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by from France
Thursday, Apr. 21, 2005 at 3:41 PM
LOS ANGELES SCHOOL IS SITE OF DRAMATIC CONFRONTATION General Franks, attempting to leave the school in an SUV with tinted windows, was totally blocked by protesters who climbed onto the hood and body of the
car and blocked his departure with banners, signs and
their own bodies.
it remained immobilized in the middle of the street.
DEMONSTRATORS BLOCK CAR OF GEN. TOMMY FRANKS; LOS ANGELES SCHOOL IS SITE OF DRAMATIC CONFRONTATION by don white LOS ANGELES [April 19, 2005] A small but militant group of anti-war protesters confronted retired Iraqi war general Tommy Franks this morning as he left a student assembly at Logan Street Elementery School in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. General Franks, attempting to leave the school in an SUV with tinted windows, was totally blocked by protesters who climbed onto the hood and body of the car and blocked his departure with banners, signs and their own bodies. "War criminal! Murderer of the Iraqi People!" and other chants were directed at the car as it remained immobilized in the middle of the street. Parents and community people, outraged by the appearance of the general, joined in the direct confrontation which came as the vehicle was leaving campus. A father whose son was killed in the Iraqi war reported after the episode, "I looked Franks right in the eye and told him he killed my boy." Veterans of the Iraqi war also reported that they were able to see into the lightly tinted windows and address Franks with their comments. Protesters were nudged by the driver but no injuries and no arrests took place. Police made an exit route for the general's car. The protest, called and organized in a three-hour time frame, came about when parents, teachers and community members learned of the appearance of General Franks at the school. The school's administration and Los Angeles Unified School District officials kept the appearance a secret from the community. "We had no idea this was going to happen," a veteran teacher told reporters. A parent commented, "I didn't know a military man was speaking to our children today; we should have been told," she told KNX Radio News in an interview. Many parents, speaking in Spanish, told protesters they did not like the idea of the military being on campus promoting that option to their young people. Logan Street is a grade school in a working class, heavily immigrant community just west of downtown Los Angeles. The general was brought to the campus by a non-profit pro-military foundation which arranges celebrity appearances. The school was in full lockdown as demonstrators arrived at 11:00 a.m. No community people were allowed on campus and signs indicating a press conference were at main entrances. About 25 loud and lively demonstrators carried signs and banners with various messages: ---NO GENERALS TEACHING WAR; TEACH PEACE ---DON'T RECRUIT OUR FIFTH GRADERS FOR THE WAR ---ROTC AND GENERALS OFF CAMPUS ---LOGAN STREET HAS SOLD OUT ITS STUDENTS and other protest signs. Several organizations in the peace movement sent representatives and community people joined the activity. Los Angeles Unified District police threatened to take one protester into custody if she did not provide her name and personal information. After a lengthy exchange she did so under protest. Logan Street vice-principal had reported, "She twice requested to come on campus and we are afraid she will disrupt." The protester denied she did anything illegal or provocative and a legal observer from the National Lawyer's Guild said an inquiry would probably be made at school district headquarters. The situation grew tense when protesters angrily confronted administrators at the school for providing General Franks as a role model for fifth graders. The event ended shortly after General Franks left the campus.
CISPES Committee In Solidarity With The People of El Salvador 8124 West 3rd Street L.A. Ca. 90048 323-852-0721 Founded: 1980 - 25 Years of Solidarity
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by Damotclese
Friday, Apr. 22, 2005 at 9:15 AM
Good gods I love it.
Franks needs to be hauled off to stand trial for his war crime atrocities against humanity
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by :-)
Friday, Apr. 22, 2005 at 4:57 PM
Great action.
Please post photos
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by DLi
Friday, Apr. 22, 2005 at 5:19 PM
Great Job! Wow, with just a few hours' notice, the anti-war activists did a super job of confronting war criminals like the Centcom warlord-general. Let him & his warmonger crowd know that the people despise War, especially one in which the NeoCon Oil Cabal send poor immigrant kids to fight the Oilmen's illegal Agression! Next time, be prepared with a thousand peace stickers & plaster his SUV with them. Well done, Angelenos!
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by Kurt Brown, SainTramBone
Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2005 at 11:43 PM
USA, Land of the Nazis w/Bibles
 jew_and_christian_extremists_outcome.jpg, image/jpeg, 335x278
Nothing was accomplished. The USA government does not care about anyone. They are not even humane toward us.
A new battle front is needed, a new regime, a regime of the common American. Maybe that idea is just too far fetched and it is over.
If so, bring on the pesos, tamales, and imported weaponry. We will need it to stave off the regime's head honchos.
Never ever trust the government or their mass media. We in America would be better off if the nation fragmented. Under current progressions, we are better off with a nuclear bomb state.
LA does not even give trials by jury, and instead force injections and incarceration and silence. I served the military in Los Angeles. I should have fled the United States to another nation, but which one is your guess.
America, the Nazi state where citizens prefer to die instead of live. Beware of everything the government approves, as our enemies control the government, especially in Los Angeles.
My prayer, "Dear Creator, give us freedom from our subjugators or give us total, permanent, and immediate extinction as a species".
The picture below was sent to me on Bush's inauguration day.
I am not allowed in the government meetings in Alabama and I was injected by Los Angeles federal government for alerting the public to criminals in the USA federal treasury and banking industries.
If I was a millionaire, I would not invest in America because the money would be stolen by the government's Securities and Exchange Commission, Internal Revenue Service, and their criminal union, the National Treasury Employees Union.
Wake up, Gen. Franks is nothing in the scheme of things.
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by visiting
Tuesday, May. 03, 2005 at 6:47 AM
thanks to protestors for speaking truth to power and ignorance and remaining a vigilant presence in these kids' lives. Public schools turn into prisons when we let oversight remain soley in the hands of beaurocratic administration without real (not just token) community involvment and concern.
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by Visitor
Friday, Sep. 28, 2007 at 1:11 PM
Have any of you read Gen Franks' book?
This man loves his country very much, and did alot in your name. You should be happy that men like him exist, and it shows blatant disrespect, ignorance and idiocy when you attack someone who did what he did.
I personally feel guest speakers make for a better eduactaion. Who could better teach someone about the military that Gen Franks? Who better could teach about congress that a senator?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself for supporting actions like this. I'm embarrassed that the protestors consider themselves Americans.
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by Operation Skullfuck
Friday, Sep. 28, 2007 at 4:54 PM
Gen. Tommy Franks. The shill for martial law in paid service of the elite. A piece of treasonous filth. His time of reckoning is also coming... And then there will be hell.
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