago.
o May Day is still celebrated as an open, public working class holiday in early every country EXCEPT THE US.
o May Day is not just International Workers Day, it also stands for internationalism and opposition to capitalism, not just "tweaking" it. It does not stand for anti-consumerism and is the antithesis of anti-communism, despite the anarchist and fascist redbaiters polluting this space with their nearly parallel dissing of L.A.'s May Day celebration.
o May Day has long been adopted as the holiday of the entire left (ie., state socialists, anarchists, trotskyists, social democrats, pro-Soviet communists, anti-Soviet communists, and quite a few non-US liberals.) Even the new Pope offered May Day greetings!
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by Anarchist
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 5:21 PM
Thank you for the above post.
alot of anarchists forget that those haymarket martyrs were all either communists (in the purist sence... NOT FUCKING STALINISTS!) or anarcho-communists.
Even though I may hate your ideology, its great to see everyone come together on the holiest of holys. Mayday.
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by El Oligarca
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 6:02 PM
 uvs041125-001.jpg, image/jpeg, 512x384
--comrade Brezhnev plays with his toys--
STALIN built communism on Earth. The rest of the communist revolutionaries have a mere ...anecdotic value (Fidel, mi fellow countrymen Che Guevada, etc)
The URSS was a backward semi-feudal torn apart country in the 1920s. By 1930s, it was an industrial superpower. Some decades later, that former feudal state put the first satellite in orbit. Who accomplished all that? STALIN. What could have happened if , lets say, Trotsky became the soviet leader instead of Stalin? The nazis would have surely marched into Moscow by 1941. This stalinist industry made possible, and supported all the leftists movements that emerged later in the XX century. They would never had been possible without the URSS. When the URSS died, communism began to die. Cuba and North Corea are fine examples of incompetent stalinists regimes. Cuban burocrats boasts about their supposed cientific and medical achievements, while their citizens still drive the Chevys, Ford Falcons and FIATs 128 manufactured in my country (Argentina) that the 'progressive' government of that time bought and sent to Castro as some kind of loan (CUBA NEVER PAYED A CENT OF IT). Cuba's industry is inexistent, after nearly 50 years of communism.
Well, dear socialists, and leftists in general, think about it: whithout Stalin's work , your stupid ideas would have dissapeared from Earth some 50 years ago. So, don0t be so rude with uncle Iosif and show more respect for his figure.
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by Ivan Badinov with Kathryn the Terrific
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 6:11 PM
We have these sayings to help us through the long capitalistic winter. Love your neighbor but watch your potato[e] patch. There's plenty more where they came from. You can't make an omlet without exploiting the hen Advance comrade, the bayonet in my butt is poking me.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, May. 04, 2005 at 8:40 AM
The only significant difference between Stalin's atrocities and Bush's is the body count. Other than that, mass murdering butchers are all alike.
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by El Oligarca
Wednesday, May. 04, 2005 at 9:39 AM
...by now, the survivors of the "Iraqui resistance" and islamic terrorist would be as tender as kindergarden kids.....OSAMA would be dead by now, and all his collaborators liquidated, all the towns who sheltered him, ravaged.
The NKVD knew the work better than yanquee grunts.....
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by bush=stalin=hitler=antichrist
Thursday, May. 05, 2005 at 2:35 PM
"....all the towns who sheltered him, ravaged"
Gee, so you admit that bush is as bad as stalin, if not worse. And please remember that it was stalin who finally kicked the nazi's ass, not the us, who were too busy murdering japanese with atomic bombs.
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by more rational
Thursday, May. 05, 2005 at 7:42 PM
It's true, though, that effective modern states are often brutal states.
It's a good argument for ineffective states.
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by more rational
Monday, May. 09, 2005 at 10:44 AM
Stalin wouldn't have wiped Afghanistan. The USSR was in there for a decade, and lost.
He beat Hitler, but, lost a lot of USSR lives doing it.
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by El Oligarca
Wednesday, May. 11, 2005 at 3:03 PM
there where mediocre revisionist bureaucrats by that time. They lacked the willpower tho enforce the necesary measures to liquidate the oligarchical religious dictatorships in Afganistan.
Stalin wouldnt had hesitated about taking any measures for achieving His goals.
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