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Sunday, Apr. 24, 2005 at 12:23 PM
May 1st... take a holiday
Mayday Demonstration Jobs - Not War! Bring the Troops Home Now! Sunday, May 1 at 1:00 pm MacArthur Park
This demonstration is in response to a national call by Million Worker March and International Action Center in NYC. For more information or to volunteer call 323 936-7266. More info at: www.iacenterla.org/
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by Not a Good Idea
Sunday, Apr. 24, 2005 at 9:49 PM
Please tell why should we have two different events, in the same area, and on the same day?
The event on Brodway and Main is going to be dominantly filled with Latinos and Immigrant workers, and the one in McArthur Park is going to be filled with Caucasian workers.
IACLA, I think that this look bad for the movement. At least, I hope that you have planned a convergence with the other event.
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by ha
Sunday, Apr. 24, 2005 at 11:16 PM
typical of ANSWER
though, just a note, the MIWON march is saturday (30th) and ANSWERs is sunday (1st)
Miwon had problems securing a permit for may 1st because some festival or some shit....
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Monday, Apr. 25, 2005 at 2:36 AM
Hey! Yea those two events will take place on different dates, but still how come ANSWERS and LA International Action Center have their own thing. ARE THEY TOO GOOD TO HAVE A CONTINGENT WITH THE IMMIGRANT WORKER MARCH? Damn! They piss me off!
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by a
Monday, Apr. 25, 2005 at 4:39 AM
what's funny, is ANSWER sponsors the MIWON march ... and then goes and does their own thing too.
It's like when some punk kid tags his allias 15 times on the same wall.
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by worker
Monday, Apr. 25, 2005 at 1:22 PM
ANSWER is not out to divide people, nor dominate the movement. As an organization it has done tremendous organizational work for the anti-war movement and provided platforms (demonstrations) from which a huge number of diverse organizations and individuals have been able to express themselves. ANSWER certainly has its problems, and it's not above being criticized, they have made mistakes... some dreadful. But the knee jerk mudslinging against them is unwarranted. ANSWER has worked directly with MIWON and is sponsoring their May Day march. Some here complain that ANSWER has organized a "second" demonstration in an attempt to take control of the day. What utter nonsense. There should be dozens of May Day events all across LA... from forums and rallies to cultural events like film festivals and concerts. The more the merrier! It's the International Day of the Working Class and we should all be doing what we can to bring back the observance of this celebration. Thank you ANSWER for getting the ball rolling.
May Day activities - All out on International Workers Holiday! Feed our Cities - Starve the Pentagon! May Day 2005
The Troops Out Now Coalition, the Million Worker March, the International Action Center and scores of other progressive organizations are calling for national "Jobs, Not War! Bring the Troops Home Now!" May Day rallies. In response to this important call, there will be a Los Angeles May Day March & Rally at MacArthur Park (7th & Park View) 1 pm Sunday, May 1st
Also, Saturday April 30 March and Rally for immigrant rights- Legalization for all immigrants! Justice for all workers! Beginning at Olympic and Broadway and marching to La Placita sponsored by MIWON Call (213) 738-9050
The twin threats of endless war abroad, and war against working and poor people at home by the likes of Bush and Schwarzeneger here in California, make clear the urgent need for united action. The anti-war movement must gain strength by uniting with working people and the communities that suffer most from war, cutbacks, poverty and post 9/11 repression. The words of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who called the U.S. government the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world today," ring just as true today. In the same speech, he warned, "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of socail uplift is approaching spiritual death." The May Day March and Rally are the next step in building a united movement that can stop the war in Iraq and win justice in our cities! Join us on May 1st at MacArthur Park!
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by m
Monday, Apr. 25, 2005 at 4:46 PM
worker: well that's all fine and good, but the problem is, ANSWER is organizing a may day march, just like the may day march 24 hours before, in the same part of the same city. I agree that may day should have a number of actions connected to it, however, I don't believe, that kicking rocks one day, will be any different than kicking rocks on another day. So what's the point? ANSWER can't stand aside for a single protest? Now I'm sure it's gunna be cool, but it's pointless. If you do a movie showing one day, and show it again at the same place the next day, you'll have less people at each event; that is dividing people.
BTW, a lot of those groups you said who were organizing behind it, are all groups interconnected to ANSWER anyway.
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by sue fine
Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2005 at 12:30 PM
The leaders of ANSWER are the cops, CIA, FBI. This should ANSWER you question as to WHY they try so hard to fragment the movement. look into the profile of LA ANSWER leaders.
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