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Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 4:32 PM
California's Attorney General Bill Lockyer, displeased by the temporary stay, appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn it and allow the execution to proceed. "The stay is contrary to this Court's pronouncements regarding the inappropriateness of granting equitable relief to condemned inmates in the eleventh hour," Lockyer wrote. "The order of the Ninth Circuit constitutes an unwarranted intrusion on California's ability to carry out a lawful and final judgment that has been the subject of over 18 years of post conviction appeals."
 newsom_and_lockyer.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375
from http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=domesticNews&storyID=4319324 Bill Lockyer pretends to be a friend of the left but this shows where his sympathies really lie. Instead of allowing a court to hear evidence about Kevin, he wants Kevin MURDERED tonight. Make sure Lockyer knows that if he gets his way he has Kevin's blood on his hands. Lockyer has apperaed at several Bay Area labor rallies recently and we should shout him off stage if he has the nerve to show up at a progressive venue again.
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Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 4:32 PM
 death_chamber.jpg, image/jpeg, 357x450
The lethal injection execution chamber at California's San Quentin prison is seen in this undated file photo.
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Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 4:48 PM
 racist_pig.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x433
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by GD
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 5:50 PM
Kevin is as guilty as guilty gets.
Those proclaiming his innocence simply haven't read the mountain of court testimony or reviewed the extensive evidence against him.
He did it. There is zero doubt.
The chances of his innocence expressed in mathematical terms would be approximately zip squat to the tenth power.
He did the crime and he deserves to pay for it. The death penalty is well deserved and the state is doing the right thing here.
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by Californian
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 7:08 PM
The Supreme Court case brought by that good death penalty Democrat Attorney General Lockyer is at: http://search.access.gpo.gov/supreme-court/SearchRight.asp?ct=Supreme-Court-Dockets&q1=Kevin+Cooper&x=40&y=25 with the main website being: http://www.supremecourtus.gov/ Attorney General Bill Lockyer is a Democrat, a proud member of that death penalty party, the Democratic Party, the twin of that other death penalty party, the Republican Party. If you oppose the death penalty, NEVER vote for any Democrat or Republican at any level of government, even if they give lip service to opposing the death penalty or specific executions, becaus their party supports the death penalty and thus they are playing a con game to keep you from voting for the anti-death penalty parties, Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. We have an election coming up on March 2, 2004, and you can vote now by absentee. Please vote Yes on 56 and No on all the other propositions and only vote for the anti-death penalty parties, Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party, which have lots of candidates on the ballot. If you find a position that has no candidates from either of these parties at any level of government, skip that position. The message the death penalty parties must receive if we are to advance is that you will not vote for any candidate who is a member of a death penalty party and you will vote for candidates who belong to either anti-death penalty party, Peace & Freedom Party or the Green Party, every chance you get.
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by Dorina Prisacaru
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 7:43 PM
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a stay of execution today for Kevin Cooper just a few hours before he was to be executed in San Quentin. This stay represents a temporary victory to people who are opposed to the racist death penalty and to all of those who are demanding a new trial for Kevin Cooper based on the mountain of evidence indicating his innocence.
The execution order is good for 24 hours starting 12:01 tonight Feb 10. The stay can be over ruled by the courts at any moment during this time period so we must keep up the pressure by coming out to San Quentin tonight.
The state's Attorney General office is weighing its option to appeal the 9th Circuit Court's stay by petitioning the Supreme Court. We need to flood Bill Lockyer Attorney General's office with phone calls, fax, email RIGHT NOW. Send an email message, write a note and fax, and call state Attorney General Bill Lockyer's office and tell him: "I am calling to demand that the Attorney General does not appeal the stay of execution for Kevin Cooper to the Supreme Court. The Kevin Cooper case represents all of the flaws of the death penalty and should not take place."
CALL 1-916-324-5437 FAX 916-445-6749 E MAIL bill.lockyer (at) doj.ca.gov
We know that it is not the courts who will gain the freedom of Kevin Cooper and the over 600 others on death row in California but the rising tide against the racist death penalty.
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by Dorina Prisacaru
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 8:24 PM
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a stay of execution today for Kevin Cooper just a few hours before he was to be executed in San Quentin. This stay represents a temporary victory to people who are opposed to the racist death penalty and to all of those who are demanding a new trial for Kevin Cooper based on the mountain of evidence indicating his innocence.
The execution order is good for 24 hours starting 12:01 tonight Feb. 10. The stay can be overruled by the courts at any moment during this time period so we must keep up the pressure by coming out to San Quentin tonight.
The state's Attorney General office is weighing its option to appeal the 9th Circuit Court's stay by petitioning the Supreme Court.
We need to flood Bill Lockyer Attorney General's office with phone calls, fax, email RIGHT NOW. Send an email message, write a note and fax, and call state Attorney General Bill Lockyer's office and tell him: "I am calling to demand that the Attorney General does not appeal the stay of execution for Kevin Cooper to the Supreme Court. The Kevin Cooper case represents all of the flaws of the death penalty and should not take place."
CALL 1-916-324-5437 FAX 916-445-6749 E MAIL bill.lockyer (at) doj.ca.gov
We know that it is not the courts who will gain the freedom of Kevin Cooper and the over 600 others on death row in California but the rising tide against the racist death penalty.
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by ryan
Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 at 2:45 AM
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