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Johnny Wizard talks to America nationally broacasted!

by Johnny Wizard Saturday, Oct. 30, 2004 at 4:28 PM

Big deal. To the war mongering mass murdering thieves go the stolen spoils., as the bushite's devolving american new century would say.

(from Google 'groups' tab, "")

Oh my God!!!

Johnny Wizard talks to America nationally broacasted!

Oh my God!!!

Get your own copy ! Wow! Johnny speaking the word! Wow!


/ / Pentagon officials said a facility housing 380 tons
of (now missing) explosives "was not high on U.S.
commanders' list of sites to guard." What was high on
that list? Spokesman Scott McClellan said we had to
"make sure that the oil fields were secure."

/ / 'Those ammo dumps have been looted and raided, and
kids and our young American forces are being shot at
from weapons stolen from the ammo dumps that this
president didn't think were important enough to guard,'

Who cares?

/ / Roughly half of the $5 billion in reconstruction
funds distributed by the U.S.-managed Development Fund
for Iraq cannot be accounted for, according to an audit
commissioned by the United Nations.


/ / A highly detailed program, begun years before the
tanks rolled, for imposing a new regime of low taxes on
big business, and quick sales of Iraq's banks and
bridges--in fact, "ALL state enterprises"--to foreign

Big deal. To the war mongering mass murdering thieves
go the stolen spoils., as the bushite's devolving
american new century would say.

/ / The American public is told that this butchery is
part of keeping up pressure in the war on terror. All
these terrorist brides and grooms and terrorist kids
rushing round in party clothes ; all the terrorist
musicians and the terrorist wedding guests, by God, they
have to pay for 9/11 because (as millions of Americans
still believe), the Iraqis were responsible for 9/11.

50 percent of Americans polled support bush, and the
vast majority of those believe Saddam Hussein was behind
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and that freedom by
justice through understanding is too complicated and
wordy, ...yeah. and so corproate news control is lying
to US all, cheating everyone, including You, who cares?

Americans murdered on 9/11, and those responsible are
let to go on their way. Yeah, and so what?, for
Americans are absent any real Patriot warriors willing
to protect their now officially perverted Amerkan flag.
Look at the nazi grunt soldier's uniform, and you'll
see. All bushite nazi grunts, who fight cowardly with
rapists, torturers, and South African apartheid death
squad goons, wear a flag reversed from the original
design. The bushite attack the weak, innocent, and
practically defenseless as betrayers to God, freedom
and the human cause. Yeah, and so what?

/ / The administration not only doesn't admit mistakes,
but also doesn't believe in accountability.

But for the sacrifice of dumfuk bushite nazi grunts.
Leaderless degenerates that any real human would destroy
to protect their innocent families. Innocent families
the bushite bombers commanding from Florida murder for
no good reason but get more soulless bushite teens
rightly killed, all done so to put more stolen money in
the pockets of their ungodly satanic cult. Solution:
hunt to kill those left un-arrested who willfully,
criminally, ordered the needless bombing of Samara to
get killed the bushite grunts for the further thievings
of the bush backer traitors who bask in your stolen

Support calls for open dialog.


REGULAR_ARMY <> wrote in message> <>...
> More of the same garbage! Your comments don't even make coherent sense!
Read up on the "ORHA", from the leading newspapers of our time,
then make up your own mind, on who is paying instead for franks'
"unsolved" crime(s).


100 Facts and 1 Opinion
The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration

/ / 67. The Bush Administration blocked a proposal
to ban the use of arsenic-treated lumber in playground
equipment, even though it conceded it posed a danger to


An open letter to the news media of America by the webmaster of <>.

/ / And that is why I don't believe the headline that
voters are split evenly between Bush and Kerry.
It is just too fantastic.


The End of Evil?

Hey! Art Bell! I recorded our conversation
yesterday!!! Now, many people may not know, but Art
Bell purposefully with malicious intent, lies to America
when he states, he doesn't censor America's voices for
Freedom. The first of THREE calls I made to Art Bell
yesterday within his first break, was on the topic of
polls. He asked myself between the first break, - off
air -, what was it that I wished to talk about? I told
him, I recently discovered that the opinion polls done
in America by CNN are tabulated by firstly insuring half
polled are known bush supporters, and half are known
Kerry supporters. But by doing so in such fashion, 99.9
percent of America could be unapproving of Kerry's
politics, but Americans who trust the media's
intelligence would never know of it. He abruptly hung
up on me. I called back. Recorded. (My fricken modem
program didn't start immediately so I had to stall.) I
said something like "Yeah, it's me again Art, I don't
know weather you hanged up on me, but I just spoke to
five seconds ago about that poll idea, what do you


Art Bell "You'll have to find another phone line"

[He didn't explain why the East of the Rockies line was
not in service [of which he ended using twice publicly
in the following call-in segment]]

Johnny "Okay.. what did you think of the poll idea
though?, did you think it'll work?"

Art Bell " YEAH, YEAH, COOL".

Johnny "It is a good idea.. what number should I phone?"

Art Bell "Any of the others"

Johnny Wizard "Any of the others? You don't know.. can
you give me.."


Third Call, this time I called in on the international line.


Johnny "I called earlier about the pretty cool idea with
the polls?"

Art Bell "Ohhh? Well you don't need to, I THINK

Johnny "But I'm saying if fifty percent are

Art Bell "Do you have anything else you would like to
talk about?"

Johnny "Sure.. I could talk about Iraq or
something if that's okay.. I could talk

Art Bell "Yeah, that would be good."

Johnny "That would be good??? Oh that would be

[I already knew he forbids such discussions in our
America, and anyone who's listened to his "American"
program would know that much about it.]

Art Bell "Alright then, hold on."

Johnny "Alright then, cool"

So, first he thinks the idea is cool, and one minute
later, it isn't as forbidden knowledge. He cycled
through his other lines twice, before the hour was over.
[Excluding the international line that I waited on hold
for until the hour was up, where he then came on my line
briefly while speaking to some girl I guess, then
disconnected the call entirely] I have had this same
repeating experience with most American talk radio
hosts, along with Art Bell, when it comes to the open
free discussions of Halliburton, Iraq, Afghanistan, bush
in general, or the science of depleted uranium. (In
fact Hannity's censor actually told me to "fuck off"
when I tried to get on to discuss the risks of American
lives due to the oxidized micro-scopic radio-active
particles floating as light as the wind in Iraq
presently. And multi-millionaire Limbaugh's bitch..,
ah.. forget it.) Anyway, seriously, I've been troubled
more so than ever as of late. I can't for the life of
me, understand why You don't help generate more support
for my liberating Cause. Why the average literate
American can't find my cause worth while to help gain me
OUR media exposure I'll never know. All I ask for is an
open free exchange of ideas, principled in the rights to
be truly free, but alas, I get little feed back seeking
for U.S. Patriots out here. It only takes You.
Honestly my friend, only You., You alone can help turn
this tide in our favor, but, I can't make you will
something you don't want to do. (Standing on your own
as a honorable man prepared to fight for liberty or die
trying is a rare trait indeed.) I attribute my lack of
support to mainly the bigoted chauvinistic culture that
corporate media bills for America, but I fear I may
perchance be mostly kidding myself, and that it is
perhaps even more dire for God's blind love in America
than I first realized. I hope that by You hearing what
Art Bell does behind Your scenes will help you better
recognize what the evil bushite enemies of our America
are truly doing to your dying world. [need not worry oh
Great, Rich and Powerful CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS and CBC
Execs, I've saved those discussions we've had privately
in a safe secure location.] The bushites want to censor
your mind for the bounty's of evil bushite tyranny,
while I wish to be completely free to speak our minds
without fear, and to be gods if you wish with all sorts
of make believe powers. For real. (God is so amazingly
under-rated!!!) Example: If I had Art Bell on our air,
and he couldn't hang up on the discussion, I would ask,
"How is it that you bushites think bin Laden played any
part in 9/11?".. and so on. While the bushite
corporate media CENSORS say bin Laden did everything,
because as faithful George W. bush disciples, slaves,
they don't get to form their own substantiated
conclusions, nor rely on a true Justice to secure
freedom for US as the individual. We are all affected
by suggestion, so believing Laden did everything isn't
necessarily a sin, it's just really kinda stupid when
you spend time to talk about it openly. And, truthfully,
like all people, I except I'm a total idiot
occasionally. Read "Johnny's Last Stand" for
more details on my strengths and weaknesses.

a dream come true, depending on your views,

Pleased for thanks and listening,
over and out willco,

Johnny Wizard


Treason this is.

/ / The 46-page report argued that Pentagon assertions
of a link between al Qaeda and Iraq's President Saddam
Hussein were not supported by intelligence reports on
which they were purportedly based.

Treason this is.


/ / As for who in Iraq warrants comparison with the
political leadership of Nazi Germany and its policies of
reprisal and collective punishment in occupied Europe,
it is the American ruling elite, not the resistance
fighters of Fallujah.

/ / In the ultimate Orwellian twist, they were turned
into "unpersons"; even their names were withheld from
the media. Any president who endorses such atrocities,
as Bush has repeatedly done in speeches, is against
everything that America purports to stands for.

/ / If this is the way the majority feels, then
suppressing the realities of Iraq serves only to deprive
the American public of the real facts enabling our
government to ignore the will of the people. This is
not conducive to a truly safe, secure and free society.

> 109 Italian Soldiers Dead So Far From DU In Iraq
> <>
> / / denying the significance of such data is purely
> acting out of ill faith, and the truth is that our
> soldiers are dying out there due to a lack of adequate
> protection against depleted uranium".

The Last Straw - Carl Worden Makes His Vote Official

/ / What I do know is that any party that would find
the words, "Protect Our Civil Liberties" offensive or
even threatening, is a party I won't belong to anymore.


For What Other Hope?

/ / The military insisted it hit targets linked to
Al-Qaeda operative Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, Iraq's most
wanted man, who has claimed responsibility for a series
of car-bombings and hostage-takings in the country.

All true American soldiers must stand against this "the
military" person, and kill it. Allawi, has already put
forward that he doesn't have, nor has he seen one shred
of information linking Zarqawi to his false, untrue,
wrong accusations regarding an entire city he leaves us
unconvinced for blame by bombing. It seems I will now
be taking command of the entire American Military for
this one time defensive operation. Insist evidence be
made forthright, and kill these anonymous un-arrested
"the military" person(s) along with anti-Iraqi Allawi.
Then, we hunt down and arrest or kill those responsible
for ordering the needless bombing of the Samara
citizenry. See?, the ungodly and tyrannical bombing of
the good people of Samara, brought about now approaching
more than one worth acknowledging DESERVED deaths of the
ungodly bushite teens, the bushite teens who didn't need
to die thoughtlessly for the bushmob. Think: Any real
man would kill an enemy bushite to save the lives of the
innocent they admittingly target for plunder to please
the neo-con God haters. The bushite soldiers that are
now commanded to die sacrificed in Samara, will die
directly from the instigated criminal bombing assault
against our good friends, the Iraqis, bombed
irrationally by the ungodly, unwise, and seriously
un-American evil anti-Christ disiples, John Batiste, and
the self confessed Iraqi People killer, Allawi. Allawi
blames a city, Johnny blames Allawi. Kill un-arrested
Allawi, and we'll save some GI's lives in the process of
winning this battle against the dark evil forces of
blind and stupid tyranny.

I, a man of many masks, beg again asking you to help me
gain our talk radio access. America truly needs you,
and so do I. Art Bell forbids America to hear our calls
for Justice. The bushite fraudsters fear of me is that
I actually understand regressive tax policy, and the
judicial principles enshrined indivisibly within the
holy American Constitution. Knowledge need not be
feared, for we are all fools when it comes right down to
understanding what we're talking about here. Don't let
these fears of true freedom only granted through Just
means, sway you into not believing I can bring about a
better day for all concerned. Sure, I'm one of those,
he thinks he knows so much guys, but that's only because
I do as a for real living miracle. Modestly I'll tell
you, I am of creation's briliant Realization as live in
for the time being creator, a god no less, a god, out on
his own for the greater good of all. However, easily,
I'll also tell you, this evidence requirement to
convince ourselves of something, has been around
forever, and it's the simplest of matters in confronting
the irrational bushite if only we have the rights to be
freely heard. Any public debate with a corporate
neo-con bushite nazi whore is all I seek for. I
publicly challenge Art Bell, along with Limbaugh and
O'Reilly to a 3 hour - commercial free - international
radio broadcast entitled, "Wizard's War of Words: A
Super Duper Special". An open public forum for
discussing the bushite's un-worthiness to censor our
calls for demanding some accountability. Torturing or
raping people is outlawed. Those who disobey, we
arrest, or hunt down and kill. And the perpetrators of
9/11 need to be all tracked down, arrested, tried, and
founded as the guilty until we're done with it
completely. No bushite is going to fuck with God's
America like they did on 9/11 and chance get away with
it, for that would be greatly unwise on their part to
believe we are all helplessly foolish forever without
any leadership skills present and still counting.

Believe in yourself, for what other hope do I have?

Johnny Wizard



/ / a meagre $2 million has gone to healthcare,
$19 million to water projects and sanitation and $300
million to rebuilding of the electrical system.


Do We See A Pattern Here?



/ / It is unconstitutional and illegal because the
president violated the Separation of Powers provisions
of the Constitution by deliberately lying to the
Congress by falsely assuring them that Bush had evidence
of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, and that
Iraq was involved in plotting and carrying out the 9/11
terrorist attacks on the World Trade center


These following bushite terrorists kidnapping Americans,
look the most so far like the likely secret Zarqawi
gang, no? Maybe, someone should ask bremer if he has
ever had words with the bushite group, "Custer Battles"?

/ / When Isakson objected to the scams, two unnamed "top
company officials" burst into his office with machine
guns, held him and his 13-year-old son at gunpoint for
hours, then stripped Isakson of his ID, money and gun
and told them to find their own way out of Iraq, the LA
Times reports. Father and son finally made their way
through the hellhole of Fallujah to safety in Jordan.


/ / "This nation's voting system is a total sham, " says
Landes. "In the upcoming election, a couple of
corporations (ES&S and Diebold) with strong ties to the
Republican Party will count 80% of the vote in virtual
secrecy. Democratic candidates should be in federal
court now protesting this insanity. It might be too
late after the election.


Who is Hamad Hamoud?

/ / It turns out that the ``major victory'' over the
Iraqi resistance consisted of American forces blasting
away indiscriminately in Samarra's city center, killing
innocent men, women and children, damaging property and
buildings--including a mosque and a kindergarten--and
further enraging the local population.

The Samarra incident in its various aspects--the battle
itself, the military's claims, the media's role--is a
microcosm of the US occupation of Iraq.

Exactly. Prior to this most recent war crime against
Samarra, there had been dialog to allow bushite thieving
troops in without dropping bombs indiscriminately to
murder our friends, (and then to get killed the evil
bushite in rightly retaliation). Those who ordered the
NEEDLESS bombing campaign (who I advocate the open
public execution of) didn't like that prospect of saving
GI lives to lose money for the bush junta though, and,
Zarqawi, my god, going on about how he wasn't interested
in freeing the Iraqi people from tyranny didn't help the
bushite anti-Christ cause much neither, especially with
Bigley still hanging on alive. (Oh yeah, killing Bigley
sure suited the women haters bush and blair just there
eh?) Killing un-arrested bushite, (who fight for rapists
and torturers who thieve from America, while attempting
to censor our voices calling for real Justice,) is the
best anyone can do fighting for true freedom. Kill an
irrational censoring fascist bushite, and you've saved
the potential lives of millions of innocent American
people. Innocent people the bushite nazi soldier freely
confesses to targeting to profit the corporate bushmob
back home who continues to rob from the nation because
of it.

Witness this pro-bushite Knight Ridder article, of
which, if I were "officially" recognized, would demand
swift and immediate public accountability.

/ / Some noted that while tribal leaders in Samarra
sought government assistance to rid the city of
insurgents, leaders in places such as Fallujah have been
more supportive of the guerrillas.

Some noted? Who? The head of Sammara's political
affiliations, comprised of more the 100 separate
poltical groups, in Samarra, asked that no killing of
innocent women and children was needed, for, the
"pro-Iraqi forces" would be allowed to come in if they
obeyed themselves. (Like as if any Samarrian would ask
for help by attacking residential communities blindly as
the evil bushite almost always without exception do.)
But no, they go in recklessly bombing, raping and
pillaging, shooting innocent women, men and children,
then tell 1200 or so soldiers to sit in the middle, and
stay put, indefinitely, and Knight Ridder tells US all
how john batiste, a Frenchman, made such a successful go
at it. Is john batiste going to sit with the loyal
troops in the carnage he ordered, and bite the bullets
for the team? Hell no, he's probably commanding from
Florida, basking in the sun with his personal cut of
that two billion with buford blount's two timing nazi
whore of a wife.

Hmmm funny..

snpd [forgivness only comes if one truly understands
enough to ask.]

/ / The U.S. troops made only limited use of aerial
bombardment and artillery, Batiste said. That limited
civilian casualties and damage to city buildings.

An admission that the thieving bushite dumfuks target
for murder us innocent people, and have so far figured,
that by not committing as many "precision strikes" with
guess work or anonymous tips, they wont anger so many?..
I think they may be a little late for that considering
when they arrived, (like they did every time), they
needlessly still murdered unarmed, innocent, defenseless
whomevers for whatever. Remember: there was no need to
bomb or shoot any innocent people, for the terms
negotiated with Allawi were to enter AS THIEVES without
any bombing needed. Will john batiste tell us the
lawless rapists, torturers, and apartide death squad
goons he fights our Humanity with, bombed less Iraqis in
hopes to anger less Iraqis?, and if so, why not give up
on the bombing innocent pro-Iraqi part all together?,
then also the raping, torturing, and pillaging part by
tracking down the actual criminals while we're at it?
John? No, can't do that, for those who ordered the
needless bombing runs over Samarra would be tried
publicly, then shot dead by surviving Patriot American
Warriors, and that demon traitor, Our Mr. bush Jr.
with rummy, would meet the same fate for the crimes of
9/11 back in New York City. And of course, the Iraqis
would get back everything that was stolen from them with
massive interest paid for by those personally

The bushite bombing commanders figure, lie to the entire
first division about the true threat levels, their weak
minded dumfuks anyway, they can't stand up proudly for
their commitment to real freedom and democracy, instead
they'll fall rightly dead and nobody'll hear to care
anyway. Mr. bremer's double crosser "Zarqari" will
get'em if need be, again. Could be. I watched "Who
wants to be a Millionaire", a TV program in America, and
the contestant was a Mr. Sheriff (who had just given up
religion and joined the Israeli faith to continually
thief), he was in the first Gulf War, and now, his own
flesh and blood brother was serving for the bushite
neo-cons to rob even more from America through Iraq in
this second blast. The entire audience questioned
uncomfortably his answer that he had no idea who cheney
is. I kid you not. You can be sure that episode won't
be running in syndication. As a dumfuk bushite nazi
grunt, dying of radio-active contamination, does he have
any real care for his likely now dying too or already
dead as forsaken brother? I doubt it. Godless nazi
bushite are as stupid as they are evil disciples of the
demon anti-Christ: the most hated and reprehensible
illiterate savages as so well documented in the lights
of Man. Ten cents for every bushite bagged and tagged,
ten cents. Twenty billion if you can magically teach
them real quickly, to understand honor, virtue, heroism,
and the meanings of the American Constitution.

/ / If their political goal is to have all the major
cities full of people that really, really hate the
Americans, then is this really a victory?" Cole said.

Well of course! As parasites led by the wims of a,
behind the scene bombing campainer, the bushites die
cowardly for the billioniare bushmob to profit robbing
from the folks back home left un-defended.

/ / Some Samarra residents and a major organization of
Sunni clerics have condemned the attack, and even the
province's governor, who appeared with Batiste at a news
conference Wednesday, said he was shocked and surprised
by the operation.

See how the writer(s) of this news wire claim that those
who didn't support such lawlessness are only some?
You'd figure, since the news piece repeatedly refers to
the wanting of such barbaric attacks, it would at least
site one legitimate quote.. instead it pulled this...

/ / "We didn't have any intention to take war actions.
We were always hoping for peace," said Hamad Hamoud,
governor of Salahuddin province. The insurgents, he
said, ultimately left the Iraqi government no

Governor of Salahuddin province, who hasn't been quoted
for anything in the world, except for this that he
wasn't. And besides, from what I understand, Salahuddin
are provinces, not a province. Or perhaps Knight Ridder
is referring to the governor of Salahuddin, a teensy
tiny ghost town in Kurdistan? Regardless, this Hamad
Hamoud must be a huge nobody then, and the best the
bushites could get to float their patently false story
line that leads to the untimely death for Americans.
Sacrificed for the anti-Christ. But, I digress.

Listen: Is a man who would kill an un-arrested bushite
rapist, or kill an apartheid death squad racist who
murders only black people because their darker skinned,
or who joyously kills a bushite sniper, (a sniper that
freely confesses to shooting innocent women, men, and
children,) classified as an "insurgent" by the uniformed
enemy anti-Iraqi forces I ask? Art Bell, the nazi
censor, and his propagandizing bushmob ilk, is America's
true enemy. Free speech must be spoken for, for the
bushites of Talk Radio america, don't want dying America
to think as a free America to speak on the top
priorities of Your true survival. Use it, or lose it.

Johnny Wizard


/ / He described meeting an old man who was forced to
watch his sons being tortured until he signed a
confession admitting links to Osama bin Laden. "Tears
were streaming down his face. I have no doubt they had
as much connection with bin Laden as I do."


/ / Yet when Sen. John Edwards led CNN's debate poll
Tuesday night, the Time Warner network abruptly yanked
it from their front, only to replace it 13 hours later
with a blank poll. Edwards had been leading in the first
poll 78-18.

Some 200,000 previous responses to the poll were deleted
when the new poll was posted.

The corporate news polls are a crock. Look at the
literate world of Internet content. 99.9% hate the
evil bushite lies that sacrifice American lives to profit
the criminal bushmob fraudsters. As I've told many, CNN
and CBC execs know bush and rummy committed 9/11. Why?
Becasue I've told them so, if they would seek to ask
for only the facts to decide for ourselves.

General Ahmad funded Atta.


/ / "I don't want to die. I don't deserve it. And
neither do the women deserve to be in prison in Iraq.
Release the female prisoners that are held in Iraqi
prisons. Please help them.

/ / Iraq's justice minister announced Tuesday night that
Rihab Taha, the female scientist known as "Dr. Germ,"
would be released from prison.

/ / But then the U.S. Embassy said Taha and Huda
Ammash, known as Mrs. Anthrax, would remain in U.S.
custody for the foreseeable future.

/ / Straw added: "At no stage did they abandon their
demands relating to the release of women prisoners, even
though they were fully aware there are no women
prisoners in our custody in Iraq."

/ / air strike had killed eight people at the
home of Hamad Hdaib Mohammedi, who was known for
his opposition to the militants.



/ / Early reports said a U.S. convoy was passing by the
celebration when the attack occurred. The U.S. military
said later that American soldiers were taking part in
the celebration but that no convoy was passing through
the area.

Yeah?.. but what about the comments made by the bushite
child killer phil smith? Maybe he'll tell us again why
innocent children were targeted for murder to get
rightly killed loyal enemy bushite nazi brethren? Since
phil smith isn't cogent as the godless, what can he know
of his true meaning? What is phil smith's America where
innocent children are murdered for his contempt of the
America we remember? Is it honorable service where the
leadership of the US military feels it is right to lie
to fellow troops about what they are dying for as
"THIEVES for bush"? Is it the conduct of a honorable
creed to steal from US honest hard workers?, to
indiscriminately bomb civilians with guess work and
secret paid informants while calling themselves
dis-honorably in Your name pro-Iraqi? They are not men,
for they can not stand proud on their false convictions,
instead, they lie as cowardly traitors to the American
cause. Is it the conduct of a brave crew of patriot
freedom fighting warriors serving a just cause to bomb a
city to teach our God something? Or is it my friends,
the conduct of fascist enemy bushite nazi vermin led to
die for not so secret criminal transgressions? A war
mismanaged purposefully to benefit off the sacrifices of
American soldier's lives, dying or being maimed to give
in to lying criminal fraudsters that OPENLY rob from all
American families like tommy franks did?, robbing the
principles of Justice once thought respected, and only
expected in the true land of the brave and free? If you
were face to face with a mass murdering bushite cluster
dud land mine dropper who attacked residential school
districts, would You not, kill it for the begged mercy
of God and children everywhere? What we ideally need to
do is, find who has been responsible for ordering the
indiscriminate bombing campaigns, and kill them openly,
rightly, publicly, for all our World to see. Killing
the NOT HIDDEN enemy bushite is the best any human can
do for the survival of our species. When you see the
bushite, spewing their hatred for humanity while
censoring the voices of reason and freedom, justice and
liberty, do US all a great big favor and kill the nazi
fuck for the love of yourself, God and country, please.

/ / It added: "Unimpeded access throughout the city for
Iraqi security forces and multi-national forces is

IT ADDED? Er, sorry enemy of humanity bushite dumfuks.
US men out here, hunt to kill un-arrested bushite
rapists, torturers and thieves that hide behind the
stolen American uniform as ungodly enemy savages. Third
Infantry for example: No American present. For if
there were, Saudi Wahabbi child killer buford blount
would be dead at the hands of US pro-Iraqis for TREASON.
The slave bushite die as godless fascist cowards who
target US as the innocent to die themselves for
benefitting the further thieving of America, The People,
back home they leave left unguarded. General Ahmad
funded the mastermind 9/11 ring leader Atta. I HATE
bushite. Killing un-arrested bushite is what all real
men of America should get started on, like with firstly,
George W. Bush Jr., condi and rumsfeld for 9/11. Then
we need to make some demands of the corporatist censors
who deny our Humanity free access to the substantiated
impartial facts that stand irrespective of ideology or
spin doctoring. Plutonium in depleting uranium is
scientifically bad for your health without question, for
we do understand the measured effects of radio-active
contamination. How can "our" corporate news media
continue to ignore Our growing concerns on the subjects
of Your dying freedom and liberty my friend? "They"
can't. America's multi-millionaire corporate news
producers need to be made accountable, when it comes to
the refusal to allow public reporting that INNOCENT
women and children are being held hostage in our names,
and in some cases photographed raped or murdered by the
still, un-arrested ungodly enemy bushite nazi evil
forces. ENEMY!

/ / London - The International Committee of the Red
Cross insisted on Friday that Britain does not hold any
women prisoners in Iraq, and said it was ready to act as
a mediator to help free British hostage Kenneth Bigley.

The Red Cross said what? No mention of the two innocent
"Sisters" held hostage? Who does the Red Cross serve on
the issue of our human rights? Can they not be aware of
statements reported widely on the specific issue of
Bigley's commentary? Surely they do us a disservice
when portraying ourselves otherwise by claiming Britain
isn't involved in the criminal plunder of Iraq at all
our vital expenses? Have they not seen, nor heard the
big news about innocent Iraqi women held hostage by the
terrorists? Should they not be demanding blair speak up
for the human rights of innocent People being victimized
by Humanity's mutual enemy, war criminal George W. Bush
Jr.. and his mindless minions of dying godless barbaric

/ / He repeated the kidnappers' demands that the US
release all women from Iraqi jails. "Have some
compassion for the [INNOCENT] female prisoners,"

/ / Blair pledges 'If kidnappers get in touch, we'll

As for the innocent women held against their will by the
bushite terrorists, no negotiations for US by this
"politician" of a "Democracy". He'll just pretend that
he hadn't heard of the request, for the corporate media
hasn't reported, therefor, he'll plead, implausible
deniability. (Again, who's conning who here?)

The two innocent women were planned for release prior to
the Zarqawi hostage taking according to Justice
officials in the Iraqi government. Things that make you
go hmmmm...

/ / Britain's foreign secretary, Jack Straw, said today
that Britain will not meet any political demands to
secure Bigley's release.

Now they figure releasing the innocent women would be
giving into still the just demands of the sovereign
Iraq? Or, will they argue, persecuting the innocent is
what the enemy bushite do to steal our human values of
virtue and the American ideal? Stealing our Freedoms
and Democracy? Again, bushite is the enemy of America,
kill it.

/ / Iraq's [bushite] National Security Minister Kasim
Daoud told a news conference in Baghdad that the
offensive was launched in response to a call for help
from Samarra's residents to tackle the insurgents in
their midst.

/ / "We were in talks with Prime Minister Iyad Allawi
about the situation in Samarra, including reaching an
agreement to allow Iraqi forces to enter the city. We
were surprised by this military offensive," said Khaled
Naji al-Samarrai.

Khaled is leader of Samarra's political association.

/ / ...said [bushite] Daoud. "Even if they didn't ask
us, we would have still gone into the city."

Surprised? Hardly. The closer we get to saving
American GI lives, and saving the lives of our children,
the more likely the bushite's false deity G.W. will be
arrested for mass murder on nine-eleven, and bush bitch
Saudi wahabbi buford for all the needless subsequent
murder rampages against our forsaken civilization. Do
me and humanity a favor, kill the bushite traitors who
steal our lives from Justice for enslavement of our
human species through blatantly evil corporatist fascist
tyranny. What kind of ungodly reality is bush taking US
for where evidence is no longer a requirement to
convince US who is evil? A criminal? The evil bushite
bombers use "guess work" and paid informants to decide
what neighborhood to indiscriminately bomb as targeted
killings, while the rich corporate TV news celebs state
how they're all so proud of what American soldiers are
blindly dying for as. I say nah, bad idea, instead, we
hunt to kill the self confessed rapists and torturers
for the beginners.. Now, who's with me as a true Christ
like Patriot God Warrior?..

Join me, I seek bushite then I destroy it for the love
of God has no challenger.

Why Samara?

* Battle Of Samara - 7 Helicopters Downed, 147 Troops Killed
* <>

"Zarqawi" killed Berg in a building identical to Abu
Graib, now he's been reported to have made a slight
correction about mistakenly asking for the falsely
imprisoned to be set free. No no... he didn't mean
those women who are held against their wills without
evidence regarding any alleged criminal impropriety, who
are being held by child rapists and torturers. Zarqawi
actually meant, those women who nobody knows of, except
perhaps rummy who stated the Red Cross shouldn't be
co-operated with when we're talking Our human rights and
the falsely imprisoned. [LIKELY REASON WHY Samara was
NEEDLESSLY attacked. Who commanded the NOT NEEDED
attack in attempt to take US off the true criminal's
path? For, that would likely be the "surprise" American
GI terrorist killer in the flesh holding America's
children hostage.] Then, Zarqawi went on about leverage
with "Jews" and the "Crusaders", but, Arabs ain't so
dumb, nor is Arab TV actually. There was a large Arab
Jewish and Christian community who despised areil sharon
as an enemy of G-D in secularist Iraq from the start
before the fundamentalist bushite war crimes began
there, and the Islamic faith holds the eternal Son of
Man, Johnny Wizard in Holy god respect. Remember I
represent the freedom and wisdom granted by Allah to
Humanity through Jesus as Savior Hillel taught US all
about oh so many moons ago: namely, to worship and love
all things that God made. But alas, the illiterate nazi
bushite are dumfuk slaves as enemies to freedom, and as
consequence, don't think for themselves, or much about
my true significance in this World of US gods suffering
under their evil as criminal misconduct inflicting
suffering misfortunes against our God's good graces.
Being the goodie two shoe Creator has it's
misconceptions let me all tell you. I have to deal with
contending with the primed to die satanic bushite who
tinks I as a Christ wanna be stick figure or something
similar, am going to hang lifeless on a cross somewhere
and just take their abuse forever crying for a God who
never wrote the book on Sacrifice. Shhh... [The commi
bushites are as fukin stoopid, as they are truly evil as
enemies of life and this Universe.. So evil are the
bushite, that they give even the Devil a bad name.]

/ / Witnesses said the American troops were offering
candy to the children and were preparing to leave when
the bombers attacked.

So, the soldiers were there for the festivities, handing
out cheap candies, taking credit for the plant rummy
likely bombed then left these "soldiers" to have
credited to re-built back up by themselves. [Don't want
to be over paying Iraqis with their own stolen money
right?] If true, it would be something to write home
about, but have you heard of all the work GIs have done
in attempting to repair all the damage they've
criminally instigated against our innocent families? No
you haven't because, for then we would be demanding a
return of all stolen assets, and the arrest or public
execution of the bushite torturers and rapists. Also,
who handled the military contract? Imagine this:
Halliburton is paid billions in overhead to hire the
American government to take back over. Sounds somewhat
familiar where military fuel shipments are bought then
escorted by the professional military fuel transport
units, but no ones asks, why should Halliburton off
shore tax exempt billionaires, all of a sudden, now, out
a nowhere, be allowed middle ground to almost take all
the cash expenses?, from America's America?, especially
since America is still doing all the paying for all the
work being done regardless like they use to before
Halliburton magically appeared in between? [The only
thing Halliburton execs want is to be left alone in a
mansion far away from conflict with the American tax
payer paper work to do that they confess publicly to not
having the resources to accomplish fairly!!! [TIGER
TEAM]] Do the soldiers transporting the fuel now even
wear COMMI Halliburton caps instead of helmets?
Likely.. because they're so fuking weak and stupid as
fascist nazi bushite grunts who die as enemies to God
and Creation by forsaking the America I know of as once
respected as universally truly admired. The bushite
trash the Bill of Rights by saying it's no longer needed
when fighting against US People. Then they demand that
no evidence be used in reaching their guilty verdicts by
Your american firing squads. Again, get your gun
soldier and instead, kill un-arrested traitor, George W.
Bush Jr. for America as a true Patriot only would. Or,
why don't You bag US a proud enemy bushite for the
Gipper?!? For what pleasure could be greater, than
doing our Humanity and God such a great favor? I mean
come on, they as our enemies, war the defenseless and
innocent fighting with rapists and torturers without
shame or apology, while demanding by threat of murder to
US innocent, we all must slave as loyal bushite soldiers
do, like they have no mind to believe in freedom.
Liberty or Death? More like hunt to kill mindless
bushite nazi vermin and save the precious lives of
countless innocent others that they murder by dropping
bombs from our sky. We know who the boastful and proud
bushite is, who is granted full talk radio media access
in corporate america to trumpet the sacrifice of
American teens to please their deity, George W. Bush
Jr. and his war mongering thieves, who profit off mass
murders and over billing like they did at 9/11 in New
York City. The bushite slave is the enemy of themselves
to life, love, and God.

Back to the story: Like if "anti-Iraqis" planted a
bomb, or we're driving cars, wouldn't they use it to
kill enemy bushite nazi dumfuks before innocent
children? It is the bushite nazi forces who target the
same locations repeatedly to kill only good honest hard
working innocent pro-Iraqis trying to save the lives of
their loved ones... or who have demanded a free press
and democratic elections. But look, the corporatist
press takes the credit in condemning the murder of
children, but they don't call for the head of buford,
mattis, russell or vacant minded phil smith? Nor, speak
for ourselves when American paid for anti-Semitic
invading Israeli nazi soldiers from tanks, shoot
innocent Christian children as all of our life's
enemies? A happy, waving goodbye child was shot dead
from behind in front of UN workers by bigoted racist
truly evil demonic Israeli nazi forces, and Annan never
spoke a reported word for our Humanity, or against the
condoned crimes of Jew killer areil sharon as
reminiscent of Hitler's reign of terror. Where is
corporate news america regarding their humanity then in
reporting the care for the lives of our innocent
children? All left there for US to witness the betrayal
to America's freedom, and on all we stand together,
justice for all, especially for You left corporately
forsaken, but not so easily dismissed. For what does it
profit our corporate News for your benefit my dying
brothers and sisters? Or for our Dads or Mothers "lost"
pensions if you make no effort to speak up for your
rights denied, your values stolen, or for our freedoms
and liberty you know not of as the portrayed enslaved by
fascist corporate news tyranny? A corporate news agenda
that denies US a place for human rights to life and
liberty, is not an agenda we can continue to freely live
with. And, I, as John, can not rule this complicated
media world of immense toil and troubles, God needs Your
help for your own salvation. I can only do so much as a
wonder mostly to myself. I wonder if "Americans"
can actually ever read this far into life's desperate
pleas I've now put out for years and years going barely
anywhere?.. Paradise on Earth where we get a little
credit could happen if we just keep dreaming along for a
better future, a future where we are respected by the
establishment for our goodly works of self
determination. A cure for our sufferings? No the
corporate professionals are not interested, nor taking
calls from any of US with grievances. It costs them too
much in stolen revenues to allow freedom reign.

Back to this Zarqawi thing.

If Zarqawi had planned the targeting of a convoy, why
would they decide instead to hit the desperately needed
treatment plant surrounded by mostly children, with no
bushite convoy in sight ever, but a location troops had
been REPORTED at for at least days to have built ALL BY
THEMSELVES as so alleged? AND done after with bull
horns edged children from the surrounding community to
come witness their good deeds by getting cheap free
candy? Does that sound like the prime time to plan
striking at the ungodly evil war criminal bushite when
it's widely known they're in a planning stage to bring
around as many children as they can, convinced with
bribes, there giving something back? A photo op? Where
are the photos then??? Remember, bushite rapists and
torturers have yet to be hunted down by US true Patriot
forces, and evil bushite phil smith freely confesses to
targeting children in America's name. Also, firstly, it
was reported not one soldier was known killed. Yet,
they must be all over the area for later to be reported
ten wounded. How did they miss being so far away from
such a lethal blow designed to kill evil lying enemy
bushite nazi grunts to attempt true Justice for our
World I ask? The details still remain at large on why a
bull horn was used to attract MAINLY children to the
scene of such carnage, however, the last report of
bushite forces using a bull horn, was when looting and
chaos was being encouraged all so tommy franks could get
killed BUSHITE DUMFUKS to rob the central bank with
several large trucks that came and went unimpeded by
infiltrated enemy military forces. Same bull horn

Like ariel sharon would kill Mexican Jews for a stolen
American dollar, so too would a bushite like buford
blount or franks get killed an American GI for nothing
but the chance to steal more from a left leaderless
America. So, the crimes against our pro-Iraqis are
being far from addressed by the bushites now bombing
cities indiscriminately in retaliation for crimes they
say we are ALL expressly outraged against. I think the
time for killing George W. Bush and rummy is about to
commence, then the open public trials against all other
war crime offenders. Now, that is going to be a war
worth televising. Can I get a Amen?

I don't know about you, but I hate bushite rapists and
torturers celebrated by corporate American Talk Radio
news censors. As enemies of God and all that is great
with this world, the bushite bombers should be called
out for a man to man fight for their core beliefs, or be
rightly killed as better dead than allowed to continue
in our names. No True Patriot can be proud of all the
warring bushite america is doing in Iraq to free George
W. Bush Jr. and "sexy" rummy from arrest for 9/11, for
that would be in support of the enemies to God hiding
inside our glorious American freedom fighter uniform.
We must weed out the war criminalling rapists and
torturers through evidence if we want to truly get
started on this warring terrorism idea, then we have to
hunt down all the stolen money bush foolishly stole with
13303, and give it back to Iraqis once a legitimate
representing government of the People there is in
control as the situation. Firstly to begin on that path
for Iraq however, Allawi must be arrested or executed
for the first degree murders he has confessed to already
being completely responsible for.

Email, fax, or articulate this to someone, or this dyig
world of the bushite will condemn you straight to an
unforgiving hell where you would as soulless enemy
traitor to everything great and magnificent, go silently
screaming for no one's help listening. For, what did
you do when Life truly needed You, and asked for a
simple helping hand? I know American talk radio will
censor voices of freedom calling for justice as US
People, but you must try. Sure Art Bell and the rest
will forbid any discussions regarding the care for
American values like freedom being sacrificed through
the lives of "teen soldiers for tyranny", but if America
continues to hear when America's voice is censored when
speaking up for our truths, it will convince others, we
are not all alone as the minority. Corporate bushite
polls are not completed fairly by the liar cheat
criminal bushite, for, just look at Internet content
that condemns tyranny like the bushites forever man. No
wonder the bushites are trying to take control of our
free communication technologies, while rigging our
elections. Don't let them silence this world before you
get a chance to speak your mind. Hunting down the so
called, un-accountable as lawless satanic bushite
rapists and torturers is something I think all People
could easily get behind as a force worth truly gunning
for. Then maybe we can debate the other stuff later.

May the love for Life be your deciding factor, when
finally deciding, that Justice and freedom are worthy
goals worth protecting for Your America, and that we as
humanity, ain't gonna take any more of this lawless,
treasonous, bushite belligerence as war criming in our
good names with God left as the forsaken any longer.
Help God help ourselves. For the love of Yourself why
don't you give back more for us Living? Go on, give
living for a better world a try., you wont regret the
attempt at saving Humanity from further miseries by our
inaction. I call America for a chance to hear my words
ringing loud and clear, I want a real America to demand
real Justice by arresting or killing bush, condi, and
rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11 immediately.

Bringing happiness and prosperity for all humans being,

it's the...

King of the World,

Yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


/ / The War Crimes Act of 1996 punishes any U.S. national,
civilian or military, who engages in a grave breach of the
Geneva Conventions. A grave breach means the "willful
killing, torture or inhuman treatment" of prisoners. If
death results, the act imposes the death penalty.


/ / Kamel said that he was driving in a car with Kadhim
and Saleh to the city's [Samarra's] famous spiral
minaret to film a broadcast when U.S. soldiers and
Kurdish fighters in the Iraqi security forces opened

"After doing some interviews in a police station we left
and as we drove for some 500 meters, fire was opened at
us," Kamel said. "We were not filming. We were just
driving in a normal car."


/ / "I am a law-abiding citizen of the UK and attest
vehemently to my innocence before God and the law of any
crime, though none has ever been alleged," he said.


/ / This was the best estimate distilled from all 15 US
intelligence agencies. They were right; Bush guessed


/ / The massive offensive came despite mounting talk in
recent days of an imminent deal between insurgents and
Iraq's interim authorities for a peaceful restoration of
government control.

/ / Perhaps the holy rollers in the Bush camp should
crack open a Bible and see what it has to say about
caring for the poor (Matthew 25:40), caring for the
Earth (Genesis 2:15), and caring for human rights
(Genesis 1:27). I've got a hunch Jesus wouldn't be too
thrilled with Bush's first term.

/ / According to Palestinian locals, the settlers in the
area despise the Christian activists for "helping the
Palestinians stay in the area."

/ / The Rumsfeld Oath is in stark contrast to the one
taken by ordinary federal judges, who solemnly swear to
``perform all the duties incumbent upon me under the
Constitution and laws of the United States.'' In
contrast, the defense secretary's appointments swear to
recognize no higher authority, under God, than the
secretary himself.




How to Avoid Becoming an Anti-American


Notice the corporatist bushite nazi whore reporters,
make no mention in their "reporting" that innocent
women are being held hostage by those confessed
by themselves as enemies of Freedom and Humanity.
(Suadi Wahabbi buford blount kills innocent women men
and children without apology, and there ain't nobody
there in the bushite third infantry American enough
to gun him down as the traitor he is rightly.)

See bushite, kill bushite.

We, as Humanity, are tortured or raped by un-arrested
sadistic satanic bushite vermins, hiding in the easily
spottable, cowardly American bushite soldier grunts

See bushite, kill bushite.

/ / "Please could you on my behalf, on behalf of my
brother somehow ask Mr Blair to pick up the bloody phone
and call President Bush and ask him to take off the
blockade on these [INNOCENT] women prisoners?"

/ / The appeal, he said, urged the kidnappers to free Mr
Bigley for the sake of his family and as "a clear
message to the British people to see their government's
weakness and crime in not freeing [INNOCENT] prisoners
held by [bushite enemy] coalition forces to spare
their sons".

/ / Working people in Britain should themselves be
steadfast--in rejecting all appeals by pro-business
politicians and newspapers to accept the need for any
sacrifice in order to preserve the [CRIMINAL] occupation
of Iraq.


Enemies of US all Humans being

Nazi enemy the bushite truly is, when they try to take
America away from the crime scene of 9/11 to protect
their evil false deity, demon bush Jr., as enemies of
US all Humans being.

"When we say serious consequences, for the sake of peace
there must be serious consequences."

It is he, the demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. as
true evil personified, who broke with the WORLD'S 1441,
when LYING Saddam wouldn't let the inspectors in, and
that was his as "America's" justification for ignoring
these serious consequences by sending thousands of
American kids out stupidly to die for all the wrong
reasons as the bad guys.

/ / Therefore, the U.S.-led invasion did not ``enforce
the just demands of the world'' since the demands were
already being enforced without the use of military

This was no accident. Killing dumfuk treasonous bushite
is the best any one of US can do to fight for Freedom
and Justice in this world, save killing their ungodly
tyrant war monger demon leader, Our Mr. bush Jr...
Demon bush is the most hated and despised of this entire
living universe, and his nazi brethren we will hunt down
and kill before they target another innocent life to
plunder. The sadistic taolentless enemy bushite lies to
America to steal our lives and investments, all through
the leveraging of the asinine as total ignorant willing
CENSORED Bell-Limbaugh-O'Reilly-News victim "heros".

Take this recent diliberate criminal position to leave
women, men, and children incarated without charging them
for any criminal offenses, while spewing that means
their "pro-Iraqi" freedom fighters, even if they also
decide on their own to maybe torture some for sadistic
wanton lawlessness. Obviously, the UNJUSTLY imprisoned
are hostages held by the enemy bushite terrorists.

/ / According to the Justice Ministry, an Iraqi judge
had ruled there was no evidence of criminality to
justify her continued detention.

/ / "What are the accusations?" ex-U.N. inspector Blix
asked in an interview Friday, referring to one leading
Iraqi prisoner, Amer al-Saadi.

/ / Iraq's justice ministry insisted yesterday it still
wanted to release the women, although it said this had
nothing to do with the kidnapping of Mr Bigley..

/ / "Under international law, no one can be held
indefinitely without charge."

/ / ``We have not been negotiating and we will not
negotiate with terrorists on the release of hostages.
No release takes place unless I authorise it.''

Obviously, the UNJUSTLY imprisoned are hostages held by
the enemy bushite terrorists. Right? Who would
disagree? Only liars, cheats, and murderers who target
US as the innocent to please their satanic deity George
W. bush who will rob from their very own families left
back home undefended. Then, as soon as they're dead or
maimed, they're of no further use to their fellow
"loyal" bushite savages, who leave them to go alone
without support to die in the gutter like so many others
have from Gulf War I. Dumfuk the bushite is as our
lying, cheating, ungodly enemies, who lay their lives
down in cowardly servitude for bush and his billioniare
banker company as their sourced intelligence providers.

The dumbuk bushite as TRAITORS soullessly war our
Humanity to STEAL our treasures of love and compassion,
justice and freedom, money and job prospects, forcing
our Humanity to aim our loaded guns towards killing
George W. bush Jr., the parasitic "leader" of their
debauchery as self inflicting debasement. We, as
Humanity, kill un-arrested evil bushite to bring mercy
to our dying species. The bushite is too cowardly to
hunt down and kill the rapists and toturers of the
innocent, or the war profiteering war mongers because
it's one of their own they DIE for. Killing bushite, is
like killing the ungodly protection of self confessed
un-arrested rapists of women, men, and children, who
openly have confessed to murdering thousands of innocent
people for no military objective like Saudi wahabbi
buford blount has stated bluntly, when regarding the
commitment of first degree murder against thousands of


/ / [Saudi wahhabi] Major General Buford C. Blount, the
field commander of the Third Infantry Division, told
journalists: ``We just wanted to let them know that
we're here.''

all done for to sacrifice more of themselves for nothing
but being tyranically enslaved as the weak and truly
evil disciples of the enemy anti-Christ, enemies of GOD
and all our Creation. Saudi Wahabbi commander of the
third infantry buford blount freely confesses to
murdering innocent people to enrage US pro-Iraqis to
hunt down and kill easily spottable bushite soldiers
freely in retaliation; bushites, who hide inside the
cowardly American uniform. Okay for the newly wealthed
Saudi buford and his chatty wife cause they gets that
share of two billion American to get killed GI teens,
who are too stupid as iliterate dumfuks to think about
the values they lie about holding true. While dying.
The bushite hide in my America? Never. US true Patriot
Warriors will kill all un-arrested enemy bushite nazi
brethren who think they're going to get away from
torturing and raping our families as the innocent just
because they can say they're lawlessly "pro-American",
while robbing all our families of common decency and our
life savings to serve dying for tyranical lawlessness as
enemies to Johnny and GOD. Ten cents is what I pay out
for every bushite tagged and bagged. Ten cents.

Wouldn't you destroy the corporatist enemy bushite to
win the battle against mindless slave whore bushite
consorship of God's screams for Justice and begged mercy
for our Humanity? What will you say when you have no
claim as the forsaken? Help God change this world! The
bushite refuses to support American freedom values such
as evidence being the only requirement to convince US
who committed 9/11: like for instance condi, bush, and
rumsfeld, along with General Ahmad being the true
perpetrators of mass murder on 9/11 in New York City.
Nazi enemy the bushite truly is, when they try to take
our America away from the crime scene of 9/11 to protect
their evil false deity, demon bush Jr., as enemies of
all US Human beings the bushites are, lifeless


/ / the mission guidance is to shoot anyone who is in the street.


/ / Bush, indeed, has an audacious personal quality that
has somehow served him well so far: full frontal
repudiation of facts known to all. Faced with the
absence of WMDs in Iraq he once simply said, "We have
found the weapons of mass destruction." Faced with a
Presidential Daily Brief titled "Bin Laden Determined to
Strike in the U.S.," he and his spokespersons called it
"historical." In his universe, faithfulness to delusion
is "consistency." It reached its apogee at the GOP
convention, where the President presented a picture of
the war in Iraq from which all current facts-the street
fighting, the bombing, the kidnappings, the torture, the
departing allies-had been removed.

/ / Bev Harris, Executive Director, Black Box Voting
(www.BlackBoxVoting.ORG <http://www.BlackBoxVoting.ORG>) will demonstrate a hidden
program for vote manipulation, which resides on Diebold's
election software. This is a secret feature enabled
by a two-digit trigger (not a "bug" or an accidental
oversight; it's there on purpose).

/ / This assumes that the armed resistance in Iraq is not
because a Western power invaded and occupied their
country, failed to provide basic services and security,
sold off key sectors of their economy to foreigners, and
installed a puppet regime, but simply because they don't
want democracy.

/ / Bush explained that, for him, intelligence is not to
inform decision-making, but to be used or rejected to
advance an ideological and political agenda. His
dismissal is an affirmation of the politicisation and
corruption of intelligence that rationalised the war.

/ / Why has she not been let go? She has not been
charged with any crime, and even if she were, could she
not be freed on bail? Is it that the US authorities
don't want her talking to the press about the biological
specimens she received from American companies in the
1980s when Saddam Hussein was Washington's friend? Are
they worried she might produce the receipts she has said
she holds?

/ / "I don't want to die. I don't deserve it. And
neither do the women deserve to be in prison in Iraq.
Release the female prisoners that are held in Iraqi
prisons. Please help them.

/ / It's quite an accomplishment: in trying to design
the best place in the world to do business, the neocons
have managed to create the worst, the most eloquent
indictment yet of the guiding logic behind deregulated
free markets.


/ / "We know that dictators are quick to choose
aggression, while free nations strive to resolve
differences in peace, [...] And across the world, the
enemies of human rights are responding with violence. "
"Instead of harboring terrorists," he said of the
Iraqis, "they're fighting terrorist groups."

Best reason I've heard for killing the demon bush at
the hands of US freedom fighters.


The Deceivers

/ / They knew it would bring unimaginable death and suffering
to multitudes of innoce
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