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by Californian
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 7:57 AM
At 8:19 p.m., the US Supreme Court rejected the fascist appeal of that good Democrat, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, of the 9th Circuit Stay of Execution of Kevin Cooper, thus guaranteeing that Kevin Cooper lives to see another day and signaling to the world that the workingclass prevails in this fight against the anti-labor weapon of terror of the capitalist class, the death penalty.
At 8:19 p.m., the US Supreme Court rejected the fascist appeal of that good Democrat, California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, of the 9th Circuit Stay of Execution of Kevin Cooper, thus guaranteeing that Kevin Cooper lives to see another day and signaling to the world that the workingclass prevails in this fight against the anti-labor weapon of terror of the capitalist class, the death penalty.
This case was a good object lesson in the utter bankruptcy of both the Democratic and Republican parties with the Democrat Attorney General Bill Lockyer and the Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger both actively promoting the anti-labor barbarism of the death penalty, a horror that has been banned from all of Europe.
This victory is a milestone in the anti-death penalty movement and for all progressive struggles against the private profit system, the cause of the continued barbarity of the death penalty, as it is a sign that our movement is now strong enough to finally, after decades of struggle, able to force the pro-Bush Supreme Court to back down and the 9th Circuit, which had rejected many previous appeals, to finally grant this stay of execution.
It is not over yet. Kevin Cooper is still on death row, and still lives with the threat of the death penalty. The struggle continues.
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by Simple Simon
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 4:29 PM
Kindly explain how a temporary stay of execution provided to a demonstrably guilty and incredibly violent multiple-murderer is a victory for the "workingclass"?
Are you saying that the "workingclass" supports racist murdering thugs?
And how quiet would be this discussion board if Kevin Cooper were white and the Ryen family had been Black? I can hear the crickets now.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 7:15 PM
Fido, most of those against the execution of Cooper are against ALL executions....
...I know you would just love to get your buddies together and string him up over a fire on your nearest poplar tree....it must really bug you. If you want somebody to die so badly, do us all a favor and kill yourself.
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by fresca
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at 2:51 AM
"Fido, most of those against the execution of Cooper are against ALL executions...."
Exactly. And what a most ridiculous and selfish view that is.
Why keep these animals alive?
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by Hogtied
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at 3:04 AM
I don't think the state should take a human life, I think that power should belong only to the creator. Lock them up to keep them away from society but I think God is the only one with a right to take life away.
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by fresca
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at 3:07 AM
Perhaps you're right, but it seems to me that keeping them alive and fed and healthy and amused on societies dime is basically giving THEM the right to take a life.
I just think the world is a worse place overall with people like this alive, even if they are out of sight.
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by KPC
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 at 5:46 PM
Who cares what you think, shitpile.
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by fresca
Friday, Feb. 13, 2004 at 6:12 PM
"Why keep these animals alive?"
We're ALL animals, you MORON.
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by la guy
Friday, Feb. 13, 2004 at 7:02 PM
Execution is an "antilabor" tool of the "capitalist" class????? Ooo papa tooney, we got a looney.
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by neo cops suck too..
Friday, Feb. 13, 2004 at 7:55 PM
The death penalty is an oppressive apparatus used against
the working class. But most of you "loonies" above, and
I reckon many of y'all are just ignorant pigs trying to
chime in on the IMC when you should be out writing tickets
or selling drugs or bootleg DVDs or whatever you cops
do when you really should be protecting law-abiding citizens
from white thugs and other pigs like the ones that framed
Kevin Cooper.
How come we don't we hang a couple of CEOS who regularly fuck the elderly and stock holders out of their pensions and life
savings. Or pigs who shoot innocent civilians just for
raising their hands to be arrested
No, better yet, drop them off in Tikrit and let the Iraqi
insurgents have them for lunch...
corrupt cops f$%k off!!!
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by fresca
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 at 12:29 AM
""Why keep these animals alive?"
We're ALL animals, you MORON.
Wow, We are being graced by the nazi master of sfIMC.
Not much for metaphors are you nessie.
How about this.
Why keep these diseased, worthless, piece of shit savages alive?
How's that work for you nazi?
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by Stop Bush
Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 at 2:06 AM
This is yet another tactic in the arsenal of the corporate shills -- take every opportunity to equate Democrats and Republicans as equivalent, so they can take the easy path to their goals (Bush) rather than the hard path (Kerry). But "California" gives away his hand, subtly revealing who he hangs with and whose literature he reads, by his construction "the Democrat Attorney General". Of course, he doesn't bother to explain how a Republican S.C. became our heroes, stopping "fascistic" Lockyer, who is simply doing what his boss Schwarzenegger is forcing him to do.
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by Stop Bush
Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 at 2:08 AM
> demonstrably guilty
Go ahead and demonstrate it.
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by JLD
Saturday, Mar. 27, 2004 at 7:16 PM
For anyone who wishes to save Kevin Cooper...
All I have to say is how would you feel if you walk into a house and find your child dead on a floor with an axe chop to his face that split it in two. This is what happened to Christopher Hughes AND his father Bill found him. To us who live in this community and know this family and what it did to us. We all know the truth without any doubts that Kevin Cooper is guilty as hell of these crimes. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU FOR PROTECTING SUCH A VIOLENT MAN. HE SHOULD BURN IN HELL AND I AM SURE HE WILL. !!!!!! IF I COULD I WOULD STICK HIM WITH THE NEEDLE MYSELF. TRULY I THINK HE DESERVES THE ELECTRIC CHAIR OR GAS CHAMBER !!!!
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by ME !!!!!!
Saturday, Mar. 27, 2004 at 7:25 PM
Why don't we let Kevin Cooper come over to your house and chop the shit out of your kid. Obviously you don't have any children BASTARD. Kevin Killed my friends and their children. NO DOUBTS THE EVIDENCE WAS THERE IN PICTURES BEFORE THEY HAD KEVIN. THE DUMB SHIT ONLY ESCAPED 11 TIMES FROM PRISON. THAT AIN"T THE WORKINGS OF AN INNOCENT MAN. HE ADMITTED BEING IN THE NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS HOUSE
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by Good riddance to bad rubbish
Wednesday, Jun. 30, 2004 at 10:56 PM
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