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by Are there going to be any protests?
Sunday, Mar. 06, 2005 at 10:36 AM
Besides the ANSWER Parade in Hollywood.
Is anything happening?
Are there going to be any protests?
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by AmigaPhil
Monday, Mar. 07, 2005 at 4:00 AM
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by Pasadena Anarchsit Collective
Monday, Mar. 07, 2005 at 10:26 AM
yeah, in Pasadena there will be one. Check our website for more information...and there will be more information to come also.
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by protestor
Friday, Mar. 11, 2005 at 12:11 AM
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by Secret Shopper
Friday, Mar. 11, 2005 at 4:22 PM
Go to the ANSWER thing? Go to the ANSWER thing, but do breakaways or feeders? Go to the ANSWER thing, but protest ANSWER at the same time? Go somewhere else (where)? Stay home and grumble at the television?
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by felix
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 1:01 AM
 m19.jpg26ncsu.jpg, image/jpeg, 382x600
OK La IMC now change that headline to read march 19th anti war protest gather at hollwood & vine at 12 noon put this flyer up as the main graphic and youll've just helped la speak out a bit louder! take those question marks off of the headline because theyll discourage people from going to the demo. keep it up your awsome!
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by felix
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 1:04 AM
those oh so fun folks from the a-cafe will be there to play with. If you want to join in on there wonderfull anarcho charity, then bring some extra food or watter to share with folks
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by Protestor
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 9:53 AM
Hi there. To think that you should be protesting the war and the left--e.g., ANSWER--at the same time is sheer idiocy. You objectively side with the state by doing so. That said, have your fanciful little petty bourgeoise, individualist gathering of about 10 people and delude yourselves into thinking you are making any difference whatsoever.
I'll be in Hollywood with around 20,000 others, or more, actually doing something of worth.
Think about what you are doing. You are much more pro-capitalist and imperialist than you may realize.
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by Secret Shopper
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 10:51 AM
OK, how about people who are neither anarchists nor arrogant shills for the WWP? Given my choice, I'd rather associate with the former, but surely there are others out there who don't fit into either pigeonhole?
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by ralph
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 1:03 PM
true dat. makes me think of dead kennedys "riot."
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by Riverside Area Peace and Justice Action
Saturday, Mar. 12, 2005 at 1:32 PM
On The Second Anniversary of the Iraq War Peaceful Riverside Rally Against The Occupation of Iraq Join us as we protest the war on the poor both abroad and at home Friday Mar 18, 6-8pm University and Iowa In front of Starbucks Riverside For more info please visit http://www.rapja.org
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by spark
Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005 at 3:01 PM
the a//cafe is coming to LA! how rad is that.. those folks are fun.. i'll definately be there!
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by d
Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005 at 10:18 PM
Do you want to do something or complain about tatics? Yeah ANSWER isn't perfect, but they are putting together something big. We are doing convergances, on the Metro Lines, check the link and come out and www.notinourname.net/~losangeles/
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2005 at 12:09 PM
Those of you who think that ANSWER is the answer are fools. The government lets them continue to operate without problems because they ARE the government. They allow you to feel like you are confronting the system when in reality they are corralling you down prearranged paths so you do not disrupt the more important things, like parking, shopping, and going out to dinner. If anyone begins to actually get noticed, ANSWER is there to point him or her out to the cops so the government can drag him or her away. So go to you five minutes of hate, and scream like you never screamed before, then feel like you did your duty as a citizen, and go back to shopping at your Wal-Mart stores and drinking your cappuccinos. At least you entertain the conservative right as they laugh at you from their ivory towers. When some people make a real decision to stand up against the terrorism of our government and to make serious attempts to stop the hundreds of thousands of murders of innocent men, women, and children all over the world, you can count me in. But I will not waste my time in another state sanctioned parade of the conservative left. Though San Diego is permitted (state sanctioned) at least they push the envelope there (last time they had a reclaim the streets rally). I suggest driving down there.
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by Secret Shopper
Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2005 at 2:16 PM
I'm not being a smartass, I'm just curious. I want to know what people who aren't necessarily down with ANSWER plan to do on M19.
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Mar. 16, 2005 at 2:52 PM
To be honest, I am teaching on that day so I will miss the march, but after class I am going to the after party down in S.D. I would encourage people to go there. It is more grass roots based and has a real coalition of groups who organize.
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by Secret Shopper
Friday, Mar. 18, 2005 at 2:33 AM
...but it's kind of a long way to go. I guess the question is, why isn't more stuff like that happening here in one of the biggest cities in the world? Meaning, big actions coordinated by groups other than ANSWER. Are people just souring on the whole march-and-rally thing in general?
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by Life from Struggle
Friday, Mar. 18, 2005 at 10:04 AM
A Morning Media Ritual To Chant – Death to US of Amnesia
(and post everywhere continuously – indymedia, foreign news – forums etc... keep it up till it is everywhere -- )
~ DON'T FORGET the Forgotten Prisoners of the US of Amnesia: 300,00 Africans, 250,000 Hispanics and 500,000 others domestically; 10,000 Iraqis, 5000 in Israel, and 1000s held secretly in the torture chambers of Guantanamo, Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan and the kennels of the Saudi apostate dogs.
DON"T FORGET the Forgotten Crimes of the US of Amnesia: Wounded Knee, Hiroshima, Global Warming, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Cuba, Chile, Iraq, Nicaragua, Colombia, Palestine, Nepal and Venezuela. The free market of US of Amnesia Death Squads, the CIA of espionage and assassination.
DON'T FORGET the Forgotten Diseases of Capitalism eating at the US of Amnesia: spiraling greed as religion, drug abuse, obesity, insanity, pervert priests, George Bush and an inability of the US to participate in the world: the World Court, the International Criminal Court, Kyoto Treaty, Convenetions on Women, Children, Racism and Weapons.
DON'T FORGET THE FORGOTTEN DUTIES OF ALL OF US WHO WANT TO WAKE UP FROM OUR OWN AMNESIA: Pull the plug on USA predatory corporations and those of their capitalist friends – especially France, UK and Italy. Drive them out of all regions. Defeat Imperialism with realism – A Clean Slate for Rebuilding the World.
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