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by Communities for a Democratic Society
Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004 at 7:49 AM
humanrights68@yahoo.com (714) 235-6083
March against the war in Iraq! Military recruiters out of our communities! End all occupations at home and abroad! Stop attacking workers and immigrants!
 peace-dove.jpg3f4hh4.jpg, image/jpeg, 245x245
MAY 1ST MARCH! Soldiers, veterans, workers, students, & families: * March against the war in Iraq! * Military recruiters out of our communties! * End all occupations at home and abroad! * Stop attacking workers and immigrants! When? SATURDAY MAY 1, 2004 @ 11:00 am Where? SANTA ANA MEMORIAL PARK 2100 S. Flower Street, Santa Ana (Gather near the Southeast corner of the park) March Route: http://maps.yahoo.com/dd_result?ed=TOlsiuV.winazVZ.hz_fZU83FG6V4MMuaQh24_6MsJcyRNNKyKW9FOgNEeZ9HKfVaMI-&csz=Santa+Ana%2C+California&country=us&tcsz=Santa+Ana%2C+California&tcountry=us * Bring signs, water, food, flowers, flutes, drums, & noisemakers. * March to Army Reserve Recruiting Station. * Festival, music, speakers, & poetry. * Wheelchairs provided for all unable to march. Invited Bands: Cuauhtemoc, Resistant Culture, Apathetic Youth, & More. Initiated by Communities for a Democratic Society Endorsements: Orange County Catholic Worker; Green Party of Orange County; CISPES - LA; California Peace Academy; Orange County Peace Coalition; CSUF Campus Greens; Social Concerns Committee, Unitarian Church of Orange County; UCR Resistance; ANSWER - LA; Earth First! - OC; Muslim Student Union - UCI; Coastal Convergence Society; Atlachinolli Front; Not In Our Name - LA; Long Beach Greens Please contact (714) 235-6083 or humanrights68@yahoo.com for more information or to endorse. Everybody participating in this event is strongly encouraged to carpool.
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by Communities for a Democratic Society
Sunday, Apr. 25, 2004 at 7:49 AM
humanrights68@yahoo.com (714) 235-6083
download PDF (336.0 kibibytes)
Downloadable flyer in the PDF format
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by Barwick
Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 at 12:05 PM
Who's making my tacos while all this nonsense is going on?
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by cc
Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 at 12:12 PM
I'm also putting new scent cakes in the urinals, sir.
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by cc (the real)
Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 at 3:19 PM
i'd rather have real war than a false peace that allows a diarrhea stream of crapsicans to continue spraying over the border and diaperheads to fly planes into bulidings.
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by anti-racist
Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 at 3:40 PM
Way to go, neocon.
Spoken like the racist scum that you are.
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by anti-anti-racist phony
Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 at 9:59 PM
Way to go, neocon.
Spoken like the racist scum that you are.
----YOU'RE a racist scumbag in denial.
---You've skipped this same cd 3 times already, you stupid motherfucker. It should have been you hanging from the fallujah bridge by the koranimals.
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by Debate Mentor
Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004 at 12:20 PM
"YOU'RE a racist scumbag in denial."
Unsubstantiated Allegation For more on logic at YOUR level, try reading "Logic for Dummies."
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by Debate Mentor Debunker
Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004 at 12:36 PM
Your "logic" skills are wasted here, "Spock."
You can't separate rhetoric from logic any more than you can separate your head from your ass.
Look it up in "Dummies for LIberals"
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by Debate Mentor
Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004 at 2:35 PM
"You can't separate rhetoric from logic any more than you can separate your head from your ass."
An ad hominem is not a rebuttal. Unsubstantiated Allegation For more on logic at YOUR level, try reading "Logic for Neocon Dummies (pardon the redundancy)."
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by KOBE Maggot
Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 at 5:58 PM
Fucking jackasses. Just reading this shit is a complete waste of time.
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by Nod
Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 at 6:19 PM
-wasting your time.
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by gaby
Saturday, May. 01, 2004 at 12:23 PM
ganeshastusk@hotmail.com (714) 841-41 91 8131la palma HB CA 92646
hey i live in huntington beach and will take the bus to this if i must but if anyone can carpool me i would LOVE it. otherwise OCTA takes litterally 3 hours to get anywhere and thats a lesser estimate. so please email me if you can! ganeshastusk@hotmail.com <3<3 GABY
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by gaby
Saturday, May. 01, 2004 at 12:26 PM
ah silly me didnt say were i live. i live in huntington beach!
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by Jared
Sunday, May. 02, 2004 at 2:02 PM
When is California going to leave the union and become its own communist country? Crist, do you realize how much people despise you all over the US. All you Californians that have never left the state, try it.
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, May. 03, 2004 at 12:42 PM
I'm from Michigan (same place as Moore), and I know intelligent people who do not support bush or this war, in almost every state in the union. I have been to east coast protests and rallies, and as much as I like my California neighbors, people on the east coast will drive further and stay longer than the people on the west coast. So talk about California all you want, it is out of a jealously because we offer cheap college education, and through it we produced the largest economic boost of the century and we would still be doing great if the Bush administration and the rest of the country, for that matter, hadn't leached off all of our money. At least if we voted ourselves out of the union, you would have to pay for your corporate wars on your own, so if my fellow citizens would do it, I know it would have my vote too. But don't think for a second that there are as many of your own neighbors who feel as mine do. Start asking how they feel about their own health care coverage, their retired parents. Ask people if they like public education for their children. Ask them if they wish they could negotiate their pay and benefits with their employer. Ask if they would accept their own termination for no reason and with no notice. Most Americans all over this world is much more progressive than people like you are willing to admit. Would your neighbors like a reliable system THAT WORKS to retire on? Would your neighbors go and fight a war IF THEY KNEW it was not for benevolent reasons? Would you? You must ask yourself if a people should always follow, or should it lead. Our country was established on the principle that the government is of the people and for the people. When a particular administration comes to power and attempts to relinquish the power of the people, the people have to rise up and take reasonable means to defend national freedom. So all I can say to you is, "fascists be gone".
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by 1planet1people
Monday, May. 03, 2004 at 12:44 PM
May day in Santa Ana was sunny and nice. About 500 people turned out for the mile march to the Santa Ana recruiting station, where about 150 people stayed for music and fun in the sun. It is safe to say that on this international workers day, this particular station did not find anyone to fight corporate America’s war. Further, during one communication with a guard, he told us in confidence that he did not believe in the war; I feel sorry for this young man and hope we are successful before he is sent over. Though many conservatives claim that they are supporting the troops, we are the only ones fighting to save their lives. We will continue that fight, and I hope you can join us in New York City to bring the struggle to the feet of the republicans from August 27 to September 4 of this year (2004). Keep the struggle alive……
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by Rev E Do
Wednesday, May. 05, 2004 at 7:33 AM
jrat@juno.com 5555551212
Diaperheads??? We call em ragheads. Typical liberals, hiding in the shadows that is the internet. Never see/hear form any un-less they're in LARGE groups. One on one, they would just act like frenchies and surrender. Wish you all, and that fat ugly skank Janine Garafalo would all just go away. War GW War killing all ragheads.
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by anti-moron
Friday, May. 07, 2004 at 2:30 PM
Typical neocon.
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 08, 2004 at 9:34 AM
I engage anyone at anytime. My bumper stickers say "Beat Bush in 2004: wars, lies, and corporate ties", "Occupation is War, No War In Iraq, Not In Our Name", and "Organize!". I wear t-shirts that list the countries we have bombed since WWII, and I speak up at every occasion! In addition, I speak up EVERY time I here some ignorant person saying, "we are fighting terror in Iraq" or, "Saddam is bad because he tortured and killed his own people". These arguments are easy to re-but since Iraq has fought Islam rule since the 1980s and he only killed his own people when we told him to and paid him to do it. So if you think I, or any of the people I know will back down to your rhetoric, you are sadly mistaken. Though I will also be in the large groups, like the one going to NYC for the RNC.
Persistence, on every level, is the life of an activist.
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