State Representative Jackie Goldberg Addresses crowd at demonstration against the Iraq war at intersection of Hollywood and Highland in Los Angeles on 3/19/05.
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Please explain to me how an election under martial law by an occuping military is free. Unbelievable.
Ann is another sqaking noise from the masters. Little else.
Polls taken by Gallup and other organizations have consistently shown that upwards of 95 percent of Iraqis want the U.S. out and think that the U.S. is there to steal the nation's oil.
The elections in Iraq were opposed by the U.S. until they were made unavoidable by a fatwa issued by Muslim cleric Al Sistani. People turned out because there was some legitimacy as a result, although the U.S. clearly would not obey the wishes of the newly-elected government if it asked U.S. troops to leave the nation (which is why it has not asked so far).
Person posting as Coulter is apparently ignorant of these facts, but common sense should tell him / her (did you know that Ann Coulter has an Adam's apple?) that when you bomb a country to bits, deprive it of clean water and consistent electricity, raise the price of gasoline about 20 times what it was and even have intermittent shortages of it then in the very heart of an oil-producing area, kill or allow to die 100,000 citizens, with countless more wounded, destroy an entire city (Fallujah), leaving its residents homeless, all at the point of a gun that frequently goes offf, destroying people and their homes, you are *not* going to be popular!
What an idiot you are, Coulter.