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by A
Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 9:21 PM
Leimert Park Anti-Reagan Protest
QuickTime movie at 10.6 kibibytes
Partial list of Reagan’s Crimes against the people of this world
1. Betrayed his fellow union members in the actor’s guild by rating out their political affiliations to the FBI. First power grab in a career based on betrayal.
2. Ordered an attack on peaceful anti-war protesters by the National Guard when governor of California in the 1960s
3. Committed treason when he made a secret deal with Iran not to release US embassy hostages until after the 1980 November election in exchange for arms. Known as The October Surprise.
4. Invaded and occupied the Caribbean island of Grenada.
5. Waged a covert war of terror on the people of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cuba and most of Central and South America resulting in the deaths of 100,000s of innocent civilians. Including US citizens providing humanitarian aid to the region.
6. Backed Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon, got over 200 Marines killed, then withdrew shelling the Lebanese coastline and civilian centers with navy gun ships in the process.
7. Used commercial airline flights to spy on the USSR. This resulted in the death of innocent passengers when a Korean Air plane entered USSR air space and was shot down.
8. Ignored the outbreak of AIDS. Actively blocked funding for research and treatment. Thousands went undiagnosed, untreated and died.
9. Used the CIA operations in Central America to traffic in cocaine while his wife toured the nation with the “Just Say No” drug abuse campaign. Funneled the profits from dealing cocaine to fund covert CIA operations including shipping arms to Iran, a state he had declared an enemy of the US. History records this as the Iran-Contra scandal. Most of this cocaine hit the streets of US cities in the form of crack, a highly addictive form of cocaine, ruining the lives of tens of thousands, mostly black urban poor.
10. Backed Saddam in his war against Iran and the Kurdish minority in Iraq. Gave chemical weapons to Saddam and provided intelligence for Saddam’s use of those weapons.
11. Provided funding, weapons and intelligence to Bin Laden and his organization in Afghanistan throughout the 1980’s.
12. Hid the fact that he had Alzheimer’s from the public while president and relied on his wife and staff to cover for him when he was unfit to hold office.
13. Fired air traffic controllers for striking and used the labor department and laws written to protect labor into a weapon against labor.
14. Gutted social programs and flooded the streets of the US with homeless.
15. Wasted billions on corrupt defense contracts accelerating the arms race with the USSR and created all time highs for the federal deficit.
16. Initiated the militarization of space. A violation of the SALT 1 and 2 treaty.
17. Deregulated almost every industry to the point of creating an open invitation to outright fraud resulting in the Savings and Loan scandal and junk bonds scandal for example.
18 Openly launched a racist attack on civil rights and called for the repeal of affirmative action.
19 Called for the overturning of Roe v Wade and actively worked to have this decision reversed. Issued the gag order preventing publicly funded physicians from advising women about their health options and their right to choose.
20. Promoted the policies of the current prison industrial complex with all its institutionalized racism. Criminalized drug addicts and the poor and filled the prison system with over 2 million people. Currently the largest number of people incarcerated by any nation state in the world and over 70% populated by people of color.
21. Repeatedly violated the separation of church and state principle in both statements and proposed laws.
22. Caused the USSR to go on nuclear alert after making a comment in his radio show. “We begin bombing in five minutes”
23. Purposely worked to undermine environmental protection laws though lack of enforcement.
24. Stared in some of the worst movies ever made. Movies that were overtly racist, sexist and homophobic.
Please note: this is only a partial list. A complete list and documentation would fill a library.
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by A
Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 9:21 PM
 sign-1.jpg, image/jpeg, 477x480
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by A
Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 9:21 PM
 sign-2.jpglmyois.jpg, image/jpeg, 384x512
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by Sauvaje
Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004 at 1:29 PM
Either he kills them then, or we kill them now. It's kinda like Cincinnati playing Cleveland, no one cares.
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by Barney
Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004 at 3:30 PM
Stupid communists.
I loved it when Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers. Sometimes you have got to say "enough is enough".
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by BA
Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004 at 3:35 PM
Agreed Barney.
Telling those air traffic controllers and their union to take a hike was one of Reagan's best moves.
Reagan had unions in focus and he played that one exactly right.
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by Barney
Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 at 9:24 AM
I think Reagan's best move was sponsoring Central American death squads. I love it when innocent people get murdered.
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by Reagan Youth
Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004 at 10:38 AM
Reagan way back in the early sixties. He was a suck up to the right wing Birchers back then but not enough balls to become a real member. He used to give speeches to the John Birch Society front they called the TACT Committee's. He was a likable guy and as an anti-Communist I supported him. The Birchers were all supporting his try for Governor. On the other side the Marxists were supporting the Browns.
This was back in the days when the Minute Men were strong in L.A. One of the key Commies was a Jew Stanley Mosk who became a California supreme court judge. One night the Minute men were trailing Stanley to a regular Marxist meeting that was held quietly in Long Beach California. All of a sudden an unmarked car pulls up and tells the Minutemen to scram, that they were interfering with an Army Intelligence investigation. Those were the days when anti communism was the big deal and race took a backseat.
My friend Kent Stefgan wrote a book entitled HERE'S THE REST OF HIM, a Reagan expose that I think I will re issue. I spoke to Kent a few years ago and he was about to write another expose but a hit run driver ended that.
Reagan came from the far left. I think he was groomed for at least a couple of decades to be the original MR. NEO CON. All the assholes that are up their now in DC were with him a long time ago.
I supported him for governor and even ran his for Governor Office in the Manhattan Beach area of Los Angeles. But after I watched him as governor, I said never again. He placed more non whites in state jobs, he raised taxes higher than any Governor before him, and loved integration. Quoted as saying “If need be he said he would have used the State Guard to integrate the schools. Edwin Meese worked with Reagan as his Lt. Governor or Atty. General I forget which.
Meese designed a sick little plan called OPERATION GARDEN PLOT. An early blueprint for homeland security only at the state level. Later Under Reagan as president Meese employed the plan to use at WOUNDED KNEE against the Indians. It could have just as easily been the Klan, Minute men or whoever but the timing was right to use on the Indians. Meese also as attorney General commented that any one picked up by the cops most likely is guilty.lol
Early on one of Reagan's bag man was a wealthy auto dealer from the South Bay Los Angeles. At the moment I forget his name. Reagan himself was a follower not a leader. In the film business several men I have known who worked with him in Hollywood and retired around where I live related that doing even B movies was a chore for him. They would mark an X on the sound stage where to stand in the scene. He would fuck it up over and over as the Jew directors would scream at him like “Stand on the X you asshole or dumb son of a bitch. Would he resist or fight back. Hell no he obeyed orders and he obeyed orders all his life. He learned to stand on the X as governor and President. And you thought he was an independent thinker.
As president he lied over and over. One of the biggest lies was that he had gone to Europe and seen the death camps right after the war. In fact Reagan spent the entire WW2 living a few blocks from the movie studio, where he made propaganda films. One he was in taught GI, s to hate German civilians after the WAR. He never left the country.
How he ever stumbled into that Waffen SS cemetery later as president must have been the biggest gaffe of the decade. Sounds like someone on his staff had a bone to pick.
Remember the Grenada invasion? Two bit Island with a few Cubans and a landing strip.
A little side story from TT,s files: ((The Grenada story sounds a bit like the Duke, Don Black, Nigger Rastafarian, Canadian Jew gambler, s aborted invasion of one of the only small islands in the Caribbean with a good source of fresh water called Dominica. The Island was a transshipping front for illegal military hardware sales world wide. The Duke-Black planners didn't do their research.
This right wing scam was led by a military genius that claimed real ability and many years of military experience under his belt. The truth was Black and his boys were being led by a six week in service bad conduct queer who had been kicked out of the military.
Sorry to stray from Ronny but I just happened to remember this little jewel that the followers of plastic man either don't know or are still trying to forget. The funny part was that I and my advisors knew all about Dominica key role in arms sales and if Black would have called me I could have saved him 3 years in the slammer.
Oh yes these cluster fuckers made a deal with a man to use his power boat to take them and their meager arsenal to the Island. They forgot to look the boat over since the man was in the coast guard auxiliary. The boat even had a coast guard auxiliary decal on the hull. When they showed up on the night of the big invasion complete with the big Nazi flag they were going to plant on the Island guess who was waiting to pop them? Lots of AFT, Coast Guard and lots of automatic weapons.
They were very lucky because the word was out and if they had made their three men in a tub landing they would have been mowed down on the beach. One reason the word was out was that a couple of the conspirators of theirs had gone on the radio bragging about their plan. DUHHHHH!!!
One of the poor slobs that invested money in this scheme committed suicide saving Dukes ass if he had talked. I understand he was a well healed elderly Doctor from down south. Now do you see why I have no respect for these birds. Sorry to stray from Ronny but it felt good letting the right wing know what kind of idiots they are following.))).
Now back to BED TIME WITH BOZO Ronny didn't even have the balls to take out Fidel so he set up a WAG THE DOG STORY. It was Grenada. Remember all that THE COMMIES ARE COMING BULLSHIT in Nicaragua. The CIA stirred up so much shit most of Nicaraguans ended up in L.A.
Surprise Surprise! Reagan created the National Martin Luther King Holiday In short Reagan was always a race mixing bastard even when he was a kid back home. In Bum Fuck, Iowa.
The Berlin Wall, Communism? Reagan tripled the National debt. He opened the 80’s with the worst economic corruption since President Grant. One clue. He is the only President to show up at the NY Stock exchange in person. In fact I think he showed up twice to reassure the boys that he would look after their interests.
The biggest percentage of the tax raising did not go into the infrastructure of the country but into the Military Industrial Complex I.E. arms makers.
The Soviet Union did not collapse due to military fear. The western Capitalists simply used the increased debt to raise the bet and Russia folded economically. Reagan just happened to be at the right place at the right time. He stood on the right X that time but believe me it was set up far in advance. Nothing BIG just happens.
Well, that's a little of what I know about Ronny and a few other tid bits. I wonder what the new Orleans Protocols position is on this B actor? Why don't you ask them?
Reagan: A Staunch Friend of Israel
While most American leaders over the past several decades have been supporters of Israel, the lone democracy in the Middle East, few were better friends of the Jewish state than Ronald Reagan. The late president opened communications, security and economic links to Israel
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