An examination of how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox news, have been
running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides
and in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking
control of the public's right to know.
The Screening will be followed by a discussion on the importance of the IMC and
Independent Media to a true Democracy.
Where: ROCKOTITLAN CAFE - 1277 WILTON PLACE (corner of Wilton and Fountain) IN HOLLYWOOD
When: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 7:30 pm
Mass media, who controls it? Hollywood or D.C. or both?
It is obvious that the mass media has an agenda to maintain the status quo. Once I heard my Arabic cartoonist friend say that it was the Jews. I do not think it is that simple. Many people who claim to be some religion are just posers with a knife in our backs, so I never judge a group.
Is it D.C. that controls it? Most likely some factions from D.C. and Hollywood. They own the wires and the guns, therefore they can not be fought on that front.
Rural areas need more bandwidth for internet video. The USA monopolists will never let it happen. Their deception, lies, and trickery are mimicry of the monkey and ape.
They stand on a hill and pound their chests. Put a sock in their bullet holes. Who gives a damn?
Beam us up Scotty, we have a message to relay. We are under siege by our enemies in the USA.
Free Video of abuses in Alabama with commentary and cooking video of hash brownies. The videos of forced injections and abuses in Alabama's and California's courts are not available. Mobile Audit Club Demand the right to bring cameras into the courts. Demand the rights of the "Free Press", with Indymedia or other avenues as your outlet point.
I had a great time last night, and I learned a lot.
I knew fox was bad, but I didn't realize how bad...
(Things are worse than I thought.)