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by Sparks of dissent
Monday, May. 17, 2004 at 11:14 AM
Radical conference in LA is greeted with a weekend of harassment against innocent activists.
Yesterday L.A. activists hosted Liberation weekend a conference devoted to promoting activism that breaks the stale useless confines mass mobilization ad nuseum . Meant to provide information about the various militant struggles that go beyond protest and begging the system to end itself. The conference had a variety of speakers including members of Earth first, SHAC and was organized by members of SCAF(so cal Anarchist Federation). Headlined by indigenous earth first warrior Rod Coronado, last year when rod spoke here in San Diego two homes of activists were raided by FBI,ATF and “department of homeland security” agents. We believe the harassment occurred to silence Rod’s voice from inspiring all who hear his message of militant resistance. Just as the FBI targeted the black and native America activists in the 60’s and 70 LA animal rights and radical environmentalists are the being targeted this weekend…Today! The organizers of the conference expected harassment but imagine our surprise that the harassment begun already. Nic Hennsey a LA based animal liberation activist(who is not a conference organizer) has noticed that he has been followed since Friday. Yesterday after confronting the under covers was arrested. Nik was released and came to the conference but was never even told what he was being charged with. He was followed home from the conference, he meant to a friends home that was also at the conference. 4 unmarked cars remained stationed out side of the activist home until 3:30 am. Some of the cars had Nevada plates. Nik is still at a loss why he is being targeted. For more info you can write nik@nocompromise.org Details are still coming in but appears members of LA food not bombs were also followed. Melissa of SCAF is being followed as I write this by 4 cars. Activist Rob “ruckus” Middugh has been arrested by federal agents, charges unknown. Welcome to the land of the free?
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by learn how to spot them
Thursday, May. 20, 2004 at 6:41 PM
If they can spy on us, we can spy back! fight back with video
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, May. 20, 2004 at 8:26 PM
Care to know the charges against Mr. Middaugh? Well, the last time this little rascal was in a scrape was way back in 2002: http://www.ainfos.ca/02/feb/ainfos00700.html "We received word from Rob 'Ruckus' Middaugh, Anarchist Political Prisoner in the United States informing us that additional federal charges are going to placed against him. These charges are in addition to the previous charges relating from the Long Beach attacks by the police during a May Day march in 2001, where he was arrested and convicted to 3 years for assualt on a police officer. Apparently the FBI had an arrest warrent issued against Rob for an incident in Sacramento. He did not mention what that action was but what we do know is that the charges are the following: Forcibly assaulting a police officer (fedral charge), wearing a mask with intent to commit a crime (state charge), and weapons related charge (state charge)." Sounds like a nice kid, doesn't he? Fascinating how the pinhead legions of anarchists can so delude themselves that they can call a person who repeatedly assaults the police a 'political prisoner'. News flash kiddies: Political prisoners are those who are arrested for their VIEWS. ASSAULTING THE POLICE is not a VIEW. I now return you to your regularly scheduled ignorant bedwetting rants.
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by marx
Friday, May. 21, 2004 at 5:00 PM
Violent Anarchists should be jailed or sent to therapy. They set a bad example for the many peaceful anarchists of color who usually end up serving time for the crimes a few white privileged irresponsible thugs commit.
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by emma
Saturday, May. 22, 2004 at 8:24 PM
Have any of you spoken, written, or had any contact with Rob? Your a bunch of shit talking cunts, FUCK YOU!!!
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by soymilk! fresno!!!
Thursday, May. 27, 2004 at 2:51 PM
why do people never show solidarity with those in prisonfor their view,some sod a hit a pig,and that wimpy pig couldnt take it fuck him.then you condemn a comrade that was pinned by a punk ass buster move.he was unfairly imprisoned for his idea and color of his skin,those trumped up charges sound like a lot but they are for soda and wearing a mask. those who do not support their movements prisoners is a sham movement,think about that before you talk shit liberal. moving city collective shows solidarity with those harassed like melissa, and those aressted like middaugh. we dont show solidarity with weak ass liberals who talk shit that futher alienates others with different dendences from the over used ghandite perspective....fuck your face fuckstick
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by johnk
Thursday, May. 27, 2004 at 4:38 PM
"Violent anarchists" are few and far between, and seem to be a small minority, tolerated, and should be supported. I didn't know there was a reason to get mad, though. If you don't like the aggressive actions, don't participate.
Though Middaugh and Austin are POCs, Lamont is white. In LA, a lot of @ists are POCs. Race matters, but, is it the determining factor here. It's hard to tell. It's a trend, for sure.
Is it just whites getting aggro? Nah. Just watch. It's a range of people. And, it's mostly cops getting really aggressive. They're obviously out to make an example of the outsiders and outcasts, to pillory them when they're going to have the least social support.
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by johnk
Thursday, May. 27, 2004 at 4:43 PM
I'm always suspicious of assault charges against anarchists and radical demonstrators. Just touching an officer can constitute assault.
It's one of those laws that are enforced at the discretion of law enforcement. In the case of well known anarchists, they are going to prosecute to the fullest extent, just to get back at them.
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by Simple Simon
Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 at 11:28 AM
Hi! I'm Josiah Hagen.
I get paid by the US government to harass and threaten you.
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by Kurt A. Brown, Auditor and Prisoner
Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 at 4:43 PM
America, a new 3rd World Prison State
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What has happened to the protestors and Sherman Austin are true atrocities. The billionaires media in America never talks about the true atrocities from coast to coast. Los Angeles, the Southwest and the Southeast USA, are Hell on Earth for the common man.
Your best bet is to leave Los Angeles if you ever have one strike. Those billionaire criminals have a criminal bureaucracy with judges who are owned by California's Prisons Guard Union.
America is truly Hell. If you are young, consider fleeing to a country outside of the third world that is not Russia or the USA.
Sherman was fighting a losing battle just like thousands of other activists.
Spain recently elected a Socialist Party and kicked the living crap out of the wealthy murderers who had elected their previous president. Let us hope America does the same.
Television has been the enemy of the common American for generations, with propaganda and distractions being their virtue.
Sherman Austin is out there somewhere. Sherman, have you considered the Netherlands? Or Canada? Or Germany? Our enemies are one in the same.
You can not beat them at their game. Sun Tzu, in the book, The Art of War, said, "The War Never Ends". One of the founding fathers of the modern USA said, "The wheels of liberty are oiled with blood."
Sometimes it is easier to retire from the Sewer that is the USA and move on. Maggots usually develop into flies. Let them eat their own carnage when the day comes.
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by Kurt A. Brown, Auditor and Prisoner
Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 at 5:21 PM
America, a new 3rd World Prison State
To find out about true horrors in the South East and in Los Angeles, besides the tragedies involving those mentioned in this string, go to the website. http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/
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