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by faradawn
Saturday, May. 01, 2004 at 4:46 PM
Urgent call for support and people with the capabilities to document what's happening
The strike has already begun, they've shut down the harbor and at least one freeway. It's completely wildcat though, so we have no way of telling exactly where they'll be or when it will end. From what we hear, there are between 1,000-2,000 police and about 2,000 truckers (expecting about 3,000 more). There's simi-meetings and convergences going on in Banning Park, which is close to PCH and the 710. The cops are kind of overwhelmed right now, which explains why they're not being more aggressive. However, we've been told that there's concern for the safety of truckers who aren't in large groups.
There's an urgent call for support and solidarity at the harbor, especially people who can document and circulate information about what's going on. Please try and make it up at some point today or tomorrow- they need our support! Banning Park is a great place to start but you can just talk to any truckers you see down there and they should be able to point you in the right direction.
Banning Park in Long Beach. Go south on the Harbor freeway, and exit going east on PCH The Park is on the right.
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by Faradawn
Saturday, May. 01, 2004 at 7:58 PM
The demonstrations have ended, but the strike is continuing. They were able to successfully shut down the harbor. Those who shut down the freeway, were all arrested. They've now entered into the bargaining phase.
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by solidarity
Saturday, May. 01, 2004 at 11:49 PM
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by turn it up!
Saturday, May. 01, 2004 at 11:53 PM
>everyone who can make it to the strike events that may be upcoming should >do so and make contacts. this is very important. these direct actions are >from the rank and file and there is no central leadership apprarently. >these peope are pissed and who should do as much as possible to help them. >there are about 5 arrests so far and they need legal support, hopefully i >with some contacts and info we can figure out ways of helping the >prisoners.i have no specific >info that states there will still be actions tommorrow but banning park is >about as close to an HQ as it gets as of now. i will try and update when i >get more info, but keep checking la.indymedia.org for more info. PS did >anyone make it? can you give an update or any contact resources?
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by Jim DeMaegt
Sunday, May. 02, 2004 at 7:28 PM
jdemaegt@iccas.com 310-673-4302
On the front page of today's (May 1) L.A. Times (Section B -California section) there is a picture of L.A. port truckers protesting. In the middle of the picture are truckers holding up a big sign that says "NO WAR"!. WHY WON'T THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT GET INVOLVED WITH THE PORT TRUCKERS? Why, oh Why, oh Why, oh Why? Why not have anti-War demonstrations in the L.A. Harbor and shut down the Harbor? The L..A. port truckers can (and have and are right now on this May 1) shut down the L.A. Harbor peacefully and legally but totally just by refusing to haul loads. Why not shut down the L.A. Harbor as part of an anti-War demonstration? What is the A.N.S.W.E.R.? Are we "UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE between the port truckers and the peace movement? Shouldn't we say NOT IN OUR NAME (NION) to the shippers who ship War material through the L.A. Harbor? Inquiring minds want to know. Jim D.
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Sunday, May. 02, 2004 at 8:51 PM
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Many anti-war activists did come out to support the grocery strike. But went back to the planning for 1st year of the war march after it was over. We can not win without labor. We must keep the ties that were built during the grocery strike. Mutual Aid, Solidarity is what must be built. Marching around with signs in Hollywood is not going to cut it.
We need to shut the system down and show the regime who really has the power: The people. We either get organized and united with labor and break down the class and race lines that divide us all or we will lose out to the fascists, (again)!
LASSO and ANSWER and NLG did come out to support the grocery workers and that should be noted. And there was some direct action but it was too little too late and more symbolic than effective. And we can not go away after the strike when the workers still need support.
Those who staged this wildcat action are heroes and the militant left should follow their lead if they really want to make any claims about being the vanguard.
Many national and local non-aligned affinity groups that supported the grocery strike understand that the war is only a symptom of what we are fighting against: Capitalism, imperialism and racism. Until they are abolished there will be war after war, strike after strike without end or victory. We need to get pro-active and not reactive to events or we will always be on the defensive in these struggles. In short, there will be no social change without a plan.
Check out this web site
For a small group they do alot work where it counts; on the front lines
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by Ernesto Nevarez
Monday, May. 03, 2004 at 3:10 AM
 5.jpgf69jzf.jpg, image/jpeg, 512x358
There will be a full report tomorrow.
A directiva has been organized.
There will be a larger action coming soon.
The state transportation system was shut down.
Thanx to all that helped, believed.
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by Ernesto Nevarez
Wednesday, May. 05, 2004 at 6:02 AM
On Monday, May 3, Port of Oakland shut down indefinately!
Stockton and Sacramento rails remain closed after a week.
UPRR temporarily suspended for the first time in history all trains to California but resumed Monday. info at www.ble.org
Los Angeles Port troqueros to meet Tuesday 6pm at Banning Park.
Saturday 9 am, South Gate Park, Tweety and Atlantic, all modes, Port, rail, and line drivers, will meet. This could be the big one!
Houston, Tejas, getting hot!!!!!
Virginia truck drivers met and will shut down Virginia on Thursday and Friday. Please spread the word!!!!!
Dire need for solidarity, especially in Stockton and Sacramento, as they have been out the longest. Food rations are NOW needed. Baby formula, daipers, condensed milk for kids. There is NO strike fund.
Water bottle brigades need to distribute water to strikers in the port of Oakland.
Ernesto Jesus Nevarez
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by Kight
Wednesday, May. 05, 2004 at 9:58 PM
Please keep posting!
Give us a chance to understand - critical analysis is needed here.
And in response to above: This is the largest anti-war demonstration of any. That connection has not been made. The connection to oil, oil prices and the middle east. The corporations, truckers, labor and pollution.
Between what's going on with corporate greed, oil, iraq war, truck smog, corporate smog, sick fish, Safeway sick fish, safeway labor, SBC labor, Trucker labor strike, oil prices, anti-war action.
I remember the first time as a child, I saw the butts of two trucks in front of us, holding the highway. My father was grinning from ear to ear as he opened my eyes to what could happen if every trucker on all the highways were talking to one another. And decided to hold the highways.
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