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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
November 6, 2004
Organized by the International Action Center, marchers gathering at Hollywood & Highland take the End the Occupation message down Hollywood Blvd.
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At the Sunset and La Brea location of a Military Recruitment Center marchers stopped to listen to speeches while others stand for peace at the center.
Endorsers List Victor Narro, UCLA Labor Center Philippine Human Rights Watch Coalition in Solidarity with Haiti Free Palestine Alliance Union of Progressive Iranians Don White, CISPES - L.A. Office of the Americas American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee - LA/OC Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates (KIWA) Women in Black Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Fernando Suarez, Military Families Against the War Puerto Rican Alliance Minjok.com Veterans for Peace Student Association for Global Awareness, Glendale Community College Anti-War Committee for the Million Worker March Palestine Aid Society Global Women's Strike Philippine Peasant Support Network Association of Latin American Students, Glendale Community College Justice Coalition, Glendale Community College Belmont Coalition of Young Activists (Belmont High School) Hamid Kahn, South Asian Network Addicted To War ANSWER - L.A. Support Network for an Armed Services Union (SNAFU) MEDIA SPONSOR - KPFK Radio
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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by jlr - builder123
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 6:52 PM
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Deaths since 2003 invasion 100,000 John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, published online by the Lancet Medical Journal. http://www.thelancet.com/journal
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by Excellent Pic
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 7:24 PM
The shots of the hippie flipping off the cop and then rightfully getting a stick in the ribs is simply beautiful.
The look on that dreadlocked fool's face is priceless.
Three cheers for the cops.
And as far as 100,000 Iraqui dead...who cares.
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by ?
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 7:30 PM
Is the NLG providing support?
How can fellow activists give support?
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Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 7:37 PM
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by er
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 9:21 PM
this was a great protest!
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by LAPD Fan
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 9:25 PM
Someone needs to give that chick an Academy Award, what a faker.
If she wants to be struck with a stick...we can set that up.
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by cristian
Monday, Nov. 08, 2004 at 10:05 PM
that protests was fucking stupid. It was full of fake ass revolutionaries, starting with most of the "anarcopunks" not all of them at least. When we got to the fucking carrer shit and the cops started to hit people nobody did anything!!at least a threw some glass bottles and some rocks!!the others didn't do shit man! how are you going to let them know that you are ready to fight against them if you only go there and listen to the shit that we already know and then start bitching about who took all the punx to that building, that's for the anarcopunks who were the most revolutionary looking with their covered faces which i don't know why they cover themselves if they don't even do shit. Then when we went to see what happened with the guys that got arrested we asked those "anarcopunx" if they would join us and they said no because they have different views...that's bullshit man, one bold guy with an adidas tshirt, which tried to act like an anarchist leader or something, said that they didn't wanted to put people in danger...man..what kind of fight are you fighting if you don't want to be in danger?man i'm a fucking illegal immigrant and i can get deported for anything and i still put my ass in danger!!! fuck all those "anarcopunx" who were doing their little meeting in the stairs!!the only people who were down for the real shit went to see what happened to the guys that gor arrested!!
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Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 8:41 AM
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by J. Kurka
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 9:04 AM
jameskurka@hotmail.com (323) 960-8517
The officer pictured in this photo was using his night stick to poke an old woman in the back! I was getting into it verbally with him at the rally and I photogrphed him hoping to file a complaint against him. I have never seen a more cowardly act in my entire life!! If you want to read a graffic account of the assault of an old woman read the past aricle I wrote about it. This was a sad day for freedom of speech! James Kurka
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by CA
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 9:13 AM
Yeah Hollywood!
Excellent pics! The recruitment centers are the places to be. Let's also keep the fascists from our kids in the High Schools! We need to organize to throw them off the campuses!
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by Eric Matteson
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 2:45 PM
Written by ericmatteson2003november@hotmail.com Dear U.S. Voters: In order to reduce the extent of the BACK DOOR DRAFT Please vote to ammend the War Powers act with these two ammendments: 1) Enlistment extensions beyond the regular term of enlistment in the U.S. military require congressional approval for extensions beyond 3 months and Congress must vote to reapprove such extensions at least once a year with a roll call vote. 2) Activation of guard and reserves to active duty for more than six months requires congressional approval and congress must vote to approve continued national gaurd and reserve deployment at least once every two years with a roll call vote. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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by saoirse
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 2:55 PM
Were they released?
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by circled a
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 3:12 PM
there was NO call for a black bloc or a militant contingent...there was however, a dont just vote contingent, which was there to show an anarchist presence and distribute literature on what people are doing beyond marches. some people covered their faces based on not wanting their pictures taken, etc.
you speak of real revolutionaries? first off, you wanna win a revolution you better be disciplined as fuck, and you better know what you're doing before you thrust yourself into a battle against the most powerful nation/military in all of history.
Letting them know we are ready to fight? ...you think you're ready to fight ... go for it, but you'll end up dead or in prison. You have to be organized bro, that shit doesn't happen over night. We have to know our history and prepare for our future. this shit ain't about releasing teen angst by throwing shit at cops...
one last thing, there was absolutely nothing to accomplish by running to that recruiting station, and if people would have defended themselves against police or unarrested the arrested... those people would have gotten their asses kicked, they would have had nowhere to run and about 500 people would have been sitting in that jail, because they would have just mass arrested everyone. We were surrounded on all sides and the cops were totally ready for that shit. this is the LAPD were talking about.
you want to fuck shit up? middle of the night, LA's filled with banks, military recruting centers, etc.
also, stop saying anarcho punks ... this shits way bigger than a music scene
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by Eric Matteson
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 3:36 PM
George W. Bush won the election because he certified during the DEBATE that he will not use a front door draft http://la.indymedia.org/news/2004/10/117600_comment.php#BUSHWONTWO now that the front door draft is gone (At least until Jan 21,2009) we need to also protest against the back door draft in which enlistments are extended without adaquate justification for possibly up to an infinite amount of time without automatic congressional oversight. Voters need to hold their representatives and senators responsible for enlistment terms being extended for years and years and permanent activation of the guard and reserves. If the wars do not end soon let us all vote against every incumbent U.S. senator and representative. What percentage of the Nov 7th anti-war protesters voted at the polls on Nov 2,2004 ?? ericmatteson2003novemver@hotmail.com
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by Sudakan Oi!
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 4:56 PM
Alright... So, I totally agree with Cristian, not 'cause I know him. How the fuck do you want a revolution if you're just gonna be there showing up as hippies and shit. The so called "Anarchists" there didn't do shit, even the fucking Black Block left the scene after we got drove out of the parking lot. The march was really lame, cops made our path and shit, WHAT KIND OF PRESSION TO THE POLICE STATE IS THAT?! That shit was like asking for permission to your neighbors to have a practice with you band or have a party so they wouldnt be arguing later. We're supposed to go out and dont let them be ready. We took the parking lot by surprise, they weren't ready for that shit. Ok, what else, be ready? are you supposed to be training or some shit? If so, train your fucking fear, you shouldnt be all scared and be saying that it's worthless. WE ARE MORE THAN THEM! And I said that shit in the fucking march. Are you scared of getting arrested? Are you scared of get killed? Are you willing to give your blood for your class? FOR THE PROLETARIANS?! Sure, we need to be ready, but let me tell you something, how many people do you think that think like you? like saying "we must be ready... uhh... mmmm..." and dont do shit to be ready! we must organize, and we must NOT be waiting for someone else to organize this shit... maybe the time is not right for some people, but for me and more people... THE TIME IS HERE! we've been living in the same shit and Im so sick of it, are we gonna change this world? if so, THE TIME IS HERE! WE MUST NOT WAIT FOR THINGS TO GET WORSE!! SO GO OUT AND START REUNITING PEOPLE AND TELLING THEM THAT THE DAY HAS BEGUN!! No matter what it takes, let's be EVEN MORE than them!...
"Let the ruling classes tremble at the Anarchist Revolution. The Proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains."
"Who occupies the streets has total control."
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by Goku
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 7:53 PM
This is a bunch of shit. No one called for a fucking black bloc in the first place. Second of all after we supposedly took the lot by surprise riot cops flanked the persons in the lot. That is a extremely dangerous place to put ourselves in. Secondly it was the crowd who intimidated the cops by spitting and throwing objects towards the police. Saying that the anarchists showed up as hippies? No the anarchists showed up in support of a non-violent march. Dont get me wrong, direct action towards the recruiting station isnt something i'd look down upon, but the fact of the matter is, those police were waiting for us to fuck up.They would have easily taken away our right to march that day by calling it an unlawful assembly which would have shut down the march for everybody. I thought anarchists were down for solidarity? Wouldn't causing the end of the march be very selfish just so a few fucking assholes with bullhorns could lead everyone to break windows? Get a fucking clue, smashing things at the march wasnt going to solve a bit of fucking difference. PEACE IN.
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by circled A
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 7:57 PM
First off, anarchism is not the same as militancy. I personally can't really afford to get arrested right now, but if shit were to go down, you better believe I would be there. I think there are battles to be fought right now, and we need to be very strategic. There's a reason shit went down in Miami and not in Boston or NYC...it's because people realized that the FTAA needs to be stopped right now. Now when it comes to the dnc or rnc, street action there, though important to create an atmosphere of militancy all around and build a militant movement, was only going to go so far. We can't run into situations we have not prepared for or where the police are just waiting for a piece of us (think guerilla tactics)
But what I was saying earlier was not inferring militancy, I was talking about preparing your community and teaching each another cooperation. From food drives to community gardens, free schools and squats etc. etc.
As far as the particular situation, we had next to no element of surprise. There were hundreds of cops all around us, just ready to break out their riot guns.
You talk about organizing? I personally don't know who you are, but I know there is a lot of shit in southern ca that needs work and I only know so many people working on it. how about supporting immigrants? How about setting up free soup kitchens in every city? who the fuck is going to make the food during "the revolution?"
heres an example of a major problem within our culture...when some people ran up to everyone and said things like "where the fuck was the black bloc?" then after some arguing broke out and the person was leaving he was heard calling everyone sitting there "pussies" that's totally inappropriate, sexist, prejudice. i wonder if that particular person would let a girl into a black bloc if she didn't seem tough enough. Are the only real anarchists the ones who fight the cops? fuck that...
A bunch of those people whining about black bloc and such...I had never seen before or had only seen at other protests. I could be wrong, but I wonder how much "anarchism" these people dedicate their time to.
And another thing, those people screaming about black bloc, they weren't even in bloc. They had bands t shirts on, patches, varying colors, and a bunch of other shit. black bloc is uniform! That's the idea...it provides anonymity for everyone there. If you cant even get a black bloc down, don't ever expect to be able to get a social revolution down. Shit like not being in uniform, yet yelling about black bloc really makes me question peoples intentions. is it about looking cool? fighting cops?
And still I ask...what was the point of running towards that recruiting center?!?
So yeah, fuck anarchist ego.
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by animasola
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 10:27 PM
I don't look down on fucking up the recruitment centers, but as circled a mentioned, do it in the middle of the night, and don't get fucking caught. I'm not going to judge, however. As one of the anarchist signs read, "You march today, but what will you do tomorrow?"
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by animasola
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 at 10:27 PM
I don't look down on fucking up the recruitment centers, but as circled a mentioned, do it in the middle of the night, and don't get fucking caught. I'm not going to judge, however. As one of the anarchist signs read, "You march today, but what will you do tomorrow?"
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by panama
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 at 11:26 AM
Of the 4 arrested 3 are my good friends. I do not know the woman in the "arrested" picture or her status. Arrest #1 --- One of my friends (D) was the first arrested for yelling "F@#$ YOU!" to the police captain who then in turn told his goons (about 7 cops) to arrest him (D) .
Arrest #2---- As he was being tackled my other friend ( M) who is in the picture "arrested" on the left, tried to pull my friend out of a pile of cops. Then he (M) was tackled and arrested. My friend (D) had a $500 bail which was paid and he is out ( charge -- disturbing tha peace). My other friend (M) is still in jail with a $50,000 bail for felony lynching (trying to pull (D) out) .
Arrest #3--- My other friend ( IZ) was designated as the negotiator, going back and forth between the arrested (D,M) and the people outside the jail. After coming out from the jail (IZ) was praying on a patch of grass while in the middle of praying he was arrested. They said he was ID'd by an informant to fit the description of someone around the LAND ROVER while it was being vandalized. He (IZ) is still in jail with a $20,000 bail for a felony to commit vandalism.
(D) is out of jail on bail. Here's the worst part. (M and IZ) are still in jail. Both of them are Muslim. (IZ) was arrested while praying and both of them are fasting for Ramadan. The meals given to them have not been vegetarian either. Last I heard they have been forced to barter with other inmates for their vegetables and meals don't usually coincide with their fasting.
These are all members of the original Brea peace protests in Orange County.
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by circled a
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 at 12:01 PM
indymedia moderator........please please please remove all incriminating posts!
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by Uwe
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 at 6:03 PM
I support the iraqs right to self-determination. We cannot apply the american model of democracy which fosters civil inequities and racial divide. Community buiding is a bottom's up approach. The republican/democratic approach finances the destruction of cities and communities across the world. We however, maybe streghtening the ties of arab/muslim nationalism, one that overcomes the frictions of tribalism and paternalism. As a result of our continued interfering role we may continue to be the scapegoat for everything that is evil and wrong in this planet, courtesy of fucking assasin and war-criminal Bush. Fallujah, I salute you, you have stood up to the giant, and though you may loose this battle you may deal the forces of corporate and american religous fanatical empire needed setbacks. A little city in the middle of the desert has couragously stood up to industrial and cultural domination. I will not forget your sacrifices. This is America's darkest hour; I have never been more ashamed of my country.
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by Absolutely not!
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 at 6:09 PM
"We cannot apply the american model of democracy which fosters civil inequities and racial divide. "
We should, by all means, only encourage and support the time honored islamic despotism. Complete with it's requisite hatred of women, killing of homosexuals as sport and quaint traditions of ritual beheddings and wholesale tribal slaughter.
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by cristian
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2004 at 9:25 PM
"Letting them know we are ready to fight? ...you think you're ready to fight ... go for it, but you'll end up dead or in prison. " if you are not ready to be in jail or be in a dangerous place don't think of yourself as a revolutionary. Scared of getting your ass kicked?man like i said if you are not prepared to be kicked down and put in jail don't call yopurself a revolutionary!!!even the peaceful revolutionary demostrations in india people got put in jail!
#2 to the other guy: what is going to solve by hearing the same shit that we all know?what do you mean by saying that anarchism is not militancy???that doesn't make any sence!!!you cannot compare those two things man!!!anarchism is an ideology and militancy is a war tactics...so what the fuck?
#3 what went down in miami?i only saw people getting arrested not resisting!!! yeah hel immigrants cuz 'm one too!!
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by ~~~
Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004 at 8:49 AM
Panama, though I know you are simply trying to inform, I am concerned about the possibly damaging information published regarding the arrestees. Information regarding them, both incriminating and personal, should be kept private due to legitimate concerns that it can be used against them in their ongoing legal processes. Refrain from any form of detail. Please seek to edit or remove it immediately.
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by joe no body
Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004 at 7:30 PM
If you support the iraqi fighters so much, move there and join the fight. you live in a free nation asshole
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by no one
Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004 at 7:38 PM
Christian- What good would it do if I were in prison? So I could be known for "how down I am"!? What good would it do for the movement for me to be in jail, having to pay fines and bail money?? That would only set me back, and thus the movement. You're talking about being a martyr, but, what the fuck would it have accomplished?? Not many outside of the protest scene would give two shits about me being arrested, or why I was arrested- if I were to be arrested at a small protest, running behind some police line, eyes all upon me, to some recruiting station to do what? As many have said, there's night time with not hundreds of eyes upon you to do things... There are sometimes reasons people would be willing to stand their ground, willing to get beat up or thrown in jail... but, what good would it have done to do it at a small protest such as this one? What good would it have done besides gaining some asshole's respect? There is a time and a place for such things... be tactical, not impractical...
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by cristian
Thursday, Nov. 11, 2004 at 10:16 PM
when is the big thing coming then? i'm not trying to get respect from no one!! is just that i think that you guys are waiting for something to happen and things are not going to come by themselves!!! in my country the protests(big or small)always turn out to be a real confrontation with the cops. I think you guys are waiting too much for something to happen and throw a fucking rock...one rock or bottle can start a whole other thing!!!
i don't know for what are the revolutionaries from this country waiting for.... is not a thing of getting respect is about fighting the real fight!!of really start been a menace to the system in some kind of way!! if the government lets us have our protests and speeches is because we are not a menace because if we really were we would do protests without permission and then we would be making a real pressure on the government.
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by Animal lover
Friday, Nov. 12, 2004 at 7:51 AM
Saw at least two dogs in the photos. The protestors who brought their pets are animal abusers for endangering the innocent dogs. Leave the pets at home! In case you get arrested, leave a key with a friend so they can feed Fido while you rot in jail.
Now bringing a young kid to a protest would be cool. If the cops abuse the kid, it'll be good anti-cop publicity. Nobody cares if an animal is abused, but mainstream society would get their knickers in a bunch if cops hit or pepperspray a kid. Of course the kid has to be white. Most whites in America condone the abuse of Black, Hispanic, or any other nonwhite kids.
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by FluxRostrum
Friday, Nov. 12, 2004 at 10:27 AM
great work builder!
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by Sudakan Oi!
Friday, Nov. 12, 2004 at 1:57 PM
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Wuahahahahahahahhahahahhahaha!! respect? that was the most stupid shit I ever read or hear, man. Being a revolutionary is not to gain respect or shit, is not to be showing up. IT'S NOT ABOUT BEING TOUGH AT ALL!! and yeah, in our country we put that pressure, not like here, just marching WITH FUCKING PERMISSION!! So me and my friends say... WHAT THE FUCK!!
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by those who mourn
Friday, Nov. 12, 2004 at 4:07 PM
THE CURSE IS AS FOLLOWS. READ IT CLEARLY ALL RESPONSABLE FOR THIS CRIME.... FROM GLOBAL BANKERS TO U.S. POLITICIANS...DOWN TO THE U.S. MILITARY COMMANDERS AND SOLDIERS........ .......WILL CRY OUT IN SORROW ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BARE THE BURDON OF THIER SINS AGAINST THE LITTLE ONES. THEY WILL LIVE THE REST OF THEIR LIVES SEEKING TO DESTROY THE MEMORY OF WHAT THEY HAVE DONE... BUT WILL NEVER FIND REST IN THIS LIFE. and once they die..They will live in hell until they have re-lived the terror , the fear , ( of mamas papas and children huddled in houses together before death strikes )and ALL of the suffering which they have inflicted....through the eyes, minds, and hearts of every one of their victoms, including the suffering loss of the living.. who's loved ones have been maimed, or killed, and every ramification of this MURDEROUS BEAST. THEN YOU WILL COWER ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG FOR MERCY...BUT YOU WILL FIND NONE...UNTIL EVERY PENNY HAS BEEN PAYED. -AMEN
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by John G
Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 at 6:34 AM
I hope you dumb mother fuckers die.
Have you ever noticed the "peace activists" are always the people who live on the fringes of society? Losers.
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by The Terminator
Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 at 6:58 PM
It's okay to protest, but when you destroy property and endanger the lives of others in this City, you go to jail, if you resist, stand by. Whatever you choose, remember to be adults and have the intestinal fortitude to know if you do the crime, you'll do the time. If you can't do that, go in the internet and play your lame ass games.
To "those who mourn", you sound like a muslim extremist. Hope you and a rifle's crosshairs meet soon.
Sincerely, The Terminator P.S., you folks don't get it, Al Queda will behead and blow you up too. You are Americans, they don't differentiate between anarchists and cops. Dead is dead. And they won't stop until each and every one of you is dead. Most of you might wake up once the first homicide bomber strikes here and kills a loved one. Our military has kept that from happening so far by dispatching these fools to allah overseas. Go ahead and protest, see how that stops terrorists.....not!
And remember, we absolutely don't stop and we can't be reasoned with.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 at 7:13 PM
That's why we have a 2nd amendment.
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by The Terminator
Sunday, Nov. 14, 2004 at 11:56 AM
Hey Sheep dog, you and your commie pinko sodomites want to end gun ownership, remember? Guess you forgot. Oh yeah, you guys don't join the military so you don't have any marksmenship skills or combat training. We'll be ready for you or any other coward to take us on in LA.
Bring it
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Nov. 14, 2004 at 12:09 PM
...that you're an idiot. I'd LOVE to go plinking with you with anything you might believe you can use. I qualified expert with every weapon I ever used in the Army. I and my pinko leftist friends are all well armed. But you know, in a way it would be a waste of ammo. You're already brain dead.
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by Ngr John
Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 at 12:43 AM
I qualified expert with every weapon I ever used in the Army.
An "Expert" rating in any branch of the Armed forces means exactly nothing. Anyone can do it with less than a day's practice. ------------------------------------
The fraudulence of the left's concern about poverty is exposed by their utter lack of interest in ways of increasing the nation's wealth. Wealth is the only thing that can cure poverty. The reason there is less poverty today is not because the poor got a bigger slice of the pie but because the whole pie got a lot bigger -- no thanks to the left. --------------------
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. ---------------------
If the liberal way of life was worth a damn, it wouldn't be relegated to the media which sell chaos in order to survive, unionized professors and teachers at all levels of schooling who aren't required to do a good job to get paid, and of course, government, which invents problems to keep itself fat and "useful" and collecting taxes.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 at 7:21 AM
...is the ability to live a life free of tyranny. The tyranny of hunger, fear and hopelessness. And I also assume that that you never served in the combat arm of the US Army, the infantry . The expert ranking is the highest of three that is possible. Marksmen (can hit the target) Sharpshooter (can hit target most times) and Expert ( scores in the top 1%) And to your holier than thou attitude towards socialism. Socialism is fine if you're sucking the teat of the US tax payer as a corporation. You just object to socialism enjoyed by the common citizen.
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by American Patriot
Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 at 6:40 AM
I see you don't care about your fellow human beings, you Bush Loving Scumbag. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are dying over there so Bush and his friends can get rich. You're a racist and a hater of anyone who's not white. (I know you're white, because only white spoiled males write things like what you posted.) Go to Iraq yourself, you chicken.
I support all the troops (who desert or refuse to fight).
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by The Devil and George Warmonger Bush
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 at 11:32 PM
George Warmonger Bush@Hell.org 666-666-Hell Ext. 666 The Tenth Level of Hell and going down
His Unholiness George Warmonger Bush to the USSA:
"Sorry to Oil the Draft but Oil comes first."
The Black House Satanic Temple@666.org
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by The Devil and George Warmonger Bush
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 at 11:32 PM
George Warmonger Bush@Hell.org 666-666-Hell Ext. 666 The Tenth Level of Hell and going down
His Unholiness George Warmonger Bush to the USSA:
"Sorry to Oil the Draft but Oil comes first."
The Black House Satanic Temple@666.org
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Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 at 2:23 AM
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Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 at 2:25 AM
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WARNING: THIS IS MY PERSONAL POLITICAL OPINION THAT I AM EXPRESSING IN AN OPEN FORUM I AM ONLY REPRESENTING MY OPINION. I AM INTERESTED IN AN OPEN DISCUSSION RE: THE 2004 ELECTION,THE WAR IN IRAQ AND THE REP. PARTY AMONG MY PEERS. I realize that most of OC is consertive and in spite of that CA did give Kerry the vote...I was hoping for a new direction w/this vote. We (hubby & me) were very active online and were quite SHOCKED by the results. was anyone else out there shocked? has anyone else heard of http://www.blackboxvoting.org,?or Bev Harris? has anyone else seen votergate? how about Outfoxed, Rupart Murdocks war on journalism? or any of Michael Moores movies, books, or seen his site michaelmoore.com or mmflint@aol.com and its links? speaking of books how about Richard Clarkes book Against all Enemies...its a tough read but well worth it, or on the same topic Al Frankens Lies and the Lying liars who tell them, is a much easier and funny read w/just as much info backed w/facts websites etc, has anyone else checked out americantaskforce.org .? what about the iraqbodycount.org. does anyone else feel that this war is unjust to our soldiers? has any one else seen optruth.org. or alternet.org i think these are important sites to see if you are interested in truth about the election, war, what is happening to your republican party. expecially if all your news comes from fox...or its affiliates. Air America Radio is very informative as well as entertaining, and so is The daily show w/Jon Stewart. I am just keeping my eyes open...and emploring my peers to explore as many view points as possible, i kept my self in a bubble and i was ignorant to the trompling under foot of whole group of people, everyone else! Our life does effect others even if we chose to ignore it, i for one want to stop stepping on others, to open my ears, eyes and heart to hear the truth and to help the world instead of trashing it. thats just my opinion....what do you think? FROM KROW ANGEL...
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Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 at 2:32 AM
 publication3.jpg5xse7t.jpg, image/jpeg, 1275x1650
WARNING: THIS IS MY PERSONAL POLITICAL OPINION THAT I AM EXPRESSING IN AN OPEN FORUM I AM ONLY REPRESENTING MY OPINION. I AM INTERESTED IN AN OPEN DISCUSSION RE: THE 2004 ELECTION,THE WAR IN IRAQ AND THE REP. PARTY AMONG MY PEERS. I realize that most of OC is consertive and in spite of that CA did give Kerry the vote...I was hoping for a new direction w/this vote. We (hubby & me) were very active online and were quite SHOCKED by the results. was anyone else out there shocked? has anyone else heard of http://www.blackboxvoting.org,?or Bev Harris? has anyone else seen votergate? how about Outfoxed, Rupart Murdocks war on journalism? or any of Michael Moores movies, books, or seen his site michaelmoore.com or mmflint@aol.com and its links? speaking of books how about Richard Clarkes book Against all Enemies...its a tough read but well worth it, or on the same topic Al Frankens Lies and the Lying liars who tell them, is a much easier and funny read w/just as much info backed w/facts websites etc, has anyone else checked out americantaskforce.org .? what about the iraqbodycount.org. does anyone else feel that this war is unjust to our soldiers? has any one else seen optruth.org. or alternet.org i think these are important sites to see if you are interested in truth about the election, war, what is happening to your republican party. expecially if all your news comes from fox...or its affiliates. Air America Radio is very informative as well as entertaining, and so is The daily show w/Jon Stewart. I am just keeping my eyes open...and emploring my peers to explore as many view points as possible, i kept my self in a bubble and i was ignorant to the trompling under foot of whole group of people, everyone else! Our life does effect others even if we chose to ignore it, i for one want to stop stepping on others, to open my ears, eyes and heart to hear the truth and to help the world instead of trashing it. thats just my opinion....what do you think? A former republican
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Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 at 2:34 AM
 publication3.jpgfqwsib.jpg, image/jpeg, 1275x1650
WARNING: THIS IS MY PERSONAL POLITICAL OPINION THAT I AM EXPRESSING IN AN OPEN FORUM I AM ONLY REPRESENTING MY OPINION. I AM INTERESTED IN AN OPEN DISCUSSION RE: THE 2004 ELECTION,THE WAR IN IRAQ AND THE REP. PARTY AMONG MY PEERS. I realize that most of OC is consertive and in spite of that CA did give Kerry the vote...I was hoping for a new direction w/this vote. We (hubby & me) were very active online and were quite SHOCKED by the results. was anyone else out there shocked? has anyone else heard of http://www.blackboxvoting.org,?or Bev Harris? has anyone else seen votergate? how about Outfoxed, Rupart Murdocks war on journalism? or any of Michael Moores movies, books, or seen his site michaelmoore.com or mmflint@aol.com and its links? speaking of books how about Richard Clarkes book Against all Enemies...its a tough read but well worth it, or on the same topic Al Frankens Lies and the Lying liars who tell them, is a much easier and funny read w/just as much info backed w/facts websites etc, has anyone else checked out americantaskforce.org .? what about the iraqbodycount.org. does anyone else feel that this war is unjust to our soldiers? has any one else seen optruth.org. or alternet.org i think these are important sites to see if you are interested in truth about the election, war, what is happening to your republican party. expecially if all your news comes from fox...or its affiliates. Air America Radio is very informative as well as entertaining, and so is The daily show w/Jon Stewart. I am just keeping my eyes open...and emploring my peers to explore as many view points as possible, i kept my self in a bubble and i was ignorant to the trompling under foot of whole group of people, everyone else! Our life does effect others even if we chose to ignore it, i for one want to stop stepping on others, to open my ears, eyes and heart to hear the truth and to help the world instead of trashing it. thats just my opinion....what do you think? A former republican
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by KhrowAngel
Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004 at 12:56 PM
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for wisdom is a defense, and money is a defense, but the excellency of knowledge, is that wisdom giveth life to them that have it....Eccl. 7:12 for the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves thru w/many sorrows! 1 Tim 6:10
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by The Terminator
Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004 at 5:14 AM
Figures you were Army. We Marines sent more Iraqi's to Allah in Desert Storm when I served than you ever dreamed of. Bet you never were in country over there or anywhere outside a base during peacetime. If you were, time to step up and claim it. Otherwise, you haven't seen combat, and don't have the experience to comment about it. And who the hell "plinks" anymore. I shoot sihoulettes at 100-600meters. No "Kentucky windage" here. Besides, like I said, plan your attacks with your loving insurgent supporters. The fact you side with people that pray that the insurgents win in Iraq makes you a traitor. You probably think Tim McVeigh was a hero too. Go figure. Any veteran in Hollywood is a prime example of an oxymoron.
Idiot Savant or IdiotSavant? LOL! Yeah, bring race into the mix too. Those who have nothing else to argue always go low ball and try to play the race card. It's about haves and have nots. Bring a war to LA and see what happens. Better have your bandages and splints ready. As for education: Susan Sarandon: High school Mike Farrell: High school/college dropout Sean Penn: High school drop out Tim Robbins: High school/college drop out
GW: College BA/MA Connie Rice: PHD Chenney: BA/MA Powell:MA
Boy, for a bunch of close minded tyrants, seems they have some "edumacation"/LOL!
Oh, got my BA . What degree, or lack of one do you have Sheepdog? Lord knows some on this site can't even go to school since they're illegal aliens. I bet you think they should get free education by taxing us all, right?
Glad this state is an island and not the rest of the country. It really is a banana republic. You guys really make me laugh. Keep chasing the windmills Sheepdog. You keep my peers entertained each day.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004 at 7:20 AM
Please don't use such large .jpg's It's kinda rude.
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by KhrowAngel
Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004 at 11:57 PM
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by KhrowAngel
Sunday, Nov. 21, 2004 at 12:12 AM
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by KhrowAngel
Sunday, Nov. 21, 2004 at 12:14 AM
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by Courtney
Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004 at 9:01 AM
You are so fucking right. I was there. And when we fuckign marched to the police station none of the fucking punks at the school wanted to go. as soon as cops in riot gear showed up at the protest they were out of sight! they did such a great job at showing their views and fucking fighting for what they believe in. Whose streets? OUR FUCKING STREETS! we can stand up for them however we fucking please!!!
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by cristian
Friday, Dec. 10, 2004 at 6:28 PM
hey courtney lets try to have contact in some kind of way(your email) is nice to see a person that at least agrees with me hahahha
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by cody_pendent
Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004 at 12:22 PM
what is it with you people? who cares about "punk" "anarcho punk or whatever other stupid label you insist on giving people. how old are you? maybe you should stop getting your political views from conflict and aus-rotten and start thinking for yourselves. i was at the school and whats funny is i dont remember seeing any of the loud talking confrontational googballs (who led the little pied piper march to the jail) at the front of the rec. center when the cops came. and as far as not wanting to go to the jail because of the cops......thats rediculous. not wanting to go to the jail escourted by loud apparently non educated reactionary scene-sters is a better description of what happened (some of us went to the jail after you left the school, we just didnt go with you)....and by the way if you want people to join your cause (i.e. going to the jail to show solidarity) you may want to do it in a less self righteous finger pointing way.
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by cristian
Thursday, Dec. 30, 2004 at 4:25 PM
i was in front of the rec. center. o so you just didn't go to the jail to show solidarity because of the people who were going overthere?what a fucking asshole man...so you think you are better then most of us who went overthere? cuz you read some of bakunin's books you think you are better then most of us? maybe they are not as "educated" as you are but at least they show their presence overthere and is better than just TALKING AND DOING MEETINGS and not showgins solidarity with the ones who got arrested.arrested after we went overthere...i don't know about that man... i didn't hear anything about that and if is true...it must be sad cuz you guys idn't do anything ...and i mean NOTHING.
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by more rational
Thursday, Dec. 30, 2004 at 5:16 PM
"shitsymedia"??? That made me smile. Are we in third grade or something? Wahhh wahhhhh wahhhh. This site is... is.... shit! Shitsymedia! Damned, Anarshits!
You're a frikken Fashit with shit on the brain.
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by Backstabbed by Don White
Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2006 at 1:54 PM
I am a former member of CISPES.
If you are considering a trip to El Salvador as a member of a CISPES led delegation, I suggest you find another organization to go with or go to El Salvador on your own.
CISPES invites people on delegation for one reason only: MONEY. CISPES will overcharge you for your lodging, will require you to give them some amount of spending money for yourself, and then will expropriate that amount and "donate" it to one of their collaborative organizations. You will be asked for permission to give them your money, but if you say "no", you will find that they already gave it to them. You will not get it back.
CISPES will house you in a filthy hotel that costs about $3.00 per day. They will charge you about $40.00 per day for that filthy hotel. The filthy hotel will be a hotel that is most commonly used for prostitution and it will be in a very bad part of town.
If you are male, you will be discriminated against by CISPES. If you make contact with locals, CISPES will threaten to throw you out of the group and demand that you return home immediately.
CISPES will put you in dangerous situation that do not benefit you in any way. They do this not for the good of El Salvador, but for the money they will raise.
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by Lisa
Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2006 at 9:02 PM
I read your comments and I am amazed.. People, what you malicious! Come round! Yes there will be with you a God!
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