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Maria Suarez Vigil at Schwartzenneger's

by John Kawakami Monday, Mar. 08, 2004 at 10:01 PM

Video of Aztec dancers protesting the continued detention of Suarez.

QuickTime movie at 5.7 mebibytes

Suarez is a victim of a frame up, imprisoned over 20 years, and then released only to be put back into prison at an immigrant detention center. People went to the Governer's mansion to demand that she be let free. The shocking story of her abuse, conviction, and current status is at the linked site.

This video was taken at the protest vigil. The dancers were almost not allowed to dance, by a police officer who whined that if they drummed, the neighbors would call, and they'd send a squad car up. (Why not call ahead of time and tell the station to ignore the calls for a minute?) The drummer offered to beat the edge of the drum, rather than the drum head.
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Vigil Photo

by John Kawakami Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 3:08 AM

Vigil Photo...
dscn3261.jpg, image/jpeg, 408x306

This is a photo of the vigil.
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Aztec Dancers Pose

by John Kawakami Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 3:10 AM

Aztec Dancers Pose...
dscn3241.jpg, image/jpeg, 408x306

Two of the dancers posing in the dark.
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Vigil Photo

by John Kawakami Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 3:14 AM

Vigil Photo...
dscn3251.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375

A photo of the vigil. Around 70 people attended.
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Arnold's Palace

by John Kawakami Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 3:17 AM

Arnold's Palace...
dscn3276.jpg, image/jpeg, 408x306

Here it is, the site of the vigil: the Governor's Los Angeles mansion. Actually, this is the structure on the road that leads to the mansion. You cannot actually see the house.
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Fighting Birds

by John Kawakami Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 3:23 AM

Fighting Birds...
dscn3242.jpg, image/jpeg, 499x403

This is a photo of the dance in the video. It's blurry because it was so dark, and the lens was kept open a long time.
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Diversity chickens come home to roost

by Walker, Long Beach Ranger Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 4:23 PM

"Maria’s degradation and vulnerability was increased by her cultural beliefs, background and upbringing. Raised in a small village in Mexico she was taught to value chastity and modesty. After Maria was raped she felt herself to be without value and worth; she was “damaged goods”, without honor or respect. Her captor claimed to be a “brujo” or witch with supernatural powers..."

So, like, what's the problem liberals? "DIVERSITY" WORKS, SEE?
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by exactly Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 at 5:48 PM

This is simply all another attack against the cultural heritage of an oppressed people.

Who gives us the right to deny this women her right to parctice her rich and empowering culture when raped?

After all, if not for the blatant theft of Aztlan, these rapist witchdoctors would still be free to parctice their culture here in the Southland.

Another culture squashed by US Imperialism.
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Where's the Sacrifice??

by Cortez Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 at 11:40 AM

When it comes to "Aztec' culture can they also sacrifice a few Olmecs and eat their still beating hearts at the protests too. If you want to practice the "Culture" of your far superior 'ancestors' than you should practice the whole she-bang. let us not go about prqacticing Aztec Lite as it would not be proper. As a side note 200 'Evil" republican-esq christian white men from a far off land conqured the whole damn population of 10-15 million "Culturally Superior" currently "Oppressed' in a matter of weeks.
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by John Kawakami Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 at 1:38 PM

It's a dance. Some people are into the whole Aztec ethnic thing, so that's how they expressed themselves. If they were more into being Christians, they would have had a group prayer. Why is it so threatening to you that it just sets you all off on these angry ranting monologues?

As far as the "diversity chickens..." Please. There are a lot of "backwards" or superstitious people in America. A lot of them are members of this wacky cult called Christianity that believes that we were descended from two people who lived in a garden, and their leader was killed and then came back to life.

The real issue is that this woman was abused, and now, because of her immigrant status, she could be deported. She should be released to the care of her family, and get some help. Look at how she feels about herself: she feels she was "stupid" for what happened? I don't think Suarez is that smart. She's a simple woman who found herself abused and destroyed psychologically.

I think you all have to be real insensitive assholes to even start talking shit like you just did on this thread.
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by yeah, yeah, yeah Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 at 7:27 PM

"It's a dance. Some people are into the whole Aztec ethnic thing, so that's how they expressed themselves. "

Yeah, I get that and that's cool and all but why are they at EVERY marche, rally, protest and/or vigil? What exactly does aztec marching have to do with any of this? If they are really into these causes why must they only protest as aztec dancers?

I'm just saying it's a little silly that's all.
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