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by d
Monday, Mar. 22, 2004 at 2:57 PM
 img_6437.jpg, image/jpeg, 525x700
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by Sergio Leone
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 2:47 AM
I don t get it... Is this really a pro-war demonstration?
At this point of ridicule, this doesn t even need a parody.
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by Ben
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 8:53 AM
Just ask anyone of them if they will take out their wallet, or write a healthy check to support the troops. Ask when they last sent a care package. See what kind of response you get...these types are all of the same sick ilk. Most of these characters are simply provacators and should be summarily ignored.
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by kel d.
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 10:14 AM
i am a Christian, and i am AGAINST the iraq invasion. i am ashamed that the representation of what Christians are is being shown through people like this that feel it is unBiblical, unChrisitan or unpatriotic to oppose the war and other government dealings. when it was clinton or someone else doing something, Christians would be the first ones to show their opposition. just because a president, or any person for that matter, claims to be a Christian (which he very well may be) doesn't mean that his actions are always right. we're all sinners, we're all foolish at some point in our lives. i pray that people aren't turned off to all Christians based on a few ignorant ones. peace to ALL.
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by Mindlock
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 3:49 PM
If these guys are so pro-war why arent they in iraq fighting?
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by Because idiot
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 5:12 PM
"If these guys are so pro-war why arent they in iraq fighting?"
Because we have an army to do that.
That's how it works.
Are you actually that fucking stupid? Or did you think you were being clever.
By the way, most of the men and women in our Armed Forces in Iraq are actually very much into being there and systematically killing the savages of Islamism.
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by Concerned Christian
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 6:33 PM
These people are not like any Christians that I have ever seen. The only reasonable explanation is that the Black Bloc, having learned from the police and FBI campaigns leveled against it, has made some surreal pro-war signs, stuffed pillows into some oversized shirts, and turned out in force to give true Christians a bad name. Don't be fooled!
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by Marshall
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 11:15 PM
That has gotta be the funniest banner I have ever seen. Could you present a more bizarre mixed message to the public? I would kill to chat with that fellow for 20 minutes on camera.
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by SkullnBonz
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 7:52 AM
fresca bullshitted us with: "By the way, most of the men and women in our Armed Forces in Iraq are actually very much into being there and systematically killing the savages of Islamism." The Zionist lobby speaks. NO WAR FOR ISRAEL. Fuck you, "fresca." If Americans Knew http://www.ifamericansknew.org/
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 9:54 AM
...yeah, just when you think the shitpile had cleaned its bowels, it drops another such stinker...
...this one is particularly funny...thousands of miles away, don't know why they're there, already there longer than they were told and no idea of when it will end, terrible food, sandstorms, heat, no showers, everybody wants them to leave...
...but, hey...they're "into" it!
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 12:26 PM
...yeah, WHATEVER...
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by more rational
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 12:32 PM
"The only reasonable explanation is that the Black Bloc, having learned from the police and FBI campaigns leveled against it, has made some surreal pro-war signs, stuffed pillows into some oversized shirts, and turned out in force to give true Christians a bad name. Don't be fooled!"
Usually, it's the right-wingers who have these expensive computer-cut vinyl signs. Leftists seem to prefer the rough look of hand-drawn signs. The notable exceptions are ANSWER and NION, who like their preprinted signs.
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by SkullnBonz
Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2004 at 10:34 AM
March 30, 2004 9/11 Commission Director: Iraq War Launched to Protect Israel IPS uncovered the remarks by Philip Zelikow, who is now the executive director of the body set up to investigate the terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001 – the 9/11 commission – in which he suggests a prime motive for the invasion just over one year ago was to eliminate a threat to Israel, a staunch U.S. ally in the Middle East. Zelikow's casting of the attack on Iraq as one launched to protect Israel appears at odds with the public position of President George W. Bush and his administration, which has never overtly drawn the link between its war on the regime of former president Hussein and its concern for Israel's security. The administration has instead insisted it launched the war to liberate the Iraqi people, destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to protect the United States. http://antiwar.com/ips/mekay.php?articleid=2208 Hope our troops are "into" dying for Zionism.
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by reprise
Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2004 at 11:31 AM
Ina s much as this is just so much tired old conspiracy theory, devoid of any substantiation AND it flies in the face of all the facts about the need for the war, let's assume it is true.
So what?
We've fought PLENTY of wars on behalf of our staunch allies.
Why shouldn't we topple Sadam and erase a huge threat to Israel?
And I suspect that our troops are into killing Islamist savages for whatever reason. Who wouldn't be?
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by Hi!
Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004 at 3:36 PM
Please hack and spam my ignorant, Islamophobic website.
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