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by Punk Rocker
Saturday, Oct. 23, 2004 at 8:59 PM
Pictures from the rally (mostly Anarchist Black Bloc and Punk Rockers)
 2004oct221.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
Here are the pictures from the Oct 22nd march.
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by Joey
Friday, Nov. 19, 2004 at 5:03 AM
hmmm. i like to see the fact tht so many young people like myself are finally getting into important isues rather than fighting about senseless things. but from the pictures it honestly seems as if it were a party, sign that say things like "pigz" i mean how can someone take a person seriously when they refer to cops as pigs... im not in anyway defending cops who harrass and take advantage of thier authority but i dont in anyway support anyone who calls a police officer a pig. i mean they do have a dangerous/ hard job.well e mail me back with stuff thats going on im always ready for a protest....
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