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by A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, LA
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 9:05 AM
answerla@answerla.org 3230464-1636 1800 N. Argyle Ave., #410, LA, CA 90028
Protest the Occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, and everywhere on June 5 in downtown LA! Assemble, 12 noon, corner of Olympic & Broadway.
 march_20_1_.jpgq3xneo.jpg, image/jpeg, 406x250
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by x
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 9:56 AM
 abcgbiraq.gif, image/png, 255x202
the end of bush rule is near
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by KPC
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 10:13 AM
Back in September, I performed a regression analysis (method of least sqaures) and came up with the following predictive equation;
y = -0.0416x + 1630.4
Where y=da shrubs approval rating on x date.
Converting the date to a number (ex: 5/27/04 converts to 38134...you can get Excel to do it by just entering the date and changing he cell format to "number" instead of "date/time") and inserting the date will give you da shrubs approval numbers for that date.
Calculated for today's date: 44.03%.
Today's average approval rating for published polls: 45.13%
This equation has been accurate within a couple of percentage points ever since September.
By election day, his numbers will be in the upper 30's...according to the equation.
...buh-bye to shrubbery!
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by L.A. Vegan Grrl
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 11:02 AM
Well, I know i can't make it out to this one as it's on the same day and at the same time as the street corner protests. June 5th from 12noon-4pm there will be protests on the corners of major intersections all over the place. The full list of sites is here: http://www.buckfushjune5.org
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by RTV
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 11:10 AM
I know so many activists that are going to vote out Bush, Ive told all in my immediate circle to skip the polls and simply protest with signs on the Big Day.
A few votes difference won't matter and we'll get our message out to mroe people.
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by Vigilisto
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 11:15 AM
Think Globally
Protest Locally
Save Gas!
Each small vigil is another opportunity for the local news to get us on TV.
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by Vigilisto
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 11:33 AM
Nah - everyone should vote!!!
It only takes a few minutes. Then get out to a protest, and go to an election day after party.
It's just a vote. It takes a few minutes. Do it, and then activate.
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by jo
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 12:44 PM
It is crazy to me that weeks have passed since Abu-Ghraib and Raffah and there has been no massive protest. Is part of it this idea that waiting until election day is enough? It is urgent that we have a large turn out next Saturday downtown. Encouraging people to stay out in Pomona or whatever little place you live in to stand on a corner is not helping our movement. Do that on another day, you can do that whenever you please. Having a big turn out on the fifth is crucial and we need everyone pulling together.
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by down with bush
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 8:16 PM
 impeachnow.jpg, image/jpeg, 384x288
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by Merry Hatebear
Friday, May. 28, 2004 at 10:51 PM
I have to disagree here. These June 5th actions were planned before the A.N.S.W.E.R. march and many community activists all over have worked hard organizing these. I myself will be staying in town and doing a corner protest. I personally think these corner protests WILL be better than another Hollywood march. My reasoning is this, at the marches we are in a set, closed off route and we aren't seen by many people other than those there FOR the march, those who already agree against this war and occupation. Sure you might get some media mentions but most people will say "Those people in Hollywood always doing their silly protests...blah blah blah.." By taking actions in smaller towns all over the state people will be able to see that there are people in there very own TOWN who are against Bush/War/Occupation. I think this is good because people in the town who feel the same know that they are not alone and may feel more inclined to get active. Same goes for those who don't agree, they'll see that there are people in their town who disagree and that those people aren't going to sit by quietly as the world gets worse and worse. I'm not telling anyone that going to the march is "WRONG", just saying that doing a street corner action IS a good plan and CAN amke an impact on a more personal level which is great. Also people who can't make it to the march might consider holding a sign on the busiest corner in their town, it will be helpful. http://www.buckfushjune5.org
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by concerned
Saturday, May. 29, 2004 at 12:32 PM
When will you white boys grow up! Fragment...Fragment...Fragment...EGO...EGO...EGO. Your sense of entitlement is inexcusable!
We need a few good women to stand up against these priviledge white boys and show them how to run a movement!
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by Eric
Saturday, May. 29, 2004 at 3:28 PM
So if you feel that marching every 4 to 6 months is more effective.. March on Personally I feel this approach is going to be more effective....Widespread and visible http://buckfushjune5.org/participate/index.php Peace & Justice
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by johnk
Sunday, May. 30, 2004 at 4:11 PM
They're not "white boys". The main guys listed there are white, but they're older working class guys, and not exactly rolling in it. I'll tell you straight up - these guys are less privileged than the typical KPFK lefty. The West Covina vigil is almost always entirely working class, people of color, many youth, and some women (mostly kids). I had to get a donated computer for one of them, and was supposed to get a second one together for a student who was supposed to help (but I flaked - sorry D).
It's less white and male than a typical ANSWER meeting.
(If there's anything that white people benefit from, it's the sense of entitlement they have to *do* something. It's fuxed up, but that's the reality of racism. Read some Fanon. POCs need to get some confidence in leadership, and whites need to learn to follow a "minority.")
I do the Alhambra vigil, and that's around half Chicano, with a range of politics. I think some go to ANSWER too.
This is the SGV, not Santa Monica.
Merry is right. The June 5th date was chosen well before ANSWER came up with their date. The flyers were at the March 20th march in Hollywood.
This isn't fragmenting anything. Most of the interest is coming from cities far from downtown LA. Riverside, Brea, Santa Barbara, Ventura, etc. These are far-away locations. It costs $10 in gas just to make the trip! It leverages the existing vigils network, which has, for over a year, supported ANSWER over and over by bringing people to their big demos, distributing ANSWER flyers, and generally *energizing* protest culture in LA. You can be sure that some vigil people will be going to the ANSWER demo, just as sure as some will go to the small demos.
Some people dig the mass action. Some people like to hear the honking horns.
This diversity is good. It enlarges the greater movement.
I'm trying to organize a demo in Rosemead, so if anyone wants to come out and protest there, register on the site and add yourself to the list. San Gabriel, Temple City, South El Monte, and El Monte folks, please consider this.
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by Darel Propst
Sunday, May. 30, 2004 at 11:42 PM
Community visibility is all important in bringing the fight against Bush to America's front door. As we are seen on our community street corners and our neighbors see us there, a potent connection is made. The opportunity to dialog with our neighbors and provide them with credible information via fact sheets and flyers are invaluable tools in helping to educate Joe and Jane average America. Up close and personal to folks not in the "choir" is absolutely necessary.
The peace, justice and antiwar movement cannot, especially at this critical election time, rely on 15 second newsbytes by Fox and other corporate controlled media outlets to get our voices of dissent, protest and truth out into our communities.
While centralized protests have their place, we must continue taking that extra step to reach our fellow citizens by standing in unity on our corners every week. And, we must come together in a show of strength as a cohesive force from time to time. The BuckFushJune5 action is a great concept backed up by the idea, MORE THAN A TRIAL RUN FOR CRITICAL MASS.
Peace with Justice, Darel Propst West Covina Neighbors For Peace & Justice
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by yaright
Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 at 12:55 PM
>Back in September, I performed a regression analysis...........
Some idiot that went by Hex anon w/ encrypton did, unless you've decided to out yourself, you fuck.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 at 11:20 AM
Gee, Sherlock, looks like you better go back to CyberSnoop 101, 'cause obviously ya don't know your ass from your UBS port...
...but I do not own regression analysis, so ANYONE, even an idiot like you, can perform it too.
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by more rational
Saturday, Jun. 05, 2004 at 10:43 AM
We'd better patent regression analysis.
I'll go sue Microsoft for Excel once the USPTO clears it.
We'll be rich, I tell you!
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by KPC
Saturday, Jun. 05, 2004 at 12:18 PM
Predictive equation results for 6/3/04 - 43.74%
Actual average of published approval poll ratings for 6/3/04- 44.75%
...say 'buh-bye" to da shrubbery!
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by actionseed
Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 at 2:32 PM
actionseed@hotmail.com 562-897-6742
Brief sketch of a workable plan:
1. Ongoing neighborhood-based networking, action, education, involvement in municipal affairs
2. Mobilization of this community base to regional actions and campaigns
3. Integration of neighborhood networks into global justice movement via decentralized World Social Forum www.worldsocialforum.org
Examples of this sort or grassroots work include the piqueteros in Argentina; the Bolivarian circles in Venezuela; the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution in Cuba; and the social centers in Italy.
I don't want to divide the movement. I have worked to mobilize people to many of ANSWER's events. People who are being reactionary and attacking us for expanding the movement should reflect on what your plans are. Are they inclusive? Do they allow for a diversity of tactics? Do they include steps to build our movement and increase participation?
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by Billder Bill Gallagher
Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 at 3:05 PM
YOUR LIFE AS A HUMAN TEST SUBJECT. All Articles by Bill Gallagher Hachita New Mexico. All Pix by Bill Gallagher except desert storm satellite image, and lifting event/irradiation tunnel from Melbourne Florida. OK to reproduce in entirety, not for profit, and with credit to Author.
The spraying of powdered materials throughout the skies of the world is happening on a daily basis everywhere. This has been going on with increasing frequency since the so-called Election of the bush crime family to leadership positions in America. Hardly a day goes by now where jets do not lay down chemical trails in grids and canopys. This is support for technology being used against the population of the world. Its main goal is control of food and water through weather modification, but the vast vast expense of this program, as well as the classified technology of corporations such as Time Domain Corporation, suggest even greater goals are being obtained in conjunction with the attempt to lock down food and water. Monsanto Corporation is also deeply involved in this illegal take-over, and many others. Electro-sensitivity of the soil itself will only allow gm crops to crow eventually. Get it? I knew you would.
Ionization of these sprayed particles also causes many forms of radiation to rain down upon the as yet unsuspecting populace of the world, as well as lensing programs to dehydrate land and dry up water sources. The first lie of the NWO animals is that a shield is needed because the atmosphere has been depleted -- it is too bad that THEY themselves can now deplete the atmosphere at any time and thus CREATE THAT NEED.
The true crux of the program is to create conductivity within all life on the surface of the planet, by spraying conductive materials which inevitably end up in the soil, the water, the air, and the food. Great inroads have been made in the last few decades concerning electronic coercion through thought entrainment and other electronic stimulus; some examples of this include Paperclip, mk-ultra, pandora, and the work of the so-called doctor delgado.
Spraying of conductive materials was preceded just slightly with the widespread use of cell phones, and it is a fair and reasonable contention that the cell phones are just a cover for the deployment of broadcast towers everywhere, a necessary adjunct to electronic mind control and automated law enforcement. Look around yourselves, the evidence is before your eyes. Towers everywhere and daily spraying of chemicals in American skies, as well as all over the world, will give you a fair clue of just what the new world order with its nazi connections is all about.
Electro-sensitivity is being created so that the populace will respond in a predictable way to various forms of broadcast energy being used for control and coercion. There are also implants being used on a broad scale, in places such as veterans hospitals, and dental labs, and these are used also for coercion, and act as tracking devices too. Finally, the two bush gulf wars were nothing but testing fields for biotech infections that react to electronic broadcast fields. Now, enemies of the State in the US are systematically targeted by The Brethren Operation within the bush cia for coercion through direct pain. It is more than unfortunate that most of the medical records pertaining to the first bush gulf war have now been destroyed. They were stored in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, when it was demolished by individuals possessing all the symptoms of advanced nazi mind control science.
Broadcast towers are simply the means to control the mass. The hard cases are targeted with handheld and airborn fields which cause accelerated growth of funguses and cancers these freedom fighters have been intentionallly infected with.
No one can escape this attack on the world by a few degraded non-human animals, and only mass awareness and violent removal will end this depredation against humanity.
And remember this: Russia perfected and used this Tesla-Like technology long before the United States. It was in fact that happening which caused Reagan to go into an orgy of spending once that fact was discovered.
OK To Reproduce with credit to author and not for profit.

AgriTerrorism, Atmospheric Engineering, and the bush crime family
...HAARP is designed to duplicate (And Manipulate...ed.) solar phenomena within the ionosphere...Since the suns radiation creates and maintains the ionosphere, sudden variations in this radiation can effect the performance of radio systems. Sometimes the changes are sufficient to induce large transient currents in electric power transmission grids, causing widespread power outages...
HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon Of The Conspiracy
Jerry E. Smith
Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 ...By altering solar absorption...weather modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...Still further, plumes in accordance with the present invention can be formed to simulate and/or perform the same functions as performed by detonation of a Heave type nuclear device without actually having to detonate such a device...
Control of food and water AT ALL COSTS is the goal of the NWO. This is the only strategy that will eventually ensure America can be made to give up its rights to own firearms. Starving people can be made to do many things they would not normally do. This plan is well entrenched and in place here. The servants of world banking (Israel), the bush crime family, have taken over the government and military of America, for their masters. Chemtrailing daily is rife and the population is being bombarded with many forms of invisible but highly detrimental radiation.
Destruction of crops is but one aspect of this weather control and radiation technology. That technology is being tested here in New Mexico on a regular basis already, all across the state, but particularly near Playas in southern New Mexico, future home of a supposed Office of Homeland Security installation, which is believed by some local intelligence sources to be a cover for even more nefarious activities by the nazi sympathizers bush, and their world banking cohorts. Because the OHS cover facility is unfinished, the gnomes of control have been using local populations to test these destructive weapons of control. Certain experimentation by myself and others has proven atmospheric manipulations detrimental to many kinds of plant life. The local populations here are beginning to notice this, and this is well, because these are the people most removed from the facts of just who has taken over their government. Their mind control is thorough and many are more israeli than American, by virtue of their religion.
The farm being planned for Playas is to be used to grow GM crops that are being tailored to survive a radioactive environment. This is one of the stated aims of the new OHS facility according to local sources, and the evidence indicates that the radiation supply is to be provided through atmospheric engineering, and is, in fact, already being provided on a vast scale.
Chemical Aurora Keyhole Surveillance
.....The morning messages from Langley Operations Center highlighting occurences overnight came in a separate folder. Another folder contained the embassy and station reports routed for his (CIA Director Casey) attention. He received a nice crisp copy of the beautifully printed Presidents Daily Brief (PDB), ten pages of the best intelligence that went each morning to Reagan, Haig, and Weinberger. The National Intelligence Daily (NID), a less sensitive but none-the-less Top Secret code word document was circulated to hundreds in the government -- and Casey. Occasional blue-border human source reports were hand carried to him throughout the day. Big red folders marked TOP SECRET TALENT KEYHOLE -- the code words for overhead surveillance -- arrived, containing reports of satellite and other reconnaisance photography...
VEIL: The Secret Wars Of The CIA
Bob Woodward
Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 ...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earths surface...by initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earths surface... ...By altering solar absorption...weather modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)
The existance and exercise of chemtrail spraying in the United States and the world has become well known in the last three years or so. Its kind of hard to miss. The vast expense of the program indicates that there are many different aspects to it, as well as a total disregard for human health, welfare, and privacy. Chemtrailing is adjunct to many other systems of technology, not least of which are the HAARP antennae technologies. In their entirety, these individual aspects of chemtrailing amount to one thing though, and one thing only, and that is WEAPONRY. This weaponry is invisible, and though the effects can be felt and experienced, they are used more for their cumulative effects, causing deterioration of the mind and body over long periods of time, thereby Sensitizing the subject population to this type of control. This makes the weapons extremely effective, and virtually undetectable by the vast majority of people being coerced by them. It rather grows on you, and that statement takes on further aspects of the horrific with the realization that many times biological technology is deployed in conjunction with the energy technology. This stuff was all tested in the bush gulf wars, and then brought back here to be used on us. Gulf War Syndrome is a reaction to the electronically stimulated biotechnology illegally tested over there by the bush cia/pharmaceutical interests.
Another main aspect of this chemtrailing/energy technology is surveillance. Complete lack of privacy is the goal of those who wish to take over America for international interests. The goal has been reached, and though most of the technology is still classified, the Time Domain Corporations patent concerning Through Wall Radar has been made public, and though literally the tip of the iceberg, this patent is enough to clue us to the fact that there is no privacy any more in America. Your home is your prison, or so these animals wish.
One of the first HAARP projects was an attempt to convert the Aurora Borealis into a gigantic transmitting antenna, to be used in conjunction with ground based antennae Farms, so that a vast multitude of frequencys and stations could be transmitted around the Earth, and specifically Extremely Low Frequencies, the very same frequencies the human brain operates at. These frequencies are STILL prime objectives of all airborne antennae. The given reason is that they have great carrying power and penetration even to the depths of the ocean. And human health be damned. The results of the conversion of the aurora borealis into an antennae are unavailable, but we know the experiment opened up another use for chemtrailing within the atmosphere, as smaller auroras could be created at will, anywhere, by simply spraying reflective particles from jets. These aurora KEYHOLES are just that, keyholes through which the government can peep, anytime, and anywhere it pleases, including underground, or THROUGH WALLS. The tempest electronic keystroke registrar is employed with this aurora surveillance technology also, so that there are literally NO secure computer activities, no matter the encryption employed. The cable from the keyboard to the tower unit acts as a mini-transmitting antenna, and can be monitored from great distance if aurora Keyholes are used to observe an individual. It is supposed that other Time Domain Patents allow long range access to hard drives, though this information, like so much else, is not forthcoming from the world government which is attempting to squeeze Americans into a covert situation of Total Control. In fact, the lies by the bush crime family concerning this technology are becoming ludicrous in the extreme, and are easily seen to be tailored for the ignorant.
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by tom p.
Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 at 3:36 PM
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by Bob Saylor
Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 at 1:55 PM
Bob Saylor
 ..june5vigils.jpgjveiuy.jpg, image/jpeg, 392x413
Buck Buck Neighborhood Mass Vigil had good turn outs Saturday. Quite a number of local activists rotated in and out as the vigils evolved. High numbers at various locations ran from 30's to lows of about 10. Lots of support from the communities, about 85 to 90% positive. No negative events, save a few one-fingered peace signs and some testosterone shouts. Got lots of flyers out and had great, brief discussions with waiting motorists and passersby. The weather was warm to hot, but nice in the shady spots with cool breezes. Truly amazing how fast the four hours flew by. In W. Covina the PD Watch Commander stopped by right at high noon and asked if it would be peaceful since their information had it that some 200 people would be coming to this vigil. He was reminded that we are Peace PPL and that it would be great if 200 folks did join us.....afterall, we are experienced, law-abiding street "peace-urchins" with over a year and a half of corner-time on our resumes.
The PD had their information wrong from the Internet, there were to be an estimated 200 vigils happening region wide. One report had a couple of black and whites showing up to tell vigilers that they had received complaints that demonstrators were making "gestures." The vigilers copped to the charge and showed the cops the gesture being made to passing motorists..peace brothers, sisters! Generally, the PD's were quite civil. West Covina is a bit skittish right now, particularly since the city recently had to cough up $20 G's and make a public apology to Josh Connole, Brea Vigil Organizer, for false arrest. Josh is now free to switch his focus for wrongful arrest to the FBI. We all know it's not in the purview of Mueller's national cops to readily fess up to wrongdoing, particularly now that George Tenet is history with the CIA and both the agencies now appear to be in disarray.
Peace with Justice, Bob
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by j
Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004 at 6:05 AM
Street corner protests are one of the few outlets that local communities have to voice their descent. Street corner protests allow opportunity for community organizing and building a grass roots movement -- a problem that larger organizations like ANSWER have a problem addressing because of their white male dominated privileged hierarchy. I attended the ANSWER march -- the numbers were few. My estimate is 2,500 NOT 5,000. People are not coming out...ANSWER needs to address this issue. Perhaps they should consider working in local communities with community organizations to organize and educate. They have the power to raise the cash that local communities need. Organizations like ANSWER have a responsibility to local communities and the people that suffer every day because of US and local policy. This is not a movement that can afford to exploit poor people and people of color to support of their own agenda…self promotion is not acceptable…its time to reach out and pass on opportunity and privilege…step aside and hand over the microphone to the people!
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by KOBE Duke
Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 at 10:51 AM
I posted as "concerned" in this thread. You see, I do psyops for the US government. I am trying to use the "divide and conquer" technique. As you can see, I am a miserable failure.
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