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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
Saturday, March 27th, at noon, more than two hundred people came to the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles to show their outrage at the assasination of Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin by the Israeli army.
 bbb032704.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x307
There was a tense moment when one counter protester accross the street came on our side with an Israeli flag to engage us into a "debate."
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
 banner_1.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x271
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
QuickTime movie at 3.4 mebibytes
A 35 SECONDS VIDEO, near the end of the clip you'll see the the counter protest, about 10 people.
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
 untitled-34.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x338
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
 flags_1.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x287
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
 restraint_1.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x346
Students from MSA West try to restraint the crowd after one Israeli protester provoked the Palestinians by bringing an Israeli flag on our side and engaged us into a "debate." That was the only provocation during the protest, an Israeli provocation. That is. The Palestinians didn't try to provoke any incident.
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
 untitled-37.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x285
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by Marcus
Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 at 7:53 PM
 collage_1.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450
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by It’s Fascism
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 1:35 AM
 israeli_flag.jpg, image/jpeg, 374x249
Judaism is a great faith and a way of life. Islam is also a great faith.
The people of both faiths want peace. The governments which have hijacked their faith are the evil. Stop the racism. Stop the fascists and peace will come. Until then this image says it.
It really hurts to think that the people who were the victims of genocide in Europe would turn around and do the same thing to some other group. And not even the group that did it to them. The long shadow of the fascism the world fought against in WWII is still hanging over us. It has found a new home, in the US and in Israel.
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by unapologetic
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 5:00 PM
Look, this guy advoated the murder of Jews. Not "Israelis" not "Zionists" but Jews. It's in the Charter of Hamas, spouted daily in their propaganda, etc. etc. etc. How the left can ally itself with these sort of anti-Semitic right-wing religious nuts is completely insane.
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by twisted echo
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 5:08 PM
Look, these guys advoated[sic] the murder of Palestinians. Not "terrorists" not "solders" but Palestinians. It's in the Charter of Lakud, spouted daily in their propaganda, etc. etc. etc. How the right can ally itself with these sort of murderous right-wing religious nuts is completely insane.
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by unapologetic
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 8:49 PM
"Look, these guys advoated[sic] the murder of Palestinians. Not "terrorists" not "solders" but Palestinians. It's in the Charter of Lakud..."
First of all, the party is called Likud braniac. Second, show me where ***ANY*** of Likud's propaganda advocates killing Palestinian civilians. You won't because you can't. That's a big difference between the Israeli establishment and the Palestinian terror groups. In Israel's case, civilian casualties are unintended while in Hamas' case, civilians are deliberately targeted. If Israel had a policy of deliberately killing civilians (as Hamas, Al Aqsa, etc. do) there would be a lot more Palestinians dying than the present numbers.
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 9:24 PM
apoplectic: "In Israel's case, civilian casualties are unintended"
When you kill by lauching missles at targets on crowded streets, claiming civilian deaths as "unintended" hardly gives the moral high ground.
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by more rational
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 9:24 PM
The rhetoric of the oppressor will always be more moderate than that of the oppressed.
"We are upholding the law," they will say, when they are establishing checkpoints.
"We are only following orders," they will say, when they are bulldozing homes.
I'm sure more than a few people have joked in private about a "Final Solution to the Palestinian Question." This is the kind of joking that powerful people do in private, and only crude racists do in public.
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by face it
Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2004 at 5:30 AM
The oppressors in this and any situation are the ones who strap bombs to themselves and blow up in crowds.
the "palestinians" who support and lionize these animals of Hamas, et.al. are as heinous as the murderers themselves.
Israel will continue to destroy them.
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by mymicz
Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2004 at 9:16 PM
This was one rally where the FBI came out to tape the little terror Nazis and follow them home. All 200.
Terrorism, the kind Yassin advocated openly, is not a humanitarian cause dipshits.
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by Meyer London
Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004 at 12:12 AM
Maybe that clown forgot for a moment that he wasn't still in Israel and he wanted to hire some Arabs to clean his yard or fix his roof while he relaxed with a drink, watching a video of Rescue at Entebbe.
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by the REAL nessie
Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 at 11:15 PM
I didn’t write that. It’s a forgery. For more about forgeries on Indymedia, click here: http://www.sfimc.net/news/2002/12/1555696_comment.php#1692248
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by Mike
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006 at 5:15 PM
who the hell put the swa sticka in the star of david
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