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by Ben Frank
Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005 at 8:43 PM
Reps Henry Waxman and Carolyn Maloney have called for hearings based on the
new evidence of that the FTAA received 52 warnings mentioning Osama Bin
Laden between April and September 10, 2001. Also, in the summer of 2001
the FAA
sent a CD-ROM alert to airports mentioning the possibility of suicide
 rice-oath.jpg, image/jpeg, 223x187
Reps Henry Waxman and Carolyn Maloney have called for hearings based on the
new evidence of that the FTAA received 52 warnings mentioning Osama Bin
Laden between April and September 10, 2001. Also, in the summer of 2001
the FAA
sent a CD-ROM alert to airports mentioning the possibility of suicide
These are the two questions Waxman and Maloney say are worth investigating:
A. Why did the Whitehouse block the release of this information until after the election?
B. Why did Condoleeza Rice state: "I don’t think anybody could have
predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the
World Trade Center."?
Ms Rice, also testified at the 9/11 Commission:
"Oh, but there were these reports in
1998 and 1999, the intelligence community did look at information about
this. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Chairman, this kind of
analysis about the use of airplanes as weapons actually was never
briefed to us. I cannot tell you that there might not have been a
report here or a report there that reached somebody in our midst. All
that I can tell you is that it was not in the August 6th memo, using
planes as a weapon, and I do not remember any reports to us, a kind of
strategic warning that planes might be used as a weapon. In fact, there
were some reports done in ’98 and ’99. I think I was - I was certainly
not aware of them at the time that I spoke."
Now we know that the FAA issued an alert mentioning suicide hijackings
in the summer of 2001- this doesn't look good for Condoleeza.
Waxman concludes that this raises "serious questions about her preparation and competency" or perhaps "Ms. Rice knew about the FAA warnings but provided misleading information to the public and the Commission."
Reps Waxman and Maloney are calling for hearings on this new evidence,
but it is Reform Committee Chair Republican Tom Davis that holds the
power to call the hearings.
You can contact Tom Davis here:
Phone: (202) 225-5074
Fax: (202) 225-3974
Waxman's letter to Tom Davis
52 Warnings/ CD Alert
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by Abu Ali
Sunday, Feb. 13, 2005 at 12:24 PM
Abualinj@aol.com 1973 718 1767
The shame of this society is that the Executive perpetraters of the Sept 11 2001 attacks are here in our midst. The Government has been caught lieing .And this lie is the Biggy of them all. Instead of the government if they had nothing to do withthe attack not hindder its investigation . Codalezza Rice openly lied to the American people about the events of Sept 11 . "On 9/11, CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a Building." Washington Post. So much for they didn't know . On a trip to Iraq on later dec 2004 Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the Flight 93 Over Pennsylvania was shot down . Here's what Rumsfeld said Friday: Dec27 -2004-"I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten – indeed the word 'terrorized' is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be." Its all but a publicized fact that Sept 11 was an inside job. They are the real terrorist.
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by Ross Woodhouse
Sunday, Feb. 13, 2005 at 2:25 PM
The shocking truth is that the current American government believes in the end justifying the means. The ends? To secure the US's oil supply, secure Israel's legitimacy to exist and to 'export democracy' to the Middle East. If you believe that 3000 civilian lives is worth these results then you won't mind being lied to. If you don't, well, tough. Because this government cannot even be voted out.
The rest of the world can see this. The evidence makes it obvious. Most Americans however are happy to accept anything their media outlets tell them. On the one hand are the 'conspiracy theorists' and on the other the 'coincidence theorists'. The world is polarized as never before. One thing IS true though and that is that Bush is no more a 'uniting President' than I am Olive Oyle. He is a war president with war on his mind all the time. Whether we like it or not.
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by Judy Christensen
Sunday, Feb. 13, 2005 at 3:36 PM
JdyChristensen@yahoo.com 616-531-2014 5425 Brittany Dr.
I believe that these ivestigations and hearings regarding the performance of Condoleeza Rice are very necessary. Her performance regarding 911 was already in question before the release of the 911 reports, and now there are even more questions regarding her performance than ever. These people have got to start being held accountable for their performance, or should I say "Lack of performance". America is really fed up with the way our government is handled with kid gloves. "Hey" Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We American's have to live by this, and so should our government. The news media simply cannot continue turning their heads with that; "Oh" "Boy's will be boy's sort of attitude" regarding our government. We are all responsible for our actions, and so therefor must be held accountable. Why were those reports held up or burried until after the election? I think we all know the reason to that. A C.I.A. employee appeared on the news about a week or so before the election, insisting that the reports were completed, and yet they were being held up. He also stated that the reports should be released to the American people. Even the Kerry team had requested the release of these reports only a few days before Nov. 2nd, and yet their requests were ignored also. I was furious then, and I am even more furious now. I just couldn't believe that they could refuse to release this information. By now, I think we all know who is responsible for witholding this valuable information from the American people, and I say, that they must be held accountable for this injustice also. Isn't about time for America to say "The white gloves are off" to the Government currently residing in the White House? Just how much more nonsense is America willing to put up with?
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by Mike V .
Sunday, Feb. 13, 2005 at 8:08 PM
Finally , someone is at least attempting to get to the bottom of it all ! There are so many ways to prove that the Bush administration told a jillion lies about the 911 attacks that it boggles the mind . Rice may have claimed that she never imagined that a terrorist would use a plane as a weapon , but when Bush attended the G8 Summit in Genoa , Italy , in July 2001 , they received intelligence that bin Laden wanted to hijack a plane and crash it at the Summit .This is why the airspace was closed , surface-to-air missiles were on hand , and while the other attendees slept on a luxury ship , Bush was either at a US base in Livorno or on the USS Enterprise . I got this from an article on CNN's website ! I Googled "G8 summit july 2001 security " or something similar , and there it was . I guess Rice "couldn't recall" all of that - and no one on the 911 Commission ever brought it up . I'm shocked! The 911 Commision's whole agenda was to put an official , legitimate face on a whitewash , pure and simple . Gosh , who's gonna argue with good old Tom Kean ? It must have happened that way , because the 911 Commission said so ! I can't wait for the truth to come out !
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by wilbur carp
Monday, Feb. 14, 2005 at 6:43 AM
How did the bUSH administration gain so much authority over the US? This is just another example of the theft of America. If there are choices of the worst of the worst, then it is a guarantee that this cabinet will choose the worst posible option. Hence the promotion of Rice to the possition she now holds as Secratary of State. Who will be the champion of the US citizen's to cause the impeachment of bUSH and cause the complete removal of this corrupt cabinet? I would hope that it will be the American People, but alas we are a nation of Sheeple, not people. Quit watching CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Open your eyes and see what's really happening to our America. The Rape of America must end before we become the American Nazi Party!!!
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by Amy Sasser
Monday, Feb. 14, 2005 at 1:34 PM
Fax this to Waxman, Maloney and their constituents.
Make sure they read the "Book One Way Ticket to Crawford Texas" .... I like to call it a "legal brief". It is explosive, documented and damming for the powers that be.
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